The Bird Women Part 2

By: PhilHerUp
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

The wait paid off, for when Katie rounded the corner towards the history library a few moments past 8:00, Penny was sitting at a table there, pretending to read an old Time magazine. “Hi!” Katie said cheerfully as she sat down. For once, the cheerfulness wasn’t made up; Katie was delighted to have this slender reed of hope to cling to.
Penny was happy – for the first time since the Deluge – as well. “Hey! I was just reading about Watergate here. It’s amazing how far back the magazines go.” As she closed the magazine, she couldn’t help allowing a nervous glance at the Swineherd standing guard by the library door, not even fifteen feet away. They’d found each other, but how were they going to communicate?
Katie had that taken care of. “I know,” she said. “Just the other day Lisa Macaulay told me the same thing.”
“Lisa Macaulay?” Penny mused. “I didn’t know the two of you were friends.” Katie and Lisa had run in very different circles – to the extent that Katie had run in anyone’s circle at all – before the Deluge.
“Sure,” Katie nodded. “We have plenty in common.” She winked on the “plenty.”
“Really? Like what – oh, right!” All the pieces fell quickly into place for Penny. “Yes, now I remember Lisa.” Lisa Macaulay was the sports editor of the school paper, probably the first female sports editor they’d ever had. She was athletic and outgoing and very friendly with the guys, but word in the girls’ locker room had always had it that she guarded her virginity like a hawk. No doubt she’d frustrated more than one football player in her time. “You know, I think Caryn told me the same thing once. She was doing a paper on something in here last year.”
“Caryn?” Neither of the girls knew Caryn’s last name, but everyone in the Maxiversity knew her first. Big and tall since the sixth grade, she’d been stronger than any of the guys back in middle school – and there was no way they’d have forgotten. “I don’t know,” Katie said. “Would Caryn really have done any work in here? She doesn’t seem like the type to work with other people.”
“It depends on the circumstances,” Penny answered. “If she was under a lot of pressure, she might’ve wanted the help. And she could’ve helped others if she was in the mood.”
“Good point,” Katie conceded. “We could ask both of them about finding that magazine we wanted, from the year after that one you’ve got. I’ve got the date written here.” She handed Penny a small slip of paper, discreetly enough that the guard probably didn’t notice.
“Okay!” Penny said. “I guess the two of them will be enough to at least start the search, you think?” Seeing the guard checking down the rows of books, she whispered, “company.”
Katie nodded, and rocked back and forth a bit in her seat. “Oh God, do I have to go to the bathroom,” she said loudly enough to be overheard.
“I know!” Penny concurred. It was true, but more importantly– both girls knew they were keeping the guard happy by telling him what he wanted to hear. But thinking about it didn’t help much for Penny, who’d last been allowed to pee about five hours before and would have to wait over two more until lockdown. To think she’d never even gone three hours between bathroom trips in her life before the Deluge!
Katie – also no camel in her previous life – decided she needed to stand up and move her legs for a while before she lost her mind entirely. “So, you’ll let me know if you find that copy you were looking for?” Subtly she gestured towards the note she’d passed to Penny and clenched both fists tightly.
“Okay,” Penny responded, keeping the note out of sight as the guard strolled past. “Thanks a lot. See you!”
Katie waited until she was out of the immediate sight of the guard and headed off towards the cells – and the guitar supply room. Two months and no sign of change – the guitar supply room still appeared to be secure. Katie had been pretty sure that no one on the football team ever went near the music department if he could help it, so it stood to reason that the tiny, obscure room which didn’t open directly into any hallway would be unbeknownst to the Swineherds. Sure enough, she’d snuck in there several times when she knew she wouldn’t need to be accounted for, and there was no sign whatsoever that the Swineherds had been anywhere near the place. It had quickly become a fiercely guarded secret, for it had been her only refuge from the storm. Katie supposed she would never forget the shelter that room had offered her after the first time she’d been buzzed.
