The Million Dollar Bet

By: Nigel
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

The 20 girls who had made it through qualifying gathered on stage at the appointed time. The bet, the last to pee or leak would win the $50,000 dollar first prize. Any girl that could last beyond three hours would win an amazing $1,000,000!! The test, each girl would be asked to drink 6 pints of water over the next hour. At the end of that hour the clock would be set and to win the $1,000,000 dollars any girl would have to last three hours from that point. Each girl was wearing white panties and regulation grey t–shirts. Shelly had first heard of the competition when she was done her local bar one evening. She’d had a miserable day and had been drinking heavily. Suddenly it dawned on her she was busting for a pee and had disappeared into the Ladies wash room. As she rushed into a vacant stall she turned, was about to squat when she noticed a small poster . Sitting and starting to pee she read the note which was headed “Could you have held on longer?” The ultimate female pee contest takes place this coming weekend at the Balcoma Theatre. $1,000,000 to any girl who can last three hours having drunk 6 pints. Qualifying Wednesday and Thursday nights.” Shelly had always been smugly proud of her capacity and vowed to attend that Wednesday night. Turning up she was greeted by a substantial queue of Ladies trying to get in. Each girl was given a competition number and taken through to a changing room. As they entered each was asked to drink two pints of water straight down. Half an hour after that they were given another two pints, each girl going up in turn to a steward and having to finish every drop under his gaze. Then they were told to strip down to just their underwear and make there way through to the stage. Here all fifty or so girls were stood in lines with there legs apart. More drinks were provided, another pint of water, and they were told to stand still. Any significant moving, squirming would mean elimination. So obviously would peeing and they were not allowed to touch themselves between the legs at all. Within ten minutes some girls were giving up and dashing off to the loo’s behind the stage. An hour in and they were down to just 15 of the starting 50+. The judges were looking for a top ten people maximum for Sunday’s final. Shelly was dying to go but still in full control. Each passing minute though she could feel the pressure in her bladder increasing. The girl next to her was visibly shaking, her thighs noticeably trembling as she struggled to hang on. It wasn’t too much longer before she suddenly slammed her legs together as her aching bladder threatened to give way. Instantly a judge was beside her and she was ushered back stage. None of the girls knew what they had to do to qualify and had to just hold on as long as they could, not knowing when or if they would be allowed to pee. Shelly was busting to go by now. She was longing to reach a hand to her crotch and ease some of the pressure but somehow she continued to resist. From behind her came a squeal of dismay from one of the other contestants and as Shelly craned her neck she could see the girls pee starting to drip from her knickers onto the stage. She was led away crying. Shelly couldn’t stop thinking about those drips of pee and how badly she now wanted to do the same. Grimly she hung on, praying it wouldn’t be too much longer. Another half an hour passed and she was now frantic to pee. She could feel her legs starting to quiver as she clenched her muscles tighter and tighter. The bulge of her bladder felt excruciating but she consoled herself with thoughts that every other girl must be feeling the same. Minutes ticked slowly past and every girl on the stage was now grimacing with desperation. Another suddenly gave up and dashed off stage. Just the sight was too much for another. Shelly willed herself to hang on just a bit longer. Her hand strayed across her stomach. She was longing to plunge it between her legs and would have done anything to be allowed to do so. Suddenly another girl gave up, this time not making it off stage, but squatting on stage and letting go a burst in her knickers. As she was led away one Judge at the judges table stood and announced, “Thank you girls, I’m pleased to say you have all made it into Sunday’s final.” There were gasps of joy and relief. Some made to dash immediately off stage to the loo’s they had been depriving themselves of for so long. All were now frantically pressing hands between their legs. The judge then called them to order again. “If you could all sign up here to agree to Sunday’s rules before you go, then you are free to pee.” There was one crazy dash towards the table and in a frenzy of pacing and squirming the winning girls scrambled to sign up before disappearing for a much needed wee. Shelly wanted to pee like mad. She was one of the last girls to sign her name and she dashed off to the changing room. By then the loo’s were all occupied and as she dressed she suddenly thought about Sunday and how much worse it might get