A Fairy Tale

By: King Neptune
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Melissa Barnes was running late for work. Her car was nearly out of fuel and she really, really needed to pee. She debated with herself about what to do. As a sudden spasm of her distended bladder came over her, she jammed her hand into her crotch to stem the impending flood. She rubbed her pussy, hard, barely getting control. It did not bother her that a small squirt of her golden fluid had escaped despite her best efforts. Melissa had always enjoyed peeing her panties, and just because it was not convenient was little reason not to enjoy it, especially if it was out of her control. She closed her bright blue eyes for a second, enjoying the feelings between her shapely legs. Melissa kept her ex–cheerleader’s body in great shape, and at 38 years of age her profile suggested a much younger woman. Her erect nipples seconded the warm moistness between her opening flower. Focus, she thought. If she stopped to get fuel she might be late to work, pee her panties or both. The thought of this worried her greatly, at least the being late part. If she could get to work on her remaining fuel she might make it to a restroom there before losing the bladder battle.
As she considered her options, the driver in the car ahead gave her a third possibility. Melissa had been so preoccupied with her situation she had failed to attend to her driving and didn’t quite stop when the vehicle ahead did, and she banged into it. “Oh no, not now! Not today,” she stammered aloud to herself now realizing she had hit a shiny new limo of all things, and almost in front of her work. As the limo pulled to the curb, Melissa stopped behind it and quickly exited her car to speak with the driver.
Melissa was looking in the darkly tinted back windows of the huge luxury vehicle trying to see if anyone was there when the chauffeur’s voice literally blasted her out of her shoes. “Young Lady, you are all right, no?” Spoke the driver with a voice so loud and resonant she was startled and momentarily speechless. She struggled to calm herself and address the uniformed chauffer who was physically as intimidating as his voice. At over six feet nine inches tall and two hundred eighty five pounds the giant’s booming voice again bellowed out, inquiring as to Melissa’s condition. Poor Melissa’s day just wasn’t getting any better. As she tried to say she was fine, she thought she could hear the hissing noise of her car’s radiator announcing its failure to contain pressure. Distracted by the sound she turned to look at her car. Very strange, she thought, there should be green coolant pouring out of her damaged car. She could hear it, but see nothing and the car appeared barely dented. As she puzzled over this latest development she turned back to face the chauffer who was staring at the yellow liquid pouring from her panties beneath her dress. His mouth was moving but nothing intelligible emerged.
Melissa had forgotten her desperation and now, out of control, her body squirted her hot woman pee through her panties with such force it was even spraying the front of her thin white nurse’s uniform dress, soaking it in a deluge of sweet pee that fell splashing noisily to the ground, filling her shoes and flowing out onto the pavement. At this Melissa had had more than she could take. Crying, she sank to the ground. “I’m so sorry I hit your car and pissed my panties and everything,” she wailed. She looked up to see the chauffer had disappeared into the limo. As she pondered what to do a hand came out the back of the limo with an envelope, its motion beckoning her to take it. Melissa grasped the thin envelope as the hand released it and the limo sped off, it’s diplomatic flags fluttering in the wind.
That’s about par for today, she thought. Now I’ll probably be sued and made to pay for the limo repairs, get a ticket plus lose a day’s wages in court, or even get arrested; that was probably the car of somebody important. I hope I don’t get fired for being late. Well, first things first Melissa reasoned, beginning to regain her composure. I must change into a dry uniform and get to work. Tossing the unopened envelope through her open car window, she retrieved a spare uniform from her old compact car’s trunk, along with fresh panties, stockings and shoes. Melissa was always prepared for a wet emergency whether work related or personal. The convalescent therapy hospital where she worked was a good place to nurse, but they preferred dry, white uniforms. While many of her patients had managed to get her uniform pissy or worse due to various injuries and lack of mobility or control, she didn’t think a wet yellow stain originating from inside her uniform would be accepted… Melissa’s mind drifted for a moment… dreaming… wondering what life would be like with a man who could put up with, even enjoy a pissy wet girl. But, she knew well from experience, she could not avoid peeing when she came and every man she had tried to share this with had fled in disgust. She quickly put the thought out of her mind, knowing it was a senseless waste of effort. How many times, how many men, had vanished when they learned Melissa’s wet secret. She knew better, she thought, chastising herself. Such a man does not exist. The lonely young woman quickly changed her uniform in her car and hurried on to work, arriving just in time to avoid being tardy.
