
By: Robert and May
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Over the past three years May and I have tried out as many variations of watersports as we could find the nerve for. The following represents our joint conclusions so far.
Many pleasures fade with repetition and we soon found that the things we enjoyed on our own no longer held the same satisfaction when we were together. Sitting at the computer with tight wet jeans or a nappy for example led on to masturbation when alone but together we just felt a trifle silly. Now neither of us continues with it.
Bedwetting was at first a great turn on but eventually it became a nuisance so we stopped that. A friendly human body becomes quite warm and damp enough when cuddled without the need to do excess washing each morning. The delicious naughtiness is only experienced when both are in the mood for it. We found that the need to gain each other’s consent made suitable occasions rather rare. Five times in two years including the first one as included in my first account (Tea in Bed) made it our least favorite pursuit but nevertheless most enjoyable on the right day.
‘Hold it’ has been our all time favorite because of the element of competition and the accompanying laughter. Even that has proved to be a declining pleasure unless we find new situations for the game. What we have both learned is that losing is as much fun as winning because of the resulting gentle reassurance given by the winner.
Holding until system failure has not yet left our repertoire. We have discovered that it is much more likely in the privacy of our own place and we decided that this was due to the presence of a toilet so nearby. Once we used to enjoy deliberate wetting as it brought on long and intimate fondling. As we came to know each other more closely there was less need for an excuse and so now we discuss what form of earthly delight we would enjoy and just set to without the need for preliminary stimulation.
Using different types of clothing, particularly plastic pants with their sloppy contents, has been a favorite because it allows us to continue physical intimacy in more public places, a sort of bond.
As mentioned in a previous letter neither of us gets much of a buzz from humiliation so we have confined it to one attempt for the sake of the experience. It happened on the boat one summer. Having chosen an out of the way place we determined that we would play one of our other games until a loser was established and then the winner had to go out on deck and soak their jeans and stay there until a passer–by came along. We both had a turn at it and I can say from my own point of view that it was ghastly. The woman who came walking her dog looked both horrified and terrified as she had no choice but to pass by within 3 feet of me. May’s was no better. She chose to pretend to be sun bathing on the cabin roof in her sodden jeans and had to endure a party of 13–year–old school children walking by.
The great benefit of all these watersports from our point of view lay in the familiarity with our bodies that we gained. We find now that we cannot have secrets from each other and don’t want any. It extends way beyond mere recognition of the need to pee to a sympathy and tenderness for each other in total. It’s hard to have harsh feelings for the person who forgave you for pissing in her eye when you tried to get to the loo in the middle of the night and didn’t make it. Such accidents are a part of life for the dedicated watersportsmen and women who routinely try to go to sleep with a bladder filling up at the rate of a pint an hour. What’s more I feel only sweet amusement when I remember finding my gentle friend in the pitch–dark cabin carefully weeing in the saucepan of stew, which she mistook for our mutual bucket.
Other benefits have been the improvement in our physical well being which we put down to our increased liquid intake. Ordinary mortals drink a cup or a mug with breakfast, another at mid–morning, and a third at midday. In the afternoon and evening two more with a possible two more besides if they are average drinkers. At 300ml per mug that makes a normal maximum of 2100ml or 3 and a half pints, using cups it would be nearer 1500ml. Hospitals recommend from 2 –5 liters of water a day as well as occasional stimulants. May and I find that even on non–sporting days we feel comfortable above 3000ml. As the years have gone on we find we prefer to drink water. One interesting spin–off is the reduction in milk consumption and the reduction in the incidence of headaches. Almost complete removal of coffee from the diet we believe has resulted in a much fresher feeling, as if we got the boost from the coffee by not drinking it.
May’s reading of books on female health suggests that exercise for the pelvic floor as provided by our holding games has done her a power of good. Those men unfortunate enough to have needed prostate surgery will be aware of the pressing desire to pee which only yields a thimble full. If they had played holding games they would have developed those muscles, which allow you to fight the urge at least for an hour or two.
