Hold it for me !

By: Nigel
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My girlfriend and I had often indulged in various watersports activities. On one particular night Jenny had asked me to refuse her access to a loo so she could see how much she could hold. She knew she’d end up begging me to let her go but I was determined that no matter what this girl with me this night was not going to be allowed to pee until I got her home. “Please, please, I have to pee!” Jenny said, struggling to her feet. “No, not yet.” I said, standing as well and nudging the poor girl back into her seat. “Please, I’m busting!” The poor girl had drunk two and a half pints of beer and was wriggling about on her chair as we sat in a corner of the bar. Our table was right beside the toilets, which didn’t help her as every five minutes some guy or girl would wander through for a wee. It was Friday night and the place was heaving, but there was no way I was going to allow her to pee if I could help it. “Another drink?” I offered. She hesitated before saying, “Can I go pee after it?” I nodded but just said, “We’ll see.” She had severe doubt in her eyes but agreed, resuming her frantic squirming. As I stood at the bar I gazed back to view her in all her wonderful early stages of desperation. She was wearing a lovely long skirt with a slit up the side and I guessed she had on a gorgeous pair of tight white panties that must have been stretched tight across her aching stomach. Her legs crossed tightly as the drinks arrived. Her eyes stared wide as I placed two pints on the table, “You’ve got to be kidding!” she said, “I’m practically pissing myself already, I’ll never manage that!” “Drink it up then you can go.” I said with a smug smile on my face. She sipped slowly. The evening was getting late. Her eyes wandering more and more frequently towards the door to the Ladies. With half her drink gone she again pleaded with me to let her go, but I shook my head, telling her to finish her drink first. She downed it quickly after that but I took my time with my own. Her eyes were pleading with me to let her go pee, which was not surprising given that three and a half pints of beer were now filling her rapidly beyond her capacity. Her hands were rested across her lap and occasionally her knuckles went white as she pressed firmly downwards. “I have to pee so badly, please let Jenny go pee.” She said smiling, trying to get on my good side. A group of four girls wandered past us into the Ladies. That sight saw Jenny crossing her legs even tighter and I could only wonder at the size of her bulging bladder. I could hardly wait to get her home and view it in all its glory, but she was now begging me to let her go. She had wanted to hold on for me but her bladder was just becoming too full, “Please,” she sobbed, “I’m in agony! I’ve just got to go!” Again I refused, telling her she just HAD to wait until we got home. She was leaning forward more and more as it began to take every ounce of her strength to hold it back. “I’m bursting, I’m bursting!” She said under her breath, again urging me to let her go. “I’ll tell you what we’ll do,” I said, “We’ll leave now and you’ll be back home before you know it.” “Oh God thank you! I just don’t think I can wait much longer!” I downed my drink in one and we stood to leave. She managed not to hold herself as we walked out onto the street and I put my arm around her waist. I could just feel the tight agonising bulge of her bladder as my hand strayed across the front of her skirt. She looked up, smiling weakly. Clearly she was in agony but I wasn’t about to let this go to waste. We walked to the taxi rank, which fortunately wasn’t too busy. There were still three or four people in front of us and we had to wait about five minutes before a free taxi arrived. We both scrambled into the back and Jenny crossed her legs at once, grateful to at least be seated once more. I asked her if she was okay and she replied “NO! I need a piss!” Load enough for the driver to hear. He looked in his mirror to see her starting to fidget wildly on the back seat, her hands clinging onto the fabric as she struggled to avoid wetting herself. “You’d better hold on to it lady,” the driver said, “I don’t want my seat messed up.” “But I need to go so bad, you’d better hurry!” She begged. The driver sped along and screeched to a halt ten minutes later at the end of our road. “Please hurry!” Jenny screamed as I took my time paying the driver after we were out. She was hopping up and down and frantically pressing both hands now between her legs. I finished paying and guided her towards our house. Inside she was almost doubled up, leaning over the sofa. “Can Jenny go pee now!?” She asked. “No, not just yet.” I replied. She gasped as a powerful urge spread right through her, “Jenny can’t wait, she must go for a wee!” “Let me see you first.” I said. She unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the ground. Her tiny white panties were stretched across her bursting bladder. I eased them down and gazed in absolute wonder at her abdomen, so rigid and firm and full to bursting with pee that was by now absolutely frantic to get out. How she was holding I just don’t know. My hands drifted behind her quivering buttocks as I knelt in front of her and started kissing her stomach. She gasped