10th In Line

By: Sparky
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

“Definitely, we’ll be there!” says Mandy as she hangs up the phone, and smiles. “Hey Nick! Were going to a party tonight!” She stands up, from sitting on the edge of the bed, and walks over to the bathroom, Nick is running water, washing his razor blade as he stands there looking in the mirror half shaven, using the mirror he looks over.
“Who’s having the party?” He asks.
“Oh Trev, apparently it’s HUGE, everyone will be there!” Nick rolls his eyes, and smiles.
“Alrighty, what time?”
“Well, we could go early I thought, We could have a few drinks here before we go too, I wanted to drink that Chambord, I would take it but I don’t want those assholes to get their hands on it, so we’ll start drinking here, and be there like… 6ish?” Mandy explains.
“Okay sure, sounds awesome. I finish work at 4. What you got planned today?” Nick asks Mandy as he taps his razor on the side of the sink.
“I might go shopping, I want a new pair of jeans for tonight.” and with that she stands up and walks downstairs “Meet me downstairs for breakfast!”
The morning crawls by, and Nick finally leaves for work, Mandy showers, puts on some makeup, and heads to the Mall.
She finds a perfect pair of jeans, tight, hugging her ass quite well. She was 5’8, beautiful blonde hair, a killer smile, big beautiful blue eyes, and weighing in at about 120 pounds. This girl made clothes look good! All the right curves!
Nick called on his first break as he usually did, “Just calling in to see how my baby is doing!”
“Your baby is doing fine! How is work?”
“Really crappy today to be honest, I’m glad its the weekend, I really need to go out and get drunk tonight.”
“Yeah me too! I can’t wait till tonight!” They continue to talk about small things, what they should do at lunch when he calls. Nick liked to call Mandy every chance he got. They were very much in love, had been together over 3 years, and had been engaged for some time. Nick worked as a lighting assistant for Warner Brothers, on big feature films. Mandy worked as a makeup artist, and only had to work a few days a week. Later that day, as Nick was on the way home, he pulls by Ralph’s and picks up another bottle of Chambord for Mandy, he wants to get her completely wrecked tonight! Drinking with her is always fun, she holds her liquor better than any guy or girl he knows, and she rarely is sick or anything else.
“Hey sugar, I’m on the way home, are you home yet?” Nick asks as he is driving down the freeway.
“Yea babe, got home like 20 minutes ago, I’m starting to get ready. I can’t decide what to wear!”
“What did you get today at the Mall?”
“Well, firstly these really nice sorta dark jeans, they are really tight, and make my ass look awesome!” she giggles.
“Cool! Did you pick up anything else?”
“Yeah actually, um baby I bought these really sexy black panties, they are white, and lacy, very see–through, but sooo comfortable!” she describes as she is doing her makeup completely naked sitting in front of her huge sliding door wardrobe mirrors.
“Oh hot! I’ll be home in about 10 minutes babe. See you soon! Love you! Miss you!”
“Kay baby, Miss you too. Love you. MWAH!” she kisses the phone. She brushes back her hair puts the phone down and tries to imagine what will unfold tonight at Trevor’s party. Trev has a lot of parties, they tend to be completely out of control, they always have too much drink, too many people, not enough space, and generally the cops get involved, but that’s half the reason people go! Who wants a boring party?
Mandy was thinking if there was time to quickly get drunk and a little naughty with Nick before they went, and just as she pictures it in her head, Nick walks in.
“Hey! I got ya something!”
She stands up, still naked and runs over to him, wrapping her arms around him. “Missed you!” she says with a huge smile on her face.
“You look great, babe,” Nick says, checking out Mandy as if he had never seen her naked before.
“I know, don’t you want it?” She turns away and bends herself over, Nick’s eyes widen, and then he spanks her ass and giggles.
“Well!” Nick says, as he stands there in awe of her beautiful ass and long sexy legs, and the everlasting image of his beautiful fianc’ bent over in front of him, tight pussy clearly in view. His blood is pumping!
Mandy walks over to the bed, and quickly pulls on her new panties. Nick puts down the drink and pulls out the glasses from the mini bar; he starts to pour the drinks.
“Hey ain’t ya gonna say something?” Mandy says as she stands there hands on her hip, posing behind Nick, wearing nothing but her new white panties. Nick turns around quickly.
“Oh God!”
Mandy giggles.
“I love them!” Nick says staring endlessly at her crotch.