if she was to stand a chance of winning. They’d had 5 pints tonight and had barely lasted an hour and a half. With six pints and no chance to pee for a further hour and a half it didn’t bare thinking about. Shelly though declined a chance to wee and held on until she got home, another half an hour later. By then she was practically wetting herself on her doorstep and simply had to dash upstairs to her bathroom straight away, gasping with relief as she finally allowed herself to go. Sunday came round fast and she had barely recovered from Wednesday’s exertions as the competition finals day dawned. She got up and peed straight away. She had to be at the hotel at midday, so she had a leisurely breakfast and a mug of tea. At ten–thirty she peed again and got dressed in a short simple summer dress and a small pair of white panties. Downstairs again she fancied a juice but declined. At eleven–twenty she left, having quickly disappeared upstairs for a final wee, draining every last drop from her bladder. Arriving at the hotel she was again given a number and taken through to the same changing room. No drinks were distributed this time. At exactly midday she and the other 19 finalists were taken through to the stage. Before each girl’s allocated position were six pint glasses, each filled to the brim with ice cold water. The girls were told to strip to their underwear and put on the same grey t–shirts. Gazing up into the auditorium Shelly could see a crowd of maybe a hundred interested spectators, mostly men. She slipped her dress over her head. She wasn’t wearing a bra so quickly reached for her grey t–shirt. One of the girls was wearing dark black knickers and there was a short delay while a pair of white ones were found for her. The rules stated that only white knickers should be won as dark would hide any evidence of dampness. When each girl was dressed the leading judge explained the rules. They had one hour to drink every drop of the six glasses in front of them, at least four of which must be downed within half an hour. At the end of the hour the clock would be set and any girl who could last a further three hours from that point would win $1,000,000. Assuming that impossible target was not reached the girl who lasted longest would win the first prize of $50,000. This time the girls were allowed to do whatever it took to hold on, so long as they did not leave the stage. Any amount of pressing, squeezing, rubbing etc were all allowed, however they were warned that every half an hour they would be asked to drink a quarter pint more and subject themselves to a detailed examination. Any amount of wetness deemed to be a leak of pee by the judge would mean instant disqualification. Shelly was at least grateful she could physically squeeze herself this time. Taking her time she slowly sipped at her water. Some girls downed a pint or two straight away, but she took her time. Other girls were leaving it until the last possible minute and it dawned on Shelly she was maybe in the company of Ladies who had done this sort of thing before. As the clock ticked towards the twenty–five minute mark Shelly had finished three pints. Not wishing to face a quick disqualification she hurriedly downed the fourth in one. As the half hour approached there was a frenzy of drinking by the majority of the contestants. The next fifteen minutes passed with little activity, every girl now biding her time before adding to the growing steady pressure. With ten minutes left Shelly finished off her fifth pint. Her stomach felt full, her bladder comfortable for now. She waited a few minutes before tackling her final pint. All the girls were drinking now and every one of them finished their sixth pint before the deadline. There were five judges, four men and one woman. Each had four competitors allocated to them. As the hour struck the clock was set for a three hour countdown. Each judge then moved in for a first check of their competitors. Shelly’s judge, a middle aged gentleman approached and asked her to stand still with her legs slightly apart. He then ran a hand under her crotch, sniffing his fingers as he withdrew for evidence of pee. He then placed his palm on her bladder and pushed slightly. Shelly felt no great discomfort. He nodded to her and smiled as he moved on to the next lady. Once the final examinations had taken place each girl was handed a glass containing a further quarter of a pint which they had to drink straight away. The next half an hour passed by relatively quickly. By the end Shelly felt no more than a dull ache from her bladder and she was pleased to see that a couple of girls were already pacing up and down the stage. She sat hugging her legs and gazing down at her stomach, waiting for the urge to pee that would surely come soon. As the half hour passed she stood and realised for the first time that she now needed to pee, not badly but under normal circumstances she would probably be actively seeking a loo. Her examination passed smoothly although she almost winced this time as his hand pressed around the edges of her rapidly swelling