It wasn’t even a week since then, and already she’d done her best to relegate it to the same realm of her mind as one does with a bad dream. His name was Brian, and he was a particularly barbaric ex–football guy. Katie knew nothing of football and she cared even less for it, but everybody knew who played at the old high school.
Katie – like most of the other quiet, nerdy girls – was relatively lucky in the early days of the Maxiversity. When the Swineherds needed a favor in those first weeks, they’d concentrated mostly on the cheerleaders and other former “in–crowd” members, the ones who’d so often turned down the guys’ advances back in the McGlown administration and before. Revenge is sweet, after all. But it hadn’t taken long for most of the guys to get bored with the same girls, and the ones like Katie were certainly the next most desirable– the ones who’d always been completely off–limits, unattainable; the ones who’d never seen them as heroes just because of their brute strength like so many others had.
A few of the quieter, smarter girls had been singled out for attention from the very beginning – Penny, with her breasts, and Jennifer Lipski because she’d always been so obnoxious with boys and girls alike in the old days – but most of the others were simply left to do chores and wait for bathroom breaks all day long– at first. For Katie, that had changed six days before when, for the first time, she felt the electric buzzer they all had to wear on their hips inside the jumpsuits going off. She’d been finishing up the dishes on her usual lunchtime shift when the jolt came through.
While Katie had been largely shielded from the worst of the horrors, her cellmate Dara was a particularly manipulative ex–captain of the drill team who’d suffered no end of cruelty from the beginning. Praying she wouldn’t draw a Swineherd as bitter towards her as the ones who’d called on Dara all those times, Katie had no choice but to head towards the room she’d been summoned to. It was the former Advanced U.S. History room, where she had once upon a time had one of her favorite classes.
Brian was alone in there with two of his buddies whom Katie didn’t recognize, and he smiled snidely when she walked in. “Ah, there you are, cunt,” he said when she walked in. “Didn’t I tell ya guys? Longest legs in the max.”
“Looks like, Brian,” agreed one of the other guys, while the other one nodded his approval as well. To Katie he said, “Stand there, cunt. Right in the middle of the room.”
Silently terrified, Katie did as she was told, and waited for the next instruction. She forced a slight smile, as if to make the guys think they weren’t getting to her.
The guy who hadn’t yet said anything stood up and walked around her. Still without a word, he bent down and took a long, hard look at her crotch, which as always was pressed tightly against her too–small jumpsuit. Finally breaking his silence, he remarked, “You’re awfully tall for that suit.”
“Yes, I am.” Katie knew from Dara never to disagree with a Swineherd, nor to say more than was necessary in response to his questions.
“That get uncomfortable pressing against your pussy all day long?”
Wincing internally at the derogatory name for the most beautiful part of her body, Katie said, “Yes, sometimes.”
“How uncomfortable?”
“More so as the day goes by. Sometimes the cloth rubs too hard.”
It was Brian’s turn to ask questions. “Do you have to pee, cunt? And how bad?”
“Yes, very badly.” Katie perked up inside in hopes they’d let her use the bathroom, even if they made her do it in front of them all.
Instead, Brian just thought about it for a moment. “Are you having a hard time standing still?”
“Yes.” And it was getting worse the more she had to talk – and think – about it!
“I’ll bet that cloth rubbing up against your pussy doesn’t help.”
“No,” Katie admitted, “it doesn’t.”
“Does it help to move your legs?”
Katie smiled from sheer embarrassment, and instinctively began wiggling one leg. “Somewhat.”
“Did we say you could move your leg, cunt?” asked the third guy.
“No, sir,” Katie admitted, standing still again.
“No,” he agreed. “But if it helps, why don’t you take off your suit and walk around the room?” It was a command, not a question.