I’ve buried this next comment deep in the text because it relates to matters illegal. Using cannabis puts off the feelings of needing to pee quite considerably and indeed inhibits the ability in me to pee freely. May tells me that it is recommended for those afflicted with incontinence associated with MS. Perhaps ‘Squirm’ could confirm this. The other illegal matter concerns under age sex. We both remember incidents in our childhood when the youthful desire to experiment were more than adequately satisfied by a wet session. Far more children take pleasure in their bodily functions either alone or in concert than is reported. The number of AB postings confirms that many of us continue to hanker after such things that we were forbidden at the time.
The forbidden nature of watersports is frequently mentioned in dispatches as being one of its delights. Why we should enjoy going against the rules of society is a mystery to both of us. One suggestion we offer is that we don’t see the harm in it, another is that maybe all people need to rebel a little to establish their identity. Surely there can be few rebellions as inoffensive as an occasional damp day out.
We join in objecting to making other people take part in our pleasures against their will and so would make a plea that others keep their games to places where the atmosphere is liberal. We’re also agreed that we don’t like sadism because it takes away the person’s independence.
It may be that May and I are oddities. Yes indeed I hear you say. What with easily available contraception it seems that sexual activity has become a goal that so many achieve and lose the extraordinary depth of feeling that accompanies it after very few experiences. We can’t claim that our exploits have been non–sexual or that they have not led on to copulation from time to time but we are convinced that by reducing the frequency we have increased the depth. As a substitute we find that watersports of all varieties are both much longer lasting and surprisingly almost as intense as intercourse.
All sexual activity seems to thrive on variety and the range available in the watersport arena means that it can continue long after the 101 positions of the Kama Sutra are exhausted. One game not mentioned before was based on something I read in a book on eastern sexual practices where the participants sat facing each other and without physical contact endeavored to bring each other to a climax. We drank 3 or 4 mugs of water then sat facing each other in the minimum of clothing and by telling jokes or by any other non–contact means tried to get the other to loose control. If either of us had to hold ourselves with a hand there was a penalty of another mug of water. I would never have expected such a game to be over in less than an hour but it usually has been, particularly when played cross–legged on the floor.
Laughter has been the abiding feature of our games because it is laughing with each other and not at each other. Anyone who knows what those last few minutes before final loss of control are like will appreciate that the ‘suffering’ is not really a pain in the body but an admission that you cannot defeat the mechanism by force of will despite what they say about some more exotic forms of Tibetan Buddhism. It is this that makes the excruciating tickle so amusing. A word of warning: Too much holding on leads to a false sense of security. Saying to yourself ‘I’ve felt much more desperate than this in the past, I can manage another hour or so, just doesn’t ‘hold water’. One of our experiments tried to compare level of desperation with quantity eventually expelled and there was hardly any correlation. May’s famous ‘I’ve never felt so desperate’ that produced 650ml was confounded by her next morning production of 800ml when she had easily held off for an hour after waking up. My own record is even less impressive having given in on a ‘hold it’ only to produce 350, yet before the flood I casually produced 750 only because we were going out on a non–wet escapade. We both find that an all night hold followed by a long journey can bring capacities close to liter by 11 in the morning.
Still on the topic of desperation… I went to visit May at her parent’s house recently and they were amused by my insistence on drinking water. So just before it was time to leave her dad offered me ‘one for the road’. It’s a two–hour journey and an extra pint didn’t seem too bad. Within an hour there was trouble. It started snowing and all the traffic slowed down and I wanted to pee. Nowhere to stop on the road and I was gripping the wheel flexing my toes and every other muscle was taut.
Half an hour from home and the only chance seemed to be soaking the car seat. The battle was continuous, rubbing myself, madly trying to find things to distract me. May calling on the mobile to ask how I coped with the journey almost finished the process because it happened at the exact same spot where she had been forced to use the potty on a previous expedition. One mile to go and the desire went off completely! How do you account for that? Pesky body.
