Male Desperation

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Grand Opening
By: Full Bladder (30 Sep 2012, Sunday)

Note: This story contains Female & Male Desperation, Female & Male Wetting, Humaliation, and Foreplay. After weeks of training and renovations to the bar, it was finally Grand Opening Day. Though it was Misty's bar, Kiran and Jamie felt as much a part of the project as she did. In fact, they had let Misty know that they were willing to work on tips alone if things didn't work out as well as planned at the start. However, Misty was hearing none of it– she was convinced the bar was going to be a great success.Misty had named it the 'Wild West Games Bar', which fit well with the old building located in the outskirts of town. However, the best part of the name was the neon sign. Misty had made it so only certain…

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Jamie's Revenge
By: Full Bladder (30 Apr 2012, Monday)

Kiran shivered with excitement as she carried Jamie's soaked bed covers downstairs to the laundry room. She could feel the wet warmness on her arms and took care not to let the bundle dampen her t–shirt. Jamie was in the washroom getting cleaned up after peeing her bed and as her first act as Kiran's master, she had instructed her to put the wet laundry into the washing machine.Kiran inhaled deeply to enjoy the scent of her girlfriend's pee one last time before tossing the bundle in. She wondered what Jamie would have in store for her– she would certainly feel compelled to get payback after what had just happened. Her vagina tingled at the thought of being subjected to all of Jamie's sexual demands. She hoped…

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The Therapist
By: The Earl of Wet (31 Dec 2011, Saturday)

Note: This story contains Female & Male Desperation, Deliberate Wetting, Humiliation, Exhibitionism, and Sex. "What can I do for you?" said Danielle to the seemingly happy young couple sitting in front of her. Having been specialised on sex–related cases directly after University about 10 years ago, the therapist wasn't used to couples holding hands during the first session. "You don't seem to be too unhappy with each other!" "Well", the boy started, "we do love each other, and we have been together for more than five years now. It is just that our sexual fantasies seem not to match." "Now, this is the case with the vast majority of all couples" said the therapist "but it is great to see that you intend to…

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Wet Team Training
By: Gopher (30 Jun 2010, Wednesday)

Note: This story contains Female & Male Desperation, Accidental & Deliberate Wetting, Golden Showers, and Sex. Disclaimer: This story is based on actual occurrences but names have been changed. I work for a large manufacturing company in the UK, and management had decided that we were to have a three–day team training exercise. We were to spend the three team training days at a large hotel in the country, all expenses paid, and most of us were quite excited at the idea. After all, the company was paying and it was a break from the normal daily routine. Well, the day came and we all boarded the luxurious coaches that had been laid on and after a journey of about an hour and a half, we arrived at the hotel.…

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Waiting for the Bus
By: Paul Tester (30 Apr 2010, Friday)

Note: This story contains Female & Male Desperation, and Accidental Wetting. Vanessa and her partner Keiran, who lived in a remote English country village, often had a group of friends to stay for the weekend, and on Saturday night had arranged a visit to their favourite pub in a nearby village. A late–night bus connecting all the villages in the area had recently been started, and Vanessa insisted that they use this to come home, instead of driving or ordering a taxi. The pub was famous for both real ale and local cider, so they were all expecting to have plenty to drink. Vanessa, a well–built girl in her 30's, was wearing a long, close fitting dress, which clearly showed the outline of her knickers. Kieran…

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Hot Mexican Nights
By: Full Bladder (28 Feb 2010, Sunday)

Note: This story contains Female & Male Desperation, Diapers, Bedwetting, Humiliation, Foreplay, and Sex. Tanja and I were together in Mexico. It still seemed so surreal even as I lay beside her in bed that first morning in a five star beachside resort. It was already getting quite warm even though it couldn't have been past 9:30. I considered getting up to turn on the AC before it got too hot, but didn't want to leave the comfortable bed just yet. Tanja was still sleeping beside me, completely nude. It had been a long but fun night. We had gotten drunk back in L.A., but not drunk enough to be restricted from flying. We had taken a cab to the airport, already desperate from the alcohol we had consumed. We…

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Leaving on a Jet Plane
By: Full Bladder (31 Jan 2010, Sunday)

Note: This story contains Female & Male Desperation, Diapers, Humiliation, Foreplay, and Sex. The first seven weeks of my new job flew by. I was really busy with work, learning many of my tasks on the fly. I was glad that I had paid attention in school; I knew the basics of my job very well. However, there were still many aspects of my job that had been taught lightly or not at all. I worked hard to learn the ropes of the trade and complete my tasks as quickly and effectively as I could. My boss, Mr. Brokovich had been pleased with how well I was picking up things, but it was really all Tanja's doing. She was a great mentor, both in accounting–related matters and in love. Before I knew it, it was Friday…

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The Owed Favour
By: Full Bladder (31 Dec 2009, Thursday)

