Two Girls on a Bus

By: Rainy
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

My name is Jenny. I’m a nurse and I was on a bus from Montana to Seattle. I would have driven but had some car problems. In Spokane a cute blond gets on, sits across from me and promptly falls asleep. A few hours later after a rest stop I noticed the blond is still sleeping. In a half–hour she wakes up and we start talking. Her name is Lori and she is very easy to talk to, and we were having a good time until I see her start to squirm. Lori admits she really needs to pee and gets up to ask the driver to stop, then comes back with a very worried look on her face.
We talk some more, but Lori is getting frantic, and starts to bounce in her seat. And I am getting very turned on. Finally she reaches her limit, “Oh God, I’m about to wet my shorts!” She sees the back of the bus is empty, “I better go back there,” and takes the back window seat. I sit next to her, and Lori crams her hand into her poor pussy to help hold it in. Then Lori looks at me, “you’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”
I just smile, “most girls have wet their pants. I’ve wet myself.” I look into her blue eyes and move my hand to her thigh. Her skin is cool and firm, “come on Lori, just pee. You can do it.”
“Should I pull my shorts down?” I’m not sure if that’s a question or a come on. But then she just can’t hold her piss back, “Oh God, I just squirted.” She moves her hand back, “are my shorts wet?”
I look down and touch her crouch. The fabric is warm and wet, and I am getting so turned on. I gently hug Lori with my other hand and whisper, “please, just let it out. It will feel so good.” She tightens up again and that presses my hand right into her pussy. It feels so soft and warm. Lori is beyond desperate now and genuinely embarrassed. The battle is lost and she starts crying softly “I am so sorry…so sorry….”
She keeps sobbing as I hug her, and I feel her hot torrent flooding into my hand. It goes on and on, and I’m so horny I think I’m going to come. After almost a minute her flow ebbs. And then, I don’t know why, I start to rub her soaking pussy. “We shouldn’t do that, not here,” she says weakly, but she doesn’t try to stop me. My rubbing is more than Lori’s tortured cunt can stand. She tries to control herself, to hold it in, but she can’t, and then her body stiffens and Lori comes to two huge orgasms.
We pull back and just look at each other, “I’ve never done anything like that before, I mean, not with a woman,” Lori says. I admit that I’m a lesbian, and being with a beautiful woman desperate to piss is a huge turn–on. Lori smiles when I say beautiful, “I’ve slept with a few women, but I’m not a lesbian.”
We continue talking, but now I’m desperate. I am SO horny I’m going out of my mind, and Lori notices my distress. “I’m sorry,” I finally admit. Then I look at her, “there’s something I have to do. I just have to….” I’m embarrassed, but also turned on at the thought of masturbating myself right in front of Lori. I shove my hand into my crotch and start to rub myself. “I’m sorry….” I say as I continue masturbating and I come very hard.
Now it’s my turn to be ashamed. What was I thinking about? I was hoping it would turn Lori on, but I don’t think it has. Then I feel Lori hug me, “Its OK Jenny.” She looks at me, “we all have to do that once in a while.”
We start talking again. It is awkward at first, but she is so easy to talk to. Lori is 24, a bit younger than me, and going to the University of Washington. She was going to take a cab to her dorm but can’t with her wet shorts, so we agree to go to my apartment and clean up. My car is a few blocks from the bus station, and by the time we get there I have to go, “Damn, I really need to pee.” It has come on fast, and thinking about Lori’s accident hasn’t helped. Now I have to grab my pussy and do a pee dance.
“Me too,” Lori says. “I guess I didn’t get it all out. Do you think we can make it to your apartment?”
“I don’t know.” The pressure inside me is really getting strong.
Lori smiles, “we can just piss our shorts, mine are already wet,” she says, and I am not sure what to think. Lori sees I’m puzzled, “if I’m going to be a lez for a day I may as well do it right,” she says, “didn’t you say women ready to piss themselves really turn you on?”
By now all I want to do is piss on Lori’s leg. I lean back against my car, put my hand on her firm ass and pull her into me. Lori grabs my ass and we kiss for the first time. Then we spread our legs and press our right thighs into each other’s pussy. We are both bursting and in an instant I feel my hot piss flooding my shorts, and a moment later I feel Lori’s piss. I am so glad were wearing shorts as I feel her hot piss flooding down my thigh and leg, and I know she is feeling mine. I’m in heaven and getting incredibly turned on. I wonder if Lori is also getting turned on when I feel her start rubbing her cunt into my thigh, the first time she has initiated sex. I quickly hump my horny cunt back into her and a moment later, as our pissing starts to slow, we both come to staggering orgasms.
We drive to my apartment. In the bathroom I take off Lori’s blouse and bra. Her breasts are medium size and very well shaped. I kiss them and her nipples quickly become erect. Then I move south and remove her shorts and underpants, and move my face into her thick, blond pubic hair. It smells heavenly and I lick her clit and stick one finger up her, until she is about to come. Then I stop; I want her on edge. I stand and Lori takes off my tee shirt and examines my large breasts. Then I hug her and press my breasts into hers, and we kiss passionately. Lori kneels down and removes my shorts and panties, and I pull her face into my pussy. She licks my clit expertly until I stop her. I throw our wet clothes into the laundry basket except for our panties, which I hang up to dry. “Souvenirs,” and then we walk to my bed.
I lay Lori down, put a pillow under her butt, and get on. I put my pussy on her thigh, press my thigh into her pussy and slide my hand under her firm ass. And then I start moving up and down, again and again, until we both climax. We have sex in every way I know. We suck each other’s pussy, use my strap on vibrating penis and do a 69. But mostly one of us just lays on the other so we can hug and kiss. Lori is incredible, but after a few hours we are both spent.