A word or two about capacities… For me 700ml is a great deal when its part of a wet weekend and we’re playing games. However on the odd occasion when driving long distances without a break and having no thought of bladder capacity I’m convinced I’ve produced much more, so what is the capacity of a bladder? May notes that on non–holding days she gets a warning at about 350ml (so do I) but if we’re playing silly games the warning may arrive as soon as 200ml but if its ignored and there has been serious input then play can continue till 600 or more is reached. One or more watersports postings note that you can always hold on a little longer if you have to and on those occasions it is often very hot when released, or it seems so.
Once the morning pee is over, quite concentrated, there follows a long time when you can keep on filling up with no anxious moments. At times we have put away 1800ml (6 mugs) in 4 hours without difficulty. After that the body stops absorbing more liquid and it starts running out. By late afternoon on a ‘wet’ day we are letting out almost as much per hour as we put in. The interval between leaks also reduces even when playing ‘hold it’. Taking 300ml per hour and it’s not hard to go from 8 am to 1 pm but by 1.30 neither of us is comfortable and by 2 we are squeaking. It would be interesting to know if other people have similar times and quantities.
Then there is the matter of opportunity. I live in the country and have done for most of my life so there has hardly ever been a time when I was forced to hold it because of the press of people. That means I have practiced only for pleasure. You can piss over the side of a boat almost at will and there is only a passing duck to care, tractor wheels don’t mind, and hedges are notoriously liberal. May’s life has been more urban and she tells me that one of her unconscious tasks is to mentally reconnoiter toilet possibilities each day. I couldn’t tell you when I last emptied but she says its something she has clearly in her mind so she knows whether a desire to pee is just a first warning or a matter of vital importance.
Talking to others outside the watersport community I find that some pee at regular times of day regardless of need. I also find that the majority of people get up in the night at least once and some pee every two hours day and night. I’ve also found that water diets are very widely undertaken especially by women in my age group. (45–55)
I’ve mentioned coffee in these missives more than once because I once worked on a boat where the skipper peed within 20 minutes of every cup of coffee. Lots of desperation stories mention coffee as a preamble to a peeing incident and I don’t know if this is because they habitually drink coffee as beverage of choice or because of its well–known diuretic properties. I would hazard a guess that 2 pints of coffee is much harder to hold than the same amount of water.
In May’s reading about health matters she has discovered that we have a lymphatic system, which takes up quite a bit of our liquid input so it would seem that it’s not just a matter of passing it through the digestive tract and filling the bladder via the kidneys. She also found out that there is an interchange of liquid to the lower bowel, which influences the consistency of the turd.
Those who have read the stories about Lloyd and his cycling memoirs will have noted his theory that the body can be thought of as a bag of liquid that needs to be kept topped up, particularly when using a lot of energy and sweating. Most of us will have noticed that on a hot day we may not pee at all under normal intake levels. A clammy T–shirt probably exudes as much liquid as a good pee every two hours so perhaps those who are best at long holdings can sweat better than the rest of us. May and me are going to try a ‘hold it’ when wrapped up in lots of warm clothing to see if it improves our times because we are conscious that we come nowhere near the times and quantities recorded in the postings on your site. Perhaps artistic license comes into it.
Piers was the first person I met after childhood who admitted to enjoying the tremors of a good long pee after a long hold. We spent all evening drinking with friends and whilst I let it out whenever the need arose he hung on until we had walked a couple of miles home. A rough calculation says that he held a good 4 pints taken between 7:30 and 10pm. May thinks that’s not possible but I’ve seen keen beer drinkers polish off three pints in half an hour and then take another slowly before going for a squirt an hour after starting and that’s without any element of competition.
We conclude that a body needs a certain amount to satisfy its various parts after which it allows the liquid to pass through without much interruption so that later drinks go through much quicker.
Robert and May