Home from the Club

By: Aquarius
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Lynn and Beth walked home from the club, through the warm July night. Lynn was a slender blonde with pale skin and straight hair, dressed in tight jeans and a white halter–top. Beth was shorter and rounder, with unruly brown hair to her shoulders. She wore tan pants and a flowery blouse. They were hot from dancing, and even Lynn’s transparent features were slightly flushed as they walked. Feeling the buzz from beers and Bacardi Breezers, Lynn took Beth’s hand and gave her a quick smile. Passing the mall they stopped to look in the windows. Lynn put her arm around Beth and pointed to a pair of jeans. –They would suit you.
— Think so?
— I’ll bet your butt would look cute in them.
Beth smiled and wriggled her bottom. –It wouldn’t look too big?
— It’s lovely, Lynn said. –If I were a lesbian I take you for your butt, if nothing else.
— Pity you’re not a lesbian, Beth grinned.
Lynn slid her arm down Beth’s back and patted her bottom. –Don’t tempt me.
Beth smiled impishly and wriggled some more. –Let’s move. I shouldn’t have put off going to the bathroom.
They walked on, still hand in hand. Eventually Beth had to stop to remove a small stone from her shoe. As she bent down her pants rode down to reveal her red thong. Lynn stared at her, yes; she had a very attractive butt.
Beth straightened. –I really need the bathroom, she said. –Don’t you?
— Oh yes, Lynn said. –I’m full. She put her hand on her flat tummy and squeezed her knees together. The look on Beth’s face made Lynn bend over and give her a quick kiss on the mouth. Beth smiled, and then bit her lip. –Pee, she said.
— Come on, then.
Walking with an increasing urgency they turned into Beth’s street. –Why don’t you come on up and use our toilet, she said. –So you won’t soak your panties before you get home.
— Okay, Lynn said, feeling close to bursting. She had to rock on her feet to help her hold it as Beth searched for the keys in her purse.
— Shit, she said, –I can’t find them. Well, my brother should be home.
They walked up the stairs, Lynn watching Beth’s wriggling bottom in front of her. Both girls had to curl their legs while waiting for Danny to open the door.
But apparently he wasn’t in. Beth rang the doorbell again, but nothing happened. –Okay, I’ll call him. She produced her phone and punched the number, her hand between her legs as she waited for him to answer. The relief when he picked up was evident on her face, as was the panic when she realized he wasn’t home. And wouldn’t be for some time, as he had missed the bus, although he promised to be here as soon as he could. Beth put the phone in her purse and looked at Lynn with a frown. –I don’t know if I can’t wait that long.
— Can’t you borrow one of the neighbours’ bathrooms?
— It’s one thirty…too late.
— How about going to my place?
— I don’t think I could manage another step. But you go, I’ll just stay here and pee my pants. She crossed her legs for emphasis.
— I’ll stay with you, Lynn said, reaching out and stroking her cheek. Beth took her hand and looked gratefully at her friend, lifting her head a little. Lynn inched closer. Beth’s lips parted slightly. Then Lynn kissed her again.
— You’re almost making me dribble, Beth said quietly. –I really didn’t know it could feel like that to kiss you. Is it the pee needing to get out?
Lynn smiled and gave Beth’s hand a squeeze. –I didn’t know you looked so cute squirming. Love that curvy butt of yours.
— Well, you’re not bad either, for a girl.
— I’ve got tiny tits and almost no hips. Not much of a girl.
— What do you want me to say? That you’re girl enough for me?
Lynn cocked her head. –Depends on what you want.
— Frankly I want to pee– in my pants if necessary.
Lynn was holding herself and wriggling on her feet. –Me too. Is there nowhere we can go? Like, the back yard?
— They keep the lights on to keep the bums away. And I have to face the neighbours tomorrow. God, I’m nearly leaking.
Lynn laid both her hands on Beth’s shoulders. She tried to keep still, but her legs were twitching by themselves and she wanted to bend double. –Maybe we could let go a little, just to take the pressure off.
— Doesn’t work. I won’t be able to stop. It’s a pity there are no plants.
Lynn looked around, at the bare concrete floor. –It’s the pants, then, isn’t it?
Beth smiled bravely at her bursting girlfriend. –Seems so, unless Danny gets here soon. She reached out and held Lynn’s hips, feeling the warmth from her body and the squirming motions.
Lynn pulled her closer and kissed her again. Beth moaned as something gave and she felt a strange warmth in her crotch. –God, Lynn, I’m peeing!
Lynn held her face and nibbled at her lip. –Hold on, girlie. I’m almost going, too. She bent at her waist and closed her eyes, her legs twirled.
Beth broke loose and made a few unsteady steps, both hands in her crotch. She watched Lynn trying to stand as straight as she could, her thighs trembling from the effort. Her normally flat belly was bulging above her low waistband and her hips were rolling as in a ultra–slow dance. Suddenly she covered her mouth with her hands and stood stock–still. Beth watched in fascination as a dark rose grew in Lynn’s crotch.