The next day was Melissa’s day off. She slept in, then woke and lay in bed, enjoying her morning fullness quietly as she contemplated having to check her car’s damage, get estimates for repairs, etc. She decided that could all wait, though, this was her time. She got up and ran to the refrigerator across the cold bare apartment floor. The cold and exercise made her bladder come wide–awake, its pressure signifying things were very full down below.
“Not yet!” Melissa spoke softly as if addressing someone else, lightly rubbing her tight green nylon panties up into her opening, itself blossoming and moistening in anticipation of the treat ahead. She quickly grabbed a pitcher of orange juice, a glass and her vitamin pill. Hurrying back to bed, she quickly poured a large glass of juice, downing it in one drink without stopping. Melissa refilled her glass and swallowed another half glass of juice with her vitamin pill. The vitamin was a daily thing for Melissa, but especially important for her days off. She had discovered that a vitamin B12 capsule made her pee a bright deep yellow. The color was part of her pee fetish, the deeper the color the more the pee stained her clothes and the more turned on she became. The orange juice helped as well, besides causing the sexy feel of a full bladder to reach critical capacity. Knowing things would quickly approach loss of control, Melissa ran to her dresser and changed into shiny white nylon panties under a white thin silky soft nylon nightgown. She was ready. Melissa laid back on her bed, letting the warmth and softness envelope her. She grabbed the stereo remote and soft music replaced the silence in her apartment. Melissa relaxed, dozing for nearly an hour, until the liquids she had consumed had reached their destination.
Melissa awoke, warm, relaxed… bursting! God she was so full! …And so turned on! Melissa was so aroused her mind would scarcely work. The huge volume of pee exerting pressure on her insides made the voluptuous young woman feel like her whole body was going to explode. Melissa was shaking with the effort of holding her swollen bladder. Her nipples, hard, pulsed and throbbed in anticipation. Lacking a mate who could participate and enjoy her fully, this was Melissa’s release, her surrender to the forces of her nature she could neither control nor understand. As the panting woman relaxed, her hand brushed her nipple through the thin nightgown, producing sensations all through her chest and tingling out to her elbows. She gently, then more forcefully squeezed and rolled the hardness between her thumb and forefinger. Melissa’s breath caught in her throat at the intensity of feeling as the stimulated nerves sent frantic messages of sexual need through her breasts, neck and right to the tips of her ears. She felt her heat rise, her breasts and neck flushing a deep red. As Melissa’s hand arrived at its destination between her moistening nether lips she lightly touched herself through the fabric of gown and panties. Warmth flooded her mind and body as her sex responded to the slow, gentle caress. Spreading her legs, she cupped her mound, as waves of wonderful sensation, desperation, desire, pleasure, need, wanting converged on the center of her being.
Melissa was unable to will her body to hold on any longer. Her pee began to come, warming her pussy further as she could no longer contain it. Despite the incredible pressure it began slowly leaking out, just a few drops at first, then a tiny dribble issued forth from the hot fragrant fountain of her womanhood. Melissa watched, helpless but enthralled as her nightgown turned transparent between her legs, revealing her now bright yellow pissy wet panties beneath. As the fragrance of her female pee filled the air her lust took command. With a rising cry of ferocity Melissa tore the nightgown from between her legs and jammed her palm hard against her pubic mound. She surrendered the last vestiges of any bodily control and her fountain burst forth in full flow. Melissa pressed and rubbed her flooding mound hard, jamming her fingers deeply into her pussy, taking the fabric of her panties with them. The interference of her hand in the raging piss torrent produced sprays of wet warm woman pee splashing up over her breasts and soaking the bed in it’s brilliant yellow wetness as she arched her back in blissful relief, cumming violently, throbbing, spasming, screaming, moaning, crying with the force of her release. Melissa slowly sank back to the warm piss–filled bed, her peeing pussy pulsing, pounding, possessed before finally the last ounce of her fluid dribbled out as a final consuming spasm shuddered through her body.
