Barbara's Agony

By: Nigel
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

When Barbara’s date suggested a coffee back at his place she really wasn’t sure she should accept. They had just spent a very happy couple of hours in a bar just chatting and although it wasn’t their first date she was not sure she was ready for the next step in their relationship. Anyway before she knew it she had accepted and she found herself standing to leave with him. Standing reminded her that she could really do with a wee. Her bladder felt uncomfortably full beneath her short skirt but with her boyfriend set to leave plus the fact she didn’t know where the loo’s were and was too afraid to ask, she resigned herself to wait until she got back to his place. The short walk to the car park saw her trotting next to him with her arms folded across her chest to keep out the chill night air. In the car she was grateful for the warm heater blowers immediately springing into action but in truth all she could think about now was finding a loo. She was almost having to cross her legs now she was getting so desperate but she had to content herself by squeezing her thighs tight together and hoping he didn’t notice her growing need. Occasionally she let one of her hands stray towards her crotch and she was able to press slightly to ease the pressure. The journey back took around fifteen minutes. By this time Barbara was biting her lip in her anxiety and shifting ever so slightly on her bum as the ache in her bladder got so much stronger. She tried to think how much she’d had to drink that night and knew it was too much. After the first three halves of shandy and the diet coke she lost count as her bladder again reminded her that she needed a loo, and she needed one right now! Her date, ever the gentleman, swiftly scooted round to her side as soon as he had parked the car and opened the door for her. Barbara was aching to tell him that she needed a pee but somehow the words just wouldn’t come. Walking up the steps outside his block of flats she could feel herself clenching her buttocks and she instinctively held her purse in front of her crutch for fear of having an accident. They walked inside together and he lead her upstairs to the second floor and then along a dimly lit but expensively decorated corridor until they were stood outside his front door. Barbara paused patiently while he unlocked the door. Inside, as he flicked on the light switch, Barbara gasped as it opened into a huge living room, fronted by large bay windows leading onto a small balcony. The room had a pine floor with the occasional rug, a large open fireplace with a massive sofa nearby. She was taken aback by the awesome sight of this superbly equipped flat, sparsely furnished but that just made the whole place look bigger. There were just enough paintings on the wall and bookcases not to make the place look too bare. She hardly noticed her date asking for her coat. She slipped it off and he hung it on a stand by the door while she gazed around. She was really trying to seek out the bathroom but there didn’t seem to be one.
“What a place,” Barbara said, “I’m impressed, but you’ve just got to tell me where your loo is,” she added with new found confidence, “I’m absolutely bursting!” She said bending her knees in towards her crotch. “Okay,” he said, “Let me just put the coffee on and I’ll give you a guided tour, not that there’s much else to see.” Barbara blushed. She needed a pee NOW and prayed he wouldn’t take too long putting the coffee on. She followed him across the living room to the far corner where an archway led straight into a large kitchen. She paused, leaning against one of the units while he fussed around filling a jug with water and setting the coffee on to brew. Just before the archway she had spotted a small flight of twisting open iron stairs which surely lead up to the bedroom and the bathroom. God she hoped so! Her bladder felt so swollen she could feel it stretching to meet her tummy button. God she needed to go sooo badly! She hadn’t needed a pee this badly for ages. Her date walked over towards her and to Barbara’s alarm he reached his arms around her and planted a big kiss on her lips. She responded slightly but could feel herself trying to twist her legs together as she did so. It was a good thirty seconds before she managed to break free and gasp, “That was really nice, but I really do have to pee so badly!” “Really?” he said, pressing against her and letting one of his hands drift to her stomach where he felt her bladder as hard as iron, “Mmmmm, you DO have to go don’t you?” “God yes!!” Barbara murmured back, now becoming so turned–on as he felt between her legs and their lips met in another sweet kiss. Her breathing quickened and her heart raced at the prospect of going further with this guy, but also with the massive effort it was taking to stop herself from peeing in her knickers. “Please let me go.” She begged, “I’ll be all yours if you would just let me pee first.” He lifted her onto the unit, sweeping away any objects in her path. Her skirt rose above her thighs and exposed her white skimpy underwear. As he parted her thighs Barbara could feel them quivering as her bladder threatened to explode. He was feeling along the line of her knickers now, almost as if he wanted her to pee herself. Then it hit her, he really did want her to let go! She couldn’t, not in front of a man, she just couldn’t. She vowed to try and hang on as best she could but it was becoming increasingly difficult. Her bladder was literally bursting at the seams and she doubted she could wait more than a couple of minutes now. As his fingers started to edge inside her knickers to her waiting, moist pussy she was squealing in frustration. Again she begged him to let her go and this time he relented and allowed her to stand up. He led her back into the living room and started showing her round. Barbara could barely contain herself. She had one hand lodged firmly against her crotch as he showed her the balcony and then his collection of artwork adorning the walls. Again she had to remind him how desperate she was and to her relief he at last made towards the iron staircase and led her upstairs. Barbara was on the point of wetting herself as she reached the landing. She could feel a jet of wee just poised on the very edge of her urethra and it was taking all her strength to hold it in. They passed two fairly large bedrooms and that was it. No bathroom! Barbara could hardly believe it. She was in agony and could feel tears whelling up inside her, “Please,” she sobbed “I have GOT to pee NOW!! Where is your bathroom?” He turned and looked at her as she stood on the landing, bending forward and rubbing between her legs and hopping from one foot to the other. He smiled as she grimaced and squeezed herself harder still. “This way.” He said finally and steered her back into the larger of the two bedrooms. “Take off your clothes.” He said while sitting on the bed and watching her standing there. Barbara almost fainted with embarrassment but she would do anything now just to squat and allow her torture to end. She struggled out of her blouse and skirt and kicked off her shoes, still frantically pacing up and down. “And the rest.” He said eyeing her underwear. The bulge of her bladder stretched tight across her knickers. She unclipped her bra, surprised to see her nipples so hard and erect, but as her concentration wavered for just that split second she suddenly felt a squirt of wee escape her. She gasped with shame and embarrassment as she felt her knickers dampen. Too late she reached a hand back to her crotch and pressed hard against the small wet patch. Now she’d started her bladder wanted more, much more, and she could only stand there moaning out loud as her pee started to slip agonisingly through her fingers and down the inside of her thighs. Her date pulled her gently towards him and slowly inched down her rapidly soaking knickers. Her pussy glistened with wetness as she managed to bring herself back under control. He started to undress and pulled her onto the bed on top of him. He was very hard and before Barbara could utter a word of protest he was inside her and she was bouncing down on top of him. The feeling of him filling her pussy with her bladder still so incredibly full was indescribable. She had never known such ecstasy wash through her like a relentless tidal wave of passion. As she came he did too and before she knew it she was peeing uncontrollably down his shaft, curving round his balls and slipping across his stomach. She still had to go so bad and although feeling total embarrassment, she just allowed herself to go, pushing hard to release every ounce of her pee over him. “Serve him right!” she thought, but deep down they were both loving every minute of it!