Where Nobody Knows Her

By: Aquarius
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Penny turned her car off the motorway, headed for the center of town, and started looking for a hotel for the night. She was tired, hungry, and needed the bathroom. Still two hundred miles from home, she decided to rest rather than to risk an accident. She smiled to herself at the word accident; there were several kinds, not all of them unpleasant.
She parked, grabbed her bags and went to check in. Her tight jeans left little room for her full bladder, so she unbuttoned her top button to ease the pressure. Being this obvious was part of the thrill. She put her bags down at the counter and smiled at the receptionist, a young fair girl in beige pants and a white blouse.
— Do you have a room for me?
— Sure. How many nights?
— Just one.
— Okay. Will you please fill out this form? She handed Penny a sheet and a pen.
Penny scribbled her name and address. –Sorry about the handwriting. I’m almost peeing my pants.
Saying the words made her almost do it. She crossed her legs and smiled at the girl, whose nametag said Kelly. Kelly handed her the key. –Thirty–four. Third floor.
Penny thanked her and picked up her luggage. The strain made her wince.
— Do you need help with that?
Penny accepted gratefully. –I’ll soak myself if I try to lift it.
Kelly moved from behind the counter and picked up the bag effortlessly. She walked up the stairs, Penny following, her eyes on the girl’s butt. Deliberately she let out a little pee in her panties.
Kelly took the key from her and unlocked the door. –There you are. The bathroom is to the left.
— Thank you so much. She lowered her voice: –I think my panties are a little wet already.
Kelly smiled. –You better go, then.
Penny stepped inside and closed the door. She was trembling. Alone in a strange town, ready to yield to her desires, panties already damp. Her bladder pushed against the fabric of her jeans and she had to cross her legs.
She had always been an exhibitionist, from long before she knew what sex was. Her parents frequently had to ask her to put some clothes on when visitors came to the house, and she persuaded her friends to run around the garden with her, naked. Reaching puberty she discovered the joy of being seen and the effect it had on the boys. They craned their necks to get a glimpse up her skirt, unaware that she was twisting her legs to give them a better look. There was no hiding in the bushes for young Penny, it was skirt up, panties down and relieve herself on the grass. As she grew up she conformed to unwritten rules of decency, restraining herself to changing openly at the beach, walking by the windows in her underwear, or giving the current boyfriend a good view up her skirt in public places.
At thirty–two she enjoyed her body– even if one of her dates actually said her butt was too big. She retaliated by wetting herself in his car. Desperation was her favorite turn–on, planning her visits to the toilet so she got a chance to squirm, and talk about it, before actually going.
Penny brushed back her brown hair and rocked on her feet. A whole night to spend in a strange town with a bag full of clothes that needed a wash anyway– a strange town where nobody knew her, hmmm what should she do? She relaxed her muscles and dribbled a little, making a palm–sized stain in her crotch. She had decided to live her fantasies to the full this time.
She walked over to the window. A small backyard separated her room from the opposite wing of the hotel. She smiled to herself, crossed her legs and let go a little again. Still facing the window she unbuttoned her jeans and wriggled them off, then removed her sweater, standing in white cotton bra and panties, wondering if anybody was watching her. Turning slowly she headed for the bathroom. She sat on the toilet without removing her panties, and slowly released the stream.
Still wearing her wet underwear she fetched a towel, then sat down on her bed and called room service, ordering tea, soft drinks and iced water. While she waited she rummaged through her bags, walking between the bed and the closet with different items, all the time in full view from the window.
There was a knock on the door. For a second she panicked; what was she doing? Then the excitement took over and she went to answer. Her drinks were brought by an Asian woman, whose eyes widened at the sight of the state of dress she was in. As Penny bent down to look for loose change in her purse, she wondered if the pee stain was visible from behind.
She lay down on the bed, drinks within reach, and switched on the TV. She found the adult channel, and watched a trio of lesbians pretend to have fun. She switched off again. Her own images were better. She pictured Kelly the receptionist behind the counter, needing the bathroom but unable to leave, knees pressed together. Penny slid a hand down her wet panties and stroked herself softly, stopping before climax.
Feeling pleasantly full from the soft drinks she decided it was time to go. She showered and shaved, resisting the temptation to pee in the shower. Drying her hair she walked naked around the room as she pondered what to wear, continuously sipping water.
She decided on the lacy grey shorts, so thin and snug they didn’t show under the tight black pants she had chosen. Knowing her soft belly tended to turn guys on she selected a short, tight black sweater with long arms and a low neckline, showing a hint of her lacy bra. Penny studied herself in the mirror: The round butt, the soft curve of her belly, the skin visible above her waistline. She stroked her hips and wondered if she had the guts to go through with this.
