
3 stories

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A Very Busy Girl
By: Valjana (31 Dec 2009, Thursday)

My partner and I have written about a few things that we have done. He writes as JanaVal and he also helps me with my English, which allows me to say exactly what I mean when I write. Although I would consider myself adventurous, wetting myself was not really something that interested me particularly before I met Jana. However, our first episode, which is listed in the stories as 'Splash Back', made me aware of how much Jana enjoyed this. It is quite good fun I guess, in a rebellious way; and doing it always makes Jana more interested in me. I don't have a problem playing his games and it is just another, different kind of intimacy we share. I have done it when I have been on my own too, so that I get caught…

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A Wet Wedding is a Lucky Wedding
By: Valjana (31 Oct 2009, Saturday)

"Sposa bagnata, sposa fortunata" is a proverb from my native Italy. It means a wet wedding is lucky. Italy enjoys a fairly dry Mediterranean climate and rain is seen as a sign of fertility. I was happy to make my friend's wedding lucky. Earlier this year a very good friend of mine, Anya, asked me to be a bridesmaid at her wedding. I was delighted to say yes and very pleased with the dresses she chose. I think this is quite difficult for an English wedding but she has exquisite taste having been in the fashion industry herself. The dress she wanted for me was a faded pink satin, beautifully made and very unfussy. It was very well cut and full enough to benefit from a hooped petticoat underneath. The dress…

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Lying In
By: Valjana (28 Feb 2009, Saturday)

So far, I have been amazing lucky in my life, been to fabulous places and met fantastic people. My parents are quite wealthy and live near Milan. I always wanted to do ballet but grew too tall, and ended up making connections in fashion and modelling. So I travelled widely but my parents insisted that I get a good education as well. By age 18 I was living mostly in a house in London run by chaperones who made sure that we were looked after and always ready to run off to shows and shoots. It was here that I had an unusual experience. I was doing a shoot somewhere in the country and as the afternoon wore on. I really began to need the toilet. However, I was in and out of outfits, working quickly as the light…

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