“All right, lets have some drink!” says Mandy as she jumps over to the mini bar.
Thoughts begin running through Nicks head, he pictured Mandy desperate for a pee all of a sudden, just a glimpse, an image of something he’s never actually seen in all the time he’s known her, she’s always had amazing bladder control, all the times that they’ve done anything involving pee it has been deliberate, but accidents are the thing that really get Nick’s blood pumping. So he smiles to himself as an image of Mandy’s new wet panties and jeans pops into his head. So he pours the drinks.
About an hour and a half passes, Mandy is fully dressed and they are on the floor of the studio with the TV on, and some music, and a bottle, they’re playing spin the bottle! The two bottles of Chambord are empty, 6 bottles of beer, and half a bottle of Vodka. Mandy doesn’t even show any signs of drinking, it’s a good thing Trevor’s is within walking distance, because neither of them are fit to drive.
Nick feeling the urge to pee already; gets up and goes to the bathroom. Mandy follows, in her state, she’s quite aroused to watch Nick pee, but she wants him to hold it, she likes desperation games too. “Aright, I’ll hold it babe, you get to tell me when I can go.”
“Okay!” She says with a very sly grin on her face.
Nick hasn’t wet himself in years, and he wont tonight, she knows this, but its the desperation that makes her hot, makes her a little wet, and makes her want him so bad she cant stop herself. The thoughts remind Mandy of the time at Knott’s Berry farm last Halloween, when he held it for her on purpose. He didn’t have an accident because he was far too aroused just by watching, and she forced him into the women’s bathroom into the disabled stall, sat him down, straddled him, and then fucked him. She was kinda hoping to have that happen at the party, that’s what she was thinking, she knows she’ll get what she wants, but there’s nothing like a little wait to make it so much better. The thoughts get her a little wet, just enough to feel it in her panties. She moves in on Nick and starts to kiss him. Nick kisses back, pulling her close, Mandy starts to pepper his neck with kisses, all around his neck and chin and lips, with that she puts Nicks hand, on her breast, he knows what she wants. So he instantly presses his palm flat against her stomach, Mandy freezes for a second, and leans on his shoulder, knowing where his hand was going. His hand forces her elastic of her new panties out of the way, his fingers gently pass the soft bulge around her clit, and finally meets a little patch of wetness, some still clinging to her panties, but most of it dripping slowly from her soft vagina. “Mmm honey, you been thinking bad things huh?” Nick whispers.
“Always Nick” she raises herself onto his palm forcing it into her pussy, grinding against her clit he starts to rub, he’s drawing circles slowly around her clit, she starts to breathe heavy, she loves the feeling. Wetness begins to drip gently out of her vagina, into the soft cotton of her panties, and then Nicks finger slides past and stimulates her tight vagina entrance. He walks over to the wall, pushing her against it. Wanting her so bad right now, he almost lifts her up he puts so much pressure on her wet crotch. So she whimpers more, getting wetter by the second, Nick knows exactly where to rub Mandy, exactly where his fingers need to go, and what they need to do to take her there, over and over, but he loves to tease more than anything. He wasn’t gonna let her have a proper orgasm yet, not till later, but he was gonna tease her all night long, let the tension throughout the party build more and more.
A few minutes later, Nick finds his mark, and a large surge of wetness ends up in Mandy’s panties, she moans loudly, “Nick…” she whispers. Nick groans quietly, and grinds the lump in his jeans against her thighs, rubbing denim against denim. The feeling of his hard cock pressed against her thigh makes her bury her head into his shoulder, she wants more. So Nick gives it to her… Until again she moans, and her vagina unloads a surge of warm wetness onto Nick’s hands, spreading all over her panties, and just like that, the phone rings. Mandy moans “noooo, don’t answer itttt!”
“Babe, we got all night.” Nick says, and goes to answer the phone.
“Yo Trev… What’s up?” Nick says… Mandy slides to the floor, loving the wetness in her panties, she knows she’ll get what she wants later, she knows what Nick is planning– she can sense it. So she’s not unhappy, she’s glad.
“Al right, sure dude, We’ll come over now if ya want.” he says as Mandy sits there, smiling at Nick, thinking of what’s going to happen later.
“All right, Later Trevor.” Nick hangs up the phone.
“What’s up?” asks Mandy.
“We’re gonna go over now, he asked if he could have some help with setting up the band equipment and so–on, so I said I would, you don’t have to, but you can come with me.”