The bar was attached to the reception desk, and Kelly took her order. Penny watched her as she moved behind the counter, again imagining her having to go, wriggling a little as she fought off the need. Penny perched on a bar stool, very aware of her own growing fullness. Kelly wore a thong, occasionally exposing it while bending to fetch ice from the lower cupboard. Penny would have loved to run her hand over her butt as she squirmed…
She found herself squirming at the thought. She downed her drink and waved for Kelly, and asked for anything special she could recommend. Kelly turned and pointed at various bottles, Penny watching her as she moved. As she hadn’t paid attention she just nodded at Kelly’s last suggestion. She drank slowly, feeling as if the liquid was going straight to her bladder.
Kelly was polishing some glasses right next to her. Penny stepped down from the stool and crossed her legs. –This is going straight through me. I’d better go before I start dribbling in my panties again.
Kelly smiled. –The ladies’ is around the corner there.
Penny walked, not bothering to hide her discomfort, conscious of glances from other patrons. She loved every second of it. Before entering a cubicle she looked in the mirror, adjusted her hair and searched for nonexistent lint on her sweater, all the while rocking on her feet with knees crossed. She was nearly leaking. She knew she would soon pass from the pee dance phase to the point when numbness set in, when the pressure seemed to ease and she could walk straight again. But that was when the dribbles would come, the uncontrolled leaks, and the sudden sensations of warm wetness between her legs. She wasn’t ready for that yet.
With her hands between her legs she stepped inside the cubicle. Without closing the door she unzipped her pants and pulled them down, paused with her hands at the waistband of her panties, then sat down. Still she held it, thinking maybe somebody would come in and see her pee through the thin lace. Thinking of Kelly she let go.
She waited some seconds for the last drops to fall, then pulled her pants back up. Checking with her hand she felt the dampness in her crotch, but from experience she knew that nothing was visible on the black fabric. On returning to the bar she did not have to fake the expression of bliss on her face.
— You look relieved. Guess you really had to go, Kelly said as she served her a beer.
Kelly’s intimacy surprised Penny pleasantly. –I was bursting; I very nearly went in my pants like a little girl.
— I know how it is, Kelly said softly before she had to serve another customer.
Penny had a second beer before she decided to look for a pub. She waved to Kelly as she left and got a smile in return. Five blocks from the hotel a neon sign and the soft sound of music invited her to enter.
She purchased a beer and found a seat away from the bar, at the end of a couch near a couple in their late twenties. They nodded at her and resumed talking to each other. Penny lit a cigarette – she was strictly a party smoker – and glanced at the couple. He was dark and rather handsome, dressed in jeans and jacket; she had long, curly, blonde hair and wore dark red leggings.
Shortly later the girl turned to Penny. –Here by yourself?
Penny inched closer. –Just passing through. She mentioned a couple of towns, none of them her home. –The hotel room was too boring.
The girl held out her hand. –I’m Kate. This is Frank.
— Beth. As she was christened Penelope Elizabeth it was not too far from the truth. –Do you live around here?
They traded information, partly, at least; it turned out they had a common interest in outdoor activities, and the conversation flowed– along with the beer. After a while Kate seemed to be fidgeting, tapping her foot and rubbing her hip. Quick to sense the signals Penny steered the talk to another subject that interested Kate, making her put off the trip to the washroom. Penny herself was full to the brim, but wanted to wait as long as she could.
Frank rose. –Another beer for the ladies?
— Oh, I’m nearly wetting my seat. I think I have to tinkle first.
— Me too. Penny rose and took Kate’s arm. –Let’s go together.
Kate was biting her lip –I will never learn to go in time. I always end up at the end of the line with a bursting bladder.
There was a line. Several girls and women were waiting in various stages of need, some fidgeting, some acting untroubled, some openly crossing their legs. Penny rubbed her belly and wriggled her hips. Kate was curtsying and stepping from foot to foot. The stretched fabric of her leggings was tight against her crotch, her panty lines showing. As she turned and rocked Penny saw the Y of her thong hinted through her leggings, and her butt cheeks moving as she clenched her muscles.
The line moved slowly, envious glances meeting the lucky ones who emerged from the two separate toilets. Penny felt the pressure ease. –I’m about to wet myself, she said to Kate.
— Me too. I can’t hold it any more.
Penny slipped her arm through Kate’s for mutual support and got a grateful squeeze in return. Kate’s hand was tapping against her thigh, and then moving closer to her crotch; obviously she longed to clutch herself. Penny nearly let go as Kate gave in and held herself between crossed legs, oblivious of her surroundings.
Finally they reached the door. They looked at each other. –Together, Penny said. They slipped inside, giggling, both with hands between their legs.
— You first, Penny said.
