A Walk Up the Hill

By: Watcher
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

It was several weeks since Kate’s incident with the scan. On several occasions, she’d experimented at home with pee–holding games, drinking several strong cups of coffee and then waiting until she was bursting before allowing herself the luxury of going to the toilet. She found that the feeling of desperation aroused her sexually. On a couple of occasions she’d had minor “accidents,” caused by her younger siblings occupying the bathroom at inconvenient moments, just as she’d decided she couldn’t wait any longer. There was a thrill in the unexpected need to hold on for an additional few minutes, and once she’d started leaking as she had that day of the scan– with spurts of pee had began coming out every few seconds despite all her efforts. On that occasion she’d allowed herself the extra pleasure of peeing her panties, though she’d been careful to lift her skirt out of the way first.
Today was a weekday, but she’d not gone to school – being in Year 12 had its advantages, you could get away with a few absences, and the lessons scheduled for today were for subjects she found easy. Her father was at work as usual, and her mother had gone out for the day to see a friend. This seemed the perfect day for something a bit more daring. Since her humiliation in the hospital she’d felt it would be a challenge to try to hold on in public again. But not somewhere too public, she thought, I don’t want my friends to see me… suddenly, inspiration struck – the path up the mountain. If you walked up the hill from her house, a path went up the hillside and onto the open moorland at the top. It was mostly exposed, nowhere really to hide, but on a midweek day like today it wasn’t likely that many people would be up there.
She’d already had a couple of mugs of coffee that morning, and now she put on some “sensible” shoes and a light jacket, then downed a couple of pints of water and set out. As she walked up the road, she was aware of a mild need to pee already, and the water she’d drunk hadn’t taken effect yet.
Perfect. Suddenly, she heard a voice calling her name. She looked around to see who it was – it was Adam, a friend of the family. He was somewhat older than her, and she’d developed a liking for him that threatened to go beyond ordinary friendship. He worked mostly from home in some computer business, she remembered, so it wasn’t surprising that he was around when other folks were at work.
“Mind if I join you?” he asked, “I’ve been trying to work, but a lovely spring day like this makes it difficult.”
Kate considered briefly. Her plans didn’t involve others, but she didn’t want to seem rude. “OK,” she said noncommittally, “I was just going for a walk.” On second thought, she decided, it added a spice to the proceedings– she’d try to hold on without Adam becoming aware. It’d be more of a challenge, especially when she became desperate.
They walked up the lane, and came to the beginning of the path. By now, Kate was definitely feeling pressure in her bladder, and she had to tighten her muscles hard every time her bladder contracted. They started up the path, it was slippery and she skidded once, and then gasped slightly as the effort to keep her balance put extra strain on her rapidly filling bladder. Adam looked at her, “here, take my hand.” He was wearing some enormously solid walking boots, and didn’t seem to notice the slickness of the mud. Kate took his hand shyly, wondering if he was harboring thoughts about her; he’d always treated her as a child, hitherto – sort of like a favorite niece or a younger sister, she thought, but now her body was rapidly maturing.
Hand in hand, they continued upwards. They came out of the sparse trees, and onto the open moorland. The gradient eased here, and Adam strode forward at an increased pace. Kate tried to keep up, but she found herself struggling to hold on, and she had to slow down.
Adam looked around, “what’s up?”
“Oh, I’m just a bit out of breath,” said Kate.
“What, you? No way! You’re always first to the top of anything!” he retorted. Kate didn’t reply, but she couldn’t risk walking any faster, her bladder was demanding relief now.
Adam watched her. “Something’s wrong with you,” he said.
“It’s nothing,” said Kate, “just… well… I need to pee.” She blushed slightly.
“Is that all?” said Adam with a grin. “You should drink less coffee in the mornings!” If only you knew, thought Kate. He turned to her – “Do you want to go back down?”
“I’ll be OK,” she said, and she seemed to have suppressed the urge for now. They carried up to the top of the hill, and sat on a grassy bank to admire the view. Kate shivered slightly in the breeze.
“You’re cold,” he said, and moved to sit beside her, sheltering her. Kate didn’t reply, at that moment she was fighting a powerful need to pee. She leaned against him and he put his arm around her shoulders. She squirmed slightly, as her bladder threatened to let go – she would have to pee soon, and no mistake. Adam noticed. “Let’s go back down, you look as if you really do need that toilet!”
