Doctor's Orders

By: King Neptune
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Note: This story contains Female Desperation, Accidental & Deliberate Wetting, Foreplay, and Sex.
Alexis Chambers looked with distaste into the toilet bowl as she dropped the square of pee–dampened tissue into the yellow water. How she hated it when she did that! So disgusting! She always tried not to look. The 41–year–old newly remarried widow hoped her new husband would be as proper about such matters as her previous husband had been. Odd, it was probably the only characteristic she had liked about her recently departed, unmissed, and unmourned mate. Her life had gone from merely livable to torturous over the 21 years she had been Mrs. Thadius Rushmore Monroe. She could hardly remember him now as the man she had married so long ago. Yes, a wiser and worldlier girl would have recognized the poorly concealed monster underneath his polished imposture. He was, in fact, quite possibly the closest human equivalent to Ebenezer Scrooge who ever lived, only far worse. His sole purpose in living was to control and remove the joy from anyone unfortunate enough to cross his path. His need to control was legendary, but even now the pretty dark haired woman had no idea how far he would, and had, gone in his efforts to control every tiny aspect of her life. Alexis suffered far more than most as his constant brainwashing had convinced her of her own worthlessness while elevating himself to unapproachable godliness in her eyes. But, things always change and gradually over the years she became aware of the abusive, unloving and just plain mean nature of her husband. Any warm feelings she had felt for him were long gone, not even a shred of that had survived past the first five years. She often puzzled over why she had remained with him. She had no reason to do so, but did. She was quite well situated in her own right; it was not money or position. She had never even thought or considered leaving as a viable possibility. How odd, she thought, and the seeds to determine the nature of his control over her were sown. It was certainly not love or even duty; she simply could not leave and knew not why. Even now, through past dealings with others, Thadius Monroe’s atrocities continued to surface.
Some were in business; some personal and some were even with strangers whom her husband had never met but whose beliefs or lifestyles had led her husband to put their lives, businesses or both in ruins. It was such a person who had put the late Mr. Monroe in his grave. A simple stoplight disagreement had led to Thadius Monroe using his wealth and influence to ruin Thomas Johnson’s life. Over a six–month period the man’s wife mysteriously left him, his kids were taken away, his home destroyed in a suspicious fire and he was terminated from an 18–year employment for incompetence with a poor evaluation of his skills. Every incident was traceable back to the rich and powerful miser, but no authority would cross him lest his or her own happy lives evaporate. He really was a monster. The distraught man did the world a great favor when he checked out Mr. Monroe with the same .45 caliber weapon he had then turned on himself. It must seem strange to hear it, but indeed, the entire town did rejoice at the news. The unfortunate Mr. Johnson who had dispatched the monster was thereafter regarded privately by all and publicly by the more outspoken citizens as a hero. Alexis was among the silent majority, but the gratitude she felt was great. She had attended the poor man’s funeral while avoiding her husband’s. Indeed, her husband had been cremated without service at her wish and his ashes scattered over a particular body of water he had disliked. Then, she had flushed, enjoying the simple act far more than she really considered appropriate. Additionally, a hand written note to the undertaker handling Mr. Johnson’s funeral instructed him to spare no expense as all would be paid by the author. The handwriting bore a striking resemblance to Alexis Monroe’s penmanship, and was confirmed when the lady herself made good on her promise to the good, and silent, undertaker.