Kate shook her head. –You go. I’ll use the basin. She pulled down her leggings and thong, and hitched her butt up on the basin, giving Penny an excellent view of her trimmed bush and the pale gold stream. Penny unzipped her pants and pulled them down slowly, then her panties, showing her hairless mound, before sitting down and releasing her pent–up flow. They smiled at each other as they relieved themselves, streams hissing.
Kate stepped over to Penny with her panties and leggings around her knees. –Could you hand me some paper, please?
Penny tore off a couple of sheets. Instead of handing them over she reached slowly towards Kate’s groin. Kate did not move her hands, instead she moved closer, separated her legs slightly, and thrust her groin outwards. Continuing her movement Penny’s hand slipped between Kate’s legs, wiping her softly. She dropped the paper between her own legs, then reached out to pull up Kate’s thong, then her leggings, smoothing the fabric, making sure it fit snugly at the crotch. Then she rose, pulled up her pants, not bothering to wipe, and pulled Kate close. She kissed her softly on the mouth.
— You’re a lovely girl, Kate. I’m glad I could watch you pee.
Kate blushed. –I liked showing you.
There was a knock on the door.
Back at the table the girls sat very close. Holding her new glass, resting her elbows on the table, Penny felt Kate’s hand touch her thigh. She spread her legs, pressing her knee against Kate’s, keeping the conversation going. As usual when drinking beer she quickly filled up again, but now she was going to ignore it completely. She emptied her glass and accepted Frank’s offer to buy her another drink. Kate had also finished hers.
As Frank left Kate slipped her hand behind Penny’s back. –I can’t believe I let you do that. Wipe me. I mean, Frank does, but –
Penny smiled and stroked her cheek. –Don’t try to explain. It’s okay for us girls to share our secrets, right? She leaned forward and kissed Kate softly again. The sensual contact with another girl’s lips made her sex tingle and the need to pee felt more urgent. But she wasn’t going to the bathroom. She was going to wet herself in front of these people.
Frank returned with their glasses. After a while Penny had to clench her legs to ease the pressure, and she watched Kate move her hips as she, too, obviously needed to pee again.
Nearing closing time they decided to leave. Penny could sense Frank’s desire to be alone with Kate, maybe fuelled by her sensual fidgeting – maybe by both girls’ openness about their need. Penny had had thoughts about both of them, but didn’t want to butt in on their relationship. And how would they react when she could not hold her water anymore?
As Kate stood up she smiled and made a small curtsy as a hint to Penny. Penny in turn rubbed her belly and lifted her leg, crossing her knees. Kate looked at the line for the ladies’ and shook her head. Penny had to force herself not to clamp her hands in her crotch as walking out of the pub increased her desperation. As they walked on the pressure eased. The time was near.
— I should have gone to the bathroom, she said. –I’m almost overflowing.
— Do you have far to walk? Frank asked worriedly.
— Well, it is quite a bit. I don’t really know if I’ll make it.
She was squirming now, walking slowly, and relishing every moment of desperation as she started to lose sensation in her lower body. Her full bladder caused her belly to bulge, stretching the already tight black fabric of her pants.
Kate gave her a worried look. –Are you okay?
Penny had to pause as a wave of pressure ran through her. She stood with her legs crossed, one hand wedged between her thighs. –I think I’m going to wet myself.
There were people everywhere, and no secluded places where she could squat. And now she knew she could not hold on anymore. She walked two steps. –I’m peeing my pants.
She stood still and closed her eyes as she felt the first drops soak her crotch. –I’m doing it, she whispered.
Kate stood in front of her, her own legs crossed, watching anxiously. Penny looked her in the eyes and spread her legs slightly. The heat spread from her crotch and down her legs, and eventually the stream burst through her pants and splashed on the pavement. She felt Kate’s hand grab her own as she lost control and emptied her bladder in her clothes.
Frank was staring at her. Kate looked as if she wanted to follow her example. Penny was shivering from lust and wild desires as she looked down at the shiny wet stream down the front of her legs. Close to orgasm she clenched her muscles and pressed the last drops from her bladder. She grabbed Kate’s arms. –Go home and make love, she whispered as she hugged Kate. –And don’t go to the bathroom first.
Standing in her soaked pants she waved at the couple as they walked on, Kate squirming her butt in the tight leggings, Frank awkwardly as if something in his pocket was bothering him. Penny turned and walked back to the hotel.
In the darkness her wetness was not very obvious on her black pants, but occasionally she paused under a streetlight and looked down her front, maybe catching some attention. Then she resumed her walk, wet clothing against her most sensitive parts.
Penny entered the hotel. Kelly smiled, then her eyes widened as she noticed Penny’s wet crotch. –My, you have wet yourself!