“Alright, let me get my shoes and purse.”
With that they grab what they need and head over to Trevor’s. Only about a block away, when they arrive, there are people going in and out, it’s chaos– band equipment, kegs of beer, people, and friends.
“Yo Nick! What’s up!!” Says Trevor as he walks out.
“Not much buddy, good to see ya.” They give each other a quick man hug and then Mandy and Trev hug.
“Hey, hey Trev,” says Mandy as she hugs him.
“Ok, guys, lets get you some drinks, then I might need a hand with the Amps, we have ALOT. The neighbors are gonna be so pissed! But having said that, they are all invited so lets hope no–one calls the cops this time!” Trev jokes and laughs. They all go inside, Trev pours three shots of vodka, and they knock them back, Mandy sees one of her friends, Shania, so she walks over to her and starts talking, Nick and Trev then start bringing in the equipment.
About 30 minutes later, everything is set up, and Nick and Mandy are walking around with a drink in their hand, talking to the early–comers. The band is doing a sound check, they start to play a few little tunes since their performance wasn’t until later, so they go ahead and hook up the MP3, and the CD Auto changer to the Amp, and start blasting away some music.
People start arriving, friends, strangers, neighbors, all come, so many cars are parked in the street. So many people, there must be over 100 there already. Each room is packed!
The night goes on, Nick and Mandy, find each other on the dance floor, and start dirty–dancing in their drunken state, as she’s dancing, she feels the pressure of needing to pee appear, but not to worry, its not even slightly urgent, she can wait ages, she probably won’t even go till they get home later. The night goes on, talking, dancing, Karaoke, drinking games, shots, the works, people fighting, arguing, and of course– the never ending line to the bathrooms. It was about 12:30am, and Mandy was really starting to feel the need to pee, she didn’t think it was so vital to wait, so she thought that she’d go to the bathroom. On the way her friend Macy pulls her arm.
MANDY! Oh my god! Were playing Strip Truth or dare!”
The thought of getting naked, and drunk, and hearing everyone spill their embarrassing stories sounded like a fun idea to Mandy, so she goes and sits down. Throwing back shot after shot, she never forfeited, she was always up for a dare, and she had nothing to hide, so she kept her clothes on, though everyone when it was their turn, had to take a shot, despite the dare. Mandy’s first dare was to down a whole pitcher of beer. She could do it– she knew she could! So she did, and got a satisfying cheer from everyone around. Nick walks over. “Room for me, homies?”
“Of course babe, pull up a … um pillow.” She was drunk, and Nick was too. “Tonight is gonna be a long night!” Nick says.
“OK your turn,” shouts one of Mandy’s friends.”
Nick had to take off his shirt; he sits there now topless.
He was asked a truth he didn’t want to answer! He was asked what turned him on the most, and he wasn’t about to do what he thought would embarrass himself by telling them he loved to watch girls pee themselves! Considering the line to the bathroom was long, Nick was always glancing over there, just to see if he could see any girls having an accident, but to his disappointment there was nothing tonight! Absolutely nothing! Not even a little squirming! The game lasted forever, and an hour passed in what seemed the blink of an eye. Mandy was really desperate to pee by this point, and was grinding her thighs together, This motion always got her really sexually excited, as she loved the pressure of needing a pee, she was definitely into desperation games. She waited a little longer, she couldn’t leave, she was listening to one guy tell them all about the time that he fell off the half–pipe when BMX’ing and ripped open his ball sack, far too entertaining to leave. Though the pressure was really there; there was no wetness yet, other than the juices created by her aroused state. Nick was still topless; he noticed she was desperate, and smiled at her. She smiled back and threw a little wink his way. 15 Minutes later and Mandy really had to go, there was no way she was going to wait, her wriggling around was almost being noticed so she stood up and said, “Got to go pee! Continue without me!” Nick sits there, and watches her run over to the line, to his surprise instead of just joining the line, she runs to the front, and knocks on the door, asking what’s taking the person so long. She was trying to hide her desperation, and he was thinking to himself, why? Is it because she didn’t think she was going to make it? Nah, she’s never peed herself, since she was like 6 years old; he repeats to himself in his head. Then he grins and pictures the times that she deliberately wet herself for his pleasure, night after night, for the last 2 years. He tries to ignore her, but she lets out a fed up sigh and joins the end of the line, about 30 people long. None of them seemed that desperate, except for Mandy, who was grinding her thighs together. Watching her desperate got him really aroused very fast. He couldn’t concentrate on playing, and had to lean over to cover up the huge lump in his pants. He couldn’t take his eyes off of Mandy who was bobbing back and forth a little in the still very long line. Mandy was wearing a white tank top, blue tight jeans, and black strappy heels– underneath she was wearing a white bra and those new white panties. Her clit was very sensitive, loving the feeling of the cotton caressing her, as she ground her thighs together in desperation. The pressure was great, too great, but she knew she’d be okay– she never wets herself. But still she knew the desperation was growing. About 15 minutes passed. What was taking so long? The line hadn’t shortened by even one person. She asked down the line “What’s taking so long?” Someone turned around, “Some fatty has the squirts,” he said laughing.
