Sam & Jenny - Part 3

By: Indigo
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Jenny sighed and snuggled down into the inviting depths of Sam’s double bed. The combination of cocoa and lavender scent was making her feel drowsy already, and she began to doze in next to no time. She was only vaguely aware of the bedroom door opening, and Sam padding softly across the room to the bed, turning back the covers, and climbing in beside her.
“You don’t mind if I join you, do you? It’s just I’ve not made up the bed in the spare room, and the cat’s already ensconced for the night on the sofa.”
Jenny felt a little uncomfortable about the idea of sharing a double bed with her friend, but she didn’t feel she was in any position to object. It was, after all, her friend’s bed: and Sam had been so kind and understanding, comforting her when she wet her knickers, finding some dry knickers for her to change into, cooking her tea and letting her stay for the night while her clothes hung out to dry on the line. But she felt she ought, at least, to clarify the basis on which they were sharing the bed.
“Of course I don’t mind,” she said. “But can I just ask, do you still want me to be Baby Jenny?”
“Only if that’s what you want,” replied Sam.
Jenny thought about it for a moment or two, and then said “In that case I think I’ll revert to grown–up Jenny, if it’s all the same to you.”
“That’s fine,” said Sam. “I’m happy either way, and I guess grown–up Jenny is more likely to keep her promise not to wet the bed.”
“I’m sure she is,” agreed Jenny. “Mind you, grown–up Jenny normally goes to bed naked, but I’d like to keep wearing Baby Jenny’s knickers and nightdress if I may. They feel ever so nice and reassuring.”
“Of course you can,” replied Sam, gently stroking Jenny’s unruly hair from her crown down to her shoulder; then continuing the movement, lightly caressing Jenny’s upper arm, elbow, forearm and wrist.
“Mmmm,” murmured Jenny. “That’s nice.”
Sam repeated the movement, and Jenny eased her body across the bed until her leg was resting lightly against Sam’s. She felt for Sam’s foot with her toes, and lightly stroked Sam’s ankle and shin. Sam took Jenny’s hand in hers and kissed her lightly on the inside of the wrist, then slowly worked her way up the inside of Jenny’s arm, planting light kisses every inch or so as she went. Each kiss made Jenny shiver with delight, as a little current of excitement ran up and down her arm.
When Sam’s lips reached the cuff of Jenny’s short–sleeved nightdress she paused, and then started gently nuzzling Jenny’s neck. She kissed that, too, and lightly rested her free hand on Jenny’s knee. Jenny moaned with pleasure as Sam gently nibbled her ear lobe, and began tracing light circles with her fingers on the inside of Jenny’s knee. Jenny willed her to run her hand further up her leg; but instead Sam stopped kissing and nibbling, and leaned back on her elbow.
“Jenny?” she whispered.
“You remember you wet your pants today?”
Jenny felt the all–too–familiar heat in her cheeks as she began to blush in the darkness. “I hardly think I’m likely to forget it.”
“Can I ask you something about it?”
“If you must.”
“You don’t mind, do you?”
“Well,” said Jenny, “it’s not exactly my favourite topic of conversation at the moment. But if you want to talk about it I don’t mind, since you already know about my accidents.”
She’d have preferred it if Sam had resumed kissing, and caressing, and exploring the warm inner surfaces of her legs – possibly even progressing as far as her Baby Jenny floral–print flannelette knickers. Oh, the delicious memories of Sam’s fingers feeling softly between her legs to check that she had earned her bedtime ice cream by keeping her knickers dry! She hoped that, if she answered Sam’s questions, Sam would soon resume where she had left off.
“How did it make you feel?”
“Wet,” replied Jenny.
“I didn’t mean physically,” Sam chided her. “I mean – you know – emotionally.”
“I felt upset,” said Jenny. “Embarrassed. Humiliated. Mortified. And half a dozen similar emotions for which I don’t even know the words. I thought oh–my–God this can’t be happening to me. But it was. I just wanted to curl up and die.” Her cheeks were really burning now, and just recalling her emotions at the time brought a little tear to her eye, which now rolled down her cheek.
“You didn’t enjoy the sensation at all, then?”
“No shit, Sherlock!”
“It didn’t make you want to do it again?”
“God no!” protested Jenny. (Oh where was Sam’s hand? Why couldn’t she at least rest it on Jenny’s knee while interrogating her??) “In fact, I’d have given anything not to do it again.”
“Is that so?”
“That’s so.”
“And that’s how you felt when you wet your own, green cotton pants at the swimming pool?”
“It is.” (Hand now? Knee? Thigh even? Please?)
“You’d really have given anything not to do it again?”
“Yes, anything.” (My knickers are still dry, you know. You can feel to check if you like. I won’t mind.)
“But you did wet your pants again, didn’t you?”
“I know.” (Please don’t remind me of it. Please just hold me, and comfort me. Kiss me again. Caress me all over and assure me it’ll all be OK.)
“Barely an hour later.”
“I know.” (But I’m still dry now. PLEASE feel my knickers to check it out. I’m burning with desire here.)
“So what changed in that hour?”
