
13 stories

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Desperation Awakening
By: Nigel (30 Nov 2003, Sunday)

Susan and Gemma were returning home from a Friday night trip into town. They had met some friends in a bar where they had enjoyed a pint or two before someone had suggested a visit to a beer festival just down the road. On arrival several of their party had disappeared to the loos while Gemma and Susan went to get a round in. As they met up again one of the other girls said she did not recommend the toilets, as they were disgusting. In fact they were just a portacabin each for the men and for the women and both were totally inadequate for the number of visitors to the festival that night. Gemma already needed a wee but decided to wait a while. After their third pint of the evening she decided that she couldn…

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Sato, Akiko and Yoki
By: Nigel (31 Oct 2001, Wednesday)

Akiko had prepared the girl well. Yoki knew exactly what was expected of her. Driving to Sato's mansion Yoki was desperate for a piss, her legs tightly crossed in the back of the limousine. She could see the driver looking curiously at her through his driving mirror. Yoki kept her hands calming across her lap while she willed herself to contain the now burning pressure in her bladder. She wanted more than ever to urinate but knew she could not do so for a while yet. The few hours in Akiko's company had seen her consume much tea, bottled spring water and sake, over 3–litres in all. Akiko gazed across at her, pleased to see her visibly squirming. It was vital that she arrived in just the right condition for…

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Nice Little Earner
By: Nigel (31 Oct 2001, Wednesday)

Maria was in trouble. She hadn't eaten properly in days and her landlord was closing in fast on her rent arrears. Her last earnings had gone on keeping the gas and electric company at bay. Now she was faced with the prospect of finding '1000 within the next few days or face the prospect of being kicked out onto the street. Times had been hard. From what little she managed to earn during the day as a temporary bar maid at one of the local pubs, she occasionally supplemented by taking herself onto the streets at night. She hated doing it, but it had become the only way. Twice the police had picked her up but necessity drove her to continue. It was late Thursday evening. She had just come in after earning a swift…

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Hiding Her Desperation
By: Nigel (30 Jun 2000, Friday)

Kathy had double booked herself. A lunch time drink with the girls would have to be cut short because her husband needed her to attend a really important dinner at his prospective bosses’ mansion. Not wanting to let the girls down she had agreed to still meet them in town for a couple of hours before going on to meet her husband for the short drive up town. It was almost time for her taxi to arrive. Kathy finished applying her make–up, checked her hair and twisted her diamond earrings into the right position. At last satisfied she stepped over to the loo, lifted her dress clear and emptied her bladder, little knowing that the next time she would do so she may cost her husband the job he so desperately needed.…

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Hold it for me !
By: Nigel (30 Jun 2000, Friday)

My girlfriend and I had often indulged in various watersports activities. On one particular night Jenny had asked me to refuse her access to a loo so she could see how much she could hold. She knew she’d end up begging me to let her go but I was determined that no matter what this girl with me this night was not going to be allowed to pee until I got her home. "Please, please, I have to pee!" Jenny said, struggling to her feet. "No, not yet." I said, standing as well and nudging the poor girl back into her seat. "Please, I’m busting!" The poor girl had drunk two and a half pints of beer and was wriggling about on her chair as we sat in a corner of the bar. Our table was right beside the toilets, which didn’t…

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The Princess and the Pee
By: Nigel (30 Jun 2000, Friday)

A tale set deep in Middle age England. The Kings daughter had been kidnapped. The King naturally distraught immediately offered a substantial reward to the person who could bring her safely back to court. Travelling through thick forestland the Kings convoy had been ambushed. As well as much gold and jewels the Kings prized possession had also been snatched from him. Before even the most alert guard could react she had disappeared into the dense trees. Listening to the tale a humble but handsome member of the Kings guard decided to set out to seek the fortune the eighteen–year–old Princesses safe return would bring. As Day broke the next morning he saddled his trusty steed and set off towards the forest that…

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The girl cannot pee !
By: Nigel (30 Jun 2000, Friday)

