Wish for what you Really Want

By: King Neptune
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

At about 1 am, David wakes. The 55–year–old man is at once conscious of the insistent twinge of need brought on by a full bladder. He ignores it, noting the rush he gets as he grabs his stirring member to stem a stronger momentary urge. He pours a tall glass of water and gulps half of it at once while dancing in place. To the uninformed, his actions might appear at odds with sanity. He turns on the computer, checks email then browses through the special sites that interest him. The glass is empty now and he refills it. David downloads a couple of free utilities. He cannot get comfortable, dares not relax. Again the glass is empty. He knows he cannot refill it now without wetting himself. He tries to concentrate on the screen, but is constantly fidgeting, trying in vain to will the insistent urgency of his increasingly distended bladder to subside. He feels a sudden spurt of hot piss escape. He cannot not help it, he is about to burst he is so full. It is time to enlist some help. Clicking on the instant messaging icon he is immediately rewarded as the indicator lights, signifying that Arthur, a long–time Internet friend, is on line. Arthur and David have a common fetish and over the years have shared their most intimate thoughts as they have sought relief within the fetish each enjoys. Arthur, whose encouragement in David’s quest to remain dry is as necessary as David’s own efforts, responds with a greeting.
Their differences are as odd as their similarities. David likes the warmth, the wetness, the feel, and tingle of release as he wets himself. He wants nothing so much as a lady to sit on his lap and flood them both. For Arthur, the attraction is the desperation, with the warm wetness a nice secondary benefit. Arthur would prefer a partner desperate beyond description, finally witnessing them losing control. Great sex would follow for both and is described by both first as wet with all other adjectives following. As intensely aroused through this fetish as both are neither can risk approaching another in their quest without an ironclad guarantee of acceptance. In the nearly ten years they have known each other neither has had a wet partner, or even come close. In this world, they have only each other, as neither of their spouses would suffer such improper and undignified activity. Arthur’s spouse is aware of his needs but chooses not to respond while David’s would be abhorrent at the suggestion of pee play; she knows not. His hand squeezing his member harder now David responds to the nearly constant waves of urgency which envelope him. Sweat beads his brow; his body shakes with the effort of control. As the concentration he must maintain grows, his arousal follows. He is no longer just squeezing his hot hard piss engorged cock, he is stroking it, hard, roughly, as if the action will somehow stem the inevitable. He has waited too long to call Arthur and is hardly able to type or read the screen he is shaking so badly. Releasing his swollen tool as he gets some temporary control he sends a greeting to Arthur, adding that he is really, really desperate. Arthur did not have to be told; the misspelled and erratic typing arriving tells him David is about to lose control and piss himself. They know each other’s signs and needs almost as well as their own. Arthur is also desperate, and the message from David causes an immediate sexual response as the words inflame desire. That is the nature of their fetish and their relationship; the desperation and full bladder invoke desire. The particular sex of the person desperate is secondary.
Arthur is as desperate as David, abdominal cavity filled with a swollen bladder full of hot piss. Encouragement to hold on (or is it simply foreplay?) is useless and it quickly becomes nearly impossible for either to type. As hours of holding it dwindle to the last minutes of control only seconds separate the friends from their hot gushing floods. The futility of the effort burns hotly in their loins. Time runs out. Neither is able to help the other now. United by electronics and a rare common interest across thousands of miles two sets of underwear and two pairs of pants fill quickly with hot yellow fragrant piss, their owners frantically grabbing, stroking, thrusting to gain relief from the burning white hot need filling their bodies. Each peaks, gasping, bucking, another hot liquid gushing in to the warm wet pungent yellowed underwear each sits in. They speak now, openly, each enjoying their friend’s experience almost as much as their own. David, as always voices his frustration at the lack of availability of wet women, further decrying the distance separating he and Arthur. Of course, Arthur’s standard response follows, an admonishment to wish for what you really want.
It is part of their ritual. David’s response is, of course, to wish Arthur were female. They both laugh; it helps ease the loneliness each feels in this part of their lives. As their bodies relax and stressed bladders again cry for relief, each pees again, the warmth between them felt as keenly as the wetness warming their genitals. Arthur and David have cautiously kept specific details of their lives unspoken, but over the years, each has become aware of many intimate details of the other’s life. As significant, many details, which would be obviously revealed instantly between normally associated friends, remain unspoken. In this way their conversations are always illuminating and rewarding. They continue the conversation as Arthur casually mentions being sent to Chicago for company training this winter.
David mentions the possibility of witnessing desperation from arriving passengers and remembers he may be going through that airport himself this winter. Suddenly the communication between them stops as each realizes that there now exists a possibility of them meeting in person, in a city where no one knows either. The possibilities wildly arouse and scare both as each types the same terrifyingly exciting message to the other. David sits in disbelief, his mind spinning, a bit fearful as he sees the same words he has just sent returned to him. “Do you want to try to meet?” screams at him so loudly from his computer he can hardly believe it is not speaking the words to him and he reaches for the volume control without thinking. Both hesitate, considering the risks and the possibilities, wanting but cautious.
Both arrive at the same conclusion– that such an opportunity might never again present itself. At the very least they will get to watch each other piss themselves and share in person that which they have shared electronically for so long. As David types the word yes in capital letters Arthur’s answering confirmation arrives on screen. The friends compare agendas and discover that their times in Chicago will overlap. They exchange schedules and scheme. Arthur will be in Chicago for a week; David is just passing through on the way East. David has no time there, so a missed flight or odd schedule must be planned to allow them time together. They say goodnight and plan to meet online again next Saturday night. Both clean up and go to bed. Neither sleeps.