with a mixture of delight and utter desperation as I let my tongue drift to her wet pussy and slip inside, close to her pee hole. Somehow she managed to squeeze her muscles shut but the effort this was now taking was now clear to see. I took her hand and walked her into the kitchen, “Hold it for me a bit longer.” I said. She nodded, now just as excited as I was. Without the constraints of her clothes she seemed a little better, although the swelling of her bladder was clearly evident. I poured out a pint of water and asked her to drink it down. She did so, meaning she had now drunk 4 and a half pints in the last five hours and hadn’t peed once. I hadn’t peed either and was now busting to go myself. But how could I? I had to hold. Wearing just a simple top and bursting to go Jenny sat on the sofa shivering. I threw her her bath robe which she grateful placed around her shoulders. She sat hunched up with her legs hugging up to her chest. I switched on the telly and we started watching a documentary. Half way through Jenny suddenly announced that she couldn’t wait any longer. She had been pressing a hand between her legs and constantly rocking back and forth. Now even that movement was not enough to contain the huge amount she was holding. She stood in front of me, bending forwards and frantically pressing a hand even more firmly against her crotch. “I have to pee now.” She announced quite calmly. I shook my head. “ I’ll pee anyway if you don’t let me, I can’t wait any longer.” I could see she was fuller than ever and was really struggling to hold on. I looked at my watch, it was nearly twenty minutes to midnight, “Do what ever it takes to wait until midnight.” I said. “You can go then.” She glanced at a wall clock and the look on her face told me she probably wouldn’t be able to wait that long, but she nodded. I retrieved her knickers and asked her to put them back on so I could tell if she’d done some. She cursed me as she struggled back into them, hopping up and down, unable to stand or sit still even for a moment now. For the next five minutes she paced up and down the living room, one of her hands never leaving her crotch. I asked her to come to where I was sat and reached a hand between her legs, pushing the palm up against her. She tensed but just remained in control. Another five minutes past with her leaning against the sofa, twisting and squirming her legs together. She was now very close to bursting point. Soon nothing she could do would stop the inevitable loss of control of her exhausted sphincter muscles. She begged me to let her go before it was too late, but I refused. Her middle two fingers were thrusting in and out of her pussy. She tried crouching, then actually squatting, which she said felt really good but made her even closer to losing it. She tried resting on all fours, which worked for a while but she soon became desperate again. I had her remove her knickers and robe again for the final ten minutes. Even I was amazed at the sight of her bladder. She looked several months pregnant. Still unable to let go of her crotch for more than a few seconds she continued to pace up and down, all the time begging me to let her go. She was constantly wailing about how desperate she was. Her frantic pacing became more and more intense, until she was virtually trotting from one end of the room to the other, still thrusting those fingers against her aching pee hole. A massive urge suddenly hit her and she stood stock still for a few seconds, willing herself not to let go. The urge passed but soon returned with even greater intensity. Her bladder was starting to fail. She still had eight minutes before she could pee. She wandered into the hall, both hands now locked against herself, holding her back from the brink. I let her stagger upstairs to where the bathroom was but she still had six minutes to wait. Every few seconds she was screaming at me to tell her how long she had to wait. Each time I told her she cringed and almost doubled up. Her bladder was so close to breaking point, it simply couldn’t contain another ounce of pee or it would burst! Jenny couldn’t take her eyes off the loo. She had to go so bad. Every muscle in her body was squealing at her to let it go. She was within seconds of letting go a flood. With four minutes left she just went crazy, sprinting along the landing, jumping up and down. Her hands left her crotch and clung onto her bum cheeks. She was losing the battle, even will power was not working now. Her movements suddenly slowed. Sensing it was reaching a point where she simply couldn’t wait any longer, I reached in the bathroom for an empty waste paper bin, just as she leaned forward, legs tightly crossed. A period of total silence ended with a load gasp as her bladder finally forced her to let out a tiny jet of wee. As it started to drip I placed the bin in front of her and she managed to move over it just in time and squat, spreading her legs wide and letting go a blast of wee that literally rattled the bin. After the first surge she grunted as she forced out more and more, staying there for a full five minutes before she declared she couldn’t pee another drop. Ecstatic now we ran laughing down stairs to measure it. We both knew it had to be a new record for her and she wasn’t disappointed. 1.6 litres, a truly memorable hold. Nigel