“Eh?” (My nipples are hard, too. You could do something with them, if you like. Mind you, you’d better check that my knickers are dry first, because who knows what mightn’t happen once you start on my nipples…)
“I mean, you said you’d have given anything not to wet yourself again, but you didn’t exactly try all that hard, did you? You just sat there and scoffed your ice cream, played with the cat, came and helped wash up, ran to the loo and – oops! Too late.”
Jenny felt the colour rising in her cheeks again.
“Well, I … erm … the second time it was Baby Jenny, not me!” she blurted out.
“But you ARE Baby Jenny, aren’t you?”
“Well, yes, but … “
“But what?”
“Well, I guess Baby Jenny didn’t mind wetting her knickers nearly as much as grown–up Jenny did,” she eventually conceded.
“And why’s that, do you suppose?”
Jenny pondered this a while. “Because mummy was there to protect Baby Jenny and look after her” was the best she could come up with.
“Mummy’s still here for Jenny if Jenny wants her,” said Sam, and kissed her lightly on the forehead.
“And Baby Jenny’s still got dry knickers,” announced Jenny proudly. “Mummy can feel them if she wants.”
Without waiting for an answer, Jenny took Sam’s hand and guided it up her nightdress to her crotch. Sam ran her fingers ever so lightly down the front of Jenny’s knickers, sending an electric current of excitement buzzing around her whole body and causing her to squirm with delight. It also nearly caused her an embarrassing little leak, but she just managed to hold it back and keep her knickers dry for mummy. Hmmmm, she thought– bladder is getting a bit full. Must remember to go for another wee before falling asleep.
Sam, feeling how Jenny squirmed to her light touch, ran her fingers over the front of Jenny’s knickers again and down between her legs. Jenny was ready for her this time, and thrust her pelvis up and forward to achieve a much firmer contact than Sam had intended. The effect was electrifying, and Jenny arched her back and moaned with ecstasy.
“Not so fast,” chided Sam, withdrawing her hand. “Take your time. There’s no rush.”
But Jenny was on fire; and if Sam wasn’t going to come to her then she was going to come to Sam. She rolled onto her side and pulled Sam into a close embrace, kissing her urgently on the mouth. Sam responded eagerly and their tongues met in a brief moment of exquisite pleasure.
Jenny ran her hand down Sam’s spine as far as the small of her back. Sam was naked above the waist, so Jenny slid down the bed until she was in a position to take one of Sam’s swollen, neat little nipples between her lips. She toyed with it for a moment or two, running the tip of her tongue around and across it, and now it was Sam who moaned with pleasure.
Jenny gripped Sam’s leg between her thighs, and searched for Sam’s knee with her groin. She pressed her crotch hard into Sam’s kneecap and rocked rhythmically up and down on top of it to stimulate her throbbing clitoris. Fireworks exploded inside her head again and again. She arched her back, tensed, relaxed a little, and screamed with pleasure. Sam sank her teeth into Jenny’s soft neck just as Jenny climaxed in a shuddering, throbbing, quivering moment of pure, undiluted sexual intensity.
Jenny fell back away from Sam’s leg and collapsed, panting, onto the soft lavender–scented pillow. She was completely spent.
“Oi,” said Sam playfully, poking her gently in the ribs. “What about me?”
Jenny lay there, initially uncomprehending; and then she realised that Sam still hadn’t orgasmed.
“Sorry,” she said, turning onto her side and gently caressing the inside of Sam’s leg. “Is this better?”
Sam began to moan with pleasure, and Jenny ran her fingers lightly up the inside of Sam’s thigh. It was soft and warm and moist and … good grief! Sam was wearing a pair of plastic knickers!
Jenny gently massaged the front of Sam’s plastic knickers, then moved up to the waistband and slipped a hand inside. Sam was wearing a nappy underneath, which was warm and sopping wet.
“Sam,” said Jenny, in surprise. “You’ve wet your nappy!”
“I know,” replied Sam. “I enjoy being wet. Wet orgasms are always sooo much more intense than dry ones. Quick! Now! Take me to heaven with you.”
Jenny instinctively knew what to do. Slipping her hand down inside the front of Sam’s nappy and curling a finger down between her legs, she explored and tantalised and caressed Sam’s receptive clitoris, and almost immediately Sam shivered and tensed and came to a massive, shuddering climax.
“Oh Jenny,” panted Sam. “You’ll have to show Marcus how it should be done!”
Both girls now sank back onto the bed. They teased one another’s bodies with light kisses and caresses, and Sam twisted her fingers in Jenny’s unruly hair while Jenny gently played with Sam’s neat little breasts.
“Sam,” said Jenny, a little hesitantly.
“I’ve never done that with another girl before.”
“Me neither,” said Sam.
After a further brief pause: “Sam?”
“You say it’s better if you’ve wet yourself?”
“No question.”
“I guess I’ll have to try that sometime,” said Jenny with a smile.
They shared one last, teasing kiss, and then both girls lay back and fell into a deep, contented, lavender–and–orgasm induced slumber.
…To be continued
By: Indigo