
By: Wiket
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

*** Why Is The Bed Wet?
I met this girl named Kate about a year ago. We were both 25 at the time and we have been dating since. Things were going well for us. But recently Kate began having this problem…
“Kate, Why is the bed wet?” I asked as I woke her up from a sleep.
WHAT?” Kate yelled as she sat right up in bed. “Oh my god! I … I wet the bed!” Kate was sitting in a large puddle in the bed. The sheets were wet enough that you could see liquid being squeezed out of the fabric as she moved. I woke because I felt the wetness seep over to my side of the bed and found my pajamas wet as well. Kate had a sheer panic look on her face and tears were forming in her eyes.
“Shhh … Kate it’s ok, accidents happen.” I reassured her. “It used to happen to me too. Look why don’t you go take a shower and I’ll clean the sheets.”
Kate took off her sleepwear and headed into the shower with her head down looking very embarrassed. I took up the dirty linen to the laundry room and started the wash. I remember the days as a kid when I used to wet the bed. My Mom had placed me in overnight diapers to save the sheets. I contemplated if Kate needed diapers like I did. The thought kinda made me smile. Kate got dressed and I gave her a big hug. “Kate, look I’m not mad, I know what it’s like. I … uh … I used to wet the bed as a child. Relax it’s OK.”
“OK. Thank you so much.” She replied.
The Next Day…
“Oh No!” I heard Kate exclaim as I opened my eyes. “I… It happened again! I’m so sorry!”
I sat up in bed and looked around. The sheets were soaking wet. Kate sat there in the center of a big wet puddle looking at me. She had a small stream of tears going down one side of her face.
“I’m sorry.” She whispered with a quivering voice. She looked so innocent and vulnerable.
“Kate … Please accidents happen. I’m not going to get mad. I just think we should talk about this.” I reassured her. I cleaned up the bed and Kate took off her pajamas and placed them in the laundry. Afterwards I suggested that we stop by a store and pick up some mattress protection. So later that day Kate and I drove to the local department store. Kate was looking really nervous. I felt bad for her.
“Look I’m sure the staff won’t think twice.” I told her as we walked in the door. “This is very common. I used to have worse when I was a kid. It will be OK.” I told her but she still seemed nervous.
We strolled to the sheet and comforters section. I was able to find the vinyl mattress covers and pillowcases. I grabbed a couple and headed off to do more shopping for things around the house.
“See that wasn’t so bad was it?” I asked as we were heading to the checkout lane. Kate was still real nervous. She was almost dancing as she walked. I wondered why she felt so afraid or if there was something else wrong. The lines were all packed and the wait was a fair amount. I noticed a shortcut to the far lane. So I quickly took a detour down the adult incontinence isle. I glanced over at the many products and pondered for a second if I should pick these up as well. This is what my mother bought me when I was younger and wet the bed.
Just then I realized that Kate was not with me. I looked back and there she was stopped dead in her tracks in front of the adult diapers. She was hunched over and had her legs crossed with her hand between her legs. I walked back to her and I could see more tears from her eyes as she looked up at me. I heard a small spurting sound and a small wet spot began forming around her crotch. It turned into a gushing sound that continued like a power washer on fabric. Soon Kate’s jeans were soaked down to her feet and a puddle began forming where she stood. Kate began squirming and moving up and down while she kept her hands between her legs.
I hadn’t realized till now that I was very excited. My penis was swelling as I watched the flow of urine ripple down her legs. It swelled enough that I had to reach in my pants and untangle it from my underwear. I was very hard by now and hoped no one would notice. I wanted to feel how wet she was between her legs.
Kate had soaked her clothes so much that it had even worked its way up toward her jean zipper. I could see the last few drops dripping from her bottom. She looked at me with tears and tried to speak but couldn’t. I took a few steps closer and threw my arms around her giving a good hug. I felt her wetness spreading into my pants.
I whispered into her ear. “It will be OK… I’m right here… I love you.” I felt a bit guilty thinking to myself how cute she looked like a little girl who just had an accident and the fact that I had a raging hard on. I took off my jacket and wrapped it around Kate’s waist. “Look everything will be fine. We’ll get home quickly and watch some cartoons and eat ice cream. That always cheers you up.” Kate gave a slight smile.
As we continued leaving the puddle for some store clerk to find I got an idea. “I know this is a real tough time but I want you to bear with me on this.” I reached to the shelf and grabbed a package of disposable diapers. I tossed it into the cart and head for the checkout line. We only had to wait for one person in front of us. I was excited about the unknown territory I was diving into. I was nervous that Kate might not feel comfortable with what has been happening but she has always amazed me since I’ve known her. Just as I pulled up to the cashier to pay I noticed the accessory shelf had baby pacifiers and bottles. Out of impulse from my exciting idea I grabbed them quickly so Kate didn’t see. We cashed out and headed home to change out of her soaked cloths.
