
10 stories

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Airports and Evian
By: Gail (31 May 2003, Saturday)

Jodi took another swig from her Evian bottle, rammed the car into gear and accelerated violently away from the red light. "Typical", she thought, "they pick the junior team member for the worst assignments." Just five minutes ago she had received a call from her VP asking her to fly to Los Angeles that same evening to give the standard corporate pitch to a new sales prospect tomorrow morning. She was booked on the 5:30 flight leaving Philadelphia and was now rushing back to her Center City apartment to pack and prepare for the trip. Pulling into her parking space she took a minute to reflect – the advertising company she worked for paid her well, very well, and in these tumultuous times at least she had a job…

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An Exchange of Culture
By: Gail (30 Sep 2002, Monday)

She had been on her back, legs up in the air for what seemed like a half hour – and this accursed foreigner continued to pound away with his magic stick into her most precious places without a sign of release. Her bladder felt the size of a watermelon and the constant pressure was bringing her to the edge of disgrace. All her training was useless in a situation like this, and she knew she was but seconds away from ruining her entire career. The evening had started out innocently enough; in fact she had been looking forward to it. She had been commissioned by Gaijin Inc. to provide hospitality to this uncouth Westerner for the evening and had all manner of tricks of the trade planned to excite his foreign…

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Kate Saves the Day
By: Gail (31 Mar 2002, Sunday)

Kate shifted her weight, balancing evenly on both feet, and moved her legs about 18 inches apart. It was going to happen any second now, so she tensed her muscles and really started to concentrate. The tension was slowly killing her, she could feel her muscles starting to quiver and she knew that once it was all over she could finally take a deep breathe and relax. It was coming, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. She saw movement, her brain tracked it, and she flung herself to the right, stretching her leg as far as it would go. The hockey ball struck the outside of her pad, clipping a metal buckle, and deflected past the outside of the goalpost. "Save", she thought, as the umpire blew the…

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The Bathroom was Dirty!
By: Gail (28 Feb 2002, Thursday)

Debbie was running as fast as she could through the concourse. Well, running was being generous considering how tight her short little skirt was. As the athlete amongst her group of friends it bothered her that she was lagging yards behind them. They all just had to catch this train otherwise they'd be stranded in New York for at least three hours. Plus on top of all that she had to pee like you wouldn't believe – no, Debbie wasn't too happy right now. It had all started innocently enough, Debbie and three of her postgrad classmates from Princeton had decided to go into the city that evening and hit the clubs. Debbie, Jennifer, Suzi and Shanique had ridden the train in earlier that evening, had a great dinner…

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The Late Check-Out
By: Gail (31 Jul 2001, Tuesday)

This is actually a true story. The Hyatt San Francisco will never be the same again. Lisa stirred slightly, sensing more than feeling movement on the other side of the bed. The mattress momentarily tilted as her companion swung her legs around and sat up. Briefly opening one eye she saw 5:47 in bright red digits on the hotel alarm clock. Closing her eye she settled back down for another hour of sleep.Drifting back into her slumber Lisa heard Sandi walking towards the bathroom. Sandi opened the door, lifted up the creaky toilet seat and after a few seconds Lisa recognized the familiar sounds of a full–blooded bladder–bursting morning pee splashing violently into the pan. Her last thoughts as consciousness…

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The Ski Trip 2
By: Gail (28 Feb 2001, Wednesday)

Going, Going, Gondola … Susan’s legs were beginning to ache, deep down inside her thigh muscles. Her first ski trip for five years, combined with last night’s activities with Jeff were beginning to take their toll. She was grateful when someone in the group suggested they stop at one of the little chalets dotting the side of the mountain for a drink. She gently glided to a halt, clicked out of her skis, loosened her boots and followed everyone inside. The chalet was a family–run business, serving about 30–40 people at most. Their specialty was Gluhwein – heated red wine liberally laced with herbs and spices. She sat down on Jeff’s lap and held her glass as they all toasted each other. Sue immediately felt a…

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The Ski Trip 1
By: Gail (31 Jan 2001, Wednesday)

This is part 1 of a series, loosely based on some facts. Susan was feeling pretty good about herself right about now. She hadn’t been skiing for over five years, in fact, since her senior year at college. After a few near–misses and one head–over–heels fall it had all come flooding back and she had spent the last hour traversing down several of the medium–blue slopes with two of her more athletic friends. To top it all off she had also finally managed to get away with Jeff, her newly acquired boyfriend and things were going so well on the skip trip she had to pinch herself to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. Sue and Jeff had been dating for a couple of months and she was sensing that the relationship was…

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Hangin' in the Hammock
By: Gail (31 Dec 2000, Sunday)

Kim was in that blissful state between sleep and wakefullness. She slowly became aware of the sun gently shining down on her and the wind rustling through the trees. Snuggling up to the warm body next to her and gradually forcing open one eyelid she realized that she had fallen asleep on the double hammock with her friend Mike. Sneaking a peek at her watch she was amazed to see that they had been asleep for nearly two hours. They'd gone through a small cooler of rum and coke earlier in the day, although they'd been smart enough to drink a lot of water too. Kim still couldn't believe that here she was, lying on a hammock in the grounds of a huge villa on a Caribbean island. Mike was a software designer who'd…

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The Fort McHenry Tunnel
By: Gail (30 Sep 2000, Saturday)

Steve and Jenny had been dating for a few months. It wasn't anything special for either of them, but they enjoyed each others company and their friends. Jenny played on a championship U–25 field hockey team, and had traveled down from her home in Wilmington Delaware to Washington DC with two of her friends to play in a tournament. Steve had business in Washington that Saturday, so offered to come pick them up at the fields and drive them home. Arriving just in time for the final game, Steve had watched Jenn and her friends win the championship game and had joined the team in a bar for a few celebratory beers afterwards. Steve had borrowed his sisters' minivan for the trip, as he wasn't sure how many girls he…

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Gail's Story
By: Gail (31 Aug 2000, Thursday)

This is a true story that happened to me a while back. It was beautiful sunny day in the little seaside town I had grown up in England. It was also going to be a very special day. There had been a group of 40–50 of us who had graduated from grammar school and had just finished our first year at University. Since we had all been about 14 years old we had held a big beach bonfire party every July 1st to celebrate the end of the school. This party was going to be very special, as many of us hadn’t seen each other for months. I had changed a lot in the year I’d been away. I had been 20 pounds overweight and could generously have been classified as ‘chunky’. My redeeming features were my C–cups and gorgeous long…

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