
36 stories

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Home from the Club
By: Aquarius (30 Sep 2005, Friday)

Lynn and Beth walked home from the club, through the warm July night. Lynn was a slender blonde with pale skin and straight hair, dressed in tight jeans and a white halter–top. Beth was shorter and rounder, with unruly brown hair to her shoulders. She wore tan pants and a flowery blouse. They were hot from dancing, and even Lynn's transparent features were slightly flushed as they walked. Feeling the buzz from beers and Bacardi Breezers, Lynn took Beth's hand and gave her a quick smile. Passing the mall they stopped to look in the windows. Lynn put her arm around Beth and pointed to a pair of jeans. –They would suit you. — Think so? — I'll bet your butt would look cute in them. Beth smiled and wriggled her…

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In the Gym
By: Aquarius (31 Aug 2005, Wednesday)

Lena put her bag down on the bench and looked around. It was her first time in this gym, but she would probably find her way around easily. After her divorce she had decided to start anew in a number of ways. She was thirty–two, with a very feminine, rounded body and wavy, unruly blonde hair often worn in a ragged ponytail. She looked great in tight Levi's and anything that revealed her cleavage. Pity the sad bastard of a husband didn't appreciate her shapes. She removed her pink halter–top and her black lace bra, needing the sports variety under the Lycra top to support her while exercising. She slipped out of her jeans – no, she had to wriggle – and put her black jazz pants on. With her towel around her…

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Finding Opportunities
By: Aquarius (31 Jul 2005, Sunday)

Juliana crossed her legs again and ordered another caffe latte. She was frankly, ready to burst, but wanted to stretch the moment for as long as she could. The thrill of being in a strange town, where she could do whatever she wanted. She was dressed in a blue cotton skirt and a red t–shirt. There were other garments in her large handbag. She drank her coffee and paid her bill, then walked in the direction of the square. Her long black hair reached almost to her waist; and below her waistline the contour of her panties was visible. She preferred full–size, as everything went straight through thongs, leaving no more than a sneeze–stain. She had lived in this country for fifteen of her twenty–three years, but…

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The Beginning
By: Aquarius (31 May 2004, Monday)

We were young and innocent. She was nineteen and I was twenty–three when we moved into the small cheap flat after going steady for three years. No need to bore you with the story of second–hand furniture and the roaming of garage sales, we were soon ready to live happily ever after. Karin was of average height, with brown curls to her breasts, green eyes and a nice girly shape. She preferred jeans and a sweater, but wore the occasional dress to feel womanlier. I'm an ordinary guy. The most out–of–the–ordinary about me she didn't know about. We had a good sex life when we first started, enjoying each other regularly. But the thing that really turned me on was – well, I didn't have the nerve to tell her. I had…

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Like a Baby
By: Aquarius (31 May 2004, Monday)

Sarah stood in front of the mirror, her heart beating, her hands trembling. She looked at herself, a brown–haired girl with a white sweater and a denim skirt, with smallish breasts, narrow waist and round hips; a quite ordinary–looking girl of nineteen. Then she lifted her skirt and revealed her panties, and under them, the bulkiness of diapers. Sarah had been looking after her friend Anne's two–year–old daughter for some time while Anne worked odd shifts at the hospital. Once, as Anne had showed her where the diapers were kept, Sarah had noticed another package. Anne had laughed, a little bit embarrassed, and said she had had some problems after giving birth, you know, leaking a little... Sarah had been…

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A Day in the Life of Michelle
By: Aquarius (30 Apr 2004, Friday)

I am at work. I am married to the most beautiful woman in the world, and she never leaves my thoughts. As another boring day goes on I compose this story: Michelle wakes up and stretches her light brown body, then curls up again knowing it is still early, letting her hands rub her round belly and a little further down as well. A little later she rises, naked, and enters the bathroom where she meets herself in the full–length mirror. She likes to be seen. At thirty–five she has a perfect butt– probably as a product of her Caribbean ancestry, and a narrow waist above full hips. Her breasts are quite small, but very pretty; her black hair reaches her nipples when she straightens it. She turns on the taps. …

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By the Burger Stand
By: Aquarius (30 Apr 2004, Friday)

The two girls were just hanging around outside the town's center, the burger stand. They were almost identically dressed, in tight designer jeans and white tops showing their bellies, one slightly rounder, and the other slightly shorter. Both had brown hair to their shoulders and were looking around to see where the action was. Being a local lad and an experienced hanger–around I immediately drifted over to see if I could be of service. — Hi there, the tallest said. –Anything happen around here? — This is it, I said. –First time here, right? The shorter girl nodded. –We're staying at the hostel with our class, but got sort of tired of card games and giggling boys. Her friend poked her side and got a tickle…

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Julia's Private Night
By: Aquarius (31 Mar 2004, Wednesday)