She cringes, trying to hide the fact she needed to pee was impossible, she was still about 20th in line, and she looks in front and behind her, no–one was really paying attention to her desperation, and then she saw Nick, she smiles at him, he smiles back. Then her concentration goes straight back to her bladder, as a short sharp bolt of pain shoots through her, she really has to pee, all that drink and not going to the bathroom once, was really not the best idea, and she was really drunk too, so keeping her balance was taking her concentration too. Dancing from one foot to another, her arms folded, slowly bobbing up and down, she says, “Come onnn.” Then the guy behind her notices how desperate she is, and laughs to himself. She gives him an evil look then goes back to holding her pee. She didn’t want to have to hold her crotch but it was getting so bad, and the thought of attracting attention, as she was getting more and more desperate wasn’t something she wanted to do. But she did start dancing pretty fast. The pressure was really growing intensely with every passing minute. Wow, I’m really struggling, she thought to herself. Thoughts of not making it start entering her head, she was only 11 people behind the front of the line, it shouldn’t be long now she thought, and as she looked back, she saw a good 30 people behind her too. She looked outside, thinking she could go outside, but the back yard was full of people, no little hide away spots to pee quietly, and not only that but she was afraid if she moved too much she would lose control.
The pressure really was becoming too much. She felt this overwhelming urge suddenly come over her, and she fights it with all her strength, she’s ok again then, she has control, for now. She had made it up to 10th in line now, although in a dire situation, so she was looking around, she really didn’t think she could make it. If she moved she would bring attention to herself, so she stood in line, and just tried to hold on, her thighs grinding really hard and fast, her clit red and very sensitive; she was no longer aroused because she really thought she was going to have an accident. Little did she know Nick was watching, he sat on a chair nearby, pretending to text message someone on his phone but the truth was that he was taking pictures of desperate Mandy. She wasn’t paying much attention and she didn’t notice him at all. So she stands there, dancing, in her head repeating, “It’s ok, it’s ok, it’s ok!” She really knew she wasn’t going to make it, but she was really going to try. Then the person in the bathroom turned on the sink tap full blast to wash their hands. The sound of the running water aggravated Mandy’s situation, she thinks to herself, “Fuck you, Oh my God!” Then another surge, a gradual build up, lasting 10 seconds, peaked, that was it, she could feel it, pee coming down her pee hole, about to leave and enter her panties. She holds her breath and fights as hard as she can, it dribbles out like the last drops of water from a bottle, it seemed to last about a second or two, steady and gentle peeing. Still dancing, she was trying to hold on, and then her dancing came to a stop– whether she liked it or not, she was peeing herself. Instantly the guy behind her starts sniggering, She stands there, motionless, trying not to draw any attention to herself. Her pee was still dribbling out, it had only been 3 seconds now roughly but it seemed like forever, she really couldn’t fight it any longer, and within less than a second, that little dribble turned into a steady hard long stream. The crotch of her panties already soaked, a wet patch instantly appears on the crotch of her jeans, then the wet darkness spikes off down the contours of her jeans to the left and right of her crotch, it instantly starts pouring down the inside of her legs. The warm wet and sudden gush forces a whimper out of her that causes the guy behind her to really watch and notice what was going on.
