
36 stories

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Under her Spell
By: Aquarius (31 Mar 2003, Monday)

She could make me do anything. I first saw her at an early–morning swim. We were the first to arrive, before the hall filled up. She was swimming with slow, easy strokes, doing flip–turns and sliding under water, long hair streaming. She was wearing a red, high–cut swimsuit, emphasizing her slender, well–trained body. I went in, doing the best I could, but found her passing me again and again. I had to admire the elegant way she moved in the water. Suddenly she was gone. I decided it was time to return to the dressing room. We were still alone. She stood under the shower, back to me, washing her hair. She looked to be in her early forties, but very fit for her age, with slim waist, tight buttocks and just a…

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By: Aquarius (28 Feb 2003, Friday)

We married quite young; I was twenty–one and Tracy was twenty. I had admired her shapely body in the tight jeans for some time before things fell into place and we started dating. We got married within a year. I first met her sister at the wedding. Lynn was eighteen with a slender body, usually dressed in tight, short dresses and skirts, or leggings and t–shirt. Tracy didn't mind me noticing her sister. Isn't she cute? She used to say, "don't you just love her?" Not as much as I love you, was my truthful answer. The summer after the wedding we spent two weeks at Tracy's family's summerhouse by the sea. One day Lynn turned up unexpectedly. "Time to check out the happy couple," she said. "Still in love?" —…

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Summer Job
By: Aquarius (28 Feb 2003, Friday)

I tightened my carpenter's belt and looked at the rotting foundations. I had taken on the job of building a new terrace on my uncle's summer house, a combination vacation and summer job. Actually there were two uncles who had built only yards apart on my grandfather's land, part of the deal being that my mother got the apartment in the city. I hefted a crowbar and tried to look mean. — Hi there! I turned. She was tiny, dark and beautiful, dressed in a blue micro–miniskirt and a skimpy top, sitting on the porch of the other house, looking expectantly at me. — Deena? She jumped up, came over and gave me a hug. –Terry! The last time I saw her she was a skinny imp, twelve or so, with her half Thai features…

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Nightly Need
By: Aquarius (31 Jan 2003, Friday)

Tina drifted slowly out of sleep. Her first thought was: Where am I? Her second: I have to go to the bathroom. Then she remembered. It was her first night in her aunt Jenny's incredibly big house, where she was going to spend the summer while working in the local bookshop before going back to school. She stared at the high ceiling, feeling the pressure in her bladder. Where was the bathroom, again? Tina decided to try to go back to sleep and wait until the morning. When she awoke again she had dreamed of walking in the woods, finding a secluded place, lifting her skirt, and... She realized that she had nearly wet the bed. Clamping her hand to her crotch she tried to remember where to go to find a toilet. It…

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The Glorious Film Business
By: Aquarius (31 Jul 2002, Wednesday)

It was a garden party, something to do with film; one of those mill–around–and–be–seen–things where you talk to people you don't know about nothing at all while you wait for somebody important to drift by. I'm something like the second unit's third cameraman's focus puller's assistant, which makes me the one you don't know. I got tired of hearing about nothing at all, so I drifted around the corner in search of the third unit's fourth sound recorder's microphone cleaner or so, hoping she was female and unattached. The woman stepped out from behind the hedge, shoes in one hand, and tall glass in the other. Unsteadiness more from the contents of the glass, or the ones before that, than from walking barefoot – it…

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Sandra's Story
By: Aquarius (30 Jun 2002, Sunday)

While I sit at my PC I like to keep a big towel on the chair. You don't want to interrupt anything, right? Let me introduce myself. I'm Sandra, thirty–two years old, and divorced. The reason for the divorce was the old other–girl thing. Well, not for him, for me. He caught me in bed with my friend Tina, and we weren't exactly sleeping. The wet sheets didn't make it look better. Describe myself? I'm average height, reddish–brown hair reaching my nipples when wearing a bra, slim waist, round butt, nice legs. All of this is according to Tina. Right now I'm wearing tights and a short t–shirt over simple white underwear. When I put my hand down the front I can feel my freshly shaven pussy. Doing that makes me want…

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Elizabeth Jones
By: Aquarius (31 May 2002, Friday)

Elizabeth Jones closed the door behind her and put the briefcase on the desk. Interesting stuff, this seminar, but enough was enough. Time to get out of business clothes and ponder the possibilities. She removed her dark blue jacket and skirt, unbuttoned her blouse, and enjoyed moving about wearing tights, panties and bra. For some reason hotel rooms made her feel erotic. Could be the undressing in strange quarters, knowing there were people behind the walls; maybe the dominating, inviting double bed; maybe the chance to meet someone in the bar or restaurant. She touched the nylon roundness of her belly, conscious of a need to relieve herself. She smiled, recalling stories of peeing in hotel beds. She had done…

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Piano Lessons
By: Aquarius (31 May 2002, Friday)