Note: This story contains Female & Male Desperation, Accidental Wetting, Humiliation, Bondage, and Spanking. Things were going well between Tanja and me. I was madly in love with her and I could feel that she had a growing liking to me as well. We did have our differences though. I wanted nothing more than to be with Tanja all the time. She was absolutely amazing in every way. She was the woman I had only seen in my dreams until now. However, Tanja was more non–committal and tended to shy away from any discussions of getting to know each other better. She seemed to want to keep her options open and rolled with life as it came, taking in all of each and every experience. I had told her that I was okay with…

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Speechless Passion
By: Money (31 Dec 2009, Thursday)

Note: This story contains Female & Male Desperation, Foreplay, Sex, and Golden Showers. She was a girl with long, brown hair, blue eyes, peach skin, and a beautiful, curvy body. As well as a little fetish that she shared with her men. Lying and squirming on a sturdy mattress, the girl trembled as the spasms of pee pushed her bladder to near bursting point. Keeping her long legs wide open for her partner, she bit down on her lip as the fight to contain her pee became more and more difficult. She had her hands tied down, but she was not planning to use them of her own accord either way. Her legs were not tied, but she chose to spread them for her lover. Her lover was a muscular man with a rugged face, short,…

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The Boardroom Meeting
By: Full Bladder (31 Oct 2009, Saturday)

Note: This story contains Female & Male Desperation, Accidental Wetting, Humiliation, and Sex. My new job has kept me very busy to say the least. I begin work at 9:00 am each morning and quit at 5:00 pm. There is usually a few hours of work left over that I complete at home for clients coming in the next morning. Despite the big workload, I am enjoying my job. A big reason for this is the money. It is nice to be able to eat real meals after living on Kraft Dinner for the past six years. I am even considering moving out of my rented apartment and buying a place within the next year, a big step for someone just a few months out of university. Without a doubt, the best part of my job is Tanja. I fell in love…

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Bus Stop Girls
By: Gopher (31 Oct 2009, Saturday)

Note: This story contains Female & Male Desperation and Wetting, Foreplay, Exhibitionism, and Sex. The characters in this story are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people is purely coincidental. Alan lived opposite a park with a clear view of the bus stop that was outside the entrance. He often used to sit and watch people coming and going through the park, and people waiting for the bus. Late one evening he was looking out of his window and he saw a couple of young ladies coming out of the park. They looked to be in their late teens or early twenties, and Alan thought they looked quite attractive. One was brown skinned with black hair, and the other was white skinned with ginger hair. Both were…

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My Job Orientation
By: Full Bladder (31 Jul 2009, Friday)

I am writing about my experiences with a very special woman that I felt very fortunate to meet even if it was for a limited time. It all started with my new job at an advisory and management accounting firm in Los Angeles. I had just graduated from university at the age of 23 and was a little inexperienced in the relationship department. I had never had a girlfriend or even a high school sweetheart. All my sexual experiences had come from binge–drinking campus parties and one–night stands. Admittedly, I was glad to get out of the college life and into the real world, where was I hoping to find a more meaningful relationship that I had not found up to this point. I had graduated with good grades from a…

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You'll Pay
By: Remos (30 Jun 2009, Tuesday)

Note: This story contains Female & Male Desperation, and Accidental & Deliberate Wetting. Tonight was the night. All week I had carefully monitored my fluid intake preparing for this special night. My girlfriend and I were going out to a party with some close friends and I was driving. Normally this would have been the short straw, but, my mock annoyance covered my anticipation and delight well. In the four hours we were there, I helped her drink down at least three pints of various liquids while sipping slowly at a simple glass of water. I couldn't believe my luck as we walked back to our car, as she still hadn't gone to pee and by now must have a bladder that bulged more than my erect cock. Luckily Jess did…

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Wet Pants and Videography Experiences
By: Rayford (31 Jan 2009, Saturday)

Note: This story contains Female & Male Desperation, Accidental & Deliberate Wetting, and Exhibitionism. Over the years, the wife and I have had a lot of wetting experiences with other parties and privately. We never wrote about these, choosing to be anonymous at her request. She's passed away now, and I'm too old to be intimidated anymore so here it comes. First of all, we determined there were TWO kinds of pee. Ordinarily the kidneys filter blood and send the waste to the bladder. This contains, among other things, acetic acid also known as vinegar, and this gives it the yellow tint you see. We called this DIRTY PEE. However, if you drink a lot of liquid in a relatively short time (guzzling NOT recommended…

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Let's do it Together Part 2
By: Gopher (30 Jun 2008, Monday)

Note: This story contains Female & Male Desperation, Foreplay, Golden Showers, and Sex. I had made an unplanned visit to Aunt May, in the Midlands, but she was away for the weekend and Jilly and Jenny from across the street were house sitting. After discovering they were playing 'how long can we hold it' we had a very enjoyable evening, and I agreed to stay the night and start the day off with them on equal footings. We got up the next morning, peed and showered together. We had great fun with squeals of delight as we soaped and lathered each other. I paid particular attention to making sure that both Jilly's and Jenny's firm breasts were spotlessly clean and also that every millimetre of their pussies was…

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