Suzzie's Hold It

By: Nigel
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I’ve never known a need to pee like it. I was so desperate as we pulled up outside his house I thought I was going to die. My legs were crossed so tight I didn’t dare move. He came round to open the car door for me but I just sat there, convinced that if I moved I’d pee a flood in my knickers, which were now stretching to accommodate the swelling of my over full bladder. We’d been into town for a few drinks and half way through, as I rose to go to the Ladies he had asked me not to, saying it turned him on so much so see a lady bursting for the loo would I mind waiting until we got home. I’d fancied this guy for ages and would do anything for him. Without even thinking I just said, “Okay!” and sat right back down. I didn’t feel it was an unusual request. I’ve always been pretty broad minded, besides I’ve known through experience that having a fairly full bladder can enhance my sexual appetite and I really wanted to please this guy tonight. It was our third date and we both knew where we would end up afterwards. It had been ages since I’d last made love and I couldn’t wait to see this guy in all his glory. Anyway he made me sit there for another hour and a half and kept buying me drinks until I had to ask him to stop or I’d wet myself. By the time we left I must have had three pints or more. Normally I’d have been well gone by then but all I could think about was getting to a loo and having a longed for wee. I actually asked him if I could just go a little bit before we left but he shock his head and just steered me past the door to the Ladies. I craned my head backwards, looking longingly at the door, my bladder shrieking its concern as more trickles filled it beyond its normal pressure. I was literally aching to go as we stood by his car, not a desperate, “I’ve got to piss any second” kind of desperate, just a very full heavy dull ache. Sitting in his car was a great relief and I settled back to endure the ride back to his place. A little while into the journey I found his hand wandering towards my aching belly, pressing gently against my short skirt. I lifted my blouse clear with one hand and pulled the waistband of my skirt so he could reach inside and touch the firm bulge of my bladder. His eyes lit up at the firm rigidness and I gazed in some alarm at the now huge straining bulge I was having to contain. Almost at once the urge to pee increased alarmingly. After a few minutes I was glad to have him withdraw and I let my skirt again rest on my aching bladder. It was beginning to take every ounce of will not to reach a hand under my skirt and press against my pee hole. Instead I crossed my legs tight. I looked across to see him smiling and I noticed a pleasant bulge developing in his trousers. Smiling myself I reached out a hand of my own and gave him a firm squeeze. He grunted with pleasure. For the next five minutes or so I kept caressing him, by which time the frantic need of my condition started to take overwhelming priority once more. It was then that we turned into his road and he spun into the driveway. The sudden realisation of how near I was to a loo sent shock waves of desperation spinning through me and I had to clamp down with all my might to prevent an accident. I sat there rigid as he came round and opened the passenger door. It was a full minute before I dared move. Clambering out I was hopping up and down on the spot as he locked the door. I kept glancing nervously around, terrified that a neighbour might see me in such a condition. At last he made his way down the path towards the front door and I trotted dutifully behind him, again hopping on the spot as he struggled with the front door key. “Where’s your loo?!” I stammered as I stepped inside ahead of him, both hands instinctively now pressed into my crotch. “There’s no hurry for that is there?” He said with a sly grin. “ I’d love to hold longer for you,” I said “ But I’m really bursting!” Thoughts of sex or coffee were rapidly being cast aside right now as all I could think about was getting inside his toilet. “Five more minutes.” He said, “Then I’ll let you go.” I glanced at my watch as if that would give me a clue as to whether I could hold on. Grimacing I nodded my agreement, glancing upstairs to see if I could catch site of where the loo was. My hands were still pressing urgently against my crotch as he steered me into the living room and then through to the kitchen. He fussed around filling a kettle while I stood leaning back against one of the units with my legs twisted together. The kettle flicked on, he steered me back into the living room and urged me to sit on the sofa. He sat next to me and we kissed. I crossed my legs again as his hand wandered up my thigh. I so wanted him to touch me there so I released my hands from my lap, praying