
1 stories

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Good Idea (Part 1)
By: Swordfish (31 Mar 2007, Saturday)

Good Idea (Part 1) It was a hot day, hot even for the south of Spain, and the three girls were all feeling the heat. The three girls in question are Courtney – a brunette of around 5'8", Hannah – a blonde with an inch of height on Courtney, and Tiffany – another darker brunette of around 5'6". All three girls were slim and fairly lightly built. The three girls had gone to secondary school together, and having just finished sixth form, were enjoying their summer before they went away to university. They started with a trip to Spain – they were to spend several weeks in the country, joining various tour groups and being shown the sights. On this particularly hot day, the girls were being shown around a museum.…

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