Nice Little Earner

By: Nigel
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Maria was in trouble. She hadn’t eaten properly in days and her landlord was closing in fast on her rent arrears. Her last earnings had gone on keeping the gas and electric company at bay. Now she was faced with the prospect of finding ’1000 within the next few days or face the prospect of being kicked out onto the street. Times had been hard. From what little she managed to earn during the day as a temporary bar maid at one of the local pubs, she occasionally supplemented by taking herself onto the streets at night. She hated doing it, but it had become the only way. Twice the police had picked her up but necessity drove her to continue. It was late Thursday evening. She had just come in after earning a swift twenty quid. The guy had been almost half her age and had cum within seconds of slipping his young, inexperienced member inside her. Maria ran a bath and while she sat on the loo the reached for her money container and forlornly counted her “savings” when added to the paltry twenty quid. Undressing, she admired her firm slim figure in the mirror before stepping naked into the bath to wash away the disgust of what she had been forced to allow herself to do. She was pretty liberal minded and there wasn’t much she had drawn a line at. The young kid she’d just had was typical. She had only a few hours now to pay her debts. She rolled herself into bed, ignoring the famished pangs of hunger from her stomach, and slept until mid morning. As she awoke she made herself a cup of coffee using the last dregs from the jar and put on almost the last of her make–up. She had to be at the pub by twelve and although it was hopeless she thought she might as well rake in the few measly quid she would get. Maybe…just maybe, something would turn up. It was almost closing time at half past two when two smart looking city gents walked in. One was in his mid fifties while the other was considerably younger, maybe in his thirties. Maria eyed her boss who had been about to call time. It had been a particularly slow session so he nodded, thinking he may as well take in a few more quid. Maria served them. The younger one smiled politely and Maria smiled back. They ordered some food and along with a few other regulars they took seats and discussed business. Every now and then though, the guy would look up at Maria. Eventually the pub closed and they had to leave. Maria was clearing tables and had just found a half empty packet of crisps. Her ravenous hunger drove her to finish them off and she looked up embarrassed as the younger guy spotted her. She smiled and blushed while he waved her goodbye. Later that evening Maria was back in her flat. She put on her shortest black skirt and a pink vest top and headed out onto the street, hoping against hope for one rich city boy to save her from impending doom. For three hours or more she paced around nervously on her usual street corner, keeping one ear and one eye out for police cars. It was getting late and she was cold. Her bladder kept telling her she needed to pee but she put it down to the chill night air. Suddenly a car drew up slowly. Her initial thought, as happened so many times was that whoever it was would just want directions. She stooped to the opening passenger window and there in the driving seat was the younger guy from earlier. Again she flushed crimson with embarrassment. “Don’t pay you enough then at the pub?” He said cheerfully. Maria shook her head nervously, “Hop in,” he said. With nothing to lose she joined him. Her short skirt rode up a little as she sat and she couldn’t help notice the gleam in his eye. Perhaps she could squeeze a few quid out of him she thought. “Hungry?” He asked. Maria nodded dumbly. She couldn’t deny it – she was absolutely starving! With barely another word he drove off and pulled up moments later in a caf’ car park. Together they wandered in and he ordered her a meal and a mug of tea for both of them. As her food arrived she dug in ravenously. Small talk continued which inevitably circled around her second occupation. Maria saw no reason in lying and confessed her current predicament. “And how much would you charge if I…?” He said. Maria eyed him up, trying to work out how serious he was if at all, and if so how much she thought she might dare ask for, “Fifty” she said finally. “Fifty?” He said. He pulled out his wallet. He withdrew a wedge of notes, mainly fifties. There must have been over a thousand pounds there. Maria’s eyes bulged. He took a fifty and handed it to her. She took it and stuffed it in her bag without a second thought. “Where do we go for this then?” He asked finally. “That’s up to you.” Maria replied, returning to her meal. “I’m staying tonight at a hotel about three miles away. Any good?” “Fine.” Maria replied matter of factly. He watched while she polished off her meal and downed her tea. Then they got up and he led her back towards the car. Before opening it he paused, “There is one thing.” ‘Oh shit, he wants something disgusting!’ Maria thought “I do have rather an unusual request.” “Go on.” She said, fearing the worst. “I don’t want you to pee for as long as you possibly can. Can you manage that?” “I guess so.” Maria said curiously. This was not a request she’d ever had before. “I’ll give you fifty quid for every half hour you can last, however I should warn you we will first be stopping off at a bar and you must drink whatever I say.” Maria nodded. Her brain already counting the fifties she was about to earn. Even three more hours in his company would mean an extra three hundred quid. This was a dream come true, “Easy money!” she thought. They drove a couple of miles to a club. At the entrance hall Maria spotted the loos, “Can I pee now before we start? She asked, already feeling a slight need from holding all evening and having that mug of tea. He eyed her up and down, “I don’t think so.” He concluded. She shrugged her shoulders and they went inside. Seating her at a table he went to the bar and returned with two pints of lager, one for each of them, and a jug of water. Maria tried to take her time but every few minutes he would indicate for her to sup up. Within fifteen minutes her lager had disappeared. He poured a pint of water from the jug for her. Another fifteen minutes past and that too was gone. He got up to get her another pint of beer. Maria gazed around the club quite happily. She didn’t feel any greater need than when she’d first come in and smiled to herself at the thought of the fifty quid she’d earned just for sitting there. He returned with another pint each. This time he didn’t hurry her and it was almost forty–five minutes until her glass was empty. Idle talk about home, families, work etc had made the time pass, however, as she took her last sip she became aware of the first real need to pee. She wasn’t desperate yet, but she could feel her bladder starting to swell beneath her skirt. He poured her some more iced water and insisted she drank it straight down this time. She complied as best she could and as soon as that was gone he was up again to the bar. While he was there Maria pressed a hand towards her crotch. She felt pretty full and for the first time began to wonder just how long she could hold off from peeing. He returned and she smiled as he handed her a fifth pint of liquid since coming in. She crossed her legs and took a small sip. Again he didn’t hurry her and by the time she finished another hour had passed and she had to admit to herself that she was now desperate for the loo. “How are you feeling?” He asked. “Fine.” She replied, smiling back. “Liar!” He said smugly “Okay, I need to go!” She confessed, pressing both hands down towards her lap in ‘mock’ desperation. “I should think so.” He said. He reached in his pocket and withdrew three hundred quid. He handed it to her, “You can take this and leave now if you wish.” Maria stared at the money and took it before he changed his mind. She was desperate to pee but felt able to go on a bit further, “I can last a bit longer if you wish!” She said smiling cheekily. He gazed at her, “Are you sure?” She nodded, “If I ask you to go on I want your assurance now that you will not pee for at least another hour. Do we have a deal?” Maria glanced at her watch. She already wanted to plunge a hand against her pee–hole, but she wasn’t experiencing ‘too’ much discomfort. She hesitated though. If she had to keep drinking at this rate she’d be totally bursting within the hour. He could see her indecision and reached again for his wallet, “Another three hundred if you make it.” Maria could hardly afford to refuse, “I can’t drink any more though.” She said finally. “Just one more pint and that will be it, I promise.” He said. Maria hesitated again, “Okay!” She said. Without pausing he reached for her empty glass and returned shortly with another pint, “Drink it quickly, it’s time we went back to my room.” She did as she was told, finishing it within ten minutes. Then they were up and heading to his hotel. The journey was awful. As soon as she stood her need to pee increased alarmingly. Waiting for the taxi outside the club was almost more than she could bear and she was literally hopping from one foot to the other as it drew up and making occasional grabs at herself through her skirt. He stood next to her, leering and enjoying every moment of her agony. It was a mighty relief when the taxi came and she could take a seat in the back. Her skirt rose up as she crossed her legs and the pressure inside her tormented bladder was excruciating. She was dying to let some out, yet what would he say if she did? Besides she hadn’t wet herself since she was six and didn’t want to start now. Also there was the tantalizing three hundred extra quid waiting for her if she could last. Grimly she clenched herself shut and smiled at him as he took a seat next to her. He leaned over and gave instructions to the driver. Maria was barely listening as it was taking all her concentration now not to leak. As they set off she gazed out of the window. After a while he reached a hand discretely to her abdomen and she turned as she felt his hand press lightly against the aching bulge of her bursting