bladder. More drinks were handed out and within moments Shelly reached desperation level. It happened almost as fast as switching on a light, one minute she was fine and the next she really, really needed a wee. Her hand wandered instinctively to her crotch and she lazily rubbed herself between the legs. She wasn’t the only one starting to suffer, two girls already looked on the point of giving up while most the others were either squeezing themselves or pacing across the stage. Shelly decided on a little walk herself. It was only fifteen minutes into their second half hour and already she was bursting to go. To win $1,000,000 she would have to wait another two and a quarter hours and drink a further pint of water. It didn’t bare thinking about. As the hour mark approached she could feel her bladder straining to expand even more. She lifted her shirt and gazed down at the tight swelling, now reaching towards her tummy button. Her right hand had not left her crotch for some time now and it came as quite a shock to have to withdraw it while she could be examined. Her judge smiled as he made her stand still. Again he traced his fingers across the length of her private area, almost disappointed there was no feeling or smell of pee. Instead he took an age pressing against her bladder from the outside, using both thumbs to trace the outline of her aching bulge and pressing down firmly from the top. Shelly needed to pee badly now and the more he pressed the more she needed to go. At last he stopped and moved on to another girl. Shelly instantly pressed the fingers of her right hand upwards against her pee–hole. Her bladder was bursting and even though she severely doubted her ability to wait that long she promised herself to at least see out the next half hour. Another drink arrived, making it almost 7 pints inside her. Her mind kept on working out the calculations over and over again. A normal bladder could hold roughly 2 – 2.5 pints, she’d had seven. She cringed. She was sweating which helped but she guessed that already she must have at least two pints of pee down there. To help her wait she decided not to finger herself for a while, relying on her sphincter muscles alone for a bit while she paced up and down. Ten minutes passed by and she needed to pee like never before. Gazing around she counted twelve ladies left now. If she could make the top ten she’d be happy. Gazing down her bladder now looked terribly swollen. She guessed it would very soon be at its limit. Her hand found its way back between her legs and pressed firmly under her crotch. Every now and then she had to stop walking and twist her legs together for a while until the urge passed. Most the other girls looked in trouble as well but by now she was barely aware of them, concentrating every ounce of strength in holding back her pee until at least two other girls dropped out. Clearly she was in amongst the serious contenders now. Although every single remaining girl was suffering they all made it to the next landmark. They were an hour and a half into the competition, just half way to the time needed for the $1,000,000. Her judge approached, checking another girl first and leaving Shelly hopping on the spot, squeezing herself harder still. Finally he approached her and she waited until the last possible moment before parting her legs as little as possible. The judge demanded them wider before he could examine her. Grudgingly she obliged, tensing her buttocks and clamping her pee holding muscles tight shut, her face screwed up in anguish. He very slowly ran his hand from under her bum to the front, loitering around her pee hole and doing firm circling movements. As he again sniffed he paused. Shelly knew she felt very turned on down there but was certain she hadn’t peed. After an agonizing few seconds he nodded and proceeded to feel her bulge. She was so tight now he could barely make any impression with his fingers when he pressed against her. Shelly looked away, her legs started to twitch and her toes curled as she felt herself starting to let go. Just in time he moved away and she gasped and frantically bent forward, hopping from one foot to another. Soon more drinks arrived. Shelly almost cried as she was handed her glass. She downed it slowly, sensing every drop as if it was instantly adding to the terrible pressure inside her bladder. She was unaware of anything going on around her now. Her will was down to lasting just five minutes at a time, telling herself if she could last five minutes she could last another. Unbeknown to her two girls had peed themselves during the last examination and shortly into the next half hour session another girl had rushed off stage. A further girl suddenly stopped dead in her tracks, her legs twisted tight together with both hands desperately trying to hide the evidence of a spurt of pee. Another few moments and a judge was instantly at her side. She grudgingly removed her hands to reveal a spreading wet patch on her knickers. She was led away sobbing. Things were starting to seriously hot up. A dark Spanish girl was crouched in one