Julia - The Second Chapter

By: David North
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

We woke late, not surprisingly. When I opened my eyes, I found Julia’s face before me, her head propped up on her hand. She smiled and rubbed her left leg against my thigh –– such a wonderful way to start the day and I did not suppress the groan at the pleasure it brought me. I reached down and stroked her thigh as it came within reach, relishing the softness of her skin.
“That was quite a revelation last night,” she said, smirking, her blue eyes peeping through the strands of her fringe. “Why didn’t you tell me about your…. interest before?”
“Why do you think?” I said, shrugging slightly. “I didn’t think you’d be interested. More likely, I thought it would scare you off.”
She considered this for a moment, and then said, “No. I admit I was a little surprised, but when I discovered how much it affected you, it got interesting.”
“You were pretty ratty in the car,” I said, trying to avoid making it sound like a rebuke. Her smile broadened.
“I was, wasn’t I,” she agreed, and lowering her leg, slid a hand up the inside of my thigh until it met my testicles. The response was immediate: The sac tightened as if I had just jumped into cold water.
“Oooooh,” she crooned, clearly pleased with the effect. She scratched gently with her fingernails a few times and then let her fingers walk up my erect penis. “And this,” she gave it a squeeze, “was amazing too. I don’t think it went down once. It’s hard to believe that my having a full bladder on the way home could be responsible for such a powerful response.”
“Believe it,” I said.
“I really was bursting though,” she said, her voice becoming a little reflective. “I couldn’t sit still for a second in the car, and when you grabbed my arse outside the front door, I could have screamed.” She stopped. My penis had suddenly stiffened in her hand, and she looked at me in mild surprise. “Does even my talking about it turn you on?” she asked. When I nodded, she gave my penis another squeeze and laid her head down on the pillow. “Really?” she pressed, and when I confirmed it again, she began recounting the events of the previous evening from her perspective. The effect on my penis was electrifying.
“I was dying to hold myself with my hands, but I felt too embarrassed to put them up inside my skirt, to begin with anyway, because I knew you’d see. I knew you were watching me every few seconds instead of concentrating on the road.” She paused, gripped my foreskin between her thumb and middle finger, and then began to roll it back and forth over the sensitive tire on the head of my penis. I could feel my sperm stirring again, and wondered idly where the hell it was all coming from.
“I was bursting by the time we got to the end of the road, and my skirt felt like it had shrunk about three sizes. I was in total agony and would have done anything to be able to relieve my aching bladder. I’ve never been that frantic to go before. Never. It was the first time I’ve wet myself as an adult.”
“Did you enjoy it?” I couldn’t help asking.
“The relief of being able to let go of all that urine, yes. As for actually wetting myself, it wouldn’t be my first choice. However,” she paused again, moving her face closer to mine, “now that I know it pushes your buttons, I’m not entirely averse to the idea.”
“Meaning you might let yourself get into a desperate situation like that again?” My voice was hopeful, and my heart started to sink when she hesitated.
“Not all the time, but occasionally would be all right,” she conceded finally. “Is that okay with you?”
“Oh yes,” I said, pecking her on the cheek. “That is fantastic. More than I hoped for actually. I thought you would be furious and refuse to ever let anything like that happen again.” She bobbed her head from side to side a few times as if pondering what I’d said, and then gestured in the affirmative.
“Last night, I didn’t think I would let it happen again. The pain was awful, and it’s not something you want to put yourself through unless you have to.”
“Oh,” I said, feeling a little crestfallen.
“What’s that face for?” she asked, jabbing my nose with the tip of hers. “I’ve already said I’d do it again some time. In fact, I wouldn’t mind going to the loo now.”
“Really?” She nodded, and then added playfully, “so now that you’re nice and firm, how about making love to me while I hold it?”
“Really?” I repeated, hardly able to believe my ears.
“Come on,” she said, pulling at my penis to encourage me to mount her.
“Just remember to be a bit gentle, in case I get desperate and end up wetting the bed.”
I sank myself deep inside her while I kissed her and ran my fingers through her hair, all the time thinking about how my erection was ramming against the wall of her bladder. I wondered how badly she needed to go, and hoped she wasn’t just stringing me along. When we finished, I was gratified to see her roll out of bed and make a dash for the en–suite bathroom. I listened to her groan with relief as she released a fast torrent of pee into the bowl, and knew that she hadn’t been faking it at all.
Half an hour later, we were sitting in the living room drinking mugs of coffee and chatting, mostly about her work. I had dropped into an armchair, while Julia had elected to sit on the corner of the coffee table, something she habitually did.
She had showered and dressed herself in a thin white, short–sleeved sweater and a white skirt. Her legs were bare, but that was just fine – she had lovely skin, just as alluring to me as any pair of stockings.
