Shopping Spree Pee

By: PeeGuy
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

After taking some prescription medicine and then taking it easy for her recently unreliable bladder Patty decided to take a Saturday and go to the mall for some shopping. It was getting close to the holidays and she also really wanted to get out of the house. Her bladder had been fine the past week. Only once when she was out showing homes did she have to make any sort of effort to hold a full bladder.
She was dressed nice but casually by her standards. A plain white sweater and tan corduroys. The mall of course was very crowded and it took much longer to get her shopping done than she expected. She purchased a lot of gifts and by the time she was on line for her last purchase she really needed to pee. It had just sort of crept up on her as she waited or she would have gone before.
The line was moving very slowing as the part–time holiday help behind the counter was having a hard time with angry customers and malfunctioning registers. There were at last 15 people ahead of Patty– who began to shift and rub her belly as her need to pee increased. She knew she was playing with fire by letting her need get worse but she really wanted to buy this gift for her husband and knew it would be gone if she set it down and went to the bathroom.
After 10 minutes only two people had made their purchase as Patty’s need kept increasing. She wasn’t quite desperate but felt she had to go very badly. The familiar feelings of a growing pain in her belly and intense pressure on her vaginal muscles was all that she could think about. She began to rub her thighs together, moving one at a time up and down. She had two shopping bags in her hands and she was gripping them so tight she almost broke the handle strings. Her face was as composed as possible. Looking ahead at the counter very intently, her cheeks were slightly contorted as she grit her teeth behind her closed mouth.
Another ten minutes passed. She had another 6 people ahead of her and things had really become desperate. Her need to pee was reaching the levels of those awful experiences of the past few months. She had her left leg wrapped around her right knee enabling her thighs to put as much pressure on her pee hole as possible. She was bobbing up and down on the right leg when a sudden wave of urgency ripped through her bladder. She gasped while her bags fell to the ground as she bent over double. She had one hand between her thighs and her face was completely shriveled up. She used her other hand to gather up her purchases as her panicked stricken face tried to stay focused on what she was doing.
When she was done she looked up and saw all the customers still ahead of her. She desperately had to pee now and was frantically moving her legs to try and get as much pressure as possible. She could not and would not hold her crotch in public like this. She was only using her PC muscles to hold back the enormous strain her bladder had put her under. Three more people to go– she was frantic. Having to pee so badly that she was not sure how much longer she could hold it in. She twisted her legs around each other and turned to the side as her panic stricken eyes tried not to notice people staring at her.
Finally it was her turn as she tried as best she could to regain her composure. She frantically laid her purchases out. Her piercing stare made her feelings known to the clerk that she was in a hurry. She was almost bent over the counter, as her legs remained glued together. As the clerk ran her things through she whispered hurry, hurry under her breath. She kept getting more desperate. She started tapping her foot and pounding her fist on the counter as remaining calm was almost impossible. Several times the clerk had to run an item through twice because the machine kept beeping. When this happened she would contort her face in frustration and twist her legs and body in what felt like a knot.
When it was time to pay she frantically took out her wallet and went through her credit cards, when they all fell the floor. When she bent down to pick them up she gasped in agony as she felt the additional pressure on her bladder. She hastily put her cards in her purse and handed one to the clerk. She now did a full–fledged pee dance as it took several swipes to run it through. She was beyond desperate and could not believe that she had let herself get this way, again.
Once she was out of the store she realized her troubles had just begun. The mall was packed, wall–to–wall people. This was a very large and new mall. She had no idea where the bathrooms were, or how long it would take to find one. All she knew is she had to pee so badly, as badly as the time she had wet herself at the gas station. She was in full view of the entire world, it felt like, and she could not find a bathroom. She had several bags in her hands so she could not hold herself even if she wanted to.
She started a hastily paced, awkward looking trot through the mall. Taking fast but tiny steps enabled her to keep her legs as close together as possible. She was about half bent over, trying to ease some of the furious pressure on her pee muscles without adding any abdominal pressure on her throbbing bladder. Her head was slightly bent up trying to find a bathroom through her panic–stricken eyes and hissing through her teeth. She was not making a lot of progress as she kept having to stop and try to get by people, it was that crowded. She had doubts now whether she could find a bathroom in time, or at all.
She got to an end of a corridor thinking a bathroom would be there, but there was none. She wanted to cry as she turned around and looked at the length of the mall, not sure where any bathroom would be. Right then there was a surge in her bladder and she bent down and wrapped her legs over each other. She then winced her eyes shut and contorted her face as struggled with all her might to hold in the sharpest need to pee she had ever felt.
She looked down and was certain she would wet herself but managed to hold on. She began her pace in the other direction, having to go so badly that she did not think she would make it to a bathroom. She saw a bench on the side of the corridor and sat down. This helped, as she was able to press both her legs together.
She had never felt so helpless in all her life; just sitting and watching the people go by. Looking at the size and scope of the mall while having no idea where any bathroom was. Again she had to go more badly as she twisted her legs and bent her head down. She looked at the crotch of her pants and sensed the bulge her busting, throbbing bladder was making. She saw the outline of her labia and imagined all the pent up pee trying to force its way out of her. Again the need increased and she tilted her head up, winced her eyes shut and pounded her legs up and down.
