Home Invasion

By: Phil
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Alexandra had just finished a long day: court in the morning and clients in the afternoon. She just wanted to get home, get out of her clothes, and relax. Alexandra was wearing her “court clothes,” a stylish dark gray business suit, skirt, jacket, and white blouse. She topped it off with a pair of pantyhose and very high heels. That morning, Alexandra felt the need to wear something to hold in her stomach. Over her pantyhose was a long leg, high–waist panty girdle. As the day wore on, her girdle seemed to get a lot tighter. She really wanted to go into the ladies room, and tear it off. At the same time, she really liked the way it made her look.
It was after six when the final client left. Alexandra went about closing up the office. She finished the last two cups of coffee in the pot, and got into her car to head home. The drive was a typical big city commute. The traffic was heavy, and you never knew how fast you were going to go. True to form there was an accident and traffic slowed to a crawl. Alexandra’s cell phone rang. It was a client. It was a good a time as any for her to speak with him. As the traffic and the telephone call progressed at a very slow rate, Alexandra became aware of those last two cups of coffee. “Now I gotta pee,” she thought. The waistband of her skirt, girdle, and pantyhose suddenly got a lot tighter and pressed on her bladder. Since she was driving she obviously could not cross her legs. She began to squirm around in her seat.
The phone call finally ended. She still had to pee badly, but felt she could wait until she arrived home. The traffic was beginning to loosen somewhat, but she was still a good half hour from home. While crossing her legs was not an option, she slid her hand up between her panty–hosed legs and clamped her legs closed. Alexandra knew that she would be able to hold it until she arrived home.
At long last, Alexandra arrived home. She pulled her car into the driveway. Her high heels clicked on the sidewalk as she walked quickly. She fumbled with the keys… all the while thinking about how badly she has to pee, and what a relief it will be to finally be get her girdle off and able to let go. The door finally opened. She entered the house, and began to walk quickly toward the bathroom.
Alexandra had taken three or four steps into the house when she felt a strong pair of arms wrestle her to the floor. Her hands were pulled behind her, and a pair of steel handcuffs bound her hands behind her. She began to scream, but her assailant stuffed a handkerchief in her mouth, and placed a piece of duct tape over her mouth. Before he let her up, her assailant put duct tape around her hands and fingers so that she would not be able to scratch him or somehow attack him.
The black–hooded assailant picked Alexandra up off the floor and took her into the living room. Her mind turned back to her need to pee. He stood her in the living room while he got a straight–backed chair. Her legs were now crossed, and she was partly bent over. Oh, how she wished she could just get into the bathroom. Even if she could, how could she get her skirt up and her girdle and pantyhose down? She was getting desperate enough that she had thoughts of just standing in the bathtub and letting go.
The assailant placed the chair so its back was to Alexandra’s back. He tied her legs to the legs of the chair, effectively spreading them about shoulder width. Alexandra was beginning to panic as the assailant turned thief, and began to gather various belongings from the house. Their eyes locked, and the thief noticed Alexandra’s frantic expression.
He offered to remove the gag if she didn’t scream. Alexandra nodded in agreement. Once the duct tape was removed and the handkerchief removed, Alexandra said, “Please, I have to pee so badly, that I’m about to do it in my pants. Let me get to the bathroom, and you can take whatever you want.”
The thief then reinserted the gag and applied new duct tape. “Tell you what,” he responded, “I’ll untie your legs from the chair, but you will have to use this bathroom and leave the door open.” Alexandra quickly nodded her agreement again, while trying to talk through her gag. The duct tape that bound her legs to the chair was removed. She raced into the bathroom, trying to pull up her skirt. But with her hands cuffed behind her and her fingers taped together, she could not get the skirt pulled up. In fact, the only thing she could think about was how badly she had to pee, and hadn’t thought out the process of getting her high–waisted panty girdle and pantyhose down.
The thief watched her with amusement as he finished ransacking the house. HHe went into the bathroom and took Alexandra back out into the living room. “Sorry, honey, guess you’ll have to keep holding it, or whatever.” The thief had another idea for his own amusement. He tied Alexandra’s ankles together with duct tape, and stood her in the middle of the room. He figured that she would still be frantic to pee, and that her feet would hurt from the high heels. With that, he made his exit.
As soon as the thief was gone, she began to try to scream through her gag, but to no avail. She also began pulling at her restraints; she just had to get to the bathroom. Alexandra simply did not want to pee in her pants. She worked her thighs together as best as she could, the sound of her nylon thighs rasped as her legs moved. She tried to bend over, anything to hold it one second more. She managed to get her high heels off, and in her stocking feet, Alexandra began to hop toward the bathroom. With each hop her bladder sent her urgent messages.
Finally, finally, she made it to the little powder room. She sat down on the toilet. She was past the point of caring whether she wet her skirt or not. Alexandra thought that if her girdle wasn’t so tight, she might just be able to hold it longer. Suddenly, her suffering bladder spasmed, and a short spurt of pee wet the crotch of her pantyhose. She tried to regain control, oh how she tried, but her muscles could not stem the flow any longer. A torrent of pee gushed out of her, through her pantyhose, through her girdle, down her legs… “How am I ever going to get out of this?” she thought.
As the flow of pee finally abated, the doorbell rang…
By: Phil