
20 stories

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The Wilds and the Wets - Part 1
By: Indigo (30 Nov 2006, Thursday)

Don't ask me how it happened, because I just don't know. I'm a city boy, born and bred, you see. I go clubbing. I go to football matches. I work out at the gym. But I don't, never have, and never will "do" the countryside. I'm just not made for it– you see? And it, most certainly, is not made for me. The problem, though, is that from time to time a girl floats into the life that thinks the city stinks and the country is where it's at. Whereas, of course, as far as I'm concerned it's the country that stinks (literally, in many cases: I mean, have you ever actually smelled a pig farm or a stable yard?) and the city is where it's really at. If we can only agree to differ on this, then I guess it's possible that…

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Flight of Fancy
By: Indigo (30 Sep 2006, Saturday)

Andy looked at Helen in amazement. "Surely you're not wearing that for the flight home?" he asked. "Why not?" she replied. "It's practical, isn't it?" "Practical?" Andy snorted. "It's so short you'll flash your knickers to the whole plane every time you sit down, and you'll freeze when we arrive back at Luton. It's about five degrees in England at the moment, you know. Now, just run this past me again will you: where's the practicality in that?" "It's short enough that nobody will notice if I pull it out from under my bum when I sit down. That's what's practical about it." "Ah!" said Andy, shaking his head in bewilderment. "It's obvious once you say it." "So if I should have an accident, it hopefully won…

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By: Indigo (31 Aug 2006, Thursday)

It was one of those beach parties where everyone just assumes you know everybody else, so nobody ever bothers introducing you to anybody; but in reality you've scarcely met anyone before in your life. It was originally intended as a small old chums' get–together; but then friends started getting invited, and then friends of friends, and before we knew it there were close on two hundred people having a great time, eating lots of great food, and drinking lots of great drink. Most folk had brought rather more than a bottle and there was plenty to go around; so I just went with the flow and made the most of the opportunity to chill and enjoy myself. The sun was setting, but there was still plenty of light. I was…

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By: Indigo (31 Aug 2006, Thursday)

Trish gasped and slipped a hand between her legs. Her denim mini skirt was practically round her hips and Mark, sitting in the bus seat beside her with a protective arm around her shoulders, could have looked down and seen her knickers from crotch to waist had he wanted to. But he was too much of a gentleman, so he averted his eyes and tried to think of ways to help Trish hold on. This was so not how Trish had wanted their first date to end. She had wanted to get to know Mark properly first, and then choose the right moment to tell him about her weak bladder and the problems it sometimes caused her. But now ... oh well, there was little point crying over spilt milk. She crossed her legs and clenched her thigh…

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Thrills and Spills
By: Indigo (31 Jul 2006, Monday)

Amanda put her nearly empty pint glass back down on the little cardboard drinks mat and glanced nervously around the crowded pub. There was no obvious sign of a ladies' room anywhere. She glanced at her watch, crossed her legs tightly, and leaned forward a little. Then she looked around the pub once again, studying the demeanour of her fellow drinkers. Two or three of them were taking a more or less obvious interest in her; and one of those, in particular, stood out. He was about six feet tall with a shock of unruly sun–bleached hair, a heavily tanned face and sparkling green eyes that seemed to smile at her encouragingly every time she looked in his direction. Mid to late twenties; on his own; and quite…

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By: Indigo (31 Mar 2006, Friday)

Note: This story contains Female Desperation, Accidental & Deliberate Wetting, and Foreplay. "Shall I top that up for you, Em?" Dave nodded towards Emma's half full pint glass, and held up a nearly full three–litre bottle of cider. "No, I'm fine," Emma replied. "I've got to think about going soon or I'll miss the last train. But it's been a great party, Dave: really it has." "Last train's not for quarter of an hour yet," said Dave, checking his watch. "It'll only take me a couple of minutes to run you down to the station in the car." "But you've been drinking," Emma protested. "I can walk it in ten minutes, so I'll be fine as long as I glug this down and make a start right away." Dave looked a little…

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Lurking Within Tent
By: Indigo (31 Jan 2006, Tuesday)

Note: This story contains Female Desperation, Accidental & Deliberate Wetting, Masturbation, and Foreplay. The rain beat down remorselessly on the fly sheet of the tent while Helen tossed and turned in a vain attempt to get to sleep; but try as she might she could not get comfortable. Eventually, remembering something she had once read about the sleep–inducing qualities of the female orgasm, she gently lifted the hem of the long pink cotton T–shirt which had served her as a her night dress during her camping holiday with Andy, and slipped her hand down inside the front of her knickers. They were the same dark blue knickers she had worn that day at Byron's Pool when Andy had caressed her, and fondled her, and…

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The Day Nancy Watered the Garden
By: Indigo (30 Nov 2005, Wednesday)

