
1 stories

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The Peeing Model
By: Pfella (31 Oct 2003, Friday)

Stacy switched gear and the car sped across in a frenzy. Her rapidly filling bladder was already giving distress signals. Stacy had very little time for her fashion show. She had a 45–minute drive ahead of her and she had no idea if she would ever reach the place in time. She hoped that she would. At the same time, she was very apprehensive. This was her first major show, and she was one of the girls who was selected, groomed and trained for the big show. She was part of a 30–member model team who were supposed to make their presence felt. Stacy had just turned 18 a month ago. She felt like a woman when she thought about her age, but at the same time, her body betrayed her falsely. Stacy was a brunette, stood…

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