Katie, who’d grown up with her mother and her aunt in a small, cramped apartment, was used to undressing in front of other women. As she reluctantly revealed her body to the first three males of any type who had ever seen her naked, she did her best to pretend it was just her mother and aunt who stood before her, grinning hungrily. Her tall, once subtly shapely body was pale and too gaunt now, and the pleasantly heavy sprinkling of hair, which had adorned her arms and pubic area, was history. But her undeniable feminine dignity and the grace she’d seemed to be born with were still there. That fact, along with the slender reed of hope that this was the worst she’d have to do, provided Katie with some hope as she began parading around the room for her audience.
“Great taste, Brian,” one or the other of the guys said as they watched. “Look at those legs. You always been tall, cunt?”
“Yes, since the fourth grade,” Katie replied.
Perhaps five minutes passed before the same guy asked the question that sent a deeper chill down her spine than even the order to undress had done. “Can I touch her, Brian?”
“You can touch the one you request,” Brian said to her momentary relief. Thank God she’d been facing away from the guys when that came out, she thought to herself, for she was certain her reaction had been visible on her face.
The relief didn’t last long. Katie turned back around to find Brian standing near her and grinning. “Okay, stop. He doesn’t get to touch you. Only I get that.”
Katie could barely disguise her horror, but at least she’d had that slight chance to brace herself for being touched. Goosebumps flaring everywhere, she clenched her jaw and stared straight out the window at the melting snow, waiting for the ultimate indignity. Brian ran his hands up and down both legs several times, cooing over how smooth they were and staring straight at Katie’s mercilessly exposed vulva. Bored at last with her legs, he stood up straight and smiled knowingly as he roughly palmed the hairless labia. Katie did her best not to flinch as he ran his hand over her opening a few times, pulling the lips apart at one point and venturing one finger inside, to her silent displeasure. All of her strength was concentrated in that moment on holding back her bulging bladder, which Brian’s touch stimulated even beyond the excruciating urge she’d learned to live with almost all the time by then.
Satisfied, Brian stepped back and said simply, “Get your suit on and get out, cunt.”
Katie eagerly did as she was told, resisting the urge to beg for a trip to the bathroom. She had an even greater urge now: the urge to get as far as possible from Brian and his buddies. As quickly as she had her suit snapped on, she was gone without another glance at the boys.
On her way to her hideout, Katie finally allowed herself a few tears, even though that could bring trouble from any Swineherd who happened to walk by. At least, she admitted to herself, she’d been treated less severely than Dara had. If she could get away with no worse than that day’s experience before this nightmare ended – if it ended – perhaps her spirit would one day be intact again. She nearly had convinced herself of that when she got to the guitar room, but the moment she knew she was safe, the tears came harder than before.
That night after meeting with Penny, Katie did her best not to remember just how long she’d cried. It didn’t matter now. All that mattered was being like Penny – not losing hope – and finding more sisters in arms to help with the fight. The revolution. She had told Penny of her secret room in that note and urged her to bring other girls there if she was quite sure they could be trusted. In so doing, Katie had given up the only thing that hadn’t been taken from her and had risked considerable trouble if she were found out. Despite the severe consequences, it didn’t seem like much to her. A token, perhaps. But, Katie reminded herself, it was all that was hers to give. It’s my token, she thought in as encouraging a frame of mind as she could muster. I’m going to put in my dime for the revolution.
Penny didn’t dare look at the note Katie had given to her until past bed check that night. She’d stuffed it inconspicuously inside her pillowcase when she’d returned to her cell, even seeing to it that her cellmate, Jae, didn’t know. Penny hadn’t known Jae at all before the tragedy had thrown them together, and although they got along as well as could be expected, she wasn’t sure how far she could trust the ex–cheerleader who had little to do with girls like Penny back in the McGlown Administration.
Those doubts floated in and out of Penny’s mind at 10:30 as she sat nervously on the edge of her bed, watching Tom Postette – her and Jae’s usual guard – insert Jae’s bladder tube. It was nearly as unpleasant to watch it happening to someone else, as it was to go through oneself. As usual, Penny felt a mix of humiliation, fear, and anticipation as she knew that in moments it would be her body at the mercy of Tom’s hands, but that moments after that she’d be rid of her bladder pressure until sometime the next morning. Nearly eight hours since the last break now, and she was so full her eyes were welling.
