Almost Twenty-One

By: Aquarius
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

She was sitting on the steps just around the corner from the club, head back against the wall, a small sack halfway off her shoulders, belly bared, and with a small pool under her butt. Melanie stopped to look at her. Late teens, probably, left behind when drink had gotten to her head and her companions wanted to party on. A pretty girl, long–limbed, with straight fair hair and a pale complexion; she looked almost transparent in her vulnerability. The dark stain on her jeans added to the helpless look. Melanie bent to shake her shoulder. “Hey. Please, wake up.” The girl moaned. “Come on. You can’t sit here.” She opened a pair of round blue eyes and looked up at Melanie. “What’s…? Where are they? Who are you?” “They’ve probably gone somewhere else. Anyway, I don’t think you ought to stay here all night.” “God, I’m dizzy. Got to pee, too. Where did they go to?” “I don’t know, Melanie said. “Where were you going?” “I’m supposed to stay with Sarah. I can’t go home like this!” Melanie reached out for her. “Come on,” she said. “I live ten minutes away. You can stay with me, get some sleep, and take your bearings tomorrow morning.” “I can’t just go along with some stranger.” “All right, better introduce myself. My name is Melanie, I’m twenty–six, single, and my favorite drink is Spanish wine. Now I’m no stranger, silly. Better me than a strange man, right? Come on, then.” The girl let Melanie help her to her unsteady feet. “Got to pee,” she said. “Is it far?” “Ten minutes. Can you do that?” “Dunno. All right.” She rubbed her eyes and brushed her hair back, straightened her sack and tried in vain to pull her jumper down. “Okay.” Melanie looked at her narrow hips, small breasts and bare navel, and fell in love immediately. She put her arm around the girl, steadying her. The girl sighed gratefully and let herself be led. She walked slowly, showing her effort to hold her pee back. “Is it far? I really got to go.” She touched herself: “Oh no!” “It’s okay,” Melanie said. “You just had a little accident.” The girl sniffled and looked pleadingly at Melanie. “I’ve got to go so bad!” She halted, squirming, and plucked at her waist. “I have to! Help me!” Melanie looked around for a sheltered spot, but the girl was already unzipping her jeans, and squatted on the pavement. Melanie had to steady her to keep her from toppling over. Finished, she rose and started pulling up her jeans. Melanie noticed she had forgotten to remove her panties before peeing, and her shoes were splattered. The girl took a few deep breaths and smiled weakly at Melanie. “Thanks. You’re kind. I feel a lot better now.” They walked on, arm in arm for support. The story was simple. Her name was Nina, and she had gone out with some friends after telling a cover story of sleeping over. She was almost twenty–one, but almost is not enough when facing zealous doormen. The others had entered the club and left her outside with her bottle of vodka and coke. She had drunk the rest, cried a little, and fallen asleep in spite of an urgent need to relieve herself. Melanie unlocked the door and led her up to the apartment. She helped Nina remove the sack. She stood in the middle of the room looking lost, feet together, a tiny belly over the very low–cut jeans, white sweater hugging the buns on her chest. “Bathroom to the left,” Melanie said. “Towels under the sink if you’d like a shower. Got any spare clothes?” “Only panties. I’m sorry.” “I’ll see what I can find. Just take your time.” Nina smiled gratefully and closed the door behind her. Melanie looked at herself in the hall mirror. Short, dark hair that resisted most treatment, breasts on the heavy side under the turtleneck sweater, faded jeans. She gave herself a short smile and went to look for some extra clothes. She found some garments in the bottom drawer, and went back to the bathroom. Hesitating, she paused before knocking. “Come in,” she heard through the sound of the water. She could see Nina through the frosted glass of the cabinet, hair in ponytail, rinsing off the soap. She stared at the small black triangle below the small belly, visible as an out–of–focus shape on her slender body. Melanie felt a tingle in her sex. “Got some change for you,” she said. “Mind if I pee?” “Not at all.” Melanie pulled her Levi’s and panties down, and sat on the bowl. Nina turned the water off just as the stream started to flow, and stepped out, still a little unsteady. Without hurrying she wrapped a towel around herself, and smiled at Melanie. “Feels good.” It could have been a question or a statement, so Melanie just smiled back. She wiped, and pulled her jeans up. “I’ll make some tea.” Melanie looked up as Nina entered the sitting room. The T–shirt was an exact fit, and the white pants were just a little too tight. “These aren’t yours?” “My cousin stays here sometimes. She’s only twelve, but I thought they might fit