Alexis Warden, or Mrs. Warden as she preferred, came alive with her new husband. It seemed that a great passion had awakened in her and Dr. Jack Warden was the lucky recipient of her arduous attentions. He too, was quite easily aroused and the pleasures they shared brought them rapidly closer than time would have normally allowed. Thus, it seemed quite time for Jack to ask the always ready and obliging Alexis to participate in his favorite foreplay, and after an evening of drink had relaxed their minds and strained their bladders the opportunity arose, so to speak. Alexis had excused herself with the intent to visit the ladies. Jack had grabbed her waist, swinging her around and sitting her down roughly on his lap. Her reaction had told him she did indeed need the toilet greatly, not a surprise since he too was quite nearly pissing himself. With a horrified look she had squealed in shock and fought mightily to extricate herself from her husband’s grasp. Mumbling in panic she had made her needs known to her husband, much to his delight. When Jack had asked her to just relax and let herself wet them both, her reaction had startled and shocked them both. She had turned dead white, quite ashen really, standing abruptly as she completely pissed her panties and white cocktail dress, the volume appearing as yellow rain falling around her feet and staining the front of the dress. Alexis then fell to her knees in her own warm yellow puddle, begging her husband not to punish her again. Although not drunk, in fact well sober– she had then promptly passed out, it appears, in fear. Jack was astounded and at a loss as to what had occurred, and was quite visibly shaken at the extent his suggestion had affected his normally ready for anything wife. She had really flooded her white panties and cocktail dress as well as the carpet beneath her in her panic induced shock, a sight that would have normally inflamed the good Doctor’s passion. As it were though, he had merely checked her over carefully in a doctoral fashion before bathing and dressing her. He then put her in bed without her waking from her faint. Though her vital signs and color had quickly returned to normal, Jack Warden didn’t have to be a doctor to know something was wrong here and immediately suspected her previous husband’s hand in this. The most curious effect and a sure sign of foul play, however, was the fact that Alexis Warden remembered nothing of the incident the next day, insisting that she had merely gone to bed early. She had no thought on what had caused such a reaction when told she had passed out. Dr. Warden, in his medical training, had at one time been intensely interested in the tools of psychiatric medicine. He had particularly studied hypnosis as used in time regression sessions. He was also aware of some of it’s other more sinister and less moral uses. He knew well through study that while one could not be told to do something in violations of one’s own moral standards, it was quite possible to alter the subject’s perception of the situation. It would be quite difficult to get a subject to disrobe in an inappropriate situation, but if the subject believed himself or herself to be alone readying a bath, disrobing would be a natural act. Observing his wife’s actions during the evening in question and reflecting on his knowledge of the subject, Doctor Warden grew convinced that something had occurred to his wife in some subconscious manner to provoke such a reaction. He suspected it was probably a result of some childhood treatment, possibly for bedwetting, and that her evil husband had happened on the knowledge and perverted the result in some fashion. He resolved to speak with his wife and enlist her help and cooperation in addressing the situation.
Jack approached Alexis the next day and asked her permission to investigate what had occurred. The result of Doctor Warden’s request of his wife, while not really predictable, was not surprising. She had been perfectly amiable at his suggestion to explore her mind since she too was concerned that she had fainted. It seemed important to Jack to discover an exact cause and she knew passing out could be quite serious. He had yet to mention the exact situation causing her to pass out in any detail. However, when he brought up what had actually occurred on that particular evening in order to learn her thoughts, she had immediately turned dead white again, pissing herself furiously. Again, there was no warning, just a sudden high–pressure jet of Alexis’s piss hissing through her silk panties and flooding her jeans to the knees in front and up her ass to the waist in back before she passed out.
Again, she remembered nothing the next day. The Doctor knew now he must examine his wife’s mind without mentioning the trigger subject causing her apparently panic driven reaction. He did have her permission to do so and no purpose would be served in possibly inducing another panic attack, even though the sight of her pissy wetness had inflamed him so that he was forced to take himself in hand for relief after determining her to be ok. The good doctor was methodical and thorough in his study, outlining possible causes and proceeding with tests to determine what direction his investigation should take. His casual dropping of key words and phrases out of context produced no reaction, so he knew that the association to wetting must be at least somewhat specific. As the investigation had yet to produce a reaction, Dr. Warden decided to risk a bolder step to see how deeply associative her fears were. He deliberately allowed himself to become completely desperate, in front of Alexis, to see if this triggered any discomfort. Feigning being in great hurry and too busy to stop for the toilet, he remarked to her how badly he had to pee. She appeared to be amused but no real reaction, so he watched her for any subtle signs. He noticed nothing. He had grown so very desperate observing his wife that he could not stand still. He held on to the kitchen counter for control. Jack gasped as hot piss spurted into his underwear. A quarter sized wet spot appeared before he gained control.
