The Late Check-Out

By: Gail
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

This is actually a true story. The Hyatt San Francisco will never be the same again.
Lisa stirred slightly, sensing more than feeling movement on the other side of the bed. The mattress momentarily tilted as her companion swung her legs around and sat up. Briefly opening one eye she saw 5:47 in bright red digits on the hotel alarm clock. Closing her eye she settled back down for another hour of sleep.Drifting back into her slumber Lisa heard Sandi walking towards the bathroom. Sandi opened the door, lifted up the creaky toilet seat and after a few seconds Lisa recognized the familiar sounds of a full–blooded bladder–bursting morning pee splashing violently into the pan. Her last thoughts as consciousness faded away acknowledged that her bladder was pretty full too. The radio alarm roused Lisa from a deep sleep at 7:15. Sitting up, rubbing her eyes, she saw Sandi, dressed in t–shirt and panties wave at her as she entered the bathroom. Lisa chuckled, thinking if only the folks in the office could see us now. There was nothing romantic going on, as the hi–tech company which employed both of them was cutting costs by sharing rooms at conferences. They’d been friends for years, so that wasn’t a problem, but their flight had been delayed the night before. By the time they checked in there were only rooms with a single king bed available. At 1am, after tanking down free drinks on the plane, they just giggled and checked on in. Lisa definitely had to pee. No question about it. She sat in bed for a minute waiting for Sandi to finish. Boy, did she have to go. Her normally flat stomach actually had a small bump in it from her swollen bladder. Waking up had kick started her kidneys into action and she felt herself filling even further. She decided to go bang on the door and tell Sandi to get her ass in gear. Just standing up allowed gravity to take its toll, and she felt the pressure on her peehole muscles double. This wasn’t good. She gasped and involuntarily clenched her muscles, pushing one hand against herself through her panties. A few steps from the door she heard the shower start and a curtain swish as Sandi obviously had climbed into the tub. The sound of running water was almost too much for her. She nearly lost it then and there, frantically crossing her legs and shoving both hands between her legs. Geez, I must look like a four–year–old in preschool right now, she thought. Lisa thought through her options. The nearest bathroom was in the hotel lobby. That was twenty–one floors down and she’d have to throw on some clothes and get there through a mass of conventioneers. Surely Sandi would be out in a minute. Lisa was a big girl and could wait five minutes, she told herself. The only thing in the room she could use was the ice bucket, and that was … wrong, crude .. she couldn’t do that.
While she was standing there thinking it all through, she’d placed her right hand inside her panties. It was pressing hard against her, and the middle finger had slipped between her lips and was directly rubbing her aching peehole. She felt her muscles twitch and then spasm, but no wetness emerged. She increased the pressure even further and rubbed even faster, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. She decided to bang on the door. “Sandi, Sandi … hurry up! I’m going to explode” She heard the water stop and the shower curtain swish back. “What ?” Sandi asked . “Sandi, I’ve gotta pee – hurry up and let me in – it hurts so bad.” “OK – I’ll be out in three minutes. Promise.” Sandi answered. Lisa felt another spasm course through her and noted that her pussy lips were getting wet, kind of sticky wet though. She knew she hadn’t yet leaked. She suddenly realized that all her rubbing was speedily bringing her close to orgasm. If she stopped rubbing she knew she’d end up in a puddle within seconds. May as well carry on, maybe she’d hold out. Bracing herself against the wall with her left hand, still rubbing with her right, she shuddered again – unable to tell what was happening with her body. Seconds later she experienced an unbelievable pressure in her groin and recognized the onset of the first contraction of what was going to be a long and deep climax. As wave after wave of pleasure hit her she knew her muscles were contracting and expanding, sending huge jets of hot, yellow morning pee into her panties. The first spurt totally soaked them, the second went almost straight through them. The liquid coursed down the inside and back of her legs, around her feet and actually started to flow under the bathroom door. Lisa felt the wetness gush up between her butt cheeks as it forced itself into every nook and cranny. For some reason she pulled her soaked panties down about six inches onto her thighs and watched as yet another jet sprayed out from her swollen lips and cascaded onto the tiles in front of her. Opening up her eyes after she’d emptied herself in every possible way, Lisa saw that the bathroom door was now open. Sandi stood there, soaking wet, with her arms crossed in front of her. The puddle was now about three feet wide on the tiled floor and Sandi was actually standing on the edge of it. Lisa had never seen her friend naked before, blushed, and then burst into laughter at the look on her friends face as she realized what was keeping her toes warm. Sandi started to laugh too, and the two of them hugged each other hysterically – surrounded by an ever–growing puddle of pee. If only the rest of the day could be this much fun, Lisa thought.