I started studying with Miss Anderson at fourteen. I had played for as long as I can remember, and was ready to go on to more difficult pieces – thence the private lessons. Miss Anderson was around thirty and usually dressed in proper skirt and blouse, with her auburn hair tied into a bun. Still, she was the object of my fantasies, being a woman who took me seriously, as opposed to the girls of my own age, who were either plain and giggly or pretty and condescending. She was petite, about my height at that time, and the decent clothes did not hide her womanly shape. I kept my dreams a secret for four years. After returning that autumn from three months' break, I found myself a couple of inches taller, with…

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By: Aquarius (31 May 2002, Friday)

She bumped into me at the bar. Five–five, blonde hair in two short pigtails, cheeky smile, and dressed in black low–cut pants and top showing three inches of bare belly. She said hi and smiled expectantly at me. Who am I to turn someone down? –Like a drink, I said. She nodded, pigtails waving. –Beer is fine. While waiting we introduced ourselves. Her name was Carrie. I resisted suggesting carrying her home, as she seemed to have gotten the same idea. The crowd was pushing, and she swayed on her feet, pushing a breast against my arm or a hip against my thigh. I admit to feeling something rise down there. –You here alone, she asked, very close to my ear. –Not really. –Oh. Well, I don't have company. She brushed…

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Oh, the Memories
By: Aquarius (30 Apr 2002, Tuesday)

Note: This story contains Female Wetting, Male Wetting, Foreplay, and Sex We were eighteen, shy and innocent; had been summer friends for ten years. Both families having cabins by the small lake, we just had to be together. There were more young people around that we met, became friends, drifted apart. But Kate was something special. And that summer something changed. It was the annual midsummer feast, everybody gathering in the clearing by the bay, barbecuing, playing games, children dipping their toes. My family had arrived that afternoon, my little sister seeking her best friend, and I hoped Kate was there. She was. Brown hair parted in the middle, green eyes, her body a little rounder than last year.…

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By: Aquarius (30 Apr 2002, Tuesday)

Then unbelieving, turning into sad. Finally plain mad. The cheek of it all. Staying out all night, coming home in the morning with what was feeble excuses, before owning up to having spent the night at some tart's place. Not his words, that. He had slowly gotten to the point, which was that he intended to stay with this slut, and would she please pack her things and be gone, like, tomorrow?A year and a half of living together, and then, poof. All right. A year and a half of staying at his place, bringing mostly clothes and glass animals. He had resented the animals, but until now he had loved her clothes, especially the short and tight ones. Apparently what fit in the clothes could be exchanged at times. Fuck…

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By: Aquarius (30 Apr 2002, Tuesday)

She had been watching me for some time. She sat alone by a column drinking beer, and caught my eyes a couple of times, lifting her glass to me. She was dressed in a short skirt and tight top, had dark, curly hair, and was not very tall. Her clothes accentuated her rounded body, and her skirt rode up to reveal the top of her stay–up pantyhose. A woman in her thirties on the lookout.I was sitting by the bar, ready to be selected. I lifted my glass and nodded to her. The music was loud. She put her hands to her red mouth and mouthed, "dance?" and I finished my beer and rose. She came into my arms, almost sliding into place, and I felt soft breasts brush my stomach and a deliberate pressure against my groin. My…

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Bridget's Discovery
By: Aquarius (28 Feb 2002, Thursday)

I awoke when Bridget returned home from a night with the girls. She crawled into bed with her clothes on, smelling of warm girl, beer and soft perfume. Without hesitation she reached for me under the sheets, and even half asleep I reacted immediately. I slid my hands up her thighs and encountered a soaking wet crotch under her dress. She turned me over on my back – Bridget is a big, strong girl – and slid her dress over her hips. With one hand she tore her tights and panties down to her knees and sank down on me. She held her belly while she moved intensely, sighed, moaned, and came more quickly than she had ever done before. Before I even came close she slid off and ran to the bathroom. It all happened so…

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Hot Bath
By: Aquarius (28 Feb 2002, Thursday)

Gail looked at Vicky's back in front of her. The long, reddish–brown hair fell softly over her shoulders, reaching almost to the strap that was showing clearly under the tight red t–shirt. Time and again Vicky had to brush her hair from her face. After a while it fell back again, prompting another touch of her cheek. Gail ruffled her short curls and wished she had longer hair. Better keep writing. Final exam. She knew too little about agricultural policy, but had settled for that after discarding drug rehabilitation and unemployment. She could never write about homosexual rights, not ever. Vicky had tired of the unruly hair, putting it up high in a ponytail with a red elastic band. Gail found herself staring…

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Mail to Monica
By: Aquarius (28 Feb 2002, Thursday)

Hi! My name is Sharon and I'm a lesbian. Did I scare you? Perhaps you think all lesbians are squat and ugly and angry. I'm not. Please keep reading. I saw you on your first day at work, standing nervously at the reception desk, twirling your hair and squeezing your legs like you needed the girls' room. I loved the way the silk in your pantsuit fell over your beautiful bottom, and the waves in your dark hair. I was the girl with the ponytail who passed you from behind and turned to look at you. But then everybody else did too, I guess. I wore black pants and dark red blouse. You probably didn't notice. Have you ever been in love with another girl? I was about twelve the first time. She was fourteen and a friend…

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