corner of the stage, wincing with pain, another girl was sat on her bum lurching forwards and backwards. Shelly was counting down the seconds to the end of another five minutes. She was hurting badly but determined to go on just for a few more minutes. A blonde next to her passed by, almost bent double. Shelly could see a wet stain under her bum and with darting eyes she pleaded with one of the judges to take a closer look at her. He did so and the blonde was led away, pee now flooding through her flimsy knickers. The dark Spanish girl was now weeing in the corner, refusing to be led away until she had finished. The girl lurching on her bum gave up and fled the stage. There were ten minutes left to the two hour mark. Shelly couldn’t bare the thought of another examination, feeling certain she would pee herself this time. There were just five girls left, every one full to bursting, yet somehow holding on for all they were worth. Shelly lasted the next five minutes, but she was tired and exhausted, her muscles felt so weary, she just wanted to relax and go to sleep. Sheer will power and determination got her to the two hour mark. Then each girl was placed in a line and the five judges took one competitor each. This time Shelly found herself faced by the female judge. She was still frantically pacing up and down on the spot, dreading the moment she’d have to stop. She didn’t expect any favours from the female judge and indeed she got none. The judge commanded Shelly to be still, quickly placing a hand to her crotch and withdrawing after an agonizingly long time . A quick smell and she moved to feel Shelly’s terribly swollen bladder. Even the judges eyes widened. Clearly she had never seen a bladder so full. She leaned forward and whispered “Don’t push it, I fear for your safety down there.” Shelly nodded. Whether she wanted to hold on or not was fast becoming a matter out of her hands, never the less she resumed her frantic pacing. More drinks arrived. Shelly almost refused and gave up then, but somehow she found the strength to go on just a little bit longer. One girl couldn’t face it and after emptying her glass on the stage she squatted, pulled her knickers to one side and filled the glass to the brim with her pee, smiling at the entertainment this brought the captivated crowd. The judges then announced that they would like knickers off for the last hour. Each girl was asked to remove their underwear and reveal their bursting bladders in all their glory. Shelly’s bladder seemed to be swelling every which way it could. Already up to her tummy button she could feel a hard pressure from the lips of her vagina spreading outwards and upwards. She was in such terrible pain but just couldn’t bring herself to give up having got so far. One girl lost it as she struggled out of her panties and the audience were treated to a powerful arc exploding from her bush. Shelly was in the last three. A tall dark haired girl to her left and a smaller, slightly over weight red head to her right. Both looked several months pregnant and as Shelly gazed down at herself she realized she looked even more strained down there. She’d been in agony for ages now and the words of the female judge kept coming back to her. She was going to do serious damage if she held for much longer. Shelly was about to raise a hand and withdraw when the tall girl to her left suddenly screamed out loud and let go a trickle of pee, tumbling through her tightly clenched fingers. “I can win this!” Shelly told herself, turning away and leaning forward as she staggered towards the back of the stage “ I can win this!” she kept repeating over and over again. Her bladder was now as full as it could possibly get, her sphincter muscles weary, but locked in a powerful grip, her fingers thrusting against her aching pee hole again and again as her bladder threatened to explode. She had never known such agony. A few minutes later she turned to face the front once more but found the red haired girl crouching in the centre stage. As Shelly watched a trail of pee suddenly appeared under her bum and ran tantalizing slowly to the front of the stage and under the judges table. She had won! Shelly had won!! $50,000 was hers! The leading judge climbed up to the stage and lifted her an in triumph. “If you can last another 49 minutes 10 seconds a million Dollars is yours!” He announced gleefully. The crowd were cheering, everyone was smiling but things were turning into a misty haze for poor Shelly. Her bladder was full to breaking point and suddenly she felt herself starting to leak. She clamped her thighs together but soon realized this was pointless. As the crowd applauded she kept thinking “A million Dollars! A million Dollars!” but her dam was breaking and trickles of pee cascaded down her internal canal and dripped down the inside of her thighs onto the floor. She wanted to hold, she wanted to hold so badly but her body just couldn’t. She smiled as the audience gaped at the site of her starting to let go. “I’d so love to go on,” she said, “but this girl’s just GOT to pee! There’s always next year!”