Julia watches herself in the mirror in the staff bathroom. Big meeting in half an hour, and as the new director of marketing she knows she has to make a good impression. She knows that is was her qualifications that got her the job, but looking okay is no disadvantage, right? Her hair is dark and curly and gathered in a ponytail, she is wearing a grey suit – a jacket and a straight skirt – above a white blouse, and her make–up is very discreet. She is a proper lady of twenty–five, single, who keeps a friendly distance to her suitors at work. Julia straightens her skirt and drinks a couple of mugs of water from the cooler. It's Friday. She's ready for the meeting. Afterwards they are served sandwiches and…

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Where Nobody Knows Her
By: Aquarius (29 Feb 2004, Sunday)

Penny turned her car off the motorway, headed for the center of town, and started looking for a hotel for the night. She was tired, hungry, and needed the bathroom. Still two hundred miles from home, she decided to rest rather than to risk an accident. She smiled to herself at the word accident; there were several kinds, not all of them unpleasant. She parked, grabbed her bags and went to check in. Her tight jeans left little room for her full bladder, so she unbuttoned her top button to ease the pressure. Being this obvious was part of the thrill. She put her bags down at the counter and smiled at the receptionist, a young fair girl in beige pants and a white blouse. — Do you have a room for me? — Sure.…

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Truck Driver
By: Aquarius (31 Jan 2004, Saturday)

Note: This story contains Female Desperation, Female Wetting, Foreplay and Sex I'm a truck driver. That doesn't mean I'm fat and sloppy – the girls say I look OK at thirty–one, and I have had my share of relationships. But spending most of my life in transit makes for a lousy home life, so I'm single. I was on an overnight ferry to the continent, going to Hamburg with a load of machinery. I don't drink much on these trips, but that doesn't keep me from spending the night in pubs or the discotheque. She was sitting by herself. I had seen her with two friends, but they were flirting energetically with a bunch of economists from Croydon (they were very loud) and this girl was not included. I didn't exactly…

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Night Watch Man
By: Aquarius (31 Jan 2004, Saturday)

I am a night watchman. It means I spend my working hours prowling an empty and, after the company decided to cut electricity costs, dark building– socially, a hopeless job. The advantages are, I can nip into an empty office and browse the Net, or I can read any kind of magazine on the job, or I can look out of the windows. There is an alley behind the building. Late at night when the bars close I can watch people walk or stagger home. Loud groups, solitary drunks, newly attached couples, single disappointed males, and also giggling girlfriends. Occasionally some of them slip into the alley for privacy. They don't know I have a perfect view from the first floor. To be unseen from the street you have to hide…

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Jenny and Becky
By: Aquarius (30 Nov 2003, Sunday)

Note: This story contains Female Desperation, Female Wetting, Foreplay and Sex Jenny's first thought when she awoke was, I have to pee. The second was, 'Please don't stop fondling my pussy.' The significance of that second thought took some time to sink in. She was lying on her stomach with one leg drawn up, and a probing hand was stroking her from behind, parting her butt cheeks, sliding all the way up and down, catching her moisture, slipping inside her openings. But as she felt herself rise to orgasm she remembered. A small spurt of pee escaped her as she climaxed. She lay for a moment, just breathing. Then she felt arms embrace her and the pressure of breasts on her back. Slowly she turned and met Becky…

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Becky and Jenny
By: Aquarius (31 Oct 2003, Friday)

It was the annual festival, with music and fairgrounds and beer tents and the usually inadequate toilet facilities. Becky knew she had waited too long. After a couple of beers she had felt the need to go, but deep in conversation she had put it off. As she finally headed for the porta loos she realized the queues had grown in proportion with her need. Sighing, she took her place at the end of the line. Becky was a short girl of twenty–nine, dressed in very tight white pants and a blue tee shirt. Her body was round in the hips, but she had a narrow waist, although her belly echoed the roundness of her bottom. With short brown hair and a nice smile she usually made friends fast. She put her weight on her other…

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Flat Mates
By: Aquarius (30 Sep 2003, Tuesday)

Gillian sat in the bus shelter with her flat mate Linda. The party was over, it was late and she had to pee like crazy. Pulling down on her short black mini–dress, she crossed her legs and put her purse in her lap. Linda glanced at her. Gillian smiled and rocked a little. –Got to go, she said. — Me too, Linda admitted, sitting on the edge of the seat with arched back. Her low–cut jeans revealed red thong panties where her tight sweater didn't reach. Gillian rose, hoping standing up would ease the pressure. It didn't. She rocked on her feet and rubbed her belly. –I really have to go, she said. Linda just bit her lip and squeezed her knees together. — And if I go behind those bushes, the bus will come and I…

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Ingrid's Interrupted Plan
By: Aquarius (30 Sep 2003, Tuesday)

Ingrid didn't really remember how it started. Probably some time in early childhood, when she discovered that putting off going to the little girls' room caused a mix between pain and pleasure that made her tingle all over. Like everybody else she peed in the sea when she had to, but eventually she always was careful to avoid the toilet before going to the beach. From just letting go under water, she began releasing her urine as she waded in, feeling the warm wetness in her bathing suit seconds before the water reached her crotch. Lingering in the shower after exercises at school, she let it run down her legs when nobody could see her. Soaking in the tub at home, she spread her legs as the water drained,…

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