May need Help

By: May
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I get so hot and bothered down below, you know what I mean, when I play games with Robert that I sometimes want to loose control of myself completely. He says I shouldn’t because our ages are so different. All I can do is tell you what went on last time we met and hope that someone can offer a solution.
Robert has a boat and spends his life floating around the canals of England. Last weekend he asked me to meet him near Burton–on–Trent at 6 on Friday evening. After work I had a really good drink and caught the train. By 6 I had been on the way for 2 hours and it was another half hour walk to his boat. There’s probably a lot of nice respectable people in Burton so they were probably rather shocked by seeing us holding ourselves and laughing as we walked through the town center.
We both enjoy playing ‘hold it’ because when we eventually allow ourselves to let go it is so exciting that we don’t need to have sex after. That evening we were screaming by the time we got to the canal bank where there aren’t many people. You keep thinking you’re going to lose it when the other cracks a joke and I have to admit I was leaking every few steps. My working skirt covers me quite well but Robert was carrying my bag with some spare knickers and such like so he couldn’t cover the damage as well. By the time his boat came in sight he was a mess from the knees upwards. Our plan was to explode once we got the cabin door shut.
The Waterways Board policeman was waiting for us, to take a statement about a break–in that had happened on a nearby boat so we had to stand in the cold for a good quarter of an hour while he went through a load of questions. Robert held my bag in front of him stuttering out his replies and I couldn’t help giggling and dribbling a little. Robert was trying so hard to be grown–up and serious and all the while we were reaching the point where a complete disaster would happen.
It must have been nearly 7 before the policeman left. We shot into the cabin, clutched each other and pissed all over the place. As I’m a bit on the plump side I wear long flowing skirts. That skirt really flowed and, to cut a long story short, we were soaked from the waist down by the time we finished cuddling. Throwing all our clothes in a heap near the fire we sat naked to eat the meal Robert had prepared and were in bed by 8 and asleep within the next 10 minutes.
In the middle of the night I woke up because my bladder told me to. Now Robert has a rule that if you want to pee in bed it is all right as long as you change the sheets if the other wakes up and feels uncomfortable. We use a plastic cover on the mattress so it’s all very relaxed. On this occasion I just wee–ed gently to get comfortable and waited to see whether Robert would wake. I like the slushy feeling while it’s still warm but it does soon go cold.
Robert wriggles a lot in his sleep and I like to try and hold him in my arms but this means constantly changing positions when he moves. What with the slushy feeling and his endless rubbing against me, and his affectionate embraces even when he’s asleep I got very aroused. Watching him sleeping there in my arms I couldn’t help feeling his cock and stroking it. On his next move he rolled to face me and I just slipped it inside me without a second thought. I rocked up and down on him a few times, he seems to be hard half his life, and he woke up. As always the first thing he did was to kiss me and I responded keenly so his automatic response before he was fully awake was to give me several thrusts.
The feeling was so intense that I shouted out and lost all sense of what was happening except between my legs and up through my body. Gripping him so tightly that he couldn’t escape I took off.
When I returned he was cradling me in his arms. The expression on his face said two things– first that he loved me and the second that he was in pain. “What is it Sticky?” I said. (That’s what I call him because he’s so thin). All he replied was oohhh. I felt him squirt all over my tummy.
A little while later he said it was chilly. He slid out of bed and I changed the sheets while he watched. Then he gestured to his knee for me to sit there. He gave me such a serious talking to that I cried. He never got angry and told me it was his fault for leading me on. However much I tried to tell him I’d never been so happy in my life he kept coming back to the need to avoid copulating as we couldn’t ever live together.
“I love you, cuddly girl” he said, “and I’m not going to ruin the rest of your life. We play our wet games and we enjoy a good laugh but we cannot go any further, one day you’ll have a nice young man and you can ride him whenever you please. I’m here because you need an intimate friend to show you some of the things this world has to offer.”
It was probably true but I want him and I don’t want anyone else.
When we went back to bed he kissed me so tenderly that I started crying all over again. I’ve got to know his funny bony body, I look forward to our wet weekends and I know he loves me so what should I do?
May (all wet)
To be continued in “Wet Weekends”