you anyway.” “I like them, really.” “You look very beautiful, Nina.” Her eyes were moist. “Thanks, Melanie.” She patted the sofa. “Come and sit.” Melanie could smell the girlish freshness from her, and she felt another sting in her underbelly. As Nina sat the pants rode down on her narrow hips, leaving the string of her panties a couple if inches above them. “So, tell me. Got a boyfriend?” “No, not now.” “Girlfriend?” She giggled. “Oh no.” “Ever been with a girl?” Nina hesitated: “Well, kind of. My friend Sarah – she frowned – who left me tonight; we used to hold hands, kissed a couple of times. Once when she slept over, it sort of just happened.” “How?” “You know, we were just talking, lying face to face, and then I kissed her on the mouth. She stroked me, suddenly we were embracing, and she pressed her leg between mine. I nearly wet myself. I touched her breasts, and she wondered if she could touch me down there. Well, she did. And she put my hand down her panties. So we helped each other. She told me to never tell anybody. I just did, didn’t I?” “I won’t tell.” Melanie smiled and patted her thigh. “You tired yet? You can sleep here, on the sofa.” “Not really. My head is still swimming.” Melanie drained her mug. “This flows right through me,” she said, and stood up. “Got to pee.” Nina rose. “Me too.” Melanie swallowed and motioned Nina to precede her to the bathroom. Her eyes were fixed to Nina’s cute little butt and long legs. Slowly, savoring the moment, Melanie unbuttoned her jeans and pulled down her panties. Nina’s eyes widened as she saw Melanie’s hairless sex. Melanie sat down and let it flow. “I liked that,” Nina said softly. “You look so clean. Pure.” “It feels good,” Melanie replied. “Sensitive, like.” She pulled up her panties, not caring about the little drop that spread in her crotch. Nina pulled down the short zipper on her white pants and wriggled them down her hips. The black triangle was faintly visible through the thin nylon before the panties went down. She sat on the bowl, knees together, sighing as the stream ran. She wiped and rose, pulled up and zippered. “Maybe I’m a little tired after all,” she said, yawning. “I’ll get some sheets and blankets,” Melanie said. “Just borrow my toothbrush if you like.” Nina smiled gratefully. Melanie opened her eyes, awoken by a small sound. She saw Nina in the doorway, a slender shape outlined by the light in the hallway. She was naked. Without a word Melanie pulled the blanket aside, and the younger girl lay down beside her. A trembling hand reached out, settling on Melanie’s waist. Melanie wriggled out of the T–shirt and pulled Nina close, feeling the warm tears against her cheek. Breast to breast, belly to belly, the two girls slept soundly through the night. When the light filtered through the curtains Melanie awoke against Nina’s back, arms around her, one hand cupping a small pointed breast, feeling Nina’s butt against her lap. She kissed her softly on the neck and was rewarded with a small purring sound. She stroked the curves of her waist, resting for a moment on Nina’s hip, before sliding her hand down to the curls. Nina opened her legs slightly, letting her hand in. Melanie felt the warm moisture, slipping a finger between the lips. Nina sighed and moved her hips to ease the way. Melanie used her finger carefully, stroking, entering. “I have to pee again,” Nina whispered. “Afraid I’ll wet your bed.” “Wait,” Melanie said. Quickly she rose and got a big towel from the bureau. “Just lift your pretty little butt a bit.” Nina rolled over and arched her back while Melanie slid the towel under her. “Now it’s okay, sweet.” Nina spread her legs and received Melanie’s hand. She moaned, pushing back against it. “Oh,” she said as a small spurt escaped. “It’s alright,” Melanie whispered in her ear. “Pee if you want to.” The hot wee ran over Melanie’s hand in pulses as Nina rose to climax. They rested, arms around each other. Then Nina’s hands began to explore Melanie’s body. Fondling her round breasts, stroking her belly, gingerly touching the soft mound through her panties. Melanie nearly wet herself from pleasure. Nina turned Melanie on her back, and slid down between her spread legs. She kissed her through the panties, sensing the warm girl smell. The white cotton accentuated the shape of Melanie’s hairless fanny, and Nina burrowed her face in Melanie’s crotch. She reached up to touch her nipples, tasting a warm flow as Melanie’s body shuddered. She liked the taste of Melanie’s pee. “Yes,” she whispered, “just go in your panties. Just like I did yesterday.” She teased Melanie’s nipples again, and another spurt soaked through the panties. Nina lifted her face, reached for the wet towel and placed it under Melanie. She watched as a long release soaked the cotton and the towel, before pulling the panties aside and lowering her mouth to Melanie’s naked fanny. Nina was very thirsty.
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