With difficulty Lynn stopped the flow, biting her lip and breathing shallowly. She smiled at Beth: –I couldn’t help it.
Then they heard the door. Lynn tried to cover herself with her small purse as Danny came up the stairs. –Hurry, Beth said, –we’re peeing our panties here.
Danny unlocked the door and stepped back away from the stampede. The girls collided in the doorway to the bathroom, both bent nearly double. –You go on the loo, Beth moaned. –I’ll just– She didn’t finish the sentence; she just squatted over the drain and let go in her pants. Lynn watched, her hands fumbling with the button and zip, finally tearing her jeans down before sitting down. As the heat spread under her bottom she realized she had forgotten her panties. They looked at each other, and burst out laughing.
Beth rose and looked down at herself. Her tan pants were soaked at her crotch and bottom. She unzipped and let them fall to the floor, leaving her red thong on. Lynn took her jeans off while she was still seated; they were wet but not soaked. Her white Lycra shorts were a different matter; they were glistening and very revealing.
— You can sleep over, if you want, Beth said.
Lynn nodded. –I’d better wash. Can you lend me a pair of panties?
Beth slipped out, and returned with two pairs of plain white cotton panties. They rinsed their soaked underwear and put it to dry on a hanger. Side by side they washed their bare pussies, glancing at each other in the mirror. They dried, put their panties on and went into the bedroom, bringing a water bottle each.
— I can get a spare mattress if you like, Beth said.
— It’s OK for me to share, Lynn replied.
They drank from the bottles and slipped under the sheets, Beth in a long tee shirt, Lynn keeping her top on, almost touching. –Night, Beth said.
— Sweet dreams, Lynn replied.
They lay in silence for some minutes, listening to each other’s breath. Then Lynn’s hand found Beth’s. –How about a goodnight kiss?
Beth turned her head, facing Lynn. They inched closer until their lips met in a short kiss. –Nighty–night, Beth.
When Lynn opened her eyes a few minutes later, she met Beth’s glance. She moved her head until their lips met again, this time slightly parted. Beth reached up to brush Lynn’s hair away from her eyes. –Can’t sleep?
Lynn shook her head. –It’s hot, isn’t it?
— Take your top off, then. I don’t usually wear anything in bed.
They removed their tops and lay on their backs. As if on cue they both turned, facing each other, eyes open. Then Beth reached her arms out, and Lynn slipped into her embrace, their breasts touching. Giving in to her strange lust Lynn parted her lips and kissed Beth wetly, pressing her pubes against Beth’s. Beth responded, her breath quickening and her knee pressing between Lynn’s thighs, making her open her legs to let Beth slip her hand outside Lynn’s panty gusset. Lynn gasped, but the tingling in her sex made her yearn to be touched by her girlfriend. She put her hands on Beth’s breasts, feeling her hard nipples. Beth licked her lips, her cheeks, and her eyes; her hand rubbing between Lynn’s spread legs.
— I saw you pee your pants, Beth whispered. –That was the cutest thing ever.
— I couldn’t hold it, Lynn said. –Kissing you made me want to do it, too. God, I nearly let go right there.
Beth kept on licking her, leaving her saliva on Lynn’s cheek. –I have to pee again. Please hold me.
Lynn put her hand between Beth’s legs as if to hold her pee back. Beth’s mound was rounder than her own; it felt strange holding another girl like that. What if Beth peed? Lynn wished she would. The wet tongue on her face made her dizzy; she tasted Beth’s saliva and longed to mix all her bodily fluids with her friend. Maybe she could pee a little, just stain her gusset. She pushed herself against Beth’s hand, the pressure on her bladder made her squirt.
Beth felt the sudden warmth against her palm. She opened her mouth, letting her saliva dribble into Lynn’s mouth while rubbing her friend’s wet panties. With one hand she pushed Lynn’s hand inside her panties, spreading her legs to give access to her butt hole.
Lynn’s slippery finger explored Beth’s caves, daringly entering her tightest place. Beth moaned softly and kept rubbing Lynn, who seemed to be leaking with every stroke. Wanting to watch her dribble she threw the sheets to the floor and rose to her knees beside her, legs wide apart. She removed her hand from Lynn’s crotch and stared at the wet fabric hugging her hairless lips.
— You’re peeing your panties, she said.
Lynn squirmed. –I can’t help it, Beth.
— Let me see, Lynn. Let go a little.
Lynn bit her lip and relaxed, and her gusset shone with wetness. –I’m wetting your bed, she whispered. Her hand was touching Beth’s crotch softly –I don’t care, Beth replied. –You can do anything in my bed. Please pee some more for me. Make a large patch.
Lynn closed her eyes and let go a large stream, her pee pooling under her butt before being soaked up by the sheets. Beth slipped her hand down Lynn’s panties and rubbed her clit, her pee hole, and her butt hole, while Lynn intensified her caressing. As Lynn couldn’t hold back anymore Beth felt her hand being sprayed with hot jets of pee. This sensation along with Lynn’s touch set her off, the orgasm growing in her; she relaxed all of her muscles and just let everything go.
By: Aquarius