The Trip to the Theater

By: PeeGuy
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Patty looked at her watch and realized she had 10 minutes to catch her train. She could not finish the rest of her errands today, nor stop to find a ladies room. Her need to pee was not urgent, but she would rather not use the toilet on the train.
Although Patty was pushing 60, she did not look it and was very attractive. She has shoulder length dark hair and naturally tanned dark skin and small but perky eyes. Her looks are the hallmark of many of the well–off Jewish women in the New York area. Unlike many of these women however, she chose to start her own business and not live totally off her husband. Being an owner gave her some liberties, like today. Taking the entire day off to go to a Broadway Matinee. Her friend had an extra ticket and she would meet her in the city. She was dressed smart, but comfortable. A thin black sweater and grey slacks. They were snug but not tight and they showed off a figure that any woman her age would be proud of.
She slowly made her way to the station as the roads where still snow covered from the blizzard last week. As she drove, her need to pee got stronger. As she got to the station and parked her car she noticed a lot of people on the platform. Much more than expected for a mid morning train. When got to the platform she was told that the trains had been delayed all morning due to the weather, Some of the people and been waiting since much earlier in the morning.
Patty swallowed as she heard this. Not only did she fear being late for lunch and the theater, but also now she really had to pee. It was still not an emergency, but enough for her to need to really hold it in with her pee muscles, not just a feeling of discomfort. Then an announcement was made that the 10:41 would be at least a half of an hour late due to the icing on the tracks. There was a collective moan from the other passengers. Right then Patty’s bladder must have spasmed, because she now needed to pee so badly, more than she had ever felt before. It felt like water out of a fire hose was pressing on her pee muscles, very painfully and it was taking all her strength to control it.
She was not crossing her legs or showing any outward signs of desperation yet. Because of her local real estate business, many of the people on the platform either knew her or knew of her, and she did not want to draw any attention to her self. She stood very still with her tights pressed together. Gritting her teeth behind her pressed lips. She was slightly bent over with her arms folded and she made very tight fists. Her eyes either had a look of panic in them or they were winced shut.
The minutes slowly crept by, as her need to pee was reaching critical levels. She now had to visibly cross her legs and press them against her pee hole. She had no choice. The urgency was so great. The other people were too wrapped up in their own lateness to worry about what she was doing. It was now 11:06 and no sign of any train. She did not know what to do. She had to go so badly she wondered how much longer she could hold it in. There was a bathroom in the station but she feared the train would come when she was in there.
She could not remember ever having to go so badly. The pee was pressing with all its might on her pee muscles. Although she was in great shape for her age, her pelvic region as a whole was not what it was. She was not sure how much longer she could hold it and for the first time as an adult, she feared she could wet her pants. Only once, stuck in a traffic jam in the rain, when she was pregnant did she ever have this feeling before.
Not only was she now crossing her legs, but also she was even more bent over, and jiggling and rubbing her thighs together. Again the need to pee got worse and she had to squeeze her muscles as hard as she could. As she did, she bent down even further, lifted her head up and gritted her teeth with her eyes shut as if she was in pain. When she opened her eyes, she looked up at the sky in total fear. She felt she just could not hold her crotch. It was totally unthinkable for a woman of her age and stature, even though she was about to wet her pants. The shame, fear and agony she was in brought her to tears, which only reminded her of the other bodily fluids she was trying to contain.
As she bent down even further, she was hissing through her clenched teeth and constantly wincing her eyes shut. Again the need increased. He eyes swelled open again with a look of horror, and then she closed them and completely contorted her face. Not only was the pressure on her pee muscles agonizing, but also the pain now went up to her bladder and her stomach. Only the fear of wetting her pants kept her from doing so. She was beyond crying, and she looked like she had been stabbed or was about to give birth.
Finally the train came. Somehow she managed to regain her composure. People were shoving their way onto the train and she was in the middle of it all. That was a blessing because she could still walk awkwardly with her legs crossed and no one noticed.
She saw a conductor and asked as calmly as she could where the bathroom was. He pointed to the end of the car where a line had already developed for the only one on the train. She got to the end and stood still, thighs glued together, in more pain, needing to go so badly then she could ever imagine. She was standing right next to someone in their seat and her pee felt like it would shoot straight out of her and go all over him. Despite this, she still would not hold her self or even ask to cut the line. She continued to press her thighs until they felt like they would burn. She then wrapped her right leg in front of the left, pressing then so tightly around her crotch she could feel her pee pressing against her tormented muscle. Her whole vagina was quivering so much that it felt like it had changed its shape. Two more people to go and she did not think she could hold it in. She again winced her eyes shut as she tried to hold back her tears as well as her pee. She had noticed several people whom she knew or who she had done business with. She wanted to die. When she was next in line she almost wet her pants. She again pressed her thighs together, held her breath and her pee with a strength she did not know she had. It felt like a needle was sewing its way through her clenched muscle.
Finally it was her turn. In one motion, she shut and locked the door, dropped her purse and finally got to place both hands on her crotch. It offered more control but no relief. She carefully took one hand off her crotch, pushed the end of her coat away, hastily undid her belt, opened her pants bottom and pulled down her zipper while still holding in an urge to pee she could not imagine. She then had take her hand off her crotch, put both hands on her side, grip the top of her pants and underwear and yank them down between her waist and knees. For a split second she noticed how her fullness and muscle tension made her dark pubic hair more noticeable. She sat her self on the toilet seat so hard she almost broke it as she let her pee go with so much force it shot back up at her as it hit the bottom of the toilet. The relief was so overwhelming she closed her eyes, opened her mouth and let out a huge moan of oooaaahhhhhh. Her open mouth soon became a smile. Her pee poured and poured, and poured out of her. The stream did not even lose its force let alone stop for almost 3 minutes. Before hand she had felt like her world was ending, now she felt the world was at peace forever. The agonizing pressure, and the fear of God for wetting her pants in both a confined and public place were gone. When she went to wipe herself she noticed she was a little wet from the pee hitting the toilet. She wiped her wet hair and labia and for a second felt somewhat aroused, but thought little of it.
Patty is a real life woman. She is the mother of two boys I grew up with and a local real estate agency owner who sold homes to both of my parents. She is extremely pretty and nice but also very high strung and easily stresses out, thus she often looks as if she is desperate to pee. She once told me of a horrible train ride to the city and I imagined her desperate and thought of this story. I can write more stories about her, or even continue her trip.