The Trip to the Doctor

By: PeeGuy
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

After experiencing more bladder problems in the last few weeks than ever before in their entire adult lives, Joan, Patty, George, and Paula each made an appointment with their local doctor to see what is wrong. They were told to arrive with their bladders full so to enable them to provide a fresh urine sample.
It is a windy rainy day and traffic is backed up for miles. Joan arrives at the office first, needing to pee very badly, although not yet desperate. She is wearing a blue sweater and dark grey slacks. She walks in trying to be as composed as possible– while taking slow, awkward steps over to the desk. As she waits for the receptionist to get off the phone she has her legs pressed together and is ever so slightly bobbing up and down. She rests her hands on the desk and clasps and un–clasps them into tight fists, staring straight at the receptionist.
When the she gets off the phone, Joan immediately gives her name and tells the woman that she needs to urinate right away. She is told that she must fill in 2 forms first. The ever–modest Joan simply takes the forms and gingerly walks to a chair and slowly sits down.
She hastily fills out the forms as her legs bounce up and down and she squirms in her chair. She must stop writing when she does this as she is twisting her body to the side. She then returns to her normal position with her thighs glued together, hissing as she writes as fast as she can.
Patty walks in. She too, is trying to be as composed as possible, but practically sprints to the desk while saying “Bathroom” through her gritted teeth. She has been showing homes the entire day and holding back her pee for hours in preparation for this appointment. She is wearing a black sweater and a matching black dress that goes down to her knees. It is obvious that she has one leg wrapped around her knee and is bobbing on the other leg while somewhat bending at the waist. The receptionist hands her a form and says she must fill it out before they can take her. Patty grits her teeth, widens her eyes and leans her head to the side to show her distress but then realizes that the receptionist will not budge.
Patty and Joan are nearly breaking their pens while they tightly clench their fists as they write. They are simultaneously hissing through their teeth and bending their heads forward. They have their thighs glued together as they try to finish their forms. They then rotate between bouncing one leg, as it remains crossed over the other, and bouncing both legs evenly as they uncross them.
Suddenly, the main door bursts open as a frantic George comes barreling through. He is dressed for golf in a light colored shirt and slacks. He practically lands at the desk and does the best pee dance one can do while keeping his legs tightly together. So tight, in fact, that one can make out the shape of his penis sticking against his pants.
As the receptions hands over a form George almost bats it out of her hand and pleads to be shown to the bathroom. “P–please, I gotta go– I can’t wait,” he begs. He is pounding his hand on the desk and blowing puffs of air through his lips.
The receptionist insists that he must fill out the forms first as he winces and bends down to grab his crotch. “Please lady, this is an emergency. I sat in traffic for over an hour. I can’t hold any longer. I gotta go.”
“I am sorry sir,” she says. “You must do the forms first.”
“Lady I’m about to piss myself,” he cries and he pounds his feet. He feels completely helpless. He knows he can’t wait another second but she will not let him out of the waiting room to find the bathroom.
He starts running around the office bent over, as he tries to prevent the inevitable. Several times in the next 30 seconds he feels he will wet his pants, only to just be able to stay in control. Right when he feels that he will wet his pants, when a surge to pee seems to fill his entire penis with pain and pressure, he notices a large potted plant in the corner. It is thick, lush and several feet high. Though he feels at first that there is no way he can do such a thing, he notices a shocked Patty and Joan trying not to notice him. He then lets out another grown of desperation. By the time he is in front of the plant he already has his fly undone and just when he feels his penis is far enough inside the plant, he loses control and the pee flows out regardless of his feelings about it.
It ricochets off of the individual plant leaves and starts running down to the soil. He knows he must stop the flow before the soil starts to overflow, and winces as he does so. He is nowhere near relieved but has alleviated his urgency just enough to hold out. The receptionist just stares at him with her hands over her face as he hastily leaves and says he will find another doctor.
Joan and Patty are now overcome. The shock of seeing a strange man urinate for the first time in their adult lives is quickly overridden by the increased urgency to pee after seeing the strange man himself urinating. Their forms are completed and both of them are now standing and squirming at the desk while begging to be allowed to give their samples. The more desperate Patty has a hand between her thighs and her eyes squeezed shut in pain. Joan does a very timid pee dance by simply lifting one foot at a time an inch into the air.
The receptionist quickly composes herself and leads them into adjacent rooms, each containing a toilet. They each follow her with quick awkward steps, thighs glued together and teeth clenched. She hands them each a six–ounce specimen cup and before she can complete her instructions, they each sprint into their assigned bathrooms.
Patty, the worse off, frantically pulls her dress and slip down as she grunts out ooh, aah, and hisses. Then she sits on the toilet and puts the cup under her vagina as she simultaneously lets her pee go. She fills the cup immediately, even wetting all over the edges of it as she moves it away while continuing to pee mightily into the toilet. After putting the cup down, she leans back and sighs, savoring the relief of finally being able to let go.
Joan, who feels the agony of an overfull bladder along with the urgent pressure to pee, gingerly undoes her belt and zipper. She winces in pain as she pulls her pants and underwear down. Once seated she places the cup under her as a stream gradually exits her into the cup. By the time the cup his full she is peeing full force and finally starts to feel some relief as her bladder empties.
Outside, the receptionist is trying to maintain order after the incident with George when she hears a frantic woman’s voice from the waiting room shouting “HELLO, HELLO!”
When she gets there she sees Paula. She is wearing her employer’s navy blue sweatshirt and tan pants. Paula is absolutely frantic. Hopping from one foot to the other, practically bringing her knees up to her waist then pounding her feet back onto the floor. She takes her hand off her crotch when the receptionist comes into view, forcing her to double over and press her thighs together with both hands.
She is breathing heavily and can barely speak. With a helpless look on her face, she shouts, “ Please–Please, where’s a bathroom… can’t hold it any… ahhhh!” she yells out in pain.
The receptionist says the bathrooms are occupied and she must fill out these forms first. Paula winces her eyes shut and yells “Oooooh. Please, I can’t.”
“I’m sorry Ma’am, in order to give a sample you must.”
“Sample?” Paula blurts out. “You will just need my pants for that, Oo, Oh God, please help me!”
With her thighs wrapped around each other, Paula hobbles around the office and starts to cry. She is beyond desperate and does not see a way out of the situation without wetting her pants for the first time as an adult.
Then her urge increases and a thunderous, agonizing pressure is pressing against her entrance. She grabs her crotch and wraps both legs around her hands and is so bent over that she is almost squatting. She winces her eyes shut and leans her head back, grits her teeth and hisses, trying to make an attempt to move but feeling that she will lose all control if that position is not maintained. Once again the urge rises as she leans back against the wall to let out a final moan before wetting her pants.
Because she is already squatting, her urine stream makes a straight line out her vagina, underwear, and pants before hitting the floor. The force of her stream practically shoots a hole through the carpet. Some pee does soak her crotch and lower belly but gravity prevents her pant legs from getting wet. Soon she is nearly ankle deep in a foaming puddle of her own pee.
Paula continues squatting with her hands over her face while crying. Regaining control at last, she bolts out of the office with her sweatshirt tied around her waist.