She stretched out her left leg and began rubbing her foot against my calf, smiling impishly. I knew something was coming. After a few moments, she began thoughtfully, “In the pub last night, when I asked you if your request for me to hold my pee was for real and called you a dirty dog, you said that I didn’t know the half of it.” She paused again, pondering how to continue. “What did you mean by that?” she asked finally.
“Oh, nothing really. Just something to say I suppose.”
“No,” she said, shaking her head slowly. “I think you were serious. You’ve got another fetish, haven’t you?”
I didn’t answer at first. She waited, watching me with such earnestness that I felt my cheeks redden. Seeing this, she grinned. “You have, haven’t you? Care to share that one too?” Again, I hesitated.
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” I replied evasively.
“Why not? Is it really horrible or something? Are you a sadist?”
“No,” I said, then considered. “Well, I suppose you might call making a girl hold her pee when she’s bursting to let it out sadistic.”
“Hmm, you might,” she conceded, then prompted me again. “Look, you’ve already told me about the pee thing, so why not tell me the rest. Who knows, I might not mind it.”
She had me, hook, line, and sinker. I took a deep breath and confessed. “I… I also like the idea of seeing a beautiful girl tied up.”
“Oh yes?” she teased. “And does she have to be beautiful?”
“Frankly, yes,” I admitted, and she nodded her head a couple of times.
“There’s a strong sexual component to it.”
“Oh dear. Well, that lets me out,” she said, pulling a face which told me she was playfully angling for a compliment.
“You’re right at the top of my list,” I informed her, which was perfectly true.
“Right, so let me get this straight,” she said, her voice contemplative, her legs hand reaching down to slide the hem of her skirt up her long, shapely thigh. “You like to see women dying to go to the loo, and you also like to see them tied up– and gagged? Do you want them to be gagged as well?”
“Sometimes,” I said abstractedly, my attention transfixed by the way she was playing with the hem of her skirt.
“Okay. So, if both of these things turn you on separately, what happens if you combine them?”
I didn’t dare speak. I was afraid that if I did, I would start salivating.
“Come on. What if you had a beautiful woman, which is to say me,” she said warningly, “who’s really struggling with a full bladder, and some heartless swine has tied her to a chair so she can’t get to the loo to relieve herself.”
“Sounds…” I hesitated, swallowing as I searched for a sufficient dramatic response, my eyes still following her long fingers as they continued sliding the hem of hem skirt higher and lower. In the end, I settled on a somewhat lame response. “Sounds fantastic.”
“Hmmm,” she said, pursing her lips. “I suppose this poor desperate girl would have to hang on for a long time?”
“In all likelihood,” I supplied at once and with obvious enthusiasm. Then I winced; this answer was hardly calculated to induce her to participate in my little fantasy.
“What a surprise,” she said, standing up and coming round to my side of the table as she allowed her skirt to fall back into place and cover her thigh.
She gestured for me to pull back my chair so that she could seat herself on my lap. Her left arm went around my shoulders to steady herself while her right stroked my cheek. “You are a very bad boy,” she said softly and with emphasis, prodding the end of my nose with her forefinger. “I wonder how many times have you talked some poor girl into being a desperate captive?”
“Never,” I answered truthfully. She lifted an interrogative eyebrow, and I added, “It’s true. I’ve never worked up the courage to ask anyone.”
“Oh really? So why am I so privileged?” she inquired, tweaking my nose a little harder, perhaps daring me to suggest that she had some aura about her, which invited this kind of audacity.
“I asked last night because…” I faltered. “Well, actually, I can’t believe I worked up the courage. And as for the other, well, you were astute enough to pick up on it without me saying a word.”
“Oh, so now you think flattering me will get me to agree to anything.”
“God, I hope so,” I told her, and she laughed and kissed me.
“We’ll see,” she said.
She seemed to be mulling something over as she sat there, and I almost got as far as asking if she was prepared to let me tie her up that very weekend when she resumed, “So, since you have this fetish, I suppose you’ve got a secret stash of whips and chains.”
“Um, no. I’m not really into that stuff. I do own a pair of handcuffs though.”
“Oh really. I am shocked. And you said you’d never tied anyone up yet.”
“I haven’t. They were a present from a mate of mine who’s a copper.”
“And is he into this sort of thing too, this pervy policeman friend?”
“No. At least, I don’t think so. How can one tell?”
“Clearly, one can’t, my darling,” she said meaningfully. After a pause, she added, “Can I see them?”
“What, the handcuffs?”
“No, the Crown Jewels. What do you think?”
“Of course,” I said, finishing my coffee.
I went into my bedroom, retrieving the handcuffs from the back of the bottom drawer in my bedside cabinet, and returned to the kitchen holding them up by one bracelet saying, in the customary tone reserved for imitating policemen: “‘Ello, ‘ello, ‘ello. I think you’d better come along with me, Miss. Don’t give me any trouble now.” Julia giggled. “You’d make a good copper.”
“So, put them on me,” she suggested, holding out her wrists. “Or does it have to be behind my back.”