The hot piss runs along her asscrack, soaking her panties completely, forcing its way around every little contour of her jeans, it pours down the back of her legs and down the front of her legs; the sound of a small hiss can somehow be heard over the loud music but thankfully, only to Mandy. Nick was watching, he was staring, he couldn’t believe it, and his heart was racing out of control. He had to have her, Right now. But he waited, and watched as she had her accident. She stood there, only about 10 seconds had passed since she started to piss herself. She really loved the feeling, it was arousing, but she was really embarrassed, but no one had noticed yet, except the guy behind her, but now he starts bursting out laughing loudly, and everyone turns around. Huge wet trails run down her inner legs, spreading as every second passed, torrents of dripping hot piss drips from the flare of her jeans, and onto the tiled floor into a puddle. She turns bright red– everyone is looking. Everyone is watching her piss herself like a little girl; she’d never been so embarrassed in her life. She tried to shrug it off, as if she wasn’t pissing herself for a second, but she knew she couldn’t hide the massive mess she was making. By this point, her jeans were pretty much completely wet, glistening, and dripping all over. Her piss was clinging to her ankles and heels and dripping from the hem of her pants. She was trying to be discreet about it, and not really forcing it out but letting it gently drip out, but now there really wasn’t any point. Everyone started laughing and she looked really upset. She shouted, “Yeah, well FUCK ALL OF YOU!” Nick stands up, runs over, and takes her hand. She looks up at him; she looks so hurt, she’s about to cry, so Nick takes her hand, and says, “Come with me!”
“But I’m not done,” she looks down and says. She had been pissing for about 30 seconds now but was far from done and her bladder wasn’t even half empty, but she couldn’t tell.
Everyone keeps laughing and someone in the line announces it to the whole party “Mandy is pissing her pants!” Nick pulls her arm and forces her to walk around the corner while she was still pissing– leaving a trail of puddles all the way into the laundry room. Nick closes the door and props a chair against it to stop anyone from getting in– luckily the room was empty. She is still pissing, and now noticeably crying, he wipes away her tears and just watches. “Get it over with hun,” he whispers.
She let out a tiny grunt, and looks down at the torrent that is splashing everywhere and dripping from every part of her completely drenched jeans. The only dry parts of her jeans were the strips on both outside parts of her legs. She stands there, breathing heavy at the feeling of the force of her piss squirting out of her pee–hole and soaking her clit and pussy. She really was enjoying it now, feeling the warm wetness run down her legs. For about 20 seconds she just stands there, looking down at herself, letting it all out as hard as she could. Then she looks up slightly, to see the huge erection hiding in Nick’s black jeans. Oh wow, she thought, she hadn’t even thought of what effect it would have on Nick, but it was all good! She smiles, and looks up at him. “You love it don’t you?”
“Of course, not as much as I love you, though.”
With that, he leans in and just starts to kiss her passionately, running his hands all over her chest, and shortly venturing down to her glistening crotch. She wasn’t quite done and was just letting the last of it out, but the feeling of Nick’s hand pressing against her crotch was really amazing, her clit was very sensitive. They both breathe heavy; they know what’s about to happen. Nick promptly slides his hands down her pants, as he undoes the button, he rubs her clit as the last drops of piss leave her, she moans as she forces the last drops out onto Nick’s soaking hand. Suddenly she goes back to the thoughts of arousal she had when she didn’t think she was going to lose control, and with that, she couldn’t take it, she had to have Nick inside her right now.
So she whispers clearly, “Fuck me Nick.” Her soaking pants (with a bit of effort) land in the puddle of her warm piss on the floor, but she keeps her heels on. Every inch of her from the waist down is sparkling with drops of her piss and her pussy is completely soaking. She undoes Nick’s zipper and instantly, his huge cock pops out and he lets out a deep breath. As she does this he moves in on her, she widens her pussy lips with her fingers, “Don’t tease me now babe, just make me scream,” she whispers amongst her moans. With that Nick looks down and sees her gorgeous pussy, glistening with piss and dripping with her pussy juice as she leans against the counter–top, her legs spread standing in a puddle of piss, soaked from the waist down. With that he lifts her up, and props her on the counter, just the right height, and then in an instant he enters her. Her clit hadn’t been so sensitive in so long, this felt so good. She grabbed on tight and just enjoyed the ride. He brings her to the edge in only a matter of minutes, and keeps her there, until she digs her nails into his back, and screams, then she lets go, and is sent into a long hard, body–felt overwhelming orgasm, she loses her breath, and whimpers. This really was worth the wait; this really was the best party she had ever been to. Maybe this won’t be the first time she joins a long line, maybe next time she’ll join the line on purpose, anything and everything that felt this good was worth it.
By: Sparky