Sweet T

2 stories

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My Trip to Indiana
By: Sweet T (31 Oct 2004, Sunday)

It's a long–assed way from the nation's armpit to its belly button. We were driving all the way from home (NE, US) to southern Indiana, where we planned to ride our bikes (along with 250 other bike nuts) hundreds of miles through the hill country. We decided to split the drive into 2 days and play along the way. Early on the morning of day 2 we stopped in Wal–Mart to pick up another camp chair so there would be someplace to sit at the end of the day...just in case. After we found the perfect chair, and restocked the cooler with water and soft drinks, I started for the checkout line. But OSO headed me off, herding me instead to the pharmacy section. He'd never been in this town before in his life, but he…

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Going Home
By: Sweet T (31 Oct 2004, Sunday)

Remember my trip out to Indiana? Well, it takes just as long to drive back home again. After we got off the bikes we decided to stay the night in town, getting up early the next morning to start the drive home, though we were still gonna split the drive into 2 days. We were in no rush to return to the real world. We were much more interested in playing. We're good at that. So the next morning we hit the road. First stop – breakfast. We'd ridden our bikes over hundreds of miles of hills and eaten our way across an entire state and back again... but we were hungry. We pull into a Cracker Barrel (shoving aside several cars in an effort to find a parking place) and I headed for the door. Mind you, it's early…

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