Melissa lay spent, relaxed, and warm in her wet cocoon. If only she could share this with a man, she sighed. Wouldn’t it be wonderful, she mused? It would never happen, she decided. Becoming more alert and aware of her surroundings now, she decided to avoid the discomfort of inevitably cooling piss and jumped out of bed onto the towel and plastic she had placed there earlier. Stripping off her pee stained soggy cooling panties and nightgown she quickly dried herself off with the towel. Melissa removed the wet yellow stained bed linens down to the double plastic mattress cover as well and started them in the washer while she showered and dressed.
Melissa quickly attended to her necessary chores and made an appointment that evening for her car to be repaired. The garage said it would only take a couple of days, as the damage was minimal. Her day off passed quickly as such days tend to pass and before she realized it she was back at work as usual. Time passed and with her car repaired, Melissa had received no bill, summons or ticket from the accident. She quickly forgot about the incident and life continued.
During this time Melissa had become increasingly attracted to a gentleman patient of hers. She had entertained fantasies of him as well, but they could never be. She could not, would not become involved with a patient. Besides, she knew at best it would lead to a disappointing encounter for them both. Even worse, she didn’t think he even “worked” down there. After all, he was there because he was injured. Still, he had become a warm and close friend to her. Actually, he was more… much more, but the pretty sandy haired nurse would not allow her feelings to surface. She simply could not handle another failed love, another heartbreak, and another man telling her she was sick and disgusting.
Melissa greeted Tony fondly on arriving at the hospital and meeting him in the hall. He seemed a little vague about himself and his condition when he had arrived a couple of months ago, something about nerve damage from a fall, but had warmed to her skillful and understanding care. He now was starting to open up to Melissa about his condition and his feelings.
She remembered their first meeting vividly. She had been called to the nursing office to pick up a new patient and escort him to his room. The tall dignified and very handsome 47–year–old gentleman waiting in a wheel chair told her his name was Antonio Lucius Arello. He spoke with just a trace of an unidentifiable accent, quietly, painfully shyly, and she could hardly get him to speak any more than that. She attempted to determine his condition, but he refused to speak of it. He seemed very nervous and squirmed and wriggled restlessly in the wheelchair. He would turn away in shyness when she looked at him. He obviously would be more comfortable with a male nurse and Melissa mentioned this to him, assuring him it was okay. His reaction shocked her. His voice changed from its quiet meekness to that of a man panicked.
“No!” he loudly exclaimed. “Only you! You must care for me!” His voice softened as he continued. “Please, I want you to care for me if you can stand being around a man who has little control or feeling, who cannot control his bladder or tell you when he needs relief. Please, help me,” he said, his voice now scarcely a whisper. His reaction touched her heart and she did the unthinkable. She blurted out, unthinking, confessing to wetting her panties by accident, hoping to ease his discomfort, but he had looked at her strangely and seemingly could not speak. While she had dealt with incontinent patients before, the thought of this man wetting himself produced a different kind of feeling in the lovely nurse’s mind…. or was it her body? She wasn’t sure, but she wasn’t exactly dreading her first wet encounter with Mr. Arello. As it turned out, she did not have to wait long.
During his address to her, he had peed his pants, seemingly without knowledge of the act. Melissa noted the puddle forming in the wheelchair seat between his legs and spoke quietly, reassuringly to the man. “Don’t worry, Mr. Arello, I will be very honored to have you in my care.” He smiled wanly at her as she continued. “As far as bladder control, please don’t worry about it, I will attend to your needs and try to draw no attention to any loss of control you may exhibit.” Bending close to him she whispered quietly “Such as now. Let’s get to your room and get you cleaned up.” Melissa quickly dropped a couple of cloths into the puddle to keep it contained and hidden then wheeled Mr. Arello to his room.
Melissa had skillfully and quickly attended to the patients needs from that time and they had grown close. She had tried to be as professional and impersonal as possible but as Tony, as he wished her to address him, opened up to her she found herself drawn to him, kidding and playing with him as he responded in kind to her. She had found an attraction she could not control, and he had realized and felt it as well toward her. The questioning look in his eyes as he watched her carefully clean him after he had wet himself made her want to wet with him, not clean him up. She found her own panties more than slightly damp often around him, and caught herself revealing to him when she needed to pee. He noted she often did not go pee, even after stating her need. Tony would tease her, saying she had wet herself. She would deny it and invite him to check. He would blush, smile shyly and change the subject. She would linger on his penis cleaning him and soon it became plain his therapy was working and feeling was returning to his penis. He had once reached up under her uniform and softly touched her pretty rear, but became embarrassed and withdrew his hand when she looked at him. She had nearly cummed and pissed her panties.