Watching Alexis carefully, he thought he noticed a change in her, her voice growing lower. Indeed, her eyes betrayed the growing wetness that was not piss between her legs. He was astounded that the sight of his desperation and leak had quite aroused his wife, it appeared, and she seemed not the least upset at his little accident. Alexis approached him, suggesting in a very sultry voice that if he was in such discomfort, perhaps he should just let it go. The totally perplexed but now very excited doctor happily complied as Alexis grabbed the front of his pants. His dick nearly exploded hot piss into his underwear. He continued to gush hard, his piss soaking his pants heavily. Alexis released his hard hose from his pants, stroking it as he pissed, the deluge of yellow warmth soaking her blouse and running down to join the hot wetness between her legs. She showed no sign of panic, only wild desire. With a voice that would have hardened a marshmallow she instructed her husband to lie on the floor. Dr. Warden complied, his lust as wild as his wife’s need now. As he lay on the floor, Alexis raised her skirt and coupled with her husband at once, sliding her wet panties aside and panting as she sank upon him, his hardness engorging her clamping twat.
The lust driven couple bucked furiously, Alexis screaming as she came, her husband following as her spasming hot wet flesh vise squeezed his hardness in pleasure. Both spent, Jack Warden relaxed, pissing them both as his bladder emptied. He had no idea how what just happened had occurred, but he was quite sure he liked it and so was Alexis as the contented but still lusty look on her face confirmed.
Remembering his initial purpose, Dr. Warden casually remarked to Alexis that she might enjoy relieving herself as well. As odd as the situation had turned, the good doctor was thrown another curve as Alexis smiled sweetly at him and released a torrent of hot girl piss into her panties, further soaking them both. The flow had apparently come from the fountain of sexual youth, as Jack was again instantly hard even before Alexis’s softly husky voice spoke “Fuck me, Jack, fuck me again. Fuck my pissy wet hot pussy with that steel hard heated piss pumper of yours. Fuck me from behind so I can feel your balls slap my ass! Pull my nipples hard, but pound my wet pussy harder. Do it, oh god Jack, do it now!” So speaking, the willing wet wild woman rolled off her husband, thrusting her pissy wet panty covered ass and pussy into the air. The sight alone nearly made Jack Warden come as he looked at his wife, clothing soaked with piss, her ass quivering as she waited for her husband, her own hand glistening as she rubbed her wet crotch slowly, driving her soaked panties into her quavering quim. “Oh god, Jack, hurry, please, I need to cum so badly!” she panted, her torso nearly convulsing around her stroking hand. Ripping his soaked clothing off in reply, Jack dove into his wife from behind as his hand replaced hers and ripped the crotch of her yellowed panties out of the way. The impact drove Alexis forward and she grunted hard in raw lust as she forced her torso backwards to greedily envelope the hardness of Jack’s meat slamming into her soggy steaming hole. Ten seconds later their combined screams echoed through the big house as Alexis’s convulsing cunt gripped Jack’s man spear in violent gut tearing muscle stretching orgasms for both. The energy released tore the last ounce of strength from each. Exhausted, they collapsed in the wetness and slept the sleep of lovers until the cool night air combined with the wetness enveloping them. Chilled, each awoke in dazed satisfaction.
