
By: Nigel
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Having not had a girlfriend for several months I found myself phoning up an escort agency the other day. The girl I arranged to meet was about 5’8’’, slim build, a lovely figure, firm ample sized breasts and a fit firm body. I met her at a bar in town. She was wearing a short patterned skirt and a white top, high heeled shoes, no tights, just bare legs that went up to goodness knows where. I had hoped, of course for some kind of watersports fun with her before the evening was out, even if I just escorted her out of the bar to her car and she confessing that she could do with the loo. As it turned out the evening was even greater fun! We sat chatting and drinking and naturally the topic of conversation turned to why she did what she did. Her reply was of course money, indeed she confessed to me under the influence of having had two beers already that she’d do almost anything for money. When I returned from having got our third beers she went to get up saying she had to go to the Ladies room. Before I knew it I found myself saying I’d pay her a bonus if she waited a while. She eyed me curiously for a moment and then asked how much and how long. I suggested another half an hour and I’d see her right. She nodded, sitting back and sipping her third pint. Immediately she asked if seeing ladies desperate for the loo was a secret turn–on for me and I nodded dumbly. She said that she hadn’t experienced this first hand but had heard of other girls at the agency who had been asked to pee while in the prescence of clients, or one who had actually peed over a guy. I was hard at the thought but kept my ultimate fetish quiet. I knew then that this girl was in for a very difficult evening and she’d better hope her bladder was able to cope. Half an hour passed and she was now sat with her legs crossed. We were about half way through our third drinks but she didn’t mention going to the loo again although I could see she needed to. After an hour she was having to sneak a hand down to her crotch and was gently pushing against her tummy. Our glasses empty I suggested another or going back to my place for her to really earn her money. She gazed at me sexily and suggested we went home now, “Besides,” she added, “I’m practically wetting myself now and I guess you’d rather I wait until we get there?” I nodded and we stood to leave. The walk to where I’d parked my car passed without any trouble, it was only while she waited by the car for me to open the door that she started pacing up and down on the spot, gently fingering herself through her skirt. As I drove off her legs were jiggling gently up and down. I asked her if she was okay and she replied that I’d better hurry if I wanted to see anything, unless of course her wetting herself was what I wanted? I immediately shook my head and said she should only pee when I gave her permission and not before. Again the lure of more money took the grimace from her face, “Just give me permission soon lover, or I think I’ll bust!!” she said. The rest of the journey passed with her still jiggling her legs and occasionally pressing her fingers against her stomach. I parked outside my apartments and let her out. She managed to walk normally into the foyer and waited patiently for the lift. My flat was on the fifth floor. We arrived outside my front door and only then did she feel the need to grab herself again, twisting her thighs together. I opened the door and showed her through to the living room. She immediately caught sight of the bathroom and said she’d make it worth my while if I let her pee now. Naturally I refused. I steered her into the bedroom and she immediately thought that I wanted her to pee over me. We undressed each other down to our underwear. She was really straining to hold on and kept her thighs tightly clenched as she sat on the edge of the bed. “I HAVE to pee!!” she said as we kissed. “I’ll double every penny you’re getting if you don’t.” I said. “ I can’t” she said, grimacing, “How long for?” she added after a few moments thought. “Another hour.” I said, knowing that was impossible for her. “An hour!” she exclaimed, “I can’t, I just can’t!” “Half an hour then.” She relented, the overwhelming power of money making her want to try. “But you must drink two pints of water for me in that time.” Her face dropped momentarily, but she agreed. She was absolutely bursting to pee but the thought of making so much money from one evening discomfort was just too good to miss out on. She decided she just had to hold out no matter what it took. She was down to just her knickers and I warned her I would know if she’d let some go. Her nipples stood out so hard and erect I knew she was finding this exciting as well. I made her follow me out into the kitchen while I filled a pint glass with water, then watched as she drank it down in one. I refilled the glass and took it back to the bedroom with us. We sat on the bed kissing and touching one another. She kept her legs crossed all the time. After about ten minutes she suddenly broke away and leaned forward, pressing a hand urgently down between her aching thighs. No doubt that first pint of water was just starting to add to the agonising pressure she was already