The Gang

By: Watcher
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Tassja knew that she would be in trouble with the Gang after reporting them for what she’d seen them doing to some unfortunate younger girl. The Gang… everybody in school knew about the Gang, even the teachers, although there wasn’t much they could do about them. Once or twice members of the Gang were hauled before the headmistress, but it didn’t make any difference. The Gang was the ultimate bad girls, into everything that was forbidden, sleazy, or preferably both, and with a complete disregard for authority.
Tassja normally kept well clear, but this time she’d seen them basically torturing their victim, and her conscience hadn’t let her rest, though she knew it was a bad move to annoy them. For the next couple of days, she was wary, but nothing seemed to happen – she made sure she was mostly in a group of others. It was on the third day that the Gang caught her. She’d come in from lunchtime break a few minutes early to go to the toilet before the afternoon’s lessons. She walked into the toilets without thinking, and came face to face with the Gang – she tried to turn round and escape, but several of them surrounded her. One produced a pint glass, doubtless “liberated” from a local bar – underage drinking was one thing the Gang was known for – and this was filled with water and handed to her. “Drink.” said the leader economically. Tassja didn’t have much choice, and the glass was soon empty. It was refilled and given back to her. She noticed a couple of the Gang blocking the doorway, so there was no chance of being rescued that way. She drank the second pint of water, and was given a third. Halfway down, she stopped drinking, panting. She belched and then was able to finish it, only to be given a fourth glass. Her stomach was already feeling full. She tried to drink it, got about a third of it down, and her stomach started to heave. She belched explosively, and drank another third of the glass. The bell rang for the beginning of afternoon classes. “Better hurry,” said the leader, “or you’ll be late for class. You wouldn’t want that, a teachers’ pet like you…” Tassja made a major effort and swallowed the last of the water. “Run along now, like a good little girl,” one of the Gang sneered.
Tassja’s stomach was hurting, but she had to go to class. The lessons lasted nearly an hour, and by the time 20 minutes had passed, she was getting desperate to pee. The water seemed to be flooding into her bladder, which was becoming uncomfortably full. Half an hour into the lesson and she was struggling – she wiggled her legs continuously under the table, but the pressure was becoming painful. Reluctantly she put her hand up, feeling more like a first–year than an 18–year–old.
“Yes?” “Erm, please Mrs. Horsfall, may I be excused?” “What? It’s only just after break time!” The teacher seemed to notice her distress, for she added “oh well, I suppose so, if you have to.” Tassja left the room hastily, and ran up the corridor towards the toilets. Part way there, she had to slow to a walk as she felt her control weakening. By the time she reached the toilets, she had to take even shorter steps to avoid losing it altogether. She made it to the toilet with seconds to spare. Back in class, she was OK for the rest of the period.
The next class was further down the same corridor, so no chance to duck into the toilets on the way there, but she didn’t feel much need at the moment.
By the time the lesson was 20 minutes in, she was getting desperate again, and she knew that the teacher was renowned for never allowing people to leave the class. She tried all the tricks she knew, alternately crossing her legs, wiggling them, squirming on the seat, but with still 15 minutes to go she knew she was in trouble. She loosened the waistband of her trousers, trying to allow her bladder more chance to expand, but the relief was short–lived. She put her hand down inside her knickers and began to rub herself in a last effort to stimulate her tiring sphincter. The pain in her bladder was getting worse; she raised her hand, and asked to be excused.
“What? No! There are only ten minutes left until break time, you’re not in primary school now, you can wait.” It was the reply she’d expected, and her bladder seemed to tighten even more. She was rubbing herself continuously now, but her sphincter couldn’t tighten any further. She felt a few drops of pee escape, and trained instinct allowed her to tighten just a fraction more. She sneaked a look at her watch; the time seemed to be flowing like treacle on a cold day. There were only five minutes to go now, but her sphincter felt numb, and she felt a small squirt of pee escape despite her frantic efforts. It was followed by another slightly longer spurt, before she could regain control.
Finally, the bell rang for the end of the lesson. Tassja gasped as she refastened her trousers over her swollen bladder; as she got up she felt another leak, but it didn’t show on the black trousers. She began to walk up the corridor as fast as she could, which wasn’t very fast, but at least she was heading towards the toilet. Suddenly she became aware of the Gang surrounding her; they forced her to a stop. Two of them grabbed her arms, and held them behind her back, forcing her to bend backwards and she felt a further spurt of pee escape. The Gang leader faced her. “You want to watch your mouth. Next time, we won’t play games!” The bigger girl prodded Tassja’s abdomen, to make the point, and the pressure was too much; her tortured bladder let out a 2–second spurt. The Gang’s leader prodded her again; try as she might, Tassja couldn’t hold back an even longer spurt of pee. The leader smiled “I reckon she’s got the message, girls.” The two holding her arms released her suddenly, and pushed her forwards, while another of the gang tripped her. She fell to her knees painfully. She wedged her hands between her thighs, in a frantic effort to contain the flood, but her overstrained sphincter gave way. The pee began to rush out; she tried to stop it, but her sphincter wouldn’t respond. Suddenly, an authoritarian voice came from further along the corridor “Stop hanging around here, go on, move along,” and the Gang melted rapidly away, leaving Tassja kneeling in the corridor in an expanding puddle. She strained for several seconds before she could halt the torrent of pee; then she struggled painfully to her feet, but the effort made it start again. She crossed her legs, clamping her hand between her thighs, but nothing worked, and in the end she gave up trying, tears of humiliation running down her face as the pee poured from her and spread in a large puddle on the floor.
By: Watcher