Von Lewis

1 stories

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A Servant Girl's Desperation
By: Von Lewis (31 Aug 2010, Tuesday)

The castle's banquet hall was filled with assorted guests the lord had invited, all feasting and being merry. Felicia, a new servant girl of the castle, finished gulping down the contents of a tankard of ale. She shifted uncomfortably on the mahogany bench. Already the effects of the two previous tankards began to hit her bladder, and she knew that she'd have to pee soon. Looking around the hall, she noticed a number of other servant girls also looking rather uncomfortable. For reasons she didn't know, the castle's lord always made sure his female servants drank a lot during feasts. Perhaps it was some odd kink he had, she didn't know. Across the table one servant girl's face was scrunched up in agony, her…

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