David North

17 stories

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The Secretary Who had to Hold It - Part 2
By: David North (29 Feb 2008, Friday)

The day after I'd witnessed Katherine wet herself after waiting for hours to get to a loo, I wasn't at all sure how she would react. She had been humiliated by being forced to pee in her clothes in front of me, an accident I was responsible for, albeit indirectly. Now that she'd had time to think things over, I felt sure she would decide to tender her resignation and move on, rather than having to face the awkwardness of working alongside me. It had been good while it lasted, I told myself. She had asked for a shot at the job, despite the difficulties created by the lack of female facilities, but things had gone hopelessly wrong on her very first day. I didn't see how she could deal with the embarrassment. …

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The Secretary Who had to Hold It
By: David North (31 Aug 2007, Friday)

As Area Manager of a Regional Water Authority in Britain, I was responsible not only for the quality of water in reservoirs of the region I liked to call my patch, but also for all the sewage treatment works in that area. When the Authority created my position, it was in advance of suitable offices being built at a number of locations throughout the county. The situation on my patch was no different, and for the first year in the job, I had to work out of a large portacabin. The portacabin was not as grim as it might sound. It was well appointed, with reasonable office furniture, plenty of heat, microwave and kettle, and so on. The only questionable thing about this mobile office was that the powers that be…

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Power Play
By: David North (31 Dec 2006, Sunday)

Victoria Gray smoothed down the skirt of her Armani dress, anxious that it should not wrinkle. She wanted to look every bit the $500 it had cost. It looked marvellous on her tall, willowy form, and she knew it. The choice made specifically for her performance evaluation that afternoon, looked smart, professional, and elegant, a garment to suit board members from the highly conservative to the outright lascivious. Victoria knew she was a hot contender for promotion to Assistant Regional Director of Highline Apparel, probably the fastest growing quality fashion chain on the east coast. She needed to look the part if she was going to go places within the company. After serving four years and working on…

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Late Shift
By: David North (30 Nov 2006, Thursday)

Rachael would have given anything to thrust her hands between her legs and press her fingers against her pee–hole, but sitting at a supermarket checkout, it was not possible to hold herself without everyone seeing. And yet she would have to do something soon or she would piss her jeans before her shift ended at ten. The damned place was always short of staff, and her stints on the checkout were always far longer than they were supposed to be. She had started this session at five o'clock to cope with the influx of customers who stopped to shop for groceries on the way home from work. John Smithers, the supermarket manager, had promised that the evening staff would turn up by six and she would be free to leave…

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The Bursting Nurse
By: David North (31 Aug 2006, Thursday)

Note: This story contains Female & Male Desperation, Accidental Wetting, Foreplay and Sex. When I was eighteen, I spent four weeks in hospital after falling off a roof and breaking both arms, dislocating one and giving my back a nasty jolt. I spent quite a lot of this time with my arms encased in itchy plaster and suspended by wires to prevent me from moving them. I was lucky that my father had the kind of job that offered good medical cover, and I had a private room. To be honest, I would rather have been in one of the wards with other kids my age so that I would have had people to talk to, but since the insurance company was paying, my dad wanted me to have the best. The hospital boasted some very…

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Desperate Measures
By: David North (31 May 2006, Wednesday)

Stephanie Winters crossed her legs and smoothed down the skirt of her red suit. Her greatest desire at that moment was not to smooth it down, however, but to pull it up and tear down her panties. Stephanie was bursting to pee. She was prevented her from satisfying the urge to relieve herself by her responsibility to her company. As deputy CEO of Wiseman Electronics, it was incumbent upon her to show leadership and always appear in control of the situation. Having called the members of the Board together that afternoon to discuss the plans for a merger with Steinberg Chips and Circuits, or SCC, one of the fastest growing concerns on the east coast, she did not feel that she could leave the room and allow the…

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A Policewoman's Lot - Part 1
By: David North (28 Feb 2006, Tuesday)

W. P. C. Allison Parker began pacing for the dozenth time, her shoes clicking against the concrete as she walked a few yards, turned and walked back. P.C. John Gallagher gave her a reproving glance as she rejoined him. "Keep under cover before somebody sees you," he warned in a harsh whisper. "I can't help it," Allison snapped. "I'm dying for the loo." "Look," Gallagher said, "If someone looks out of the back windows of that warehouse and sees you strutting up and down out here, the whole operation will be blown." "Alright, alright," Allison conceded. "I just hope something happens soon, because I can't wait much longer." "You should have thought of that when you were in the canteen swigging back tea like…

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She Always Likes to Wait Until the End
By: David North (31 Jan 2006, Tuesday)

