Tempest Orion

1 stories

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Passing the Test
By: Tempest Orion (28 Feb 2011, Monday)

"Are you ready for the exam?" I asked my best friend Lacey as we trudged down the dim hallway to Math class. She and I studied all week, but neither of us was good with numbers unless we were shopping at the mall. "I don't know, Kristie. I guess." She replied half–heartedly as she held the door to our room for me. We took our usual seats in the very back of the classroom and settled in. Lacey set a large bottle of water on her desk, a remedy I recommended to her for the nail biting she always did during a big test. We said little to each other, and when class began our collective focus was set solely on passing this exam. It was the last class in our last year of college, and the only thing keeping us from our…

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