Hiding Her Desperation

By: Nigel
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Kathy had double booked herself. A lunch time drink with the girls would have to be cut short because her husband needed her to attend a really important dinner at his prospective bosses’ mansion. Not wanting to let the girls down she had agreed to still meet them in town for a couple of hours before going on to meet her husband for the short drive up town. It was almost time for her taxi to arrive. Kathy finished applying her make–up, checked her hair and twisted her diamond earrings into the right position. At last satisfied she stepped over to the loo, lifted her dress clear and emptied her bladder, little knowing that the next time she would do so she may cost her husband the job he so desperately needed. One final check in the mirror, her shapely figure encase in a tight fitting white sequined dress that fell halfway down her thighs. She flipped on her white high–heeled shoes just as the hooter sounded from the waiting taxi. Grabbing her bag she headed out. She was much too dressed up for the girls’ normal retreat in town but this couldn’t be helped. Stepping through the doors eyes certainly turned but she soon found her group in a booth not far away and before long they were all chatting cheerfully as always. Kathy ordered a long cool beer. She needed it. She was thirsty and also very nervous about the afternoon meeting. A couple of beers couldn’t do any harm? The 2 hours passed swiftly by, so much that as she finished downing her second beer and one of the girls got up to get some more in she suddenly glanced at her watch and realised she only had fifteen minutes to get to the place where she had agreed to meet her husband. The drinks arrived as Kathy scrambled to her feet. Making her excuses she hurriedly drank some of her latest beer and bade them farewell. She was so flustered she didn’t even think of using the Ladies room beforehand and besides she really didn’t feel a great need as yet. Kathy swiftly walked down the main street towards her husband’s office. He was waiting outside to greet her as she walked up. By now ten minutes had passed and she began to feel the first senses of needing a pee. Rather than ask her husband to wait while she popped into reception she decided she could hang on until they got to his bosses’ mansion. Their expensive red sports car was parked just around the corner and Kathy relaxed as she sat back, enjoying the sunshine and idle chat with her husband as they drove through the mid afternoon heat. She didn’t even think about peeing again until they pulled into the driveway. The house was magnificent. Kathy gazed in awe as they drove through the main gates before stopping outside. Her husbands boss was there to greet them and also waiting were the fourteen other guests. Dinner was to be in the summerhouse over looking the ocean about three hundred yards from the main house. “No need for you kids to freshen up, “ their host said jovially, “You’ve only come a few miles from town. Let’s all head off to the summerhouse. I’m famished!” Kathy was about to raise her hand and explain she could really do with a bathroom first but she suddenly thought better of it. She had to create a good impression here and asking to use the loo and keeping their famished host waiting wouldn’t be a good start. Besides, she thought, there’s bound to be one where they were going and she could sneak off quietly when they got there. The whole group of them, six women and eight guys, plus their host, heading around the back of the mansion across the lawns towards the distant ocean. Kathy really needed to go now but was confident of finding relief when they reached the summerhouse. Their host wandered slowly, pointing out various prized possessions as they came to them. Kathy found herself crossing her legs as they paused together beside a tree planted by a long lost ancestor. At last the summerhouse came in to view. They were shown inside into what for most people was a room bigger then their own house. At the far end huge bay windows opened out onto a small steep path that led on down to a small beach and then the ocean. In the one large room of the summerhouse were several scattered armchairs and a large table along one side containing a huge buffet. Kathy was dying to pee now but no matter how hard she trained her eyes around the room there was no sign of any facilities. She could feel her bladder pressing urgently beneath her tight dress but there was nothing she could do about it. Too embarrassed to ask, she found herself being steered towards an armchair where she sat, legs crossed, chatting to one or two of the other women. A waiter appeared with a glass of champagne, which she drank rather too quickly. About twenty minutes later their host beckoned everyone’s attention saying he would be making a big announcement later but first they should eat. More champagne followed and Kathy was more desperate than ever by the time she had finished her food. Crossing her legs again helped. Her husband was sat next to her on the arm of the chair. She so wanted to confide in him but didn’t dare. To make him look a fool asking for loo’s that weren’t there would be worse than her doing it, and she couldn’t bare that thought or the embarrassment either. She sat hoping against hope that one of the other ladies would soon ask for a loo so she could just join her. The ache in her bladder was becoming intense and her legs were almost shuddering as she crossed them tighter still. She lasted to the end of the meal and looked horrified as the waiter appeared with coffee. Things were rapidly getting out of hand but she’d boxed herself into a corner now and there was no way she could ask. Her only hope was to wait until someone else did or somehow wait until their host made his announcement and they could all leave. From her dreaming she found her husband reaching out a hand and leading her up to meet their host. Stood there in front of him with a cup of coffee in one hand and her husbands in the other she came as close as ever to wetting herself. Their chat with the host seemed to go on for an eternity but she just had to keep her urgent need secret from him. Idle talk about her job, her house, her family, did nothing to take away the agonising need to pee. Her bladder felt ready to explode. She could barely hold on unaided, but she stood their grimly, smiling sweetly and trying to say all the right things, dying to cross her legs but trying desperately not to.