We take a two–hour nap, and when I awake I just look at Lori’s beautiful face. I want to do something special so I ask to take her to a very nice steak house. I want Lori to know I really like her. I also need to pee but Lori holds me down, “Oh, my little nurse can’t hold it in?” Lori teases.
I was not expecting this. “You want a hold it contest?” I ask, and Lori just smiles. “OK girl, your on.” I take out two skirt outfits but no undies; were going to do this commando.
At the restaurant we keep the conversation light and eat a very nice prime rib dinner and drink a large draft beer. I am not usually a beer drinker but this is a contest. I also think a part of Lori must be freaked out about everything and she needs the beer. Were into our second draft and Lori slips her hand up my skirt to make sure I’m dry. Then she starts playing with my pubic hair and clit, which doesn’t help at all, so I do the same to her pussy. And so we sit and talk in this fancy restaurant while we play with each other’s pussy. I am dying to piss but I’m not about to let Lori win without a fight. But I can’t stop fidgeting, and Lori also squirms a bit. I hang on for another twenty minutes until I’m absolutely desperate, and I squirt into her hand. “OK, you win. I’m sorry, I just have to piss so fucking bad,” and I squirt again.
I try to get up but Lori stops me, “We are both grown mature women, and adult women should be able to control their piss,” and she kisses me. “But if my baby Jenny can’t hold it in any longer you can just wee–wee here.”
“Please, don’t make me piss myself here,” I beg as I squirt again. I’m about to let out a flood. Lori smiles and agrees, and we start to get up. Then she freezes and I know she has also squirted. Now we are both wetting. I’ve already paid, so I quickly wipe our seats and we practically run to my car.
Lori gets to the car first and pulls up her skirt. Her whole bottom is exposed and dribbling piss. I hike up my skirt and we shove our naked cunts into each other’s thigh and instantly start pissing. “Oh God yes,” Lori sighs as we both let out a yellow flood. It is the most incredible, wonderful relief I’ve ever felt, and Lori’s hot torrent feels exquisite against my leg. We melt into each other’s arms as we piss and piss and piss. And then somehow, after everything that we’ve done, we manage to have sex and come.
Back at my place it is late and were tired, but Lori is concerned so we sit down. “I have to tell you something before we go to sleep. A lot of times, when I sleep, I…I wet the bed. “ She looks at me sadly, “it’s caused me a lot of problems with relationships.”
“It won’t cause any with me.” I kiss her. “You’re just about the best lover I’ve ever had and you like to pee, and I care for you. That’s very rare, and I hope this is more than a one night stand.”
“I like you too, and I’ve had a great time. But I don’t think I’m gay, not really. I’m not sure we should see each other after this.” Lori sees my disappointment, “can we talk about this in the morning?”
So we go to pee, this time on each other’s lap, clean up and go to bed. We hug for a long time and fall asleep in each other’s arms. Many hours later I feel a warm wetness on my thigh and realize Lori is wetting. She wakes up in horror but I calm her, “it’s all right honey, it’s all right.”
“No, its not,” she says, “Oh God, I have to piss so bad!”
Lori tries to get up but I hold her down, grab her ass and start to rub my cunt into hers. Last nights beer has filled both of our bladders, but I am so turned on now I don’t care where I piss. I keep masturbating her, pumping my cunt directly into hers, again and again, and I make sure my pubic hair is rubbing her helpless clit. “Does my baby Lori need to wee–wee?” I tease, “you’re a mature, adult women. Can’t that hairy cunt of yours hold your piss in just a little longer?”
“No!” Lori cries. “Oh fuck it!” and she lets out a ton of piss into my pussy. I’m in heaven, but I have to piss so bad I can’t come, so I just cut loose and start pissing into her. Now were both are pissing like racehorses in my bed, and our hot piss floods back up into our genitals. Lori starts humping me back, and now her crankily cunt hair is torturing my clit. And then we stop pissing, and we fuck each other even harder, and our bodies stiffen and we come again and again.
We are utterly spent, and I hope this shows Lori that she is gay. But the look on her face tells me I have miscalculated. I pull back our covers, and we are lying in a big puddle of cooling piss. Lori is just staring at her body in the puddle. “Don’t worry, it has a vinyl cover. We can clean it up.”
She just keeps looking at herself in the piss, “this is disgusting; what we’ve been doing is disgusting.”
Lori gets up and takes a shower while I take off the soaked bedding and remake the bed. Then I take a shower and get back into bed. Lori does not want to talk so I just try to get some sleep. Later that morning she is still resting, so I dress and make breakfast. I’m a good cook and I hope that will help.
“Smells good,” Lori says as she comes in and takes a cup of coffee. “I’m sorry I got angry. But this whole thing is more than I bargained for. Can you just take me back after we eat?”
“But how will I talk to you again? I still don’t even have your last name or phone.”
“I don’t want you to contact me.” She takes my hand, “I’m sorry. I guess I’m just not ready to be a lesbian.”
She is a lesbian; of course, she just hasn’t accepted it yet. But there is nothing I can say, so I drive her to the University’s south gate. Then I give her a zip–lock bag, “my undies from the bus. I wrote my name and phone number on them.” I look into her big blue eyes, “please keep them and think about it. I would really, really like to hear from you, even if you just want to talk.”
“I don’t know…maybe.” Then she kisses me, gets her stuff and walks away.
By: Rainy ( Click HERE to send Rainy an email )