under. I watched her squirm, almost doubling up as she rubbed herself furiously for a while. Then she sat on the edge of the bed, rocking back and forth. “How long to go?” she asked. “Another twenty minutes” I replied. She gasped out loud, pressing the fingers of one hand firmly between her legs. For the next five minutes she alternated between being sat and frantically pacing up and down. I watched fascinated as I lay on the bed, feeling my erection grow harder still. Eventually she gasped that she couldn’t hold on any longer and begged me to allow her to pee. I could see she was in absolute agony now but insisted she wait just those few remaining minutes. She sat back down. Then I made he drink her final pint. It took her three of four attempts before it was downed and I could only imagine her desperation once ten more minutes had passed. She was bouncing up and down on the bed wildly and literally trotting across the room and back. Her bladder looked so swollen, beyond her tummy button. She had one hand rammed constantly against the front of her knickers as she valiantly tried to hang on. I knew she was on the verge of pissing herself, but I wanted more, much more. Again she begged me to allow her to go. Again I refused. She was rubbing herself furiously and pressing hard against her crotch until I at last, another ten minutes later, I looked at my watch and said she could come into the bathroom. Her eyes lit up and she trotted hurriedly inside, almost bent double The loo was at the far end and her knickers were already down to her knees by the time she reached it. I watched from the doorway as she turned and prepared to crouch, “Stop!” I shouted, and she gazed up in utter alarm, her bladder straining and just about set to burst. “Come to me.” I commanded. She stood upright again. She’d kicked off her knickers and was naked now. But I ordered her to put them back on. She was almost crying as she struggled back into them, pausing now and then to squeeze herself hard, knowing that one drop of pee would see her miss out on a cash windfall such as she’d never seen before. She walked over to me. I reached a hand to her bloated stomach and pressed against her distended bladder. Her legs were twisting together like crazy and her right hand remained locked against her tortured pee hole. Suddenly she let go with a little squirt of pee. I reprimanded her immediately, “ I’m sorry,” she stammered “I just couldn’t hold it a second longer!” She just couldn’t believe she had peed herself and was squeezing her pussy frantically as more threatened to escape. I watched as those gorgeous panties of hers darkened a little further until there was a wet spot about the size of a fifty pence piece. I demanded that she stay in control now she’d done some and she rubbed herself some more to stop the flow. She was dying to be allowed to let out some more and was literally squealing in agony as I steered her back into the bedroom, “You’ve peed a little now so you’ll be okay for a while” The look on her face told me she was far from okay and having started she needed to wee even more urgently than before. She pleaded with me to be allowed to go, but I insisted she hold on. Gently I removed her knickers so she was again naked in front of me, still desperately pressing her fingers against her pee hole. I felt all around her packed bladder, reveling in its hardness and wondering just how she was able to hang on still further. In fact by now she was unable to wait any longer. She was whimpering with frustration and her exhausted muscles were about to give up. Only her hard pressed fingers were preventing a flood of pee escaping. I told her if she could wait another five minutes I’d then definitely let her go and pay her what we had agreed. She could tell I meant it this time and with a grim determination she pressed even harder to stop the inevitable flow for just a few more precious minutes. The first few minutes passed and then she rose awkwardly to her feet, pacing up and down outside the open bathroom door. Another minute passed and she was almost beside herself with anguish. She could sense that her thrusting fingers were having little effect now and only her frantic pacing was keeping her from exploding with another burst of pee. With just a minute to go she was like a cat on a hot tin roof, jumping up and down, literally screaming at herself to hang on. She called me every name under the sun as I counted down from thirty seconds. Each second seemed to bring new extremes of desperation, as if her expectant bladder was building still further for the relief it just had to have. At last her time was up and with tears of joy streaming down her face I allowed her inside to the loo she had so desperately craved for so long. She was already peeing as she squatted over it and the relieved gasps as she forced out the incredible contents were deafening. As she neared the end she burst into tears, but far from being angry she allowed me to cuddle her as she stood, and afterwards we returned to the bed and made soft, caring love to each other. When we awoke hours later she had more than earned her money which I gladly handed over. She left with a smile of satisfaction on her face, so, so proud of her new found capabilities.