Then, this morning, he had touched her. Slowly, lingering, his hand had reached up under her uniform, his eyes questioning. She had indicated her acceptance with a soft smile, closing her eyes as his fingers encountered the warm slightly damp crotch of her heavy cotton nursing uniform panties. His breath had quickened as he gently, softly stroked her slit through the impeding material. His penis had seemed to respond normally. Indeed, it had grown quite hard. She had checked, grasping its thick girth through his pants. Footsteps in the hall had brought them back to reality and they quickly parted company. Melissa had gone into the nearest restroom where she had cum and pissed her panties simply reliving his touch. The lonely nurse was happy for him, but could not help but dread his departure when he had fully recovered. Melissa had reached a turning point, where her love and desire for this man could no longer be ignored. She had to know if there was a chance, and since he already knew she sometimes peed her panties and had not recoiled in disgust, she had to try once more, one last time to share herself fully with a man. She cared deeply for him, the damage to her heart, her very soul, was already done, and if she did nothing he would leave her life soon anyway. She was certain he cared for her as well, and she could not get his touching her wet crotch out of her mind. Melissa slept little that night; she had to know, now.
Arriving at this decision she conceived a plan to spend her day off with him at her home. When she asked Tony to spend the night and next day with her, he surprised her. Instead of his usual blushing shyness he had smiled broadly and happily accepted her offer at once. She spoke to his incontinence then, hoping to relieve any anxiety he might feel about an accident in her home. Again he had surprised her with an off–hand statement that he did not think it would be a problem. Melissa was excited about the prospects for the encounter, and spent the day without using a restroom. By the time end of shift came, her filling bladder was beginning to send out deliciously desperate feelings.
Tony was waiting in the patient pickup area when she turned the corner in her car. He had looked at her in complete surprise, stammering something about why she drove such an old worn vehicle. She had explained that she was comfortable in it and that it was reliable. Together the couple managed to get Tony’s uncooperative body into the car. Tony still seemed puzzled about her car but said no more. As she reached over him to retrieve his seatbelt she felt something on the side of his seat. She pulled out an unopened thin envelope, wondering, then suddenly realizing its meaning. Not wishing to speak of the incident to Tony, she tossed it into the back seat. Tony appeared not to have noticed so Melissa said nothing. She would recount the incident to him some other time if they were together after tonight. Melissa was not a pessimist, but she saw no reason to tempt fate any more than her pee proclivities had already. Tonight, she would know if Tony could really love her.
By the time the couple had settled into Melissa’s apartment, bathed and dressed, both were hungry. Melissa had especially enjoyed washing Tony’s body, knowing they would not be disturbed. Tony had enjoyed it as well. He had also been proud of his rigid manhood, but had remained untoward to her. They decided to order Chinese in and did so. As the two dined, Melissa began to worry about the path she had chosen to inform Tony of her needs. The Chinese tea and rice wine they had consumed left little doubt that she would soon have to decide to stay the course or visit the restroom. As she pondered the issue, Tony interrupted her thoughts. He was concerned that he might need to pee and wondered if Melissa would assist him. She decided it was time to test the waters, to see how he would respond.
He was surprised when she put him off, kidding him, saying he was on his own. He accepted her response and they continued to eat and drink, kidding and touching as new couples do. As the kidding turned to foreplay, Melissa began to lose her nerve. She and Tony had kidded and played around, teasing each other about who would have to visit the restroom first. She had expected him to pee in his pants by now considering how long it had been and how much liquid he had imbibed. She was amazed and disappointed that he had not, nor did he seem inclined to do so. Melissa had intended to show her approval sexually when he wet, but with Tony completely dry and seemingly comfortable she was ready to burst. The distressed young woman made known her need to leave the room for a trip to the potty. Melissa kissed Tony and turned to walk away.
