
1 stories

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Alisha's Naughty Pleasures
By: YoYo (30 Sep 2009, Wednesday)

Hello, I've written my first story and I would really appreciate your feedback on it. Please tell me if you're a guy or a girl (don't lie) and how did you like the story, by email y o y o 1 2 4 8 at h o t m a i l . c o m (without the spaces). I'm a guy and English is not my first language. Thanks a lot in advance. Alisha was a university graduate in her twenties. She was raised in a conservative family but had always wanted to explore her secret hidden desires. She was sweet looking on the outside with her curly light brown hair and her cute little smile. She also was a bit sexy looking, her chest a little bit above average and with a nice bottom. Though she was a little bit shy sometimes, she was the…

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