Judy's Hypnotic Dilemma

By: PP Watcher
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

This is a true story– as are all of my stories. The outcome of this incident was unplanned. Due to the nature of this story, I strongly urge the readers NOT to try this themselves. There is an inherent danger for those that are untrained that could cause long lasting damage and have legal implications.
As with almost everyone I went to college with, I had a minor that I pursued. It was in psychology. I had not intended to minor in psychology, but by chance, my psychology 101 instructor happened to be a renowned expert in the field of behavioral psychology. His lectures were interesting and I found myself very interested in his work. He was conducting several clinical studies on campus and I found myself working as one of his assistants on some of these studies.
From my work on one of his studies I had learned a great deal about hypnosis, and I had been trained to place subjects into a hypnotic state. One thing I must say here and now, a person under hypnosis cannot and will not do something that is against their nature or will. All that crap on television about putting someone in a trance and having him or her then commit a murder is false.
Judy was a great friend who lived in the same dorm that I did. We partied together, hung out together, studied together and went out together. Ours was not a romance, but we always managed to have a good time together when we went out.
Judy knew about my being an assistant to my psychology professor. She even took psychology 101 from him. Judy was a skeptic though when it came to psychology and thought it was all a lot of mumbo jumbo. One evening while studying I happened to be going over some research notes and Judy asked me about the study. When I explained that this particular study involved hypnosis Judy laughed and called it a lot of fake stage entertainment. Judy did not believe in the existence of hypnosis and we got into a heated, although friendly discussion on the matter. This discussion ended with Judy challenging me to prove that it was real.
Judy’s first idea was for me to take her to some of the research sessions. However, because the subjects were students that volunteered for the study, this was not possible because their privacy had to be protected. I did tell Judy that I could put her under and she laughed, telling me that it was not possible and challenging me to do so.
I agreed under one condition, that she allow a mutually chosen female friend to witness the session to not only verify that it occurred but to insure that nothing unethical happened. This same procedure was used in the research. No one was ever put into a hypnotic state without a second person there as witness to the session.
Judy agreed and quickly suggested her roommate, Ann. We explained it to Ann and she agreed. We went to Judy and Ann’s room and I prepared the room for us to begin. I dimmed the lights, got a comfortable chair for Judy and began talking to her about herself. I asked her if there were parts of her life that she had not told Ann or I about that I could question her about that she would not mind talking about. I did not want to intrude on her life and explained that this was the only area that I would question her about. I also explained that I would put her through a couple of physical tests for Ann to see. Judy laughed and told me to leave something that would prove to her that it all happened. I asked her what and she told me to leave her with something that she would remember or have to do and that would convince her. I explained what post– hypnotic suggestion was and she told me to do that.
I will not go into the method of inducing a state of hypnosis, as this is not meant to be a training class. Within a few minutes, Judy was in a deep state of hypnotic sleep. Ann was amazed at how easy it had been. After talking to Judy for a couple of minutes, I asked her a few questions about her past that we had agreed on. Ann wrote down the answers so she could recite them back to Judy when we were done. I then ran Judy through a couple of physical tests. I had Ann hold Judy’s arms and told Judy that when I told her to she was to try to raise her arms but that no matter how hard she tried she would not be able to do so. I told her to and her body began to tremble. Ann was amazed at how tense Judy’s arms were, but they did not move an inch.
It was now time for the post–hypnotic suggestion. Ann and I talked about it and decided that I would leave a one–time suggestion. That suggestion was that the first time she heard a bell ring; she would desperately need to pee. I did this as Judy and Ann had a little bell in their room for decoration and also took into account the fact that they had a bathroom between their room and their suite mates. I also instructed Judy that she would not remember this suggestion until after she heard a bell ring the first time.
I implanted the suggestion and then slowly woke Judy up. Although she remembered what had happened, she did not believe that she had been hypnotized. Ann read her the answers to the questions I had asked and Judy was amazed, but still skeptical. Ann explained to her about the physical things I had done and Judy still had her doubts.
With that, Ann then asked Judy how she was feeling. Judy stated she was just fine and that she felt quite rested. Ann asked if she needed to pee or anything and Judy laughed and replied that she did not. With that Ann walked over to her nightstand and picked up the little bell she had on it. She looked at Judy, smiled and gave it a quick ring.
The reaction that Ann and I witnessed was dramatic, and in fact very funny. Instantly upon hearing the bell Judy doubled over crossed her legs and quickly grabbed her crotch with both hands. She started bouncing up and down and moaning about having to pee. She rushed to the bathroom door and found it locked from inside. She banged on the door, but there was no answer. One of her suite mates had locked the door from the inside and forgot to unlock it.
Judy was sweating, moaning, and holding on to her crotch for dear life. She reminded us of a little child that forgot her need until it was too late. Judy quickly looked at us and cried, “what am I going to do, I have got to pee NOW!” Judy danced at the door banging on it with one hand to no avail. No one was home next door. Judy tried to hobble to the front door but after a couple of steps she froze, doubled over, gasped, and began to cry.
With that, Ann and I heard a tremendous hiss and Judy’s jeans began to darken. A large spreading pool of pee began to puddle around Judy’s feet as she continued to pee and pee. After about 30 seconds, the pee began to subside and Judy stood there with a look of horror on her face. And then it came to her. The post–hypnotic suggestion popped into her head. She stared at me with a look of total disbelief and I knew right then that she believed. I apologized to Judy over and over and she told me to forget it. She said it was her fault that it had happened, as she didn’t believe me in the first place. She asked me if I had to leave the suggestion that she had to pee and I told her that I couldn’t think of anything else that we could have happen quickly that she would believe. And besides, I didn’t know her bathroom was locked. With that, she asked me to step outside for a minute.
A few minutes later the door opened and Judy asked me to come back in. She was now in dry clothing and we sat down and talked a while. The first thing that Judy did was make Ann and I promise to never tell anyone about this particular part of the experiment. Of course we did, as we both felt sorry for Judy and what had happened. Judy was now a believer and the three of us talked late into the night. I never had any other pee related experiences with Judy after this unplanned one. As for Ann, well there were a few times that things got very interesting. But that is another story…
PP Watcher