I would be able to hold on for just a few more minutes. His hand slowly rose towards my panties and his fingers inched inside to my swollen pussy lips. I was almost thrusting against his hand as his fingers felt along the length of my slit before curving upwards. I don’t know how he did it but he found a spot right against my pee hole and the pressure of his fingers there felt so wonderful. His other hand had found the zip of my skirt and was gently inching it downwards. I wanted to tell him to stop as I needed to pee sooo badly but at the same time I needed to be out of that skirt as the pressure of the waistband on my bladder was excruciating. I eased my bum off the sofa and allowed him to ease my skirt off. Instantly he reached for my knickers. Oh God how I wanted him to slow down but at the same time continue. My senses were ablaze and despite my urgent need to pee I was lusting after him like I’d never lusted after anyone before. I let him inch my panties off and as they slipped to the floor we both gazed in wonder at the fullness of my bladder just for a few split seconds. Then I was all over him. I spun round and frantically leaned over him, hurriedly snapping open the buttons on his shirt and with his help yanking it free. Instantly I was working at the buckle of his belt and then yanking down his zipper. I reached inside his boxers for his dick while my other hand found its way back between my own legs as urgent messages again surged towards my bladder. He pulled off his jeans while I rubbed his hardness. I had suddenly turned from being frantic to pee to being frantic for sex in almost an instant. He peeled off my blouse and bra leaving us both now totally naked. I knew if I stopped for an instant I’d pee myself. I was so full it was hurting with every movement but I had to have him. His hands were squeezing my tits. I threw him back on the sofa and plunged my mouth onto his, kissing forcefully. His hands fell behind to my buttocks, which were quivering madly as the muscles of my bladder started to relax. Grimly I wedged myself tight shut. His hands felt around my bum to my dripping pussy. I was so wet down there I could have taken a shaft of steel! For a few moments his hand rubbed my cunt while I reached again for his dick and rubbed him to the point of cumming. At that point he shrieked his dismay and I stopped just in time. Hurriedly I lay back on the sofa and instantly the pressure in my bladder became unbearable. Something had to give, and very, very soon! I knew I was going to let rip with a burst of pee any second and told him so. He didn’t care, but quickly parted my thighs. I knew I’d lost any hope of control so I just let him, hanging grimly on to my fading sphincter muscles until the last possible moment. Suddenly he was inside me. His mammoth dick sliding gracefully inside my expectant love canal. Even with him inside me I could feel myself starting to lose the battle. I could sense tiny trickles leaking into my urethra. With his dick inside up to the hilt he started pounding quite softly at first. He was leaning over me, trying hard not to press down on my bladder but it was so terrible swollen by now he couldn’t help but nudge against it now and then. I felt myself let go a burst of pee which filled my pee canal but couldn’t get any further due to the fullness of his dick thrusting inside me. At that point I came and just lay back with my eyes closed in absolute heaven. The little burst of pee had proved enough to withhold from any further leaks until he had finished and as he did so a minute or two later I came again. Panting we just lay there for a minute or two until I eased him off. I was terribly in need of a wee again and as he eased his dick out the short tantalising burst I’d let go earlier trickled out, barely a trickle in fact. I staggered to my feet, and smiling naked in front of him with a bladder the size of a small melon I asked politely, “Do you mind telling me where your toilet is now?!” He smiled and directed me upstairs. As lady like as I could I walked slowly towards the stairs and went up. I knew I had never held so much pee in my life and didn’t want to waste the opportunity of seeing just how much. In my younger days I’d measured a hold of 1.3 litres. Curiosity got the better of me and instead of using the loo I squatted over an empty waste paper bin and let rip. I peed for simply ages, on and off. In fact I was in there so long he came up to see if I was okay. I hadn’t locked the door, so invited him in. After a look of shock disappeared he was as keen as I was to see how much I’d held. Downstairs afterwards we measured it at an incredible 1.45 litres! With the tiny trickle I had let go earlier we settled on a figure of 1.5 !! I was so pleased and just the thought made me so randy we were very soon upstairs enjoying another session in his bedroom.