
1 stories

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Wet Pants and Videography Experiences
By: Rayford (31 Jan 2009, Saturday)

Note: This story contains Female & Male Desperation, Accidental & Deliberate Wetting, and Exhibitionism. Over the years, the wife and I have had a lot of wetting experiences with other parties and privately. We never wrote about these, choosing to be anonymous at her request. She's passed away now, and I'm too old to be intimidated anymore so here it comes. First of all, we determined there were TWO kinds of pee. Ordinarily the kidneys filter blood and send the waste to the bladder. This contains, among other things, acetic acid also known as vinegar, and this gives it the yellow tint you see. We called this DIRTY PEE. However, if you drink a lot of liquid in a relatively short time (guzzling NOT recommended…

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