Penny walked to the bar. –I just couldn’t hold it anymore, she said softly. –Peed my pants like a little girl, right on the street.
— I think you need a drink, Kelly said. –On the house.
Penny sat on a bar stool; fortunately it had a leather seat. –Is it very obvious?
Kelly looked at her: –Not from the back, at least.
— You don’t mind if I sit for a while?
Kelly shook her head. –Feel free. Accidents can happen to everybody.
— Like you? Penny asked boldly.
Kelly nodded and held her hand in front of her crotch. –You don’t know how often I’ve stood here dribbling, waiting for relief. I have a bladder like a peanut. Actually I could use a break right now.
— Isn’t there somebody you could ask?
— Well, I don’t want to bother anybody, she said, looking into Penny’s eyes. Penny held her glance.
— I think I’ll have some water, said Kelly.
Penny watched as she fetched ice and poured water, moving her hips in a recognizable way. Penny felt dizzy as she realized Kelly too enjoyed a full bladder. Kelly drank her glass quickly and went to serve other customers. Passing Penny she smiled and made small gestures that told Penny all she wanted to know. This girl was bursting. Penny saw her at the other end of the bar, unseen by others, press her hand between her legs and bend her knees. Once she stood still for some seconds, biting her lip, staring into space, thighs pressed together. She squatted as she fetched more ice, thong visible, resting her butt on her heel. As she rose she seemed to slip down again for a second, her mouth forming an O before she managed to stand up. Penny knew something had happened. As Kelly passed her again she leaned over the counter: –Is it visible?
Penny shook her head.
— I close the bar in fifteen minutes. If you want we could have a drink in your room– even if it’s against regulations.
— I would love that.
The minutes passed slowly, Penny had another beer, making her need to pee again, and Kelly could not stand still between servings. Finally she could lower the blinds and close the connection door to the reception, as the night porter arrived. Rocking on her feet she looked expectantly at Penny, who nodded and signaled for Kelly to precede her up the stairs. Penny watched her butt move as she walked, a wet stain partly visible from behind. As Penny searched for her key, Kelly held herself openly, and then entered the room with small careful steps.
Penny walked over to her and embraced her, sliding her hands down to hold her butt. Kelly parted her lips to receive a long kiss, and Penny felt her tremble in her arms. –God, I’m dribbling, she whispered in Penny’s ear. –Look!
She stepped back to show Penny the palm–sized dark rose on her beige pants. –I have an idea. Just wait! She left the room, and moments later returned with a stack of towels.
— Let’s put these over the sheets. She stood on her hands and knees on the bed as she unfolded them, round pee–stained bottom towards Penny. Penny reached out and stroked her. Kelly sighed, and the stain seemed to grow.
— I think I’ll change, Penny said. I’m too wet. She slipped into the bathroom and removed her soaked clothes, then put on red panties, grey tights, a black miniskirt and top, and returned to the bedroom. Kelly was sitting cross–legged waiting for her. The stain had grown even more. Penny crawled in next to Kelly and put her hand in her wet lap. They kissed again and Penny felt a hand reach under her skirt. Slowly she released a small stream. Kelly drew her breath and kissed her harder. Penny rubbed Kelly’s crotch, feeling warm spurts on her hand. –Go, Kelly, she whispered. –Go in your pants. Let me feel you wet yourself.
Kelly moaned and pressed herself against Penny’s hand, peeing in bursts. Then Penny unzipped her and thrust her hand down her panties, sliding into her wet slit, rubbing as Kelly peed herself to orgasm.
They rested for a few minutes. Then Kelly made Penny lie on her back and knelt between her legs. Her short skirt covered her crotch, and Kelly’s careful hands were all over Penny outside her clothes, making it almost unbearable for her. She longed, craved, for the caressing hands to reach underneath her skirt, between her legs. Penny sighed. Then Kelly touched her breasts, squeezed her nipples, making her pee in her underwear. Penny grabbed Kelly’s hands and pushed them beneath her skirt.
Slowly Kelly lifted her skirt, exposing her tights and red panties visible underneath them. Her crotch was soaking wet. Penny looked at Kelly as she bent down, at her bottom, where her unzipped pants exposed more of her thong and butt, and then felt Kelly’s mouth against her crotch. She peed through her panties and tights, and Kelly drank from her. When she could take no more of the teasing she lifted her butt. –Undress me! Please! Lick my wet slit, Kelly! I want you to taste me, I’m peeing, I can’t hold it, I love you, I’m wetting myself, I’m peeing I’m peeing taste me taste my pee, oh yes I’m–I’m God it’s coming! Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, yesyesyes loveyoukelly wettingmyself I’mcomingkellymyloveNOW!
In the morning she gave Kelly her address– the real one.