At last the interview was over and they returned to some of the others. The chairs were all taken and she found herself having to stand. If no one had been watching she would have been frantically pressing a hand up to her crotch by now, but all she could do was smile sweetly some more and squeeze her bladder muscles shut. The effort this was taking was growing with each passing minute. Will power was fast fading and it struck her for the first time that she might actually wet herself. “Surely someone else needs a pee!” Her mind screamed. She couldn’t stand still now without crossing her legs somehow. She leaned cleverly behind an armchair, which allowed her to dip one leg in towards her crotch. Oh the relief that brought! Another ten minutes past and by then even the simple joy of leaning that leg into her crotch was not proving sufficient to contain the now huge pressure inside her bursting bladder. She needed to sit down soon or all hope of hanging on would be lost. Their host now stood before them and made the big announcement. All those company employees gathered were to receive new jobs; new responsibilities and a pay rise to match. To toast the success more champagne duly arrived and Kathy almost fainted at that point. She could not bare the thought of any more liquid adding to her already desperate need. She was so close to peeing she was sure just one more sip and she would explode, but she politely took a glass and found herself drinking along with the rest. Still no others had made any mention of a toilet, a fact she found hard to believe. Surely women of such stature would at least be powdering their nose by now, if not in the literal sense if not the ‘secret’ code that statement usually meant. Her bladder now felt so full she was finding it harder and harder to clench herself shut. She would have done anything at that moment to press a hand between her legs, but she couldn’t, she just couldn’t. Suddenly she was hit by another powerful urge to let go. Panic stricken she clamped down hard on herself, clenching her muscles closed with every ounce of her strength. Her toes curled and she gripped hold of the arm of the chair with such force she nearly tore the material. She was in serious trouble now and she knew it. For a wondrous split second she thought how good it would feel just to let go. Reality struck back all too soon and she willed her pee to remain in her bladder, at least for a few more minutes. Again the urge to let go swept through her, even more powerfully than before. Her bladder was letting her know she was at her absolute limit. Again she suppressed it, her will power wavering at the thought of how wonderfully sweet relief would be. A seat became free and she took it without hesitation. She’d been totally on the brink for several minutes, now, at last, she had something to take the desperate urge away, even if just a little. She pressed herself hard against the cushions, reveling in the temporary pleasure this brought. All too soon the frantic urge returned. She wanted so much just to let go, but how could she? Her legs crossed over time and time again until she could feel a build up of pee so overwhelming on the very brink of entering her urethra. “This is it!” She thought to herself, about to relax and just let it all come. But somehow, deep inside she found the will to clamp off again, but it hurt so bad. Time and again she willed her pee to remain while the pressure just went on increasing. Another agonising half an hour passed and by now she was almost at the end of her tether. She had no idea what the conversations around her were all about. She was still managing to nod and smile at about the right times, but all she could think about now was the mountain of pee pressing hard from within and the avalanche about to explode from between her legs. Her muscles, her will, her sheer ability to hold were all fading badly now and she knew it was simply a matter of time before she flooded her panties. Again she gripped the hem of her dress as another powerful urge swept through her. Again she refused to allow even the smallest drop to trickle into her panties. This time as she squeezed her thighs together with all her might the pressure just grew and grew until she realised she’d finally reached the end of the line. She redoubled her efforts but again the urge just grew even more and she