*** Katie’s “Little” Secret
Kate didn’t say a word as we drove home. I could see that she was becoming uncomfortable and I couldn’t blame her. I would too if I was sitting in my wet jeans getting colder by the minute, soaked to the skin. But that was what made today so exciting. I reveled in the thought with a smile until I got to our driveway.
Kate ran into the house to change and I took our groceries into the house. When Kate came out she was much happier. She had a smile on her face and seemed as if everything was going to be OK. She sat down with me and we turned on the TV.
“Kate, would you like to try on one of the diapers?” I asked candidly but then quickly interjected “I mean to see if they fit… of course.” For a split second there I thought I saw a grin on her face.
Kate quickly turned her face into a thoughtful expression and replied “Oh … OK … Sure why not. It’s probably a good idea considering what happened today.” And then she blushed. I led Kate to the bedroom by her hand. She began taking off her clothes while I opened the package of diapers. She lay down on the bed looking up at me as if asking what was next. I opened up the diaper. All the plastic was making a crackling noise. I never once thought that I would be doing this with my girlfriend but I was enjoying every minute. Kate lifted her bottom and I slid the diaper under her. I noticed she had shaved herself in the shower. She had left a small trimmed patch on top, which I always like. Her pussy lips were slightly glistening and I had a hunch that she was wet with anticipation. That was when I decided to up the stakes a little.
“Katie is being such a good little girl.” I blurted out kind of nervously.
Katie responded in a childish voice “I like to be a good girl for Daddy.” Then she gave a big grin and I knew I had stumbled on something very special. I grabbed some baby powder and sprinkled it on her groin area. Katie took a deep breath like it was aromatherapy. Her bottom looked so cute all powdered. Then I pulled the front up through her legs and she rolled her eyes back. I finished taping the diaper nice and snug and she looked at me and smiled for a second. Katie jumped out of the bed and tossed her pajamas on.
“Let’s go watch some TV!” She exclaimed and headed out of the room. I had no idea she was into this kind of role–playing and I was getting a big kick out of it.
I took one of our stuffed animals from the bed and headed down to the living room. “Here you go sweetie.” Katie smiled at the teddy bear and turned on the TV to one of our favorite shows: Rugrats™. I was thirsty so I went out to the kitchen and poured myself a class of iced tea. Wondering just how far I could play this game out I decided to pour some iced tea into that baby bottle I bought earlier.
I sat down on the couch in front of the TV and said “I’ve got something for you.” Katie looked back and started toward the couch.
“A dwink!” She exclaimed and sat down next to me with her teddy bear in one hand and the bottle in the other. She started sucking on the bottle as I drank my tea. She looked so content and happy. It made me wonder what it was like to cast away your adult life and play the kid again. I wondered what it must feel like to wear a diaper. We continued to watch the TV show occasionally breaking during the commercials for more drinks– until I felt the need to go to the bathroom. So I excused myself and headed up stairs. As I was on the way to latrine I passed the open door of the bedroom and caught a glimpse of the opened package of diapers and a bizarre thought crossed my mind. I entered the bedroom and closed the door. I picked up a fresh diaper unfolded it and placed it on the bed. I was very anxious. I quickly took off my cloths and the cool air gave me a sudden urge to pee. So I paused squeezing hard not to have an accident on the floor. Once the pressure subsided for a bit I laid down on the top half of the diaper and pulled the front up through my thighs. I was a bit concerned that Katie would hear the rustling of the plastic but then I remembered the TV was on.
I pulled the tapes out and fastened then nice and snug. The feel of the cloth tight against my skin was a very erotic sensation. I stood back up and felt the pressure again. That’s when I just let go. At first only a little came out but after the first drop or two I couldn’t hold anything back. A huge gush came flying out causing a loud hissing sound. The warm liquid surrounded my penis like a warm blanket. I could feel the wetness take over the diaper as it started pooling around my testes. The tapes started pulling on my waist, as the padding got heavier. The warm and wet sensation around the head of my dick was getting more intense as my cock began to stiffen. I reached down and placed my hand over my rod. The extra pressure drew the warm wetness closer. I wanted to stroke it but just then I heard a slight plastic rustling noise come from behind me. I turned my head and saw Katie approaching me.
I was speechless. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. Katie didn’t say a word either but had a very big grin on her face. Katie had disrobed her from her pajamas and was wearing nothing but her diaper, which was now covered with a pink floral pair of plastic pants. I began to wonder how she had a pair of those prior to today. When she drew near she whispered softly into my ear “Now you know my little secret.”
*** Little Girls Shouldn’t Do THAT!
Katie placed her hand on my chest and slowly and gently moved it down till her fingers slid over the plastic diaper where the head of my cock was. That sent tingles up my spine and my penis begged for attention. She cupped her hand and slid it under my hand and began rubbing my wet shaft.
“But Katie sweetie, baby girls don’t play touchy down there.” I said to her.