“No, in front will do, Miss,” I continued with the copper impression. I snapped the bracelets on her wrists, careful not to close them too tightly, then feigned a moment of panic. Patting my pockets, I said, “Oh no. I’m not sure if I’ve still got the key.”
She looked alarmed for a second, and then broke into a grin. “Pig,” she said, and then tugged gently at the cuffs, pulling on the short chain connecting the bracelets. “They’re pretty restrictive, aren’t they?”
“Yep. Can’t have criminals sliding their hands under their feet and making a run for it,” I said.
We played around for a few more minutes before I retrieved the key and unlocked the handcuffs, thinking nothing of the way she followed me into the bedroom and watched me put them away. “Careful, aren’t we?” she teased as I returned them to their hiding place.
“Too right. I can’t bear to think what would happen if my mother paid one of her surprise visits and found them.”
“Is that the sort of thing she does?” Julia asked, looking mildly alarmed.
“No, no. Well, not often anyway. She only tends to do that kind of thing at Christmas or on my birthday. We should be safe enough this weekend.”
“Good,” she said, waggling her eyebrows suggestively, and I kissed her before we returned to the kitchen.
A little later, I phoned through a reservation at a nice restaurant I knew in Canterbury for eight that evening, then suggested a trip into town to buy a few CDs. “Actually Dave,” she said, her voice subdued, “I’ve got a bit of a headache, so I’d rather not.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. We don’t need to go out at all if you like– just a quiet weekend. Shall I cancel the reservation for tonight?”
“No, don’t be silly. I’m sure I’ll be fine by then.” She hesitated, and then went on, “Actually, I think all I need is a lie down for a bit.” I raised my eyebrows at the suggestion, and she prodded my nose playfully. “Not with you,” she said. “Why don’t you go and get your CDs while I rest, and then I should be fine.”
“No, that’s okay” I said. “I’ll stay here.”
“No, please Dave. I don’t want you to stay in on my account. I want you to go.”
I almost had the feeling she was trying to get rid of me. I could hardly know how right my suspicion would turn out to be. “But,” she added, as if in mitigation, “I’d like you to take your cell phone with you, so that I can call if I need you.”
I was a little dubious about leaving her if she wasn’t feeling well, but I relented and, about twenty minutes later, was on the road into Canterbury. It was about two–thirty.
I went to the Virgin Megastore and browsed through the endless rows of disc on offer, finding one or two oldies I still wanted to add my collection. I must have been browsing for much longer than I thought because, when I looked at my watch again, it was almost three–thirty. I wondered how Julia was doing.
As if she had read my mind, my cell started trilling just as I joined the long queue at the checkout. “Dave?” said an uncertain voice, as if the caller were unsure of having the right number.
“Hi Jooles,” I responded cheerfully. “How are you feeling now?”
“Feeling? Oh, um, fine.”
“You don’t sound very sure,” There was a long pause. “Julia. You still there?”
“Yes,” she confirmed. Another silence.
“Is something wrong?” I asked, beginning to feel anxious.
“No, not really, but I think you had better get home as soon as you can,” she said. For a brief moment, I felt a panic animal clawing at the inside of my rib cage.
“What’s wrong love?” I asked anxiously.
“Nothing. I’m all right. Really. I’m just…”
“What?” I prompted.
Her next words were like the sound of rain on a parched desert. “I need to go to the loo and I can’t get there.”
I wanted to ask a great many questions at that point, but standing in the checkout queue surrounded by girls and their boyfriends, I couldn’t say too much. Besides, I could already feel my penis starting to stiffen, and I wasn’t wearing a jacket that would help to hide the bulge. “Um, why not?” I inquired as noncommittally as I could manage.
“You know that wooden chair in your bedroom?” she asked.
“Well, I’ve just tied myself to it using some rope I found in your garden shed. I hope you don’t mind, but I had to cut it up.”
“Um, I… no, that…that’s fine.” I was stammering as my mind performed cartwheels trying to get itself around what she was telling me. “Can you––can you just say that again. The signal’s a bit weak and you’re breaking up.”
“It sounds perfectly clear at this––oh. You’re not in the car.”
“Um, no, I’m waiting to pay for my CDs. I’ll be in here about another ten minutes.”
“Oh,” she said, and I thought I detected concern in her voice. “I thought you’d be on your way back by now.”
“Sorry. I got carried away,” I said. “So, you were saying,” I prompted again, anxious to steer her back to the previous conversation.
“After what you told me earlier, I decided I would persuade you to go out on your own and then… surprise you.”
“Oh, you’ve certainly done that,” I informed her, slipping a hand into the front left pocket of my jeans in an effort to conceal the bulge being made by my rapidly swelling penis.
“Good. You want the details?” she asked, knowing full well that I did.
“Tell me everything.”
The girl in front of me in the queue gave me an odd look, and I offered her a reassuring smile. It must have looked odd because she quickly faced forward again and did her best to pretend I wasn’t there.
