
11 stories

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Loose Ends
By: May (31 Aug 2003, Sunday)

First– a big Thank you to all of the people who have sent us their best wishes. We apologize if we have been unable to reply to you personally since by publishing our e–mail address we have attracted a spate of adverts to make big willies or illicit CDs or see pictures of naughty women and we delete these. Some of your replies may have been amongst the twenty or so we now get each week. Second– we must also apologize to those who have taken all of our tales as complete truth. In order to join them together we have had to fabricate some sections but each one has a kernel of what really happened. Our children are not really called Stanley and Hilda; neither are we Robert and May. I hope we are forgiven for this…

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By: May (31 Jul 2003, Thursday)

For the first time for a while I'm free to do anything I want because Robert has taken a turn at looking after the twins. They'll be asleep for the next two hours and he will almost certainly sit beside them watching them breathe. He has proved himself an expert nappy changer, claiming to have practiced on me though we've never tried the adult baby route. Some might say we've been babyish throughout our time together. Whatever the case it's all got to come to a halt for now so I've decided to set down some of the things about Robert and his ways that might intrigue your readers. Some parts of our tale had to be excluded because there was no story around them. There was the time Robert was challenged to a…

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Two More Tales
By: May (31 Jul 2003, Thursday)

Now that our family has expanded we are finding far less time to go out visiting added to which the twins want feeding every four hours at the moment, so we stay at home and remember things we did in the last four years. On Sunday evening we got out the camcorder to remind ourselves of some of the places we went. There was a short clip that neither of us could place. It showed me hiding behind a tree and then running across a meadow followed by some unstable shots of the sky. It went blank then showed two minutes of a close–up of some grass with a spider climbing over the plants. Eventually we managed to place it. Early on in our friendship we had taken sandwiches and a flask intending to spend the day…

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To Have and to Hold
By: May (31 May 2003, Saturday)

Robert and I were married over a year ago now. I've washed his socks, cooked his dinner, dusted the house– in fact I've done all the things a housewife used to do in the 'good old days.' Before you tell me I've given up my feminist principles I should tell you that Robert has done the same for me. In that time we have never had an argument and I've never been happier. Throughout last summer we drifted around the canals of England, stopping for the night in shady corners, away from the towns and continued to play our games whenever the mood took us. That is to say several times per week. Once we were caught by a farmer in the corner of his field where we had lain down for cuddle and a piddle. We were both wet…

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By: May (31 May 2003, Saturday)

Nathan said, "How did that happen when you two are always pissing about?" He said it as a joke when I told him I was pregnant. We had gone by car to see him and AnnaMarie after the summer tour was over. They suggested we should come and help them celebrate November 5th and I'd found out about my pregnancy the previous week. My reply seemed to cause great amusement when I said, "It must have happened one night." I didn't see what was so funny, it could have been the day Robert said he felt we were stuck in a rut and we did it in a bus shelter or it might have been the afternoon the gas man came and just missed us being disgraceful in the back of the van in our own driveway. We had quite an active week back…

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Fairy Tale
By: May (30 Apr 2003, Wednesday)

We've told you most of our adventures since we first met about three years ago. Here's one that Robert missed out. It happened soon after we met, in the autumn (fall) when everything was damp and dismal outside. I had been persuaded to take more care over my appearance having seen what a difference a ribbon and a belt can make to the dullest outfit. Robert took me to a clothes shop called Young Miss. As I'm a poor sort of shape it never crossed my mind that anything could be done about being like a vertically compressed 8. First he took me to a rack of jeans and slacks, borrowed a tape from the assistant and asked me to stand on tiptoes and reach above my head. He whisked the tape round my hips before I…

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Back and Back Again
By: May (30 Apr 2003, Wednesday)

Where Robert lives they have an agricultural show each year. There are pens of animals, rabbits in cages, plates of vegetables and flowers, tables of jam, a beer tent, lots of little girls and their ponies– all set around a marquee where they award the prizes. We only went for a quick look round after our midday snack hoping to be back for an afternoon in the garden. The field where the cars are parked being some distance from the show site we had to join a crowd picking its way through the heaps of dung left by the cattle. I spent ages along the row of cages with pets. Again there was a lot of dung. Moving on to the ponies I had my third encounter with this dung, which the country people seem quite happy…

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By: May (31 Mar 2003, Monday)

I'm 26, 5foot 5, 9stone nearly (120 pounds) and my boy friend is twice my age nearly. Both of us like watersports and we play almost every weekend. It was a Saturday in August 2000; we were on Robert's boat under the shade of an avenue of trees. The afternoon sun shone on a notice board saying 'Beware– Army shooting range' so we stayed on board idly watching the ducks. My summer dress is the shortest a tubby girl can wear without looking silly. It's a pale blue with a belted waist and very full in the skirt covering my faded pink knickers by about three inches if I stand up straight. When it's hot I prefer to do without a bra but I stick out a bit so I only pluck up the courage when we're far from…

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Big City
By: May (31 Mar 2003, Monday)

Robert and I went to London once, and here's what happened– Uxbridge is some way from the center of London but it's on an underground line. When we stopped the boat there, it was convenient to have a day out in the big city. My 'social education' started when Robert began to show me how I could dress to make better use of what he calls "my graces." Then he forced me to meet all sorts of people who cruise around the canals. One of these was a professor in a London University college. We had decided to go to see him and his wife at their home in Muswell Hill. As they are an eccentric couple, Robert suggested that dressing too elaborately might be unwise since you never knew what they would have arranged for…

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May need Help
By: May (31 Jan 2003, Friday)

I get so hot and bothered down below, you know what I mean, when I play games with Robert that I sometimes want to loose control of myself completely. He says I shouldn't because our ages are so different. All I can do is tell you what went on last time we met and hope that someone can offer a solution. Robert has a boat and spends his life floating around the canals of England. Last weekend he asked me to meet him near Burton–on–Trent at 6 on Friday evening. After work I had a really good drink and caught the train. By 6 I had been on the way for 2 hours and it was another half hour walk to his boat. There's probably a lot of nice respectable people in Burton so they were probably rather shocked by seeing us…

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May's Days - Tea in Bed II
By: May (31 Dec 2003, Tuesday)

Here is the other half of the Tea in Bed weekend as I persuaded May to write it. There are fewer characters because she sticks closer to the facts, Robert. I wish Robert had let me type this because I'd have done it better. To explain about me first: I was always the fat girl at school, the one nobody wanted on their team. I grew up on a new housing estate in a town in Cheshire and I really only had one friend, that was Rachel who was tall& thin. The girls said "Here comes 10" because she looked like a 1 and I was short and round. She used to come by my house almost every day till we were 16 then she left school and got a job. I stayed on and was very lonely. After A levels I found a job as the office…

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