An Introduction to Peter Hiss

By: Peter Hiss
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Hello. I am Peter Hiss. I intend to write many stories, most of which will be a part of a series I call Politics and Pee. My interests include female desperation, and accidental wetting, specifically the exact moment when one becomes the other. My stories will therefore focus on this momentary loss of control. This first story of mine, however, is not part of the series and is based on a true story. The first half of the story is true, at least the parts I can be sure about, however the second half is what I wish I had done. Peter Hiss is the pseudonym I use in and around desperation, it is best pronounced “PEE–ter, hisssss” as in the sound a girl makes while pissing her pants. I will say I am Canadian, but if you want to know more, you’ll have to contact me via my e–mail address below. Without further ado, the story…
BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ, the alarm clock rang out. It was 10:17, the time Peter Hiss always sets on his alarm clock. Just enough time to get up, get ready, and go to work. Peter walked though the house and downstairs to the washroom, it was dark out, it usually is at this time.
Katie was having fun at the club. It was Labour Day, but fortunately the clubs were open. Her cell phone rang, and she picked it up. “It’s Jenny, where are you! It’s – it’s… 10:17! You were supposed to pick be up at 10:00!” “Shit” she said, “I’ll be right there” Katie had forgotten to pick up Jenny, whom she was supposed to drive home. “Damn, I gotta pee” she thinks to herself. “Naw, I’ll be alright, I’ll go at Jenny’s place.” She quickly finished her beer and got into her car. Little did she know, tonight she was about to get an introduction to Peter Hiss.
Peter looked at the clock in the subway. “11:07. Heh, I’m going to be early,” he thought. “May as well grab some hot dogs from a street vendor.” Peter enjoyed eating the hot dogs, but he had to get off the subway to get them, slowing him down. He enjoyed it when he was early enough to make the diversion. He had nothing but time on his hands.
Katie was weaving in and out of traffic trying to get to the meeting Jenny was at. She pulled up and slammed on the breaks. “Quick! Get in! I got to pee!” Jenny hopped into the front seat. “Thanks for driving me. I hate taking transit this late. There are always strange creeps who sit on the subway looking at girls who wear skirts like this,” Jenny said, pointing to her miniskirt. “Yea, I like to dress more conservatively,” Katie said. She was wearing a black low cut off shirt, and grey slacks.
Peter was distracted as a man sat beside him; he was looking at a girl wearing a very short miniskirt. Suddenly he noticed she was looking back at him, and quickly shifted his eyes away. “Only a few more stations to go,” he thought.
Katie was driving up the street towards Jenny’s house. Suddenly she noticed flashing lights in the distance. “Shit” she said “I’ve been drinking, I don’t want to get caught… we are taking a detour,” she said as she swerved onto a side street. “God, I have to peeee!” she thought. It took her 15 minutes to get to Jenny’s house, and when she got there she was horrified by what she saw. Two of her male friends were standing outside the house, and there was police tape all around the house. Jenny ran out of the house “What happened!” she yelled at the cops “This is my house!” The cop replied “Sorry, but there’s been a gas leak. It’s no big deal, everyone is okay, but I can’t let anyone in the house right now.” Katie got out of the car, and had to press her legs together to deal with the sudden pressure on her bladder. “Please can I go in, I really have to pee.” “I’m sorry, but I can’t let anyone in.”
Katie’s two male friends came up to her. “Hey, can you drive us home?” “Alright, but we have to stop along the way, I really have to pee.” Everyone got into Katie’s car and drove off.
Peter was just sitting down. He had his uniform on, and was straightening his tie at his desk. He was the concierge officer overnight at a condominium apartment building. He began to surf the Internet almost immediately, his favorite thing to do at work. Nights were usually so boring that there was not much else to do. He checked the cameras, and noticed the whirlpool in the poolroom on the second floor was going. He went to turn it off, making sure all of the other doors, including staff–only washrooms, were locked.
Katie drove up the main street; thinking to herself that there is no way she is going to make it. As she passed a closed McDonald’s she said “Shit! Why is everything closed on Labour Day! It’s only 12:30, something should be open!” She saw in the distance a clutter of condos, and she had an idea. “God, I hope Kim is home. I’ll run to her condo and go pee in her washroom.”
The car quickly pulled up in the driveway, and the engine turned off. Katie could feel her pussy throbbing, telling her that she needed to let go. She fought back, and got out of the car. The sudden pressure from standing up almost made her lose it all. She stood there, just outside her car with her hand firmly in her crotch, bent over. “Wow, you really have to go,” one of her passengers said. “I’ll be right back,” she said as she straightened herself up, and ran towards the door.
She got to the locked inner door, and knocked to get the attention of concierge. Peter looked up from his computer, and saw a girl at the door. He kind of recognized her and figured she must be either a resident or a regular visitor, so he opened the door and went back to web surfing. Katie ran by him, not showing any signs of desperation. She saw a washroom on the ground floor and went to open it. Locked. She ran to the elevators and pressed the up button. She grabbed her crotch again, now really feeling the pressure. She could almost hear her bladder screaming at her. She assumed it was saying, “I have to put this pee somewhere, whether it’s your pants or a toilet does not matter to me.”
The elevator door opened and she ran in. She pressed the button for 8, and hit the close door button. She stood there with her legs crossed the whole ride, and ran out of the elevator onto the floor. She ran to Kim’s room and began to pound on the door. “Oh God, I hope she’s home!”
No answer.