“Well, first of all I slipped into a short black shirt and a pair of tights. I know you prefer stockings, but my only pair was still a bit damp from the wash they had this morning. Hope you don’t mind.”
“Not at all,” I encouraged. “Go on.”
“Okay, I tied my legs together around the ankles and above the knees, with the result that they’re trussed up like a Christmas turkey’s.”
“Oh God,” I exclaimed involuntarily, my voice rising more than I intended. I avoided meeting the curious stares of the people around me.
“Then I tied some rope to the top of the chair and secured it across my front, right below my breasts. It makes them stand out quite a bit. I think you’d like that too.”
“Mmmm,” I agreed.
“Then, I finished everything off by handcuffing my hands behind me. The key is still in your bedside drawer, so there’s absolutely no way I can get to it. So, there you are: I’m stuck here until you come home and rescue me.”
“Julia,” I whispered, trying to keep the frantic note out of my voice. “That’s…that’s…”
“Oh, listen to you, all speechless. And there was me thinking it wasn’t possible. Oh, and one more thing.”
“I drank your bottle of spring water before I tied myself to the chair, and I can already feel the pressure starting to build up inside my bladder.”
She fell silent, apparently waiting for my reaction. When I said nothing, she teased, “You’re very quiet, Dave. Having a spot of trouble down below?”
“Um, as it happens, yes. Quite a lot.”
“Good. Blushing, are we?”
“Um, yep. As a matter of fact, I am.”
“Wonderful. And are you standing with one hand in your pocket trying to hide the bulge in your jeans?”
“You’re a bad girl,” I said in mild rebuke.
“Glad you think so. Right, what else? Oh yes, before I locked my wrists inside the handcuffs, I attached the microphone headset to my cell phone and hooked it over my ear, pressed the memory button with your number and, after you answered, I pulled open the neck of my top and tucked it inside my bra. So whatever you do, don’t ring off, because I can’t re–dial.”
“Wow,” I said, now desperate to pay for the CDs and just get out of there. I wanted to be at home witnessing all this.
I was longing to ask her when she lasted visited the toilet, wondering if she had been at all since I left. Desperate for an answer, I tried to come up with a discrete way to ask her. “I see. So, how long has it been, altogether?”
“What do you mean?”
“Um, well…” My hesitation seemed to help the penny to drop.
“Oh, are you asking how long since I last went to the loo?”
“Naughty boy,” she teased. “Well, let me see, I went just after we drank coffee this morning. That must have been… about ten?”
“Ten thirty,” I supplied.
“Right. And it’s now about quarter to three, so the answer is more than four hours ago. And just so that you know, my bladder is starting to seriously twinge now, so I need you to get here as soon as possible before I get to bursting point and get all ratty again.”
“I’ll be there as soon as I can,” I promised.
I finally arrived at the checkout and the shop girl began processing my credit card. Through the earpiece of my cell, I could hear noises, heavy breathing I thought. It suggested that poor Julia was beginning to feel the strain on her bladder. I couldn’t believe she’d put herself through this agony twice in the space of twenty–four hours, but I was truly grateful that she had. It only remained for me to show her how grateful.
“Dave?” I heard her say. I caught the strain in her voice even with that single syllable.
“I’m still here.”
“Have you left Virgin yet?”
“Just about to.”
“How far away is your car?”
“It’s in a multi–story, about ten minutes from here.”
“When do you think you’ll be home?”
“Depends on traffic. Twenty, maybe thirty minutes.”
“Oh God. I don’t think I can wait that long.”
“Okay. I’ll do what I can to reduce that a bit.”
“Please do.” The pleading note in her voice made my penis stiffen so much I was having trouble standing upright. I felt sure everyone in the shop could see the massive bulge in my jeans, but I didn’t dare look around, or down for that matter. The shop girl was frowning in bored irritation as she waited for my card to be authorized.
“Oh!” I heard Julia gasp. “I can’t believe how quickly it is building up. I shouldn’t have had all that water.”
“No, but I’m very glad you did.”
“You wouldn’t be if your bladder was screaming at you the way mine is.”
“Now, try not to get cross about it.”
“Oohhh!” she gasped, then grunted in obvious effort as if she were lifting something heavy. I knew she was fighting a bladder spasm as it contracted and tried to relax her outer sphincter muscles, squeezed shut to hold back the flood. “I’m sorry,” she said in a slightly calmer voice, the wave of pressure presumably having passed. “I’ll try not to get ratty with you Dave, but I really am desperate to go. I’m really tensing my thigh muscles, but it’s not helping much.”
“I appreciate what you’re doing for me,” I said, “more than I can tell you over the phone. I’m leaving the shop now. I’ll get to the car as quickly as I can. Just you hold on, okay.”
“Very funny,” she tossed back, a trace of amusement returning to her voice. “Honestly, the things I do for you.”
“It’ll be worth it.”
“I know. Why else do you think I’d put myself through this again so soon?”