“Now it’s your turn, my love! You can hold it as you expected of me!” exclaimed Tony as he quickly encircled her waist with his arms and drew the helpless young woman onto his lap. Melissa could not help squirting hot woman piss onto Tony’s lap at the sudden increased pressure from his arms around her waist. Surprised at Tony’s unexpected bold move, she regained control after the two–second deluge through her panties. The damage was done. Tony’s lap was wet with her fragrant release. She could feel the hot wetness in her panties and on his pants. Melissa sat very still on Tony’s lap in the wheel chair, wondering what would happen, how he would react. In the space of an instant a thousand hopes and doubts passed through her reeling mind. Would he still love her? Was he disgusted like all the others? Would he want her? Maybe he would like it! What if he didn’t?
Her questions were answered as she felt his hardening manhood beneath her and her passion, released, now increased, competing with and complimented by her desperation. Melissa was going to piss her panties and she had absolutely no hope or desires to stop it or even slow the onset of her warm yellow flood. She wanted Tony’s heavy hardness in her, now, and he wanted to be there. It wasn’t what she planned but now it didn’t matter. As the pair frantically kissed and joyfully contemplated their imminent coupling, each one’s secret fears and doubts evaporated as nature prevailed and their doubts lay dormant, helpless to cool the mounting ardor of new love’s perfect attraction. Melissa could wait no longer to touch Tony’s turgid staff as a sudden spurt of his piss darkened the front of his pants and soaked through her thin shiny red panties, further warming her already moist, smoldering woman hole. Tony managed to stop the sudden flow, but the disappointed look in Melissa’s eyes told him what he needed to know. Relaxing his swollen member Tony let his piss flow. As the hot nectar from his manhood resumed its rush through his pants Melissa could not believe what was happening. Freeing his iron hose, she directed his piss onto her breasts where it quickly flooded her dress and splashed, falling wetly into her lap and draining between her legs further wetting her panties and pussy. As Melissa’s head spun in the warmth and sensation of the moment Tony lifted her up and in one quick motion slid her sodden red panties aside and impaled her onto his vertical spear. Piss sprayed everywhere as his peeing cock entered her hot embracing slick tunnel. The coupled lovers bounced up and down violently, the wheel chair careening around the room like a rabid animal. Tony freed Melissa’s heaving breasts from their wet prison and devoured her hard swollen nipples, greedily sucking and kissing every inch of her bountiful soft mammary magnificence. Within a few quick thrusts, Melissa’s dream became reality as her passion peaked and she came. Her satiated tired muscles relaxed, releasing floods of the hottest yellow woman piss she had ever felt. As the steaming river washed over Tony’s genitals, its heat set off an explosion as his own passion peaked and he too came, his hot white man juice joining their mingled piss and fluids, squelching out Melissa’s belabored pussy noisily with his last shuddering spastic thrusts.
The lovers slumped together, each lost in the moment of sexual satisfaction, relaxed, content and happy. But as is the way of the world, things exist only for fleeting moments and as minds and bodies came together the cooling of warm pee begged for their attention. Melissa stirred, removing her swollen genitals from their wet embrace with Tony’s and stood on unsteady feet, gazing at the man she loved, smiling. Tony shifted himself slightly and to Melissa’s amazement, stood, stepping forward, enveloping her in strong arms.
“Tony!” she exclaimed. “I don’t understand. What is going on?”
Tony looked at the befuddled piss soaked young woman and spoke. “Melissa, I have searched for you my whole life. In my country there is a story, a legend, of the woman who would be queen. You have proven to be that woman. It was I in the motor vehicle you collided with nearly two months ago. It was at that meeting that I observed the qualities in you spoken of in the legend. The envelope in your old car contains a check for $50,000.00 and was meant to replace your damaged car, but you had not opened it. That is why I was surprised when I saw you driving your old car. I confess to being uninjured during your treatment of me. This was necessary to determine your character and suitability for the position of my wife and future Queen, to find out if we could love each other. I am Prince Antonio Lucius Arello of the Arabian Republic. I love you and wish you to be my Princess. Tell me yes, Melissa, tell me you will marry me.”
Melissa did not hesitate. The Prince had proven to be the man she had waited for and whom she wanted to spend her life with. Melissa responded happily and immediately. “Yes, Tony, I will marry you. I do love you no matter who you are. I, too had searched my entire life to find you and could never be content without you,” she replied. “I had to find you without a story or legend to guide me, though. By the way, how does this story go?”
Tony looked at her in mock disbelief, rolling his dark eyes and smiling mischievously. “Oh come now, Melissa!” he exclaimed. “Surely you have heard the story of the Princess and the Pee?”
King Neptune