The Fort McHenry Tunnel

By: Gail
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Steve and Jenny had been dating for a few months. It wasn’t anything special for either of them, but they enjoyed each others company and their friends. Jenny played on a championship U–25 field hockey team, and had traveled down from her home in Wilmington Delaware to Washington DC with two of her friends to play in a tournament. Steve had business in Washington that Saturday, so offered to come pick them up at the fields and drive them home.
Arriving just in time for the final game, Steve had watched Jenn and her friends win the championship game and had joined the team in a bar for a few celebratory beers afterwards. Steve had borrowed his sisters’ minivan for the trip, as he wasn’t sure how many girls he would be carrying back home. In the end, he took Jenny, her friend Angela and a very shy blonde named Missy on the trip home. Just before pulling onto the beltway north of DC he stopped at a Starbucks Coffee House and bought everyone a coffee for the trip home. The story starts from here …
Jenny was by now definitely starting to feel the need. The waistband of her hockey skirt was pushing in on her bladder and it was not a comfortable feeling. She should have gone at the coffee house and that was nearly an hour ago. They were now on I–95 approaching Baltimore.
“Steve, can we pull off soon and take a bio break”?
“Sure, how about we get through the tunnel and then stop for a while? That’s about ten minutes at most.”
The girls nodded their agreement as the minivan zipped past the last exit and nosed down into the Fort McHenry tunnel. No sooner had they entered the tunnel than they saw a huge line of red brake lights ahead of them. They came to a stop about a quarter mile inside the two–lane tunnel. Jenny almost screamed in frustration. This was so unfair! Meanwhile Angela was tightly squeezing her thighs together, silently cursing herself for having that damned cup of Starbucks coffee – what had she been thinking. For a few minutes the girls talked about the hockey game and some of the great plays they had made. No one was really into the conversation and it was more for distraction than anything else.
Finally Jenny put into words what they had all been thinking.
“Steve, I have to pee sooo bad it hurts – I’m going to wet my pants any minute now.. what can I do ?”
Angela chimed in “me too, I don’t think I can hold it in any longer”. They all turned to look at Missy – who was bouncing up and down in her seat with both hands jammed between her legs.
Steve thought for a moment and then suggested the girls re–use their coffee cups – this time filling them instead of emptying them. “Just go sit in the middle of the back seat and put the edge of your butt on the seat and hold the cup underneath you.”
Jenny gasped, blushed wildly and exclaimed that she couldn’t do that in front of everyone else. Angela agreed and then Missy surprised them all by declaring that she couldn’t wait any longer, she didn’t want to get out of the van and go in front of total strangers, so she’d go first. “Anyway,” she exclaimed, “I’ve already leaked a little bit and my panties are pretty wet by now. I don’t think Steves sister would appreciate getting her van back smelling of pee so I’m going.” She clambered out of her seat, scooted back to the rear seat and pulled down her panties and the short sports pants she had on under the skirt. Holding the Starbucks cup close to her, she leant backward a few inches and relaxed her muscles.
Angela and Jenny were looking at her in total astonishment – could this be the quiet, introvert girl who never said anything to anyone? Steve was just staring right between her thighs – with her skirt pulled up he could see just a few tufts of fair pubic hair crowning the top of a pair of large and moist lips. Nothing was happening, except Steves cock was by now so hard he couldn’t believe it wasn’t drilling a hole through his shorts. Then a few drops dribbled out from the bottom of her pussy lips, then a trickle, and then a tremendous gush. He watched the golden stream hiss out of Missy’s peehole and heard it splash into the cup. Absolutely transfixed he took in every sight and sound of the moment, even as he realized that Missy had put on this show for him, as she could easily have covered herself with the skirt and been far more modest. The stream faltered, she let out one smaller spurt and then came to a stop. Holding up the cup, almost overflowing, she smiled and said “sixteen ounces” as she wiped herself with her panties and then pulled her skirt back down.
Steve’s reverence was shattered by a squealed “Oh, SHIT” from Jenny. The sound of her girlfriend pissing for all she worth into the cup had been too much for her bladder and she felt a small area of cotton by her hand suddenly get wet. Totally panicking that she was going to completely lose control, Jenny frantically unzipped the side of her skirt and lifting up her bottom from the seat, yanked down the skirt and her panties in one movement.