Jack woke first and sat staring at his wife, witnessing a sight he could not have imagined. Alexis lay on her back, half sideways, her left breast exposed, hanging from a wet yellowed bra. Her dress was mostly wet as well, yellowed, torn, and bunched around her waist. Her torn panties exposed her pussy, the wetness shining in the light. Her ruffled red hair was damp with sweat, tiny curls sticking to her forehead, and a most contented warm half smile graced her flushed face. She had never been more beautiful. As he watched Alexis half opened her eyes, the passion in them completing the perfect picture Jack committed to memory. Silently he reached out his hand and standing, pulled Alexis to her feet and into his arms. A passionate kiss later the tired cold couple strolled to the bath for a long hot soak together, wine and warm water relaxing them both as they spoke words of contented passions to each other. Climbing wearily into bed they slept within each other’s embrace, neither stirring till morning.
Jack woke to the sound of moaning, quickly adding his own groan as he realized how full his bladder was. He lay still, listening to his wife, asleep. She was moaning, half talking in her sleep. He rolled over to observe her hand buried in her pantied crotch, stroking her wet squelching sex slowly. He was astounded, and instantly hard as he realized Alexis was not just aroused, she had totally soaked her nightgown, now pulled up over her dripping panties, and was leaking piss like a drippy faucet. He watched as little squirts bulged the front of her panties; the shiny bulge subsiding as the squirts of leaked hot piss soaked into the yellowed silk and wet Alexis further on the way to the bed. As each shot of golden liquid appeared, Alexis would arch her back, groan, and press hard on her sodden cleft. Her hips ground deeply into the soaked bedding beneath her, piss pooling around her panties as her weight forced it to the surface. Jack could not contain himself, reaching slowly between Alexis’s legs to touch her pissy panties. Her hand instantly grasped his, forcing it deeply into her wetness as her groans grew more intense and her body more animated.
Jack tried to make sense of her rambling, but the sight, smell and feel of her hot wet aroused piss soaked presence quickly diverted his clinical observation and intention to pure lust. Aware that a sudden awakening might end his wife’s pleasure in panic, he allowed her actions to guide him. As Alexis grew more frantic, she became more aware of his presence, uttering his name and urging him to help her cum. Now nearly delirious himself, Jack felt Alexis stroke his hardness. She moaned incoherently but he heard her voice take purpose and structure as she spoke. “Jack, I’m going to piss myself, I can’t help it, I don’t want to help it, and I just want to cum and piss. Help me Jack; rub my pussy while you piss on me. Soak my breasts with your hot morning man pee as I piss your hand in my pussy.” So saying, Alexis opened her eyes, and looking into Jack’s eyes quietly uttered the word “now.” Jack began pissing, his strong stream rapidly soaking her breasts, nightgown and forming a puddle beneath his wife’s writhing body. She came violently; piss squirting in hard forceful spurts from her spasming pussy. Still spasming she spread her legs wide, raising her pissing torso off the bed. Piss flew everywhere as her body convulsed in passion. “Fuck me now, Jack, fuck my pissing hot cumming pussy,” she screamed. Jack swung over her hot hole, her piss squirting his dick and balls as he entered her wetness.
She continued to piss, the bed now nearly a pools as their combined volume soaked through the bedding and puddled in the sunken area of the waterbed they lay in. Jack thrust hard into his wife, feeling her piss splash as he slammed into her. In seconds Alexis came, not violently as before but quietly, surrendering to the most intense feeling in her life. Her body went rigid, unmoving, her pussy clamped hard on Jack’s dick as he too came, gripped so hard he could do nothing but scream as he pushed hard, pounding thrusts into her soggy twat, his cum squirting out with her piss onto the bed. Both lay unmoving, unable to move for fear they would surely break. Finally, their bodies relaxed, surrendering to fatigue. Neither could speak, neither had words to match their feelings, but each mind was connected through their eyes and words unneeded. Sleep overcame both and they slept briefly.