It had all started with a pint of water at home just before we went out. Then it was a short walk down the road to the local pub where she was made to sit and drink three pints of lager in two hours. Now we were both sat on the sofa having walked back. Sherri was of course now bursting to go to the loo but could not until I gave here permission. On the doorstep she had started shifting her weight from one foot to the other as her desperate urge grew. Inside she sat on the sofa while I made us both a mug of tea. I caught her with one hand pressed between her legs from beneath her short skirt when I returned and scolded her. She winced but withdrew her hand, hurriedly crossing her legs while I switched on the…

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The Million Dollar Bet
By: Nigel (31 Mar 2000, Friday)

THE MILLION DOLLAR BET The 20 girls who had made it through qualifying gathered on stage at the appointed time. The bet, the last to pee or leak would win the $50,000 dollar first prize. Any girl that could last beyond three hours would win an amazing $1,000,000!! The test, each girl would be asked to drink 6 pints of water over the next hour. At the end of that hour the clock would be set and to win the $1,000,000 dollars any girl would have to last three hours from that point. Each girl was wearing white panties and regulation grey t–shirts. Shelly had first heard of the competition when she was done her local bar one evening. She’d had a miserable day and had been drinking heavily. Suddenly it dawned on…

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The Army Girls
By: Nigel (29 Feb 2000, Tuesday)

On joining the army the first thing you learn is to obey the orders of your senior officers. Little did Beth know how difficult that was about to become the day they trudged into barracks that cold, damp November morning. Their first sight of sergeant Willis was that very morning as they gathered on the parade ground. He was a fiercesome character, tall, muscular; an imposing figure if ever there was one. Willis loved his job. He loved making soldiers out of raw recruits. He loved being a hard man and in the army the only way was the hard way. It didn’t matter to him one bit that it was women he was in charge of; to him one soldier was just like any other at the end of the day no matter what sex they were.…

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Barbara's Agony
By: Nigel (29 Feb 2000, Tuesday)

When Barbara’s date suggested a coffee back at his place she really wasn’t sure she should accept. They had just spent a very happy couple of hours in a bar just chatting and although it wasn’t their first date she was not sure she was ready for the next step in their relationship. Anyway before she knew it she had accepted and she found herself standing to leave with him. Standing reminded her that she could really do with a wee. Her bladder felt uncomfortably full beneath her short skirt but with her boyfriend set to leave plus the fact she didn’t know where the loo’s were and was too afraid to ask, she resigned herself to wait until she got back to his place. The short walk to the car park saw her trotting…

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Suzzie's Hold It
By: Nigel (29 Feb 2000, Tuesday)

I’ve never known a need to pee like it. I was so desperate as we pulled up outside his house I thought I was going to die. My legs were crossed so tight I didn’t dare move. He came round to open the car door for me but I just sat there, convinced that if I moved I’d pee a flood in my knickers, which were now stretching to accommodate the swelling of my over full bladder. We’d been into town for a few drinks and half way through, as I rose to go to the Ladies he had asked me not to, saying it turned him on so much so see a lady bursting for the loo would I mind waiting until we got home. I’d fancied this guy for ages and would do anything for him. Without even thinking I just said, "Okay!" and sat right back…

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Millenium Party
By: Nigel (29 Feb 2000, Tuesday)

Eight–thirty at night on 31 December 1999, the beer and wine is ready, as well as the buffet. Finally the last phone calls are made and the fifty plus employees of the data electronics company in the centre of town are finally allowed to relax for the festivities. The impressive boardroom in their plush state of the art office is bedecked with streamers and banners and the party is about to begin. Most of the guys head straight for the beer while most of the girls disappear to the Ladies rooms to change first. Katherine enters the loo on her floor where Louise, Amy and Paula are already down to their underwear and tugging on tight fitting party dresses. Katherine smiles as she drops her rucksack on the floor.…

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By: Nigel (29 Feb 2000, Tuesday)

Having not had a girlfriend for several months I found myself phoning up an escort agency the other day. The girl I arranged to meet was about 5’8’’, slim build, a lovely figure, firm ample sized breasts and a fit firm body. I met her at a bar in town. She was wearing a short patterned skirt and a white top, high heeled shoes, no tights, just bare legs that went up to goodness knows where. I had hoped, of course for some kind of watersports fun with her before the evening was out, even if I just escorted her out of the bar to her car and she confessing that she could do with the loo. As it turned out the evening was even greater fun! We sat chatting and drinking and naturally the topic of conversation turned…

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