With desperation overcoming her embarrassment, Jenny moved up to the edge of the passenger seat, reached out with her left hand to grab her coffee cup from the cup holder, and made a “V” with two fingers of her right hand to separate her lips. Again, just like Missy, she made no attempt to hide herself and Steve had a great view, this time more from the side and above. Jenny had jet–black hair, and a lot of it, down there, so it was a little more difficult to see what was going on. Jenny wasted no time and started out with a strong narrow stream, which Steve heard before he saw it. A trick of the light, reflecting off the side view mirror, made her urine stream almost sparkle. Transfixed by the beauty of this act, Steve found himself reaching over with his hand to put it into the stream, but managed to stop before the others noticed. Maybe it was his imagination, but he could swear he smelt her aroma gently wafting past his nose.
Missy giggled from the back seat, “Gee, Jenn, watch out that you don’t spill over the top”. “Oh, I’m going to”, Jenny replied, “give me another cup.” Clenching her muscles, she handed Steve the full cup and took his empty one in return. He could hardly believe his luck, feeling the warmth of her liquid through the cup, and breathed in deeply with almost a sigh. Glancing in the rearview mirror he saw Missy still had one of her hands between her legs and appeared to be gently rubbing herself under her skirt. Strange. Meanwhile Jenny resumed her efforts and kept going for another eight to ten seconds noisily splashing into the remnants of Steve’s latte.
“Whoah. I haven’t had to go like that since college. I think that was well over twenty ounces Missy – you lose. Angela – what about you?” Angela had been frantically squeezing her thighs together while her friends had relieved themselves and her muscles felt as if they were on fire. There was no way she was going to brazenly pee into a coffee cup in front of these people, but there was also no way she was going to be able to contain herself for more than another minute or two. She also couldn’t wet her pants in the car – was there any other alternative for her? Her bladder felt like a huge distended rock above her groin and every movement threatened to release the floodgates. Suddenly she had an idea, and copying the others, swiftly removed her knickers. Steve was beside himself, and didn’t know if he was going to pee or come in his pants first. Either way it was going to be wet and messy.
Jenny was busy dumping the contents of her two cups and Missy’s caffeine cocktail out the window when Angela suddenly opened up the side door facing the inside of the tunnel. “Missy – come hold my shoulders and make sure I don’t fall out,” she commanded. Steve had a view of Angela kneeling upright at the edge of the doorway with her knees spread a good eighteen inches apart. God, that woman had a great butt. Suddenly she gave a little grunt and a powerful jet leapt almost horizontally from Angela and splattered against the tunnel wall. With almost no seeming effort, the stream continued to pound the wall before finally faltering away with a last few dribbles. “Shit,” Missy screamed, “look at the range she got – that’s incredible!” Angela sat back up on the seat with a loud sigh, the relief she was feeling equivalent to some of the better orgasms she had ever had in her life.
Missy and Jenny traded places so that Jenn could change her skirt and put on some other clothes on in the back seat. Missy clambered into the front, mischievously giving Steve a close–up of her glistening wet pussy. “How are you doing Steve?” she asked sweetly. Steve replied he was very full and needed to pee too. “I thought guys couldn’t pee when they had an erection..” she added in a stage whisper, “maybe you ought to loosen your belt and unzip your shorts”. Missy then reached over with both hands, holding the top of his belt with her left hand and quickly unzipping him with her right. To his dismay his cock just sprang loose from his underwear and stuck out in all its glory, its tip glistening and already wet.
With Jenny still busy in the back, and Angela watching on , Missy gently grasped his cock, moved her hand up and down about a dozen times and then watched his cum spurt all over the steering wheel. Steve felt a strange pain right at the base of his cock and a small burning sensation, realizing that he was just about to pee without knowing it. At that moment Jenny threw an empty Gatorade bottle forward, which Missy caught and offered to Steve. He stuck his still semi–hard dick into the opening and let loose, with Missy holding the bottle with one of her hands – while stroking herself with the other. Angela was leaning over the back of the drivers seat to get a birds eye view of proceedings too. The bottle just filled and filled and Steve was starting to get worried that he would completely fill it. Missy and Angela were starting to cheer him on, which brought Jenny up from the back of the van. Steve expected Jenn to throw a fit, but instead she joined in and even offered to give his dick one last rub to make sure he was completely drained. “About 28 ounces”, Missy exclaimed, “that gets my vote”.
As the traffic started to clear, Missy stayed up front with Steve ; Angela and Jenny sat in the two middle seats. After paying the toll, no one really needed to stop, so they continued their journey back to Wilmington. Steve was, to say the least, a touch distracted, especially as Missy kept pulling her skirt up to flash him. Finally he saw her stick a finger inside herself, make a dreamy face and suddenly stretch out her thighs – realizing that she had just had an orgasm sitting beside him. “I need to pee again”, she said, reaching out for the coffee cup…