“I did wonder,” I admitted, weaving in and out of slower–walking pedestrians as I ran along the high towards the multi–story car park visible at the far end of the street.
“You were amazing last night,” she said in an almost wistful tone. “And this morning,” she added. “I’ve never had sex like it Dave. You just didn’t go down at all, and you made me have one orgasm after another. So, if this is what it takes to keep you as hard as a steel rod, it’s worth every––oohhh!”
“Another spasm?” I gasped, hoping she would not mind the question, which in keeping her mind fully on her urgent desire to pee could hardly help her to retain control of her bladder.
“Mmmm,” she grunted. In addition to the strain, I thought I detected a note of despair, of resignation as if she was starting to lose the fight.
“Julia,” I said.
“What?” She sounded a bit sharp, but when she went on, her tone was softer. “Sorry, I almost lost it then. You’ve got to hurry up Dave. I can’t hold it back much longer.”
“Please try love.”
“I am trying!” Irritation again.
“I know, I know. It’s just that…” I hesitated, out of breath from my continued exertions as I tried to keep up my end of the conversation, “I’d like to be there before anything happens.”
“I know. I’m trying so hard to control it. Ohhh, God. Now I know what a dog feels like when it’s straining at its leash.”
I ran faster, dodging around people and cars in my haste. “What are you doing?” I heard Julia ask.
“Running. I’m almost back to the car.”
“Oh, you’re a love. Thank you.”
“I think it’s safe to say,” I gasped, panting hard as I reached the stairwell leading up to the fifth floor of the car park, “that the pleasure is all mine.”
“At the moment, maybe,” she conceded. “But later…”
“Later, I’m all yours. Anything you want.”
“I’ll hold you to that.”
“Fine. In the meantime, just concentrate on holding something else.”
“Oh! You’re impossible.”
“And loving every second of it. I’m bursting with delight,” I added, placing emphasis on the word bursting. “Oh, don’t. Just the sound of the word makes me imagine my bladder exploding.”
The few people on the fifth level of the car park watched me running towards my car, probably wondering if there was a fire somewhere. I suspected that a young boy of about eight or nine noticed the bulge in my jeans because he turned to his mother and started asking a question about lumps. I didn’t hang around to hear the answer, if there was one.
I pressed the button on my key fob to kill the car alarm and unlock the doors, and in less than a minute was as the exist barrier, waiting to leave. All the way down, I’d had visions of freeing Julia from the chair, but leaving the handcuffs in place and literally putting her across my knee and slapping her bottom. The weight of her own body pressing on her abdomen would probably be enough to make her wet herself, without my spanking her, but the shock waves it would send through her could only help. I wondered if I should dare to actually do it. She would probably be so angry with me after she had struggled to hold her pee for so long.
The alternative, I supposed, was to keep her tied up and carry her into the bathroom, lifting her skirt and tugging down her tights and panties and allowing her to relieve the terrible pressure inside her. Then another idea occurred to me; one that had me literally squirming in my car seat in anticipation– it was so delicious. Something in my face must have conveyed my state of mind because the man at the kiosk and the multi–story exit gave me a very odd look, making every effort not to let his hand come into contact with mine as he gave me my change. If only you knew, I thought as I pulled out into the street and turned towards Cantondell where a very desperate girlfriend had tied herself to a chair in my bedroom and was waiting for me to come and rescue her.
As I drove past the pub where we had stopped for drinks the evening before, Julia spoke in my ear. “Dave?”
“Still here.”
“How close are you?”
“How close was I to coming in my pants? Very. How close was I to arriving home? Not so very.”
“Oh God,” she groaned, the word God drawn out in a long, tense sigh. “I’m sorry. I’m never going to last until you get here. I’m absolutely breaking my neck for the loo.”
“No. Please don’t give in now love,” I urged.
“I’m trying not to,” she said, the hard edge creeping back into her tone. “I just can’t keep this up. Oohhh. Even the elastic on my knickers is starting to feel too tight. I can’t even sit still…second it’s so…I don’t…much longer.”
“Julia. You’re breaking up,” I informed her.
“Oh great. Now I can’t ev––… got to go faster or I…”
“Jools,” I spoke again, hoping she could hear me better than I could hear her. “I must be passing through a dead zone. In case we lose the connection, please do everything you can to hold on.”
Only a quiet hiss filled my ear. “Julia? Can you still hear me?” I asked. Nothing. The signal was gone.
I cursed and pushed my foot down harder on the accelerator, trying to urge the driver in front to speed up or get out of the way. I needed to get home, and fast; I was worried that, without me to keep encouraging her, Julia would give up the fight and wet herself just to gain relief for her tortured bladder.
I managed to get out of town and onto the road leading out towards Wycliffe. I was speeding now, my thoughts entirely devoted to Julia’s predicament. “Just let her hold on,” I kept chanting to myself, willing her as if by telepathy.