Realizing that she would not find a bathroom by sitting there, she gathered her things and continued her frantic search. She could not walk in a straight line, so she made zigzags through the crowd while her awkward movements made it hard to keep her balance.
Finally she felt she would wet her pants. By reflex, she place her bags in front and with the hand closest to her, managed to grab her crotch, keeping hold of the bag handle with the other bags in front of her hide what she was doing. It was the only option less degrading then wetting her pants in front of all these people. Her need was now beyond desperate or pain. It felt like a surge of fire was trying exit out of her.
When the people in front of her got so backed up that everyone stopped moving, Patty almost squatted as she was so bent over trying to hold her pee. Again she looked at her crotch trying to will herself to keep holding it.
When she started to move again she walked in a more awkward fashion– gingerly moving one leg ahead of the other while bobbing up and down. When she felt she was losing one of the bags she had to take her hand off of her crotch, making her need to pee rise to yet another level of desperation. She placed her hands to her sides as if to press her entire waist area together.
Finally she asked a security guard where the bathrooms were and she felt sick when he pointed to the escalator down the hall and said that they were located on the second floor at the end of the food court. Having to line up and then stand still on the escalator with out falling or wetting herself took strength she did not know she had. She rode to the second floor with her eyes shut while making hissing and soft high pitch moans, she was so desperate. When she got off she again had to sit down. She laid the bags on her lap to hide her hand that was holding her crotch. She kept twisting her legs closer together as she kept feeling closer to losing control. She felt so helpless and ashamed. Here she was, a mature, competent adult on the verge of losing control and wetting her pants, in public, yet again. She hesitated getting up because she did not think she could hold it in once she was standing and moving again.
Somehow she managed to do so with her thighs together so tight she almost lost her balance. With every few steps she would have to stop and bend over because she felt she would lose control.
Eventually, she could see the other end of the mall and what looked like a bathroom– a bunch of blue signs leading people off to the side. It was the bathrooms. What little jubilation she could muster was quickly tempered when she saw the dreaded line. There were actually two lines, one for the men and one for the women. Both not only the length of the long hallway, but the width as well which meant she could not cut ahead.
When she got to the end of the line, tears of hopelessness and desperation fell from her eyes before she gasped in pain as her need remained on the increase. Now that people were staring at her she knew holding her crotch was out of the question. She kept twisting her thighs around each other and grinding her teeth.
She kept rotating from feeling like she would wet herself to regaining control. Then when the urge increased again, her eyes swelled open and her mouth sucked in air and then closed as if she was holding her breath. She then winced her eyes shut and whimpered as the level of pain and pressure became unbearable, and for a split second she lost control of her urine. Because of the intensity of the pressure, a split second was all it took for a good sized stream of pee to exit her and soak her underwear. By contorting her whole insides as tight as possible and letting out a high–pitched grunt she regained control. She looked down and could not see anything on her pants, but she could feel the wetness in her crotch.
The combined lines for the men’s and women’s rooms moved slowly. She was forced to drop her bags and without holding herself, place one hand between her upper thighs, the other clutching her belly and sides. The hand between her thighs could feel the wetness that had spread. Soon, she was close enough that she could hear a toilet flush which was such a strong suggestion of peeing that she again lost another spurt into her panties. She felt a drop hit the top of her hand that was still between her thighs and could see a small patch on her crotch and realized that she must hold herself, despite her feelings about doing exactly that.
She placed her bags in front of her to hide what she was doing. Oh, she had to go so badly. She leaned against the wall to help keep her balance but despite holding her crotch, she felt on the verge of completely losing control. Her bags shook as she did the pee dance as she entered the ladies room. There were 10 stalls and at least 20 people to go. Again the need increased as she grimaced and contorted her body with all her strength, letting only a small drop out when she felt she would lose it all.
12 more people to go and she was wincing and grimacing like crazy in a frantic attempt to hold it in. When her turn was next she began to undo her belt and open her pants button to get a head start. When the door opened she took a deep breath and flew into the stall letting the door close behind her without even locking it.
Just like when she had been on the train, she was finally able to completely hold herself as forcefully as possible as her bags fell to the ground but then felt that she just could not take her hand off afterwards and engaged in almost a 30 second struggle to get per pants below her waist with one hand. She had to jump up and down as she did so and moaned aloud as she felt she would lose control at the very last second. When she got her pants down to her thighs she had to put both hands on the crotch of her damp panties as another drop of pee came out. With one hand she got her panties down past the hand she was holding herself with and then placed both hands on her naked crotch. Her hands could feel the wetness off her labia and jet–black pubic hair. As she began to sit down, she finally lost control of her pee. For a split second she peed on her hands that were still holding her crotch until she felt she was safely over the toilet. She then released her hands and gasped as the torrent of pee gushed as she sat down.
The force of her pee was so great that it came out of her almost at an angle, hitting the front of the toilet bowl rather than into the toilet water directly below her. It then made multiple rivulets down the bowl into the water where it bubbled and foamed. As she kept peeing and peeing, Patty sat there trying to catch her breath and rubbing her belly as the pain in her bladder took a while to subside. She could not enjoy the relief, as she was very upset that she had gone through such an ordeal, again.
When she was done it almost took a full minute to wipe her soaked crotch and damp underwear and thighs, crying as she did so. At least her pants seemed dry, allowing her to get out of there with some degree of dignity.