Nancy was nothing much to look at. She was short and dumpy with freckles and glasses, and cascades of curly auburn hair tumbling down to her shoulders. She always wore her skirt about four inches above the knee, even though she plainly didn't have the legs for it; and her frumpy blouses and over–tailored jackets did absolutely nothing for her figure. But what she lacked in looks, she more than made up for in personality. She was bubbly, vivacious and fun– and about three or four years older than me. Now, don't get me wrong: I have nothing against older women, and if the age gap had been the only thing that stood in the way of my successfully wooing her then I'd have been after her like a shot. After all,…

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Sam and Jenny - Part 4
By: Indigo (31 Oct 2005, Monday)

It was still dark when Jenny woke a few hours later with a vague sense that something was wrong– very wrong. But she couldn't quite put her finger on what it was that was wrong. It was a sensation – a feeling – that was at once familiar and unfamiliar, but which she was sure she oughtn't to be feeling. Not here. Not now. But what was it? She took a moment to consider her surroundings. What was the anomaly? She was in bed. Not her bed; a double bed. That was as it should be: she remembered Sam offering to let her stay for the night and showing her up to the large, inviting double bed. There was a body asleep beside her in the bed. Jenny peeped under the bedclothes and saw the outline of two well proportioned…

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By: Indigo (30 Sep 2005, Friday)

Helen sat on her rucksack, looking at her watch and tapping her feet. She was irritated. No, worse, she was angry. It was quarter to eleven. Their coach left at five to. "Meet at Drummer Street at half ten." That was what Andy had said. But where the hell was he? Helen had passed on a second cup of tea at breakfast in order to be here on time. If only she'd known Andy was going to be late, she needn't have done that. And it wasn't as if she needed to exercise restraint for the sake of her bladder, either. They'd been assured that the Norwich service always ran the most modern coaches with toilets and everything. A red Ford Escort clattered to a halt by the kerb in front of her. Its engine didn't sound at all…

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The Fountains of Youth
By: Indigo (30 Sep 2005, Friday)

Claire carefully adjusted her top so that it would reveal as much of her cleavage as possible, and then bent down to help little Hannah take her dress off. As she did so, she peered over the rim of her sunglasses at the handsome young man on the opposite side of the courtyard. He'd noticed her, she was sure of that: but what was it he wanted to see? That was the question. Tits or legs? Well, she thought, as she gathered the girls' dresses together, I can always make sure he gets a good eyeful of both, just to make sure. "Right, monsters," she said, giving Jane a friendly pat on the bottom as she did so. The girls all giggled. They liked it when Claire called them monsters. "You can go and play in the…

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Sam & Jenny - Part 3
By: Indigo (31 Jul 2005, Sunday)

Jenny sighed and snuggled down into the inviting depths of Sam's double bed. The combination of cocoa and lavender scent was making her feel drowsy already, and she began to doze in next to no time. She was only vaguely aware of the bedroom door opening, and Sam padding softly across the room to the bed, turning back the covers, and climbing in beside her. "Jenny?" "Mmmm?" "You don't mind if I join you, do you? It's just I've not made up the bed in the spare room, and the cat's already ensconced for the night on the sofa." Jenny felt a little uncomfortable about the idea of sharing a double bed with her friend, but she didn't feel she was in any position to object. It was, after all, her friend's bed: and…

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By: Indigo (31 Jul 2005, Sunday)

Do you believe in psychic powers? You know – mind reading, and stuff like that? I never used to: but that was before I met Rosie. And believe you me, Rosie could read a man's mind, no doubt about it. Actually, let me amend that statement. Not could, but would. Did. Whether she wished to or not. To her, reading my thoughts – or any other man's thoughts, for that matter – was as involuntary a process as smelling their scent or hearing their speech. Which was scary– very scary. And because she was so very scary, she was also very lonely. Most psychics are, it seems. So if you should ever meet one, try not to let their powers scare you off. Try instead to be attentive, loving, and true. You see, they make very…

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Sam & Jenny - Part 2
By: Indigo (30 Jun 2005, Thursday)

Sam took Jenny by the hand, and led her into the house. "Would you like to take a bath while I run your wet things though the washing machine?" Jenny sniffed, wiped a tear from her eye with the back of her hand, and nodded meekly. So Sam led her upstairs and into the bathroom and began to run a bath, adding copious amounts of bubble bath. The sound of the water gushing into the tub was almost enough to make Jenny lose control and completely wet her knickers a second time, but she fought hard against the urge and just about managed to hold on. A couple of short leaks escaped, and she felt the pee gently dribbling down the inside of her thigh, but it was such a minor accident that Sam didn't even notice it. …

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Sam & Jenny - Part 1
By: Indigo (31 May 2005, Tuesday)

Jenny said "goodbye" to her last client of the day, and hitched her bag up onto her shoulder as old Mrs. Finch closed the front door behind her. The sun beat down on her, and a heat haze rose from the pavement. A gentle breeze took the edge off the heat, but it was still easily the hottest day of the year so far. She felt thirsty, and wished she could take a long, refreshing swig from the bottle of water at the bottom of her bag; but she dared not. She was already feeling the first faint urges of the need for a pee, and there was nowhere that she could stop to use the toilet on the long walk across town to her old friend Samantha's house. Sure she'd be able to use the toilet when she got to Sam's; but she didn…

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