Alexis awoke with a start. She lay awake, wondering as she became aware of the wetness she lay in, and then saying a thank you for the waterbed’s excellent heater. As she looked at her sleeping wet husband, she remembered. Not just what had transpired between them, but what had occurred with her first husband. She laid quietly, the memories so long suppressed rising to the surface as oil rises in water, spreading before her mind in a clear picture of the events of her early 1st marriage. The emotional and physical release of her orgasm had released her thoughts, opened her mind. Nothing remained hidden or suppressed. She relived the events as they surfaced, feeling neither fear nor anger, knowing what she had just experienced cancelled out all her past misery. She remembered as a young girl her “accidents” and the singular pleasures such events became as she grew up. Alexis now realized she had been a wet girl all her life; it was simply a natural pleasure for her. Thus, when she had married the late Mr. Monroe at a tender and inexperienced age, she had assumed that her wet play would be normal and arousing to him as well. The night of their honeymoon– that seemed to be confirmed when she walked into their bedroom in her negligee to see her husband standing, the front of his pants already very wet. Laughing out loud in her happy discovery, she gaily spoke to her new husband. “Pissy pants, what’s wrong, you couldn’t wait”… Alexis never got to “for me.” Her new husband had punched her squarely, breaking her nose and rendering her unconscious. She had been told on waking that she had been in an accident, and her car totaled. She had always wondered about that, and now, the full story lay before her. Her husband had assumed her to be making fun of him for pissing himself, as his father and mother had done all his childhood.
You see, Thadius Rushmore Monroe had been completely bladder incontinent his entire life, despite spending fortunes on cures which only made him impotent. He had drugged Alexis after knocking her out, beaten her, and had her hospitalized. Her car was destroyed as evidence of the “accident.”
Thadius Monroe had then taken a hypnotist to Alexis’s hospital bed where the terror was implanted in her mind associated with wetting. She had been so subconsciously afraid of her husband after that she could allow no thought that might displease him. He would certainly kill her if she left, that thought was never allowed. She had been instructed to never remember anything associated with wetting, on pain of punishment. Even the thought of pee in any form produced discomfort to Alexis. Her own mind, unable to forget the pain of her husband’s punch and subsequent beating, had seen that as a punishment which would occur if she heard or spoke the words “wet your pants, wet yourself” or “wet” in regard to someone pissing themselves. She had even suppressed her own memories to protect herself. Her first successful wetting with Jack had started her mind to unravel the lie with her intense orgasm completing the job. She marveled at her past now, remembering the many times she had happened on her first husband in pissed pants, or awakened to him pissing their bed. She would get up the next day with no recall of the incident. He had told the servants it was she who wet the bed and sworn them to secrecy in fear. She could hardly wait to tell Jack.
How best to wake him up? She had an idea! Alexis Warden straddled her husband, carefully, not wanting to wake him till she was ready. Jack Warden was sleeping, dreaming he was in a warm shower. No, he wasn’t dreaming, he realized he was awake, in bed. Still, the warm shower persisted. Confused, he opened his eyes to see his wife standing over him, her soggy yellowed panties pushed aside. A warm fragrant stream slowly traced down his stomach, coming to rest on his dick. Observing this, his dick rose to meet Alexis’s stream, adding to it his own hot release of man piss. He reached out to Alexis as she sank to his groin, his hot piss pulsing spear penetrating her womanly flower as she came to rest on him. They remained still, coupled in mind and body, as long as willpower could support. Then, both thrust, first against, then away, long, hard, slow, deep, intense, wet, pausing at each end. Nothing could withstand the raw emotional and physical lust built and in seconds they became a mass of hot straining groaning pissy flesh, each driving into the other with abandon. The fuse, once lit, burned ever brighter and consumed them in a wet squelching howling explosive orgasm. Out of breath, panting, Alexis gasped out to her astounded husband. “I think I’ve overcome my fear of wetting!” He could feel the warmth flow over him as Alexis illustrated her success. “I see!” replied her happy husband. “I certainly hope you can explain this behavior,” his expression mockingly serious. He could not keep the joy from his face as he added, “and continue it. Doctor’s orders!”
By: King Neptune