Kate smiled weakly, “I am getting a bit desperate.”
They walked back to towards the top of the path. Adam had taken her hand again, and once again she wondered if he was thinking of her more as a young woman than as a young girl, but the state of her bladder soon pushed such thoughts from her mind. She was feeling an uncomfortable ache in her midriff, not like the feeling of “normal” desperation, and as they walked along she felt a growing pressure in her bowels. Damn, she thought, that’s all I need now. She made an extra effort and tightened her anus as well. The pressure eased but she felt a renewed, even stronger urge to pee. Unconsciously, she gripped Adam’s hand tightly.
“You OK?” he asked.
“Not really, I’m bursting,” she said. They were back to the trees now, and he said, “Well, why not hide behind one of the trees?”
“I think I can manage to get home,” she said. As she spoke, the wave of pressure in her bladder lessened slightly, but her bowels began to contract instead. She stopped abruptly and strained her sphincter hard. In spite of her efforts a succession of small farts escaped, and she felt herself blushing. The contraction eased, but almost immediately she felt a renewed surge of pressure in her bladder. Forgetting her decision not to be obvious, she pressed herself between her legs and bobbed up and down. Adam looked at her with a strange expression.
“I really think you should go behind one of these trees.”
“I can’t,” Kate said without thinking “cos I’m dying for a poo as well!” She blushed again; she must’ve sounded like a schoolgirl. Adam didn’t seem to notice, though, he just said “do you think you can make it to my house? It’s nearer than yours.”
“I’ll try,” she said, “just give me a moment.” Her bowels and bladder were both straining together and for a frantic moment she was almost out of control. Somehow she found the strength to tighten her hold momentarily, and the desperate urges subsided slightly. “Let’s go,” she said, “before I lose it.”
“I didn’t know you were into this sort of thing,” said Adam.
“What do you mean?” she asked.
“Watersports, holding games, that kind of thing,” he replied.
“What makes you think that?” Kate asked.
“Well,” he replied, “takes one to know one, I guess.”
“You mean you…” she said.
“I’ve been into it for ages,” he replied.
Kate was about to reply, when she felt a renewed surge of pressure in her bowels. She stopped and struggled to hold it. Her bladder was threatening to let go as well. “I don’t…think I can…” she said between gritted teeth. She felt herself balanced on the edge of disaster. Her sphincters were strained to the limit, and she felt the sloshing liquid in her bladder start to move downward. “Oh nooo!” she said, “I’m going to pee my pants!” Her brain was sending panic messages to her sphincters, but she couldn’t hold back any more. A sharp pain hit her bladder and she gave a small squeak. “Oh God, I can’t hold it!” Adam took her by the arm and led her forcibly off the path into the trees. “Help!” she cried, as she felt the poop start to move again. “It’s coming out!!”
“Quick” he said, “get your pants down!”
She fumbled desperately but her swollen tummy made the button tighter than usual, and she felt a 2–second spurt of pee escape. Instinctively she leaned forwards to try and prevent more coming, and as she did so she felt her anus start to give way. She yanked her jeans down to her knees and sat down abruptly on the ground. A flood of pee began to pour into her panties. The pressure of her bottom on the ground blocked her bowels though, and they cramped painfully. Her anus was relaxed, now, but there was no way for the contents of her bowels to escape. Eventually, the flood of pee subsided, but her bowels were still cramping, and she didn’t dare move. After a few seconds, there was a gurgling noise from inside her, and the pressure eased abruptly.
“God, that was close,” she said. “Needing a dump as well wasn’t part of the plan.”
She pulled her shoes and jeans off, and then stood up. Her legs were long and quite shapely, Adam noticed. She blushed once again as she noticed his scrutiny. “Keep a look out for me, please? I want to get these panties off.”
Adam obligingly looked away, making a show of peering down the path. After a few moments, Kate said, “OK, I’m decent now.” He turned back, and she was dressed again – her jeans had avoided the flood, with just a small damp patch in the crotch, hardly noticeable. “Let’s get you back to my house,” he said, “and you can clean up.” He took her hand again, and they went back to the path and carried on downwards.
[To be continued]
By: Watcher