In my total preoccupation, I didn’t notice the police car lurking behind a cluster of trees on the roadside until it was too late. I slowed, but I saw the car pull out behind me and begin closing the distance between us. “Shit!” I cursed. When its lights went on and the siren whooped once, I knew I had to pull over.
I sat there waiting for the police to get out of their car and come over to talk to me, but they were taking their time. I could not get my mind off poor Julia, tied to the chair in my bedroom with her bladder close to bursting. I so wanted to be there to touch her, to run a hand up one trembling thigh and then the other, drawing out the pleasure of her desperation. I wanted to rub her abdomen, applying just enough pressure to move the pee around in her bladder and make it even more difficult for her to maintain control. I wanted to kiss her and have her gasp and grunt into my mouth with the effort of hold back an ocean of pee. Instead, I was stuck here in my car, waiting for a couple of dopey cops to get on with issuing a speeding ticket.
After what seemed an eternity, one of them came to my window and asked for my driving license, insurance, and all the usual stuff. Evidently, they had already run a check on the car and who should be driving it, because he returned the documents to me almost at once. Then he spent five minutes filling out the summons and explaining it all to me in tedious detail. After a delay of perhaps ten minutes, I was on my way again, this time keeping to the speed limit.
A further fifteen minutes passed before I turned the Volvo into my driveway and climbed out, hurrying to the front door with key–in–hand even though I knew I had to be too late. As I entered the hallway, I called out, “Julia.”
“Up here!” I heard her call back. It wasn’t a casual response, but one that suggested urgency. Could she possibly still be holding on? Oh God, I pleaded inside my head, let it be so.
I ascended the stairs two at a time, raced along the short passage and into my bedroom. Julia looked up into my face as I entered, her eyes full of anguish. A quick glance down at her wiggling legs told it all: She was still dry. She hadn’t wet herself. “Oh God, Dave. Where have you been? I’m absolutely dying.”
“I’m s–sorry,” I stammered and I crossed the room to her side. “I got nabbed for speeding. I couldn’t get here any sooner.”
“Well now you are, so for Christ sake get me out of this. If I don’t get to the loo right away, there is going to be the biggest flood you have ever seen.”
But I merely stood there, looking down at her, still unable to believe that she had lasted this long.
“Dave!” she squealed. “Help me. Now! For God’s sake, I’m about to piss like a racehorse!”
“Sorry,” I repeated, but I still didn’t move. I was fiercely aroused, my erection cramped inside my jeans.
“Get the key!” she commanded urgently, rocking her body back and forth and straining against the rope she had tied around herself.
“Key?” I echoed stupidly, not comprehending at first.
“To the handcuffs. It’s still in the drawer. Oohhh, oh God. Dave, hurry. Oh, oohh, ooooooh! Pleeaasssseee hurrrryyy. I’m b–bursting.”
“Oh Julia. This is fantastic,” I said in a hoarse whisper, leaning down and putting a hand on her shaking left knee, just as I’d imagined when back on the road.
“This is agony,” she countered, her chest rising as she fought with her muscles, clearly struggling to stop them giving way. My presence, and the accompanying prospect of reaching the toilet, must have made it even worse for her. “Untie me…p–p–please!”
I ran my hand up her silky thigh and under the hem of her skirt, my fingers climbing up to her hip. “I’ll help you keep it in,” I promised. “I’ll press on your crotch.”
“Dave, please. I can’t. I have to go now. Don’t you understand? I can’t hold it any longer. Oh please help me. Please–ppleassse–please––oh! Oohhh!”
I wriggled my fingers between her crossed legs, working them higher an inch at a time until they reached her aching groin. I immediately pressed on the opening of her urethra with all my might while she squeezed her thighs, squashing my hand in her desire for greater relief. “Better?” I asked as she opened her mouth, eye closed, head tilted back.
“A bit,” she agreed, but I could tell she was stilling fighting hard to retain control of her bladder. “Rub,” she instructed. “Rub hard.”
“Yes ma’am,” I said, and almost at once I felt her moving her pelvis in time with my movements. It seemed to help because her shoulders relaxed a little and she opened her eyes.
“Whatever you do,” she gasped, “don’t take your hand away without warning me.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” I said, smiling at her. I stroked her brow with my free hand, feeling the perspiration on her skin from the effort she had been making. At that moment, I loved her for what she had done. I told her so, and she managed a fleeting smile.
“G–good. But I really c–can’t h–hold it any longer. You have to untie me.”
The words came out in a rush, and she was stuttering like someone whose teeth were chattering from the cold. Instead of making any move to liberate her from her self–imposed captivity, I leaned closer and kissed her lips.
It was just as I imagined it: her breaths were coming in ragged gasps and her body was trembling like an aspen leaf. When I drew back a few inches, I informed her softly that I was going to remove my hand from her crotch. Panic flitted across her features, then I saw her make an enormous effort to suppress her desperate need to pee using only her muscles again.