She Always Like to Wait Until the End Helen had devoted her Saturday to watching all three parts of Peter Jackson's "Lord of the Rings." I watched most of it with her, especially the third part of the trilogy. The fun began about an hour before the end of the film. Even though we were watching it at home and could pause the DVD at any time, Helen didn't like to take breaks during movies since, in her view, it killed the atmosphere. She had been leaning her head on my shoulder for about half an hour when I noticed her rubbing her hand against her stomach. "Eaten too much?" I asked. "Ssshhh," she said suppressively, so I didn't think any more of it for a while. After another ten minutes or so, however, I…

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Double Desperation
By: David North (31 Dec 2005, Saturday)

As shopping sprees went, it hadn't been a particularly good one. Sarah had found little to interest her, and wished now that she had done something different with her Saturday. True, she had found a few small items of lingerie in J. C. Penny, but not much else. She had consoled herself with lunch at an eatery on the top floor of the mall calling itself the Cottage Garden. It was pretentious and overpriced, but she did enjoy the lasagne and Caesar salad, accompanied by what the proprietors claimed was tea made the proper English way, Earl Grey in a large white tea pot, all to herself. The highlight of the lunch had been when a handsome guy had asked to share her table. They had chatted, and Sarah had crossed…

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The Endless Exam
By: David North (30 Nov 2005, Wednesday)

Laura, an ambitious young woman, had decided to expand her skills by taking night classes at her local college to obtain a diploma in business studies, a qualification which would enable her to go after a more demanding and better–paid job than the tedious office assistant style stuff she was doing at present. Night classes took their toll, however. Starting at six p.m., she had very little time to get across town from work and rarely arrived in the classroom on time. She hated being late, and besides, her repeated late arrivals were beginning to irritate her tutor, Dr. Edwin White. Laura was late again this evening because her idiot boss had insisted on having her finish redesigning the filing system, not…

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Shop Girl
By: David North (31 Aug 2005, Wednesday)

A Chinese shop assistant provided me with one of the most interesting lunch hours of my life. I made a visit to Wendovers, a new clothing shop in the High Street to buy some new shirts. While I searched the racks for shirts in my size, and in my style, I overheard a conversation going on between two of the shop assistants. As I began to listen, my ears literally pricked up. I had already noticed the Chinese girl when I came in. She was slim with long black hair, and dressed in typical working attire –– black heels, black pencil skirt and a white short–sleeved blouse. She was standing in an enclosed area where the tills were located, along with an older woman with a repellent perm and frumpy clothes. Their…

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Holding Pattern
By: David North (30 Jun 2005, Thursday)

I first saw her as I was walking along the main concourse at Kennedy Airport, looking for the departure gate for the American Airlines flight to San Francisco. She was perched up on one of the metal railings, shoes off and peering down at her feet. A slim blonde, probably in her mid–twenties, I could not help but admire how apt was her appearance– I'd already recognized her flight attendant uniform as belonging to the Scandinavian Airlines (or SAS) stable. She was simply very cute, and as hard as I tried not to stare at her as passed, I just couldn't help myself. She glanced up and caught me looking, but instead of quickly avoiding my gaze the way most western women would do, she smiled. It was an electric…

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Julia - The Second Chapter
By: David North (30 Apr 2005, Saturday)

We woke late, not surprisingly. When I opened my eyes, I found Julia's face before me, her head propped up on her hand. She smiled and rubbed her left leg against my thigh –– such a wonderful way to start the day and I did not suppress the groan at the pleasure it brought me. I reached down and stroked her thigh as it came within reach, relishing the softness of her skin. "That was quite a revelation last night," she said, smirking, her blue eyes peeping through the strands of her fringe. "Why didn't you tell me about your.... interest before?" "Why do you think?" I said, shrugging slightly. "I didn't think you'd be interested. More likely, I thought it would scare you off." She considered this for a moment…

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Desperate Navy Girl
By: David North (30 Apr 2005, Saturday)

Sue James badly needed to pee. In fact, she was absolutely bursting. Waiting impatiently at yet another red light, she snatched the opportunity to tightly clench her thighs, something she found very difficult to do when actually driving. She closed her eyes, slapping the palm of her left hand repeatedly against the edge of the steering wheel. She had no idea why this should help her fight off the nearly–overwhelming urge to release the contents of her swollen bladder, but it did. "Oh, come on!" she complained to the traffic light whose baleful red stare had halted her progress. The pain was growing intolerable. Of course, she'd been forced to hold on to a full bladder often enough in her career, especially…

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Belle's Long Wait
By: David North (30 Apr 2005, Saturday)

Belle couldn't believe Michael had just left her here, tied up all evening with this damned ball in her mouth and her bladder really aching from being full for so long. When he'd suggested tying her up for the evening, she had been excited. This kind of foreplay had such a profound effect on Michael and invariably led to the most amazing sex. She had agreed readily, and without giving her time to reconsider, Michael had promptly dragged into the bedroom and started tying her up. "You're keen," she had remarked as he bound her wrists and pulled up a chair to secure one end of the rope to the overhead beam, preventing her from sitting down. He had looked down at her from his precarious perch and waggled his…

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