The Golden Alchemist

1 stories

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Jenny's Job at the Ski Rental - Part 1
By: The Golden Alchemist (30 Jun 2007, Saturday)

The warm morning breeze played through Jenny's chestnut colored hair as she rode her bicycle down the beach boardwalk and then off to the side trail that led down to the river and marina next to the seashore. It was Jenny's first day on the job at the Jet Ski rental booth and she was excited to be back in her hometown for the summer. The beach town was always an awesome place to be when the weather was warm and the boardwalk and surrounding shops were pulsating with activity all day and most of the night. Restaurants, bars, tattoo parlours, and bikini shops were filled with people here during the summer months and Jenny never missed an opportunity to be a part of it. Jenny had just turned 19 a few weeks…

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