“Get me to the loo,” she pleaded. “Please take me there, now. I have to go now. Now, now, now. Oohhh, pleaassse.”
I had one last thing to do, and I did it. I began to massage her abdomen, very gently, knowing it was enough to disturb her overfull bladder, moving the pee around and causing a surge in the already unbearable level of pressure she was enduring. “Stop!” she gasped, her eyes wide and frantic. “Dave, stop it. I’ll go. STOP!”
I stopped, moving my fingers up a few inches to the knot in the rope where she had tied the ends together at the front of her. She watched me working on it, her legs wiggling rapidly up and down as she fought to maintain control as she faced the prospect of soon being able to use the toilet. She was so near, and yet so far, and she tapped her heels more vigorously, her knees bouncing with frantic rhythm, which helped her to keep the dam from bursting.
The knot in the rope holding her torso against the back of the chair had tightened from Julia’s desperate tugging, and it took a full half minute before it started to give. “Stop messing about with it,” Julia commanded sharply. “Just go and get a knife! Can’t you see I’m breaking my neck for a piss?”
“It’s coming,” I said in a placatory voice.
“Good. Well, I hope it finishes coming before I start going!” Her words sent a shiver coursing through me. Julia was chanting the word “hurry” over and over again beneath her breath. Her eyes stared into the middle distance rather than at anything in the room, so intense was her concentration. After what must have seemed an eternity to her, the rope came lose. I unwound it, and a few seconds later she was free of the restraint keeping her on the chair.
“Oh God!” she gasped, sucking in a sharp breath before adding, “I have just got to get to the loo before I explode! Untie my legs. Quick!”
“Not yet,” I said.
“I said, untie my legs. Now!” Julia shouted, her voice tight with tension. Without answering her, I shook my head “Dave. Come on,” she added, a note of pleading creeping into her tone. “I have to pee. I really do. I’m so desperate.”
“Sorry,” I said, “but I have other plans.”
“No, you just don’t get it, do you? I CAN’T wait any longer, so get these ropes off my legs and help me up before I piss all over your bedroom carpet.”
“You’re not going to do that,” I ordered her, trying to sound firm but badly distracted by my throbbing penis.
“Will you let me go?” Julia shrieked, frustration fueling her rage.
I knew it was only the pain of her aching bladder making her cross, so rather than fight with her I just smiled into her tense face, noting the sweat beading on her upper lip. God, she was in one hell of a state. I couldn’t believe she was still managing to hold on.
“Won’t be long now,” I promised.
“You’re damn right it won’t,” she retorted. “There’s no way I can keep it in any longer.”
“Just a few more moments,” I encouraged her. “Half a minute.”
“I can’t!”
“You must.”
“Are you deaf? I said I CAN’T!”
My penis was throbbing like the head of a sledgehammer inside my pants. I informed her as calmly as I could that she would have to make me come before I would let her go. I knew she wouldn’t go for it, not in the state she was in.
I reached forward, gripped her biceps, and lifted her forward, and a moment later she was standing up in front of the chair. She immediately started to bend forward to take some of the strain off her bladder, the contents of which had just shifted and must now be pressing down on her tired sphincter with appalling force. “Oh, oh, oh, oohhhh!” she squeezed out between clenched teeth as if she were having trouble breathing. “Must go, must go. Oohhh, oh God. I must!”
“I’ll carry you to the loo,” I said, and she nodded curtly without looking at me.
“Quick!” she urged, no doubt expecting me to lift her in my arms and carry her through to the bathroom, setting her down in front of the lavatory. She also imagined, I’m sure, that I would lift her skirt and pull down her tights and panties, allowing her to sit on the toilet and get that much needed relief.
But I didn’t.
Instead, I leant forward and wrapped my right arm around the backs of her thighs, then started to lift her weight. I knew she would not be able to stay upright, and that she would have no choice but to bend forward and allow her body to drape over my right shoulder. She suddenly realized what I was doing and started to protest violently.
“What are you––? No! NO! Dave, no! You can’t! Please, don’t!”
I lifted her, and heard the agonized groan as her own weight pressed her abdomen against my shoulder, squashing her bladder. I knew there was no way in the world she would be able to resist the enormous additional pressure, and almost at once I heard a loud hissing sound coming from her crotch. “You bastard!” she berated me, bending her legs and tensing her entire body in an effort to clamp off the flow.
For a few seconds, she succeeded. The effort it cost her must have been tremendous. I began walking towards the bathroom, each tiny jolt surely shooting through her compressed and tortured bladder like an earthquake. “Noooo,” she was wailing behind my back, her head hanging down, wrists chained together and sticking up uselessly behind her bottom. There was absolutely nothing she could do to hold back the flood and began wetting herself again. The hissing sound grew louder as she surrendered to her need. I imagined it flooding her panties and quickly soaking through her tights, the vision making my erection even firmer, something I had not thought possible. I was now so rigid that I literally ached, perhaps almost as much as Julia’s poor bladder.