Arthur and David meet on line several times to complete the details of their scheme to finally get together in person. David has manipulated his schedule so as to require an 8–hour layover after arriving in Chicago at a time when Arthur is available. The friends work out all the details including transportation for David to and from the airport. Arthur will have a rental car available but they decide to use a taxi for speed and to allow them to maximize their time together. The conversations become more intimate now as each discusses what best to wear for wetting effect, etc. They decide the clothes must be disposable for convenience. David really likes sexy panties, his second fetish and Arthur confirms favoring wearing female undergarments.
David knows Arthur prefers girdles and asks if that will be the chosen undergarment. To his surprise, Arthur replies that white silk full cut panties will be more practical for this meeting. David agrees, as Arthur knew he would. They are David’s favorite and if all goes well he will be quite desperate in them when he steps off the plane to greet Arthur in Chicago. The two friends touch on every detail of the meeting and all is finally in readiness. Both will wear all white even though it is winter and Arthur is not thrilled with that part. They will meet first at the arrival gate and have developed a plan to observe the area first on the off chance that someone they know appears. They decide that the white clothing should be easily spotted and are sure they can identify each other. As the time draws near, each is excited and nervous for various reasons. Both wonder what the differences may be between expectations and reality when they finally meet. One of them is sure there will be great differences, while the other merely wonders, unsure. Neither is deterred in the least.
Finally the day arrives for the trip and David finds himself at 30,000 feet, desperate, wearing sexy snow–white full cut silk panties under his white jeans. He has found it difficult; the jeans keep drifting south on the slick silk and he has had to keep his belt uncomfortably tight to keep his pants on. This has further irritated his full bladder and eroded some of his confidence in the adventure. Still, he can hardly sit still, either from excitement or needing to pee, he doesn’t know. Arthur is attired in nearly identical panties, but different clothing otherwise. All too quickly the aircraft descends to the runway. As they come to a stop at the jet way a momentary panic hits David. He really has to pee and what if Arthur is not there? He is afraid he may not make it into the terminal without leaking.
Suddenly all worries are of no matter, the line leaving the plane moves and David makes his way cautiously into the arrival area. He looks around carefully, scanning the crowd for familiar faces. He sees no one he knows.
That relief is instantly replaced with an empty feeling of dread as he realizes he has seen no one else dressed in white. He urges himself to remain calm and does a slower and more detailed sweep of the area. Dave feels his heart sinking as he realizes Arthur is not there. Feeling extremely disappointed and fearing he will piss his pants, the only thing he can do now is find a rest room before disaster strikes. As he turns to leave the terminal he sees a partial figure in white looking around. Their eyes meet momentarily. It is a lady in a short red skirt with a white blouse. She is pretty with a voluptuous figure, nice smile, maybe 38. Ordinarily he would have watched and wanted her but his mind and focus remain on the whereabouts of Arthur. Dave panics, as he understands the lady is speaking to him and he is nearly pissing himself now. His ears burn and roar as he attempts to stop the hot spurt of piss exiting his tortured dick. The white panties are no longer all white nor are they particularly dry. He stops the surge with supreme effort as he attempts to focus on her words. “Sir, are you all right?” she speaks in alarmed tones. He mumbles something about meeting someone who is not there. She looks genuinely concerned and David wonders what his expression must have been to evoke such a response from a stranger.
The desperate and disappointed man realizes the lady is talking again, asking him if he needs to sit. He suddenly feels very old and allows her to guide him to a chair. Dejected and with all hope gone that Arthur will be there, he must now reach a restroom before it is too late. David attempts to excuse himself from the lady. She again notes his distress, asking if there is someone she can call for him. Recovering his spirits and composure David becomes more aware of the woman’s friendliness and examines more closely the figure before him. The previously dejected man regroups, noting the full figured Good Samaritan attempting to help him. He regains desire and will as he notes the curve of the lady’s well–shaped butt. “What have we here?” the little head finally responds and David stands and smiles back now at the warm green eyes looking worriedly at him. I’m sorry, Miss, I have been terribly rude. May I repay your kindness with a drink? He tries not to leer, but the full breasts threatening to tumble from the confines of her lacy bra compromise his efforts. She obviously notices, but appears to consider him no threat and ignores his ogling instead of showing any outward signs of displeasure.
She instead replies cheerfully as if speaking to a child. “Sir, I’m so glad you are feeling better! Please forgive me as well, but I would prefer not to have a drink with you now. We have not even been introduced. I do think I know what you are after, though and I really have to tell you, I am a little disappointed. How many times must I say it? Wish for what you really want!! Do you really want to have a drink now, when you must know how really badly? I have to pee, or would you prefer I sit on your lap and soak us both in warm girl pee? By the way, my name is Jane. Jane Arthur. Sorry, I couldn’t do the all white thing David. Ooooh!! I think I just peed a little!! I’m afraid my panties are already a bit wet. I have to pee just so very badly I’m about to burst. I would really love to sit on your lap to pee my panties, and soak us both. Please hurry; let’s get to our room, I am so full of hot girl pee I’m afraid I may start to leak. I really need to go pee right now. Please David, hurry, my panties are getting even wetter, and I can’t help it. Can we please have those drinks later?” David can only nod, dazed and relieved, smiling broadly as he, and you, dear reader, realize the truth. Come on folks, you didn’t really think this was going to be about two guys, did you??
King Neptune