As Tom finished with Jae and pulled her covers roughly over her, he turned to Penny and said, “Your turn, cunt. Strip.”
Embarrassed even though she’d been through this with Tom every night for two months, Penny stood up and pulled off her suit. Clenching her legs together as tightly as she could, she folded the suit and left it on the designated shelf. Following established rigmarole, she lay down with the covers pulled back and her legs spread, clamping down on every muscle in her crotch to hold back the call of nature.
Tom stepped over and plugged the fresh, sterilized tube into the collection unit. With one hand on Penny’s thigh, he leaned over the bed and stuffed the rubber hose slowly but firmly into her vagina. He could feel the increased resistance as the hose slid over the valve, while Penny could feel the valve open and her balloon–like bladder and its attachments began draining. “Enjoy it while it lasts,” Tom said sarcastically to both girls as he stood up and headed out of the room.
As soon as the door was locked, Jae turned out the light on her side of the room while Penny reached in her pillowcase and retrieved the note. Cherishing the relief that was still flowing from between her legs, she unfolded the paper, unnoticed by Jae.
Curiously and hopefully, she read the note.
Dear Penny,
Thank God you had the nerve to talk me into getting together! I can’t imagine much more time in this place without losing my mind completely. But I do believe that they can’t hold us here if enough of us get together! At this point I don’t know what we can do, but there is one way I can help. There’s a room in the music department where I often go, which the Swineherds don’t know about. It’s probably the only thing that’s kept me sane thus far at all, and I think it would be perfect place for us to meet with any other girls who are willing.
I hope you realize this room is absolutely the only thing I can offer anyone right now, and we’re taking a big risk in letting anyone else know about it. Please, please be careful whom you tell about it! I will be there during Free Hour tomorrow, and I hope to see you with Lisa and/or Caryn, and anyone else you can think of who is a worthy risk. Best of luck, I’ll be praying for us both!!
p.s. Please destroy this note. If the Swineherds ever found it, we’d be tortured for sure!
Thrilled to know they now had a hideout, Penny immediately began shredding the letter into scraps as tiny as she could get them. Already she was mapping out plans for the next day in her mind when she heard a girl’s voice over her shoulder.
“Would you stop that?”
Penny rolled over to see Jae looking over at her; it was about the most her cellmate had ever had to say to her. “Sorry,” Penny finally said.
“We don’t have much time to sleep, you know. And the guys keep me busy in the daytime.” Her voice started to crack on the second sentence, and Penny could see she was about to cry.
“I’m sorry, really! I didn’t mean to cause any trouble. And I’m sorry about the guys. All the stuff they do is so disgusting.”
“I have a hunch it’s not as bad for you as it is for me,” Jae said. “I went out with a lot of those guys before, and just ‘cause I wouldn’t put out with them, they’re all over me now.” By then she was crying quite hard, but trying her best to keep it quiet.
“I believe that,” Penny said. Swineherds paid plenty of attention to her breasts, but they didn’t seem to have a lot of concern for her one way or the other beyond that. She was quiet for a minute or two, but Jae’s sobbing did not stop. It was worth asking.
“Jae?” Penny asked.
“Would you like to join a group of us to fight back?”
“Fight back?”
“How? What can we do?”
“We don’t know yet,” Penny admitted. “But once we have a group together, we’ll have strength in numbers. Their biggest weapon is keeping us apart. But I found another girl tonight, that’s what the letter I was reading was about. We’re going to get a group together and fight back.
Jae thought about it for a moment. “I don’t see what we can do against them, but I guess if you’ve got other girls helping you, we need to try. This can’t go on forever.”
“It won’t, Jae. Meet me here tomorrow just before Free Hour.”
“What then?”
“You’ll see.”
“Okay,” Jae sniffled. “Good night.”
“Good night.” Penny shut her light off and drifted off to sweet sleep, visions of freedom delighting her.
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