Katie felt like crying. She ran back to the elevator, checking her bum with her hand for any leaks, as she looked up at the camera. She thought the concierge must have been watching for her. Little did she know Peter had no idea how badly she needed to go, and was engrossed in other things. She pressed the button for ground and jammed her hand into her pussy. She tried to figure out what she was going to do. She thought, “Well I’ll just beg the concierge to let me pee, he’ll understand.” As the elevator door opened, she ran back to the front desk still holding herself, but letting go before she got to the desk. “Hi, can I go to the washroom please, I’m going to pee my pants,” she said. “Sorry, Staff–only,” Peter said, assuming this was a complaint like all others, and that she really did not have to go all that badly.
“Please, I really have to go, I’m going to pee right here.”
“Sorry, staff–only,” Peter said again.
“Do you want me to pee right here? You have two washrooms right there, please, I’m going to pee my pants!”
“Sorry, staff–only,” Peter said once more.
“I’m going to… going to go pee on your flowers then,” Katie said as she started to run for the front door “maybe they need water,” she added. Peter watched her run out the door and turn to the right.
Peter caught up with her just as she was getting behind a wall. “Wait a minute,” Katie looked at him. “You really have to go so badly that you’re willing to pee outside?” he said. “Yes!” she screamed. Peter sighed. “Alright. I’m going to help you. Come with me,” Peter led her back to the front desk, making sure to walk slowly.
At the front desk he said, “Who are you here to visit?” Katie stood at the desk squirming. “She’s not home, please, I thought you were going to let me go to the washroom.” “I have to follow a procedure. I’ll let you go but I have to do this first.” Katie sighed and continued to squirm, trying not to hold herself in front of Peter. He got the suite number and called the room. No answer. He hung up and Katie looked relieved. “I have to call once more just to be sure.” Katie sighed again, and bent over with her hands on her legs. She felt like breaking down and crying, her bladder was in so much pain it felt like it was going to burst. “No answer again. Alright, now I have to go up to the suite with you, and then I can let you go”. Katie tried to stand up straight and said, “ok”. She managed to walk to the elevator without holding herself. Peter and Katie got on the elevator and went to the 8th floor. Katie kept crossing her legs and squirming, Peter was quite enjoying watching her. Little did Katie know that Peter had a rock hard erection. He had never been so turned on in his life. The door opened and Peter went to press the door open button. ‘Accidentally’ hitting the button for the parking level. “Whoops,” he said “wrong button.” Katie thought nothing of it, but Peter knew it would send the elevator away from the floor. They walked to the suite. Peter knocked on the door. Katie felt another wave of pressure, and bent over until she was almost sitting. Peter knocked on the door again. Katie said, “Oh my god, I’m going to pee, please!”
“Alright,” Peter said with a sigh, and led her back to the elevators. He pressed the button.
The wait for the elevator seemed like forever. Katie could feel her bladder getting ready to let go. A sudden wave of pressure came over her, and she thrust her hand into her pussy as hard as she could. “Oh God,” Peter looked at Katie “Wow, you really have to pee, don’t you?”
“Uh, yea!” she said. The elevator door opened, and they both got on the elevator, Katie still had her hand in her crotch. Peter pressed 2. “Two? Why two?”
“I can’t let you use the staff washrooms, but I’m going to let you pee, don’t worry.” Katie was in too much distress to think about it in any detail or to challenge Peter. The elevator finally opened on the second floor, and Peter began to walk slowly down the hall. They got to a door, and Katie thought “finally,” but when Peter opened the door, it was just more hallway. The two walked to the end of the hall, and turned right to continue. Peter continued to slowly walk down the hall slowly; Katie looked at him and said, “Can’t you walk any faster, I’m going to fucking pee my pants!”
“Hey!” Peter said “I’m not even supposed to let you go at all, I’m doing this just for you, so relax. We are almost there.” Peter walked to the end of that hall, and again turned right. This last hall was short, and there was a locked door at the end of it. Peter stood there and pretended to struggle with the key. “Can’t you use your e–card?” Katie said, noting the card reader. Peter pulled back from the door, and moved his card over the reader. “Nope, this reader is broken.” There was a good reason Peter picked this door.
A sudden and very strong wave of pressure came over Katie. She fell to the floor and sat on her heel. “Oh my God, I’m going to pee right now.” Peter bent over and tried to look concerned. “Are you ok?” “Just hurry, please,” Katie said. Peter took that as his note, and finally opened the door. Katie ran into the room and saw a large pool and small whirlpool. She was puzzled; did he expect her to pee in the pool? Peter walked up behind her, and motioned to a short corridor with a shower in it. “Knock yourself out,” he said. Katie was overcome with another wave, and jammed her hand in her crotch one more time. She ran, crouched, to the drain for the shower. “God, I’m peeeeeiiinngg!!!” she screamed. She pulled her pants down faster then Peter had ever see anyone pull their pants down, and started to pee right there. Peter could see Katie’s pussy. Her pussy was shaved, and Peter could see everything. He stood there mesmerized for a minute, before he noticed her pants and underwear were wet. He quickly looked away, out of respect, and because he had seen everything.
“I meant the washroom,” he said, motioning to the door beside Katie, that she had missed in her desperation “but whatever floats your boat!” Katie finished and pulled her pants up. There was a small amount of visible wetness from the outside; it was obvious she was peeing as she pulled her pants down. Peter looked at Katie and said “I hope I don’t get in trouble for this.” Katie said, “I’m sure you won’t,” as she looked at her wet pants. Peter escorted Katie out of the building, and she got into her car without saying a word and drove off.
Peter went right into the washroom and masturbated. He came almost instantly. He relaxed after and said, “Thank God for my photographic memory… I’ll be wanking it to this for months”
By: Peter Hiss