“But I want to be a big girl now.” She replied as she pushed me back into the bed. Katie followed onto the bed and crawled to eye level. Keeping one hand on my chest she kissed me. Katie swung around sending one leg over my head and straddled my chest with her cute diapered butt right in front of my face. I could see her plastic diaper through the pink floral pair of plastic pants. I could feel the plastic starting to warm up from it touching my bare chest. The smell of baby powder that puffed out when she landed filled my lungs and sent my eyes rolling back. She began kissing my belly and slowly moved down till her lips reach the top of the plastic liner. My crotch was beginning to strain under the padding of the diaper.
“I thought you were playing as a baby girl.” I halfway protested.
“Why? You don’t like this?” She asked as she squeezed my bulge. I craftily didn’t answer when some warm pee squirted out of the diaper and onto my cock as my diapers were quite wet from all that tea Katie and I drank. I wondered for a second why Katie appeared to be dry. She just drank as much if not more then I did. No matter, I had more pressing concerns at the moment.
Katie began kissing and licking the outside of the plastic diaper. My erection was hard to the point were I thought it would burst out of the diaper. The emotions stirring in my head were very intense. I felt like I had just found paradise.
“Baby Katie likes to play with big girl toys.” She spoke in a childish joking voice and grabbed my dick through the thick diaper and began stroking me. Katie had trouble wrapping her fingers around my penis with the thick plastic in the way. She fondled my tip with her thumb and soon my head was about to melt. Slowly Katie began un–taping me. Each ripping sound of the adhesive made me roll my eyes back. What was she planning? I was in such dismay I had trouble thinking clearly. I feared I would not be able to perform well in return for her. After all the tapes were carefully peeled off she gently lifted the front of my diaper to reveal my throbbing hard on. Katie did a little girl hop with her bottom and sent out another puff of baby powder scented air from her plastic pants. The smell was wonderful. My cock jerked in front of her face in anticipation. My penis was still glistening wet from my soakings earlier. Katie cupped her lips around my tip and began flicking her tongue as she caressed the shaft with her hand.
“Mmmmm, That tastes yummy.” She quickly commented. Katie tried to see how deep she could swallow my hard on. Holding the base of my shaft with one hand she began fondling my balls with the other. Her mouth felt so good and warm I could feel the texture of her tongue. Thinking that my penis was just covered by a wet diaper and seeing her mouth eagerly swallowing my wet with pee shaft gave a twist of excitement. Katie let go with her mouth and arched her back. Still holding my shaft in one hand she lifted her waist a few inches from my face. I could see the underside of her diaper. If I could see through it I’d have a perfect view of her box. Katie started stroking my shaft harder as she let out a load moan. Just then I heard a loud hiss in front of my face. She was peeing in her diaper! All that tea she had coming out right in front of my face. A wet spot began forming at the base two inches from my lips. I could feel the warmth on the tip of my nose.
“Aah, ahh YES!” Katie panted and she gave a shiver that went up her spine. The hissing sound kept coming. I could see the wet spot move down toward her belly. Her pelvis was close enough that I could feel the warmth on my chest as well. I could see the diaper straining under the weight. It looked like a small pool formed right above my chest. I took my hands and touched the back of her plastic pants and moved them down over her bottom. I heard her breath in deeply. I moved my two thumbs downward between her legs and closed them upward. I felt the liquid squeeze out of the way to make room. The plastic pants slid against the diaper creating a sensation like smooth oil. Katie gave a shiver and started stroking my cock harder.
I pushed on her pussy with the palm of my hand and rubbed the wet sponge causing the plastic to slide around. I felt the warm liquid through the plastic. Katie began moaning and collapsed onto her elbow. She took one hand and began fondling her breast. She cupped her mouth over my dick and squeezed her tongue over the head. Her pace picked up as I rubbed her love spot. She let go with her mouth and took a deep breath and screamed out loud. I felt her body shiver. She took the hand around my muscle and squeezed it hard. I felt my orgasm approach. I took a deep breath and felt the cum flood to my cock. Katie touched my head with her soft lips.
“Oh God!” I yelled as I spurted hot cum into her mouth. It splattered off her lips and onto her face. Each squirt shot off to a different spot on her face till she caught the rest with her mouth. Each shot sent images of her sexy diapered body to my head– till my body felt numb.
Katie cleaned up my shaft with her tongue and moved to the side to face me. I sat up and saw my spunk coating her lips and face. I even saw some in her hair. Katie moved close to my face and kissed me. The warmth of her lips with the stickiness of my own cum mixed on my lips and tongue. It tasted sweet and salty, a combination I didn’t know possible. The texture of her kiss was gentle but very erotic. I closed my eyes and leaned back as she followed me. She landed right beside me and leaned over to get the T–shirt on the edge of the bed to wipe off her face. Then she leaned close to me and whispered “I have been dreaming of that for years, Thank you.”
I was about to politely respond, “you are welcome and thank you” when I decided to look into her eyes and say “That’s because I know how to make my baby girl the happiest princess ever. Now I think it is time for a diaper change and a warm bottle of milk.”
By: Wiket