A Wet CPR Lesson

By: River
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Note: This story contains Male Desperation, Accidental (Male) Wetting, and Humiliation.
Mrs. Hauser was my PE coach in college. She was known for being a real bitch, and for having an incredible ass that she always showed off in tight jeans and skin–tight sweat pants. She developed the bitch reputation for not allowing people to leave to use the restroom in her class.
Inevitably, once or twice a year, she’d make some poor freshman wet their pants in front of the entire class without fail. She seemed to get some type of sadistic pleasure out of watching you squirm until you flooded the pants you were wearing. She was especially mean to the guys, as I unfortunately found out my senior year in college.
On this particular day, I was running late to class after lunch. This particular day I had been terribly thirsty and drank one of those big Gatorades during lunch in the commons area. Not having time to stop to use the restroom before her class, I decided to take my chances. When I arrived in class, the girl I was in love with, Melissa, was already standing next to her desk. I guess we were boyfriend and girlfriend since we had gone out several times and made out. She always wore skintight jeans that showed off her incredible ass. This particular day was no different. She was decked out in high–rising dark Jordache jeans that gave her a serious camel toe in the front. I was immediately aroused upon seeing her perfect, round butt held in that painted on denim. I took my seat behind her and got ready for class.
“Sit down. Everyone. You’re going to learn CPR today so partner up right now!”
I partnered with Melissa instantly. I eyed her crotch as she sat sideways in her desk and talked with me. I shifted in my desk a little bit.
“What’s with your legs? Gotta got to the bathroom?”
I blushed as I realized I had been bouncing my legs. I quickly replied “No” and looked away.
“You better not need to go to the bathroom in here. She made some guy wet his jeans last week. She’s merciless!”
The thought of going to the bathroom in my pants in front of Melissa and her friends made me shiver. I would never have a chance with her again if I had an accident in front of her. I mean, here I am a 23–year–old man for God’s sake. I was really stressing out now. My bladder was already reaching its limits, and we still had an hour to go before I could make a pit stop.
We stood up and made our way to the floor. I eyed Melissa’s ass as she walked in front of me and lay down. I thought this might be my chance to ask Mrs. Hauser for a break.
“Mrs. Hauser?” I whispered. “Can I got to the bathroom really fast before we start?”
“Bathroom? You have to go to the bathroom?” she said loudly. The class grew silent waiting for her reply. “You better go sit down with your partner and cross your legs, because you ain’t leaving my class before the bell rings. And you better not piss in your jeans or I’ll make you stay in here and mop up your mess!”
Everyone giggled at my plight. Embarrassed I sat next to Melissa. She looked at me sideways, a bit embarrassed to be my partner now.
Mrs. Hauser showed us how to do chest compressions and then give mouth to mouth. Her skin–tight grey sweatpants stuck to her curves like paint. Her ass was so big and perfect in those tight pants it drove me crazy. How I’d love to have those legs straddling me. As I drifted off in a daydream, I was snapped back to reality by the urge to pee. I grabbed my crotch instinctively to stem the flow before it could fill my pants. Melissa eyed my predicament.
“What are you doing? Are you going to make it?”
“I–I–I don’t know,” I stammered.
Her friends looked at me and giggled as she rolled her eyes. She leaned over to me and whispered, “If you piss your pants and embarrass me, we’re through!”
I was desperate now. Mrs. Hauser was busy helping other students so I thought I’d make a break for the door. Just as I got to the door with my hand on the knob, I heard her voice.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“I have to go really bad Mrs. Hauser. Please!” I said desperately.
“Get over here. I need to show everyone how to do chest compressions properly.”
Sweat beaded on my forehead as the entire class watched me walk to the front of the room. I was in trouble. There was no way I was going to be able to hold it in much longer. I can make it five minutes I thought. I would soon find out how wrong I would be.
“Get on the floor.” She said.
“Please let me go to the bathroom, Mrs. Hauser. I’m going to have an accident!” I pleaded almost in tears now.
“Shut up and lay down. You had your chance before class!”
As I lay on the floor, Mrs. Hauser positioned herself over me preparing to give me the fake chest compressions. Her pants were so tight around her crotch that there were literally no wrinkles in her pants, only a camel toe inches from my face. I moved my hand towards my crotch to try and squeeze my penis quickly. Everyone was now gathered around with Melissa and her friends on the front row staring at my crotch waiting for the flood. Mrs. Hauser put her hands on my chest and pushed with a “1, 2, 3 breath!”
As her hands pressed my chest, I almost went in my pants. I quickly grabbed my penis and squeezed as Melissa’s friends giggled at my predicament. Mrs. Hauser saw me grab myself and pushed harder as if hoping to make me piss myself. She pulled her red lips close to mine preparing to give me a breath. This was my last chance I thought. I had to make a break for it. As she moved her lips close to mine, I tried to wiggle out from beneath her weight and get up. Just as I moved, she shifted her weight over me effectively grabbing my shoulders and pinning me to the floor as she forced her face on to mine. The force of her weight slammed me into the floor. The jolt was the final straw. I felt my bladder muscles quiver and then relax, starting the flood on its way to my jeans. My eyes were wide with fear as I felt the torrent make its way to my underwear in a flash. My hands grasped at my crotch in one last effort to stem the impending torrent, but it was too late. Tears welled in my eyes as the hot urine raced into my crotch soaking my underwear. I froze, motionless now with my hands over my penis trying to hide the accident that was unfolding in my tight jeans. The liquid quickly saturated my underwear and poured into my jeans with a deafening hiss. I felt the warmth explode across my crotch and beneath my hands covering my jeans.
“Oh my God!”
“He’s wetting his pants!”
I could hear Melissa gasp as the urine filled my pants and spilled onto the floor beneath me. She and her friends stared intently at the dark patch on my jeans as it slowly spread and made its way across my crotch and down the legs of my pants. My jeans glistened as the flood poured unmercifully into my jeans as Mrs. Hauser pinned my shoulders to the floor. She pulled her lips from mine in time to watch the urine racing into my previously light colored jeans. My pants were soaked to the waist now as laughter filled the room. I could feel the hot liquid shooting between my legs and pooling around my butt on the floor. The stench was overwhelming now as the yellow liquid spread out beneath me on the floor soiling my jeans. As I lay there on the floor marinating in my soaked pants, the pee continued flowing now unimpeded into my pants. Mrs. Hauser stood over me with her arms crossed watching me wet my pants. After a full 30 seconds of pissing in my pants, my bladder was finally empty. I had pissed so much the urine had fully soaked my jeans to the waist and even half way up my shirt. The puddle spread 2 feet out around me on each side. I lay there crying as Melissa stood there in her skintight jeans shaking her head at me. I knew I could never face her again after I had wet my pants in front of her.
By: River