I felt warm urine running over my forearm and wrist as it streamed down her thighs, going everywhere because she could not part her legs. She still kept her legs bent so that the pee traveled no further than her knees before descending onto my jeans and thence onto the tiled floor.
I reached the lavatory with her, and began lowering her while she continued to relieve herself. Once her heels were on the floor, I took hold of her shoulder and made her straighten up. I looked down at her bound and crossed legs as she took her own weight. The pee was streaming down her thighs, making a hell of a mess where she could not part her legs; her bladder really must have been at capacity. She was soaking her skirt, and her pee was streaming from the hem of her skirt onto the tiled floor. A puddle was forming and rapidly spreading around her feet.
I looked into Julia’s face. She had her eyes closed and her cheeks were bright red, either from the effort of holding on, from being hung upside–down, or perhaps just from the embarrassment of wetting herself again. Her mouth opened just far enough to show her white, even teeth, and she vented a long, gentle sigh. She had been wrestling with a full bladder for the past hour, and the relief––however undesirable it might be to let it go in her clothes, was clearly immense.
At last, her shoulders sagged a little, signaling that the end had come and that her bladder was completely empty. She looked round at the closed toilet lid and said, “Help me. I want to sit down.” I held on to her biceps as she took several little hops backwards, then she sat herself down, screwing up her face as she did so, no doubt because of her soaked clothes. Sitting there, still bound, she did not struggle; nor did she ask me to release her. Instead, she blew out her cheeks and released a very long sigh. “I can’t tell you what a relief that was.” “I can imagine,” I said, standing there in front of her. She seemed to notice my jeans for the first time and went on, “Looks like I made quite a mess of you too. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. Please. I enjoyed it.”
“Judging by the state of Mr. Wigglesworth, you still are,” she said, her eyes focused on the bulge in my jeans, now almost at her eye level. “Strip off and come here,” she instructed me.
I didn’t argue. I unbuckled my belt and was out of my jeans and pants in seconds, dragging off my shoes and socks at the same time. I pulled my tee shirt over my head, and completely naked, I advanced on Julia. “What now?” I asked, Mr. Wigglesworth standing to attention in front of her face.
“Put him in my mouth and let’s give you some relief too,” she spoke softly. “Then you can pour me some wine and bath me before we get into bed. There are quite a few things I need you to do for me.”
I stepped forward, straddling the toilet and her lap, feeling the wetness of her skirt and tights against my inner thighs. She leaned her head forward, mouth open, and closed her lips around the end of my penis. I felt her tongue caress me and almost collapsed from the incredible wave of pleasure swamping my senses. She moved her head back and forth, her teeth just lightly scraping the sensitive ring of my penis. It was ecstasy, and ejaculation occurred in less than a minute. My sperm shot into her mouth and must have gone right to the back of the throat. She gagged slightly, but went on sucking, driving me wild as the ejaculation continued. The pulses of pleasure gradually subsided, and as I sagged. Julia released my penis from her mouth and tipped her head back, swallowing hard. Her own breathing was heavy, and I realized that, despite her discomfort at sitting there in her wet clothes, her arms surely aching from being pulled behind her back for so long, she was becoming excited too.
I couldn’t abandon her at a moment like this, and dropping to my knees, I worked free the ropes holding her legs, finally parting her wet legs and sliding my hands up her thighs, going under her skirt. Her eyes followed the progress of my fingers as they started to work her tights and panties down over her bottom. She leaned against the cistern and raised her backside a few inches, allowing me to peel the wet garments away from her skin and roll them down her thighs. She lowered herself back onto the seat and lifted her feet as I pulled her panties and tights over the calves and then free of her feet. I tossed them aside; leaned forward between her parted legs and began probing her with my fingers.
Julia, her breathing perceptibly heavier, began gasping with obvious pleasure at the contact. The moistness inside her vagina told me that she was excited and needed the relief of an orgasm. I massaged her clitoris with my fingers for perhaps half a minute until she was squirming and grunting violently, then I withdrew my hand and plunged my face down between her legs, probing her with my tongue. She squealed, begging me not to stop, her thighs quivering against my cheeks. I was as hard as a rock again, and knew that I was ready to enter her. I made myself wait, however, and continued stroking her with my tongue until she shook like a leaf and yelped as the orgasm overcame her.
Afterwards, she relaxed awkwardly against the cistern. “Time for a bath,” I said softly as I stroked her knees. She nodded, keeping her eyes closed.
I unlocked the handcuffs and took off her clothes, all the while running a hot bath. I helped her sink into an ocean of bubbles before opening a bottle of wine and pouring out two glasses. I knelt against the side of the bath, and we toasted one another. When she had finishing, I toweled her body down and then carried her to the bedroom, lowering her gently onto the bed. She grabbed hold of my erection and pulled me down on top of her.
We never did get to the restaurant that evening.
By: David North David’s Website: Bound Girls Bursting to Pee