bladder. ‘Just endure it until we get to the room!’ she told herself. The drive seemed to take an age. She was certain he had said it was only a few blocks. Ten minutes later it dawned on her that he was prolonging her agony still further. The driver was going round in circles! Without saying anything she grimly held on and prayed it wouldn’t be too much longer. That extra three hundred would keep her fed and warm for months, what was another few minutes discomfort, even if she’d have given almost anything to be locked in a cubicle on her own at that moment. More agonizing minutes passed until finally the taxi pulled up outside his hotel. At least she began to hope it was over. If she had to walk far she would die, her bladder was extremely full and the pressure on her sphincter was almost more than she could stand. She struggled out and stood painfully while he paid the driver. Then he steered her into the hotel lobby and into a lift. She was almost crying as she stood in the corner, watching the lights of each floor light up. She was trying not to hold herself but eventually couldn’t stand it any long and plunged a hand beneath her skirt. “Nearly there.” He said. “I hope so!” She cried, “I’m almost doing it!” At last the lift stopped on floor nineteen. He led her almost bent double now, down the corridor and stopped outside his door, “Oh God, Please let me pee! Please let me pee! Please let me pee!” She screeched, frantically hopping up and down and dipping one leg hard into the other. Inside Maria immediately caught site of the bathroom to her left. Her bladder felt like a bowling ball and she begged him to let her go. Instead he guided her towards the bed where she sat thighs squeezed together and both hands at her sides squeezing the duvet. He looked at his watch. She still had a little more than twenty minutes to wait until her hour was up. He told her that she was to do whatever it took now to hold on. Meanwhile he positioned himself on the bed and sat back to watch. Maria sat there a while not knowing what to do. Before long she was fidgeting again and eventually she stood and paced up and down the room, pretending to look at various things. All of a sudden she had to do deep curtseys almost constantly and it soon became apparent that she would need more than just her own muscle power to hold the huge amount of liquid she had taken on board. She sat again on the bed, gently squeezing herself. He moved towards her and kissed her neck. She gasped at the unexpected pleasure this brought her. He slipped a hand to her breasts and she realized with some surprise that her nipples were already hard and erect. Her head leaned back and their lips met. Maria parted her legs and allowed one of his hands to press firmly against her crotch to hold back her wee. She was bursting to go, but now she realized she was also extremely aroused by the situation. She let him unbutton her top and unclip her bra, both her hands now wedged firmly between her legs as the urge to pee became even more excruciating. Her firm breasts free, his hands explored every inch, making her tingle with pleasure. Then his hands moved further down, forcing her own away from her crotch and replacing them again with one of his own. She moaned as the urge to pee almost overwhelmed her. She screamed she was about to pee and he plunged his hand even firmer against her so she couldn’t. Her bladder was bursting, her mind in a whirl as she thrust herself against his hand, desperate for the situation to continue but also agonizingly desperate to pee. Somehow she maintained control and he eased his hand away and removed both her skirt and panties until she was naked there before him. Maria was in total torment, she was absolutely frantic to pee yet completely unable to stop herself from lying back and allowing this man to have his way with her. Before she knew it he was leaning naked over her, the agonizing bulge of her bladder almost breaking under the strain as he parted her thighs and entered her. She could feel every inch grazing against her bladder. She clenched her sphincter shut with all her might and just lay back, eyes closed as he pounded inside her until she heard him grunt in triumph as he came. She must have lain there for several more minutes afterwards, an orgasm of her own sweeping torturously through her very being. When she awoke he was collapsed on top of her. The pain in her bladder was almost too much to bear. She struggled out from under him and shuffled uncomfortably to the loo. About to squat for the pee she’d been deprived of for so long, he appeared suddenly at the doorway. In absolute terror he’d make her wait longer, she literally begged him to allow her to go before he could even open his mouth. He stood there grinning back as she stood in half squat over the loo, feeling a burst of pee, so huge, right on the brink of entering her urethra. She could barely contain it! “You can pee now.” He finally announced. Maria almost fainted with relief as she sank onto the loo. At last she relaxed and gasped out loud as the first clear trickle of her pent up piss finally broke free.