knew in that second she was about to pee. She coughed loudly as it came, rushing down her tubes and spurting hard into her knickers, just a single spurt, which she managed to clamp off immediately. She heard it but her cough shielded the burst from the others. She could feel a very slight dampening of her knickers at her crotch as another wave hit her. Again she coughed and this time a more substantial spray forced its way into her knickers. It took a few more seconds this time before she could stop, but oh the relief! She almost gasped with joy but she knew she just had to stop. She wanted more than anything to continue, even just one more tiny squirt but she didn’t dare. Her knickers were wet but not quite her dress, she just had to wait again until she could do some more when her knickers had dried a bit. Having opened the floodgates her bladder was in no mood to stop. The urges came stronger than ever and she simply couldn’t stop a few more agonising leaks. Her knickers soon felt dripping wet and she could only pray it had not seeped through to her dress. At last she felt back in control and with a determined effort she managed to shut off completely once more. For an hour she sat there, still idly trying to join in the conversation, still frantically desperate to pee but sensing she could last a bit longer now she’s let some go. The longer she could hold out now the drier her knickers would become, enabling her to let go a little more when the time came, as it surely would, when the pressure became too great once more. When the hour was up it was early evening and she was poised again on the brink of wetting herself. To her utter joy some people started to rise and make their excuses to go home. Kathy could have cried with relief, her agony maybe so nearly at an end. Trying not to be too hasty she suggested to her husband they should go too. He nodded. Rising carefully she could feel her knickers were still extremely damp. Her bladder, now again massively distended, groaned its discontent, and Kathy found herself clenching those muscles with all her might once more. Her hands brushed down behind her skirt, and although damp she was delighted to feel nothing more than just a slight dampness. She needed a loo though, and very quickly! Saying good–byes took forever. When it came to their turn to stand before their host Kathy was again on the brink. As she shook his hand and leant forward to kiss both cheeks a jet of wee suddenly forced its way to the edge of her pee–hole and burst into her knickers. She broke away as hurriedly as she dared, walking aside with her thighs clamped together as tight as possible. Her husband now shook his hand and as she waited another burst slipped out. Hurriedly she crossed her legs as she felt the first trickles tumbling down the inside of her thighs. For the umpteenth time that afternoon she willed herself to stop. Her husband finally joined her and together they walked out into the early evening sunshine hand in hand. Much to her dismay another couple joined them on the walk back to the mansion and, while walking was helping, Kathy knew another major leak was only moments away. A polite chat near the cars seemed like an eternity until finally her husband opened her passenger side door for her. Now in the car she couldn’t hold on a second longer. Leather seats or not she was going to let go whether she wanted to or not, and she wanted to oh so badly! As her husband wandered round to the driver’s side she parted her thighs, leant back and just let rip. Her pee burst into her knickers before collected in a pool between her legs. She wanted to tell herself to stop but she was so exhausted she just didn’t have the energy to fight it any longer. Wave after wave of desperation flooded through her and she rewarded it with squirts of piss that literally took her breath away. The look on her husband’s face as he clambered inside was a picture of shock. In her reclining seat he could clearly see her knickers glistening as she peed herself and all she could do was smile meekly back. He started the engine and while waving goodbye he sped down the driveway before anyone else could see. When Kathy finally confessed her story to him, instead of being angry he was just overjoyed that she had been prepared to go through such agonies for him. They were closer than they had ever been that night. Nigel