Sato, Akiko and Yoki

By: Nigel
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Akiko had prepared the girl well. Yoki knew exactly what was expected of her. Driving to Sato’s mansion Yoki was desperate for a piss, her legs tightly crossed in the back of the limousine. She could see the driver looking curiously at her through his driving mirror. Yoki kept her hands calming across her lap while she willed herself to contain the now burning pressure in her bladder. She wanted more than ever to urinate but knew she could not do so for a while yet. The few hours in Akiko’s company had seen her consume much tea, bottled spring water and sake, over 3–litres in all. Akiko gazed across at her, pleased to see her visibly squirming. It was vital that she arrived in just the right condition for Akiko needed more than ever to please Sato tonight. Minutes later the car swept through the expansive wrought iron gates of Sato’s mansion and drew up sharply on the shale covered drive before the main entrance. Yoki stepped out of the vehicle and walked with as much dignity as she could muster up the short flight of steps accompanied by Akiko. Once inside they were led through to a small anti–room, plushly decorated with a deep red carpet and curtains, the cream walls awash with oil paintings. In one corner lay a modesty screen where a robe lay in readiness. Akiko commanded Yoki to change while she went in to see Sato. Yoki bowed and disappeared behind the screen, resisting the urge to press the fingers of one hand between her legs as she did so. Akiko left her to get changed and wandered across to the far door, knocking gently. Sato answered. Akiko entered, head bowed. Before her Sato stood in a pristine white silk robe. “I have bought you a girl as requested.” Akiko said softly. “Is she prepared?” Sato said with a mixture of both sternness and eager curiosity. “She is prepared.” Akiko replied, head still bowed. “Good.” Sato said, nodding. In truth Sato could not wait for the moment he could make love to Akiko herself. It was still nine days to their wedding and he yearned for the moment when he could finally take her in the same way as he would this girl tonight. He moved towards her and gently lifted her chin until she could not help but gaze into his eyes. The burning passion she felt for him was instantaneous. “It is you I want Akiko!” Sato muttered in her ear with a rasping voice as he felt his excitement rise at their closeness. “I know my love, but we must wait just a few more days.” His hands cupped her cheeks and a tear formed in Akiko’s eye. Instinctively he brushed it aside as he leaned forward. Their lips met in a soft kiss. She could feel his manhood rising and pressing against her stomach, where the fullness of her own bladder was obvious to him. She longed to reach out and touch him, but resisting the strong temptation. His own hands dropped to the firm cushion of her breasts, heaving beneath her tight pink traditional dress. Then further towards her thighs, inching inwards as far as he dared, “Knowing you have never had another must be driving you crazy!” He gasped. “Oh it is! You know how I do want you now. But I cannot. It is my duty.” “You have drunk much this evening?” He said, his hands wandering across her stomach towards her full, full bladder. Akiko nodded, “I have drunk much, as has the girl. We are both very much in need for relief.” Sato nodded and reluctantly they parted. Akiko had to literally clench herself shut as an overwhelming urge to pee pulsed through her. “Send the girl in.” Sato commanded. Akiko backed away towards the door, bowed again and then left. Back in the waiting room Yoki was now wearing a loose fitting, red robe, decorated with ivory coloured flower petals. She was sat silently on the very edge of a large sofa, gently rocking back and forth to control the urge to pee which was now becoming strongly still, “Is he ready for me?” she said rather too swiftly, the ache in her bladder forcing the speed of her outburst. It had been almost ten minutes since Akiko had left the room and now her need to pee had reached an almost excruciating level of urgency. The swell of her bladder as she had undressed had almost taken her breath away and she hadn’t been able to resist pressing her hands up against it and marveling at the tightness within. Akiko eyed her and insisted she calm her urgent motions. She knew only too well it would be possibly an hour yet until she would finally be allowed to urinate. She could not bring herself to tell her. Instead Akiko made her rise while she straightened out her robe, her hands wandering briefly across her painfully full stomach. She opened the robe slightly and observed the swelling still just below her navel. Further down, where the mound of her pubic hair began, her bladder felt hard and achingly full, yet she knew it could still expand further, it would have to. Smiling as she stepped back Akiko asked her if she was ready. Yoki nodded, eager to proceed so she could reach the point in the evening when she would be allowed to pee. Akiko opened the door wide and beckoned her forward. Once she was past her Akiko announced her name to Sato and bowed as she closed the door on them. Akiko did not leave the house. Instead she moved to the left, behind the changing screen. Through a thin rift in the reeded panel of the wall she could gaze upon both Sato and Yoki. Her own incredible need to urinate forced the movement of one hand towards her groin as she sat on the hard wooden floor, legs crossed so that her heals just added to the growing pressure on her pee hole. After a polite introduction Sato beckoned Yoki to the center of the room where they both sat on the floor facing one another, a glass table in between them on which lay a light meal consisting of small bowls of fish, vegetables and rice. Beside them were glasses and a large jug filled to the brim with water. Yoki was showing no visible sign or her urgent need to urinate. She was, however, clenching her internal muscles like crazy but had been told to hide her need from Sato at all costs. She had no idea Sato knew of her plight, she had only been instructed that while she was in urgent need of a pee sex with him would feel wonderful to her as well as to him and Akiko had stressed it was important that this man was pleased tonight in order to consummate a business deal between is company and their own. It was a slow full hour before the meal had finally been finished and mostly Yoki under Sato’s watchful gaze had drunk the majority of the water from the jug. Kneeling at her spy hole Akiko could only imagine how agonizingly swollen Yoki’s bladder must now have become beneath her robe, yet still she steadfastly refused give away her secret, only Akiko’s trained eye could see the slight trembling of her buttocks beneath her robe as she sat before him in pained anguish. As Sato stood, Akiko watched as Yoki took the opportunity to shift position slightly so that she was now sitting on her right heel. She smiled at the look of relief on Yoki’s face before Sato returned. Sato returned with two small glasses and sake. He poured her a glass and watched with pleasure as she took it down in one go. He sank his own and then poured another. Conversation between them was mainly one way, Sato would regale her with stories of his life and family, and Yoki would nod or say something very brief in return, concentrating almost entirely on holding back her pee, but always listening attentively to every word he said to her. As time passed still further the pressure within her bladder was slowly becoming unbearable. Even the joy of pressing hard on her heal was doing little now to alleviate her urgent need for relief and the pressure on her sphincter muscles was becoming almost too great to suppress. It had been almost two hours now since she had entered the room and she now knew that if she had to hold on much longer she was in severe danger of not only wetting herself, but also destroying her company’s good name. Grimly she resolved to hang on just another fifteen minutes, but no more. Sato was still supplying her with more sake. Normally by this time she would be struggling to hold on to her senses from all the alcohol, but with the food and the mind numbing pressure inside her bladder she was managing to stay more than alert. After a good while longer Sato stood again and beckoned her towards a broad white sofa. Yoki struggled to her feet, her bladder feeling like a huge boulder within her. She virtually staggered towards the sofa, gasping at the intense pain all around her lower abdomen. For the first time she started to glance around for somewhere she could pee. There was no bathroom visible. If the relief she now so desperately needed was far away she felt she would die! The thought of having sex first was almost reducing her to tears. More minutes passed, more sake flowed, until finally she was at the end of her tether. Her legs were now so tightly crossed they were almost cutting her in half. Her bladder was swollen way beyond her tummy button and all across it felt as hard as steel. She was barely hearing what Sato was saying anymore. Her only thoughts now were to find a bathroom so she could at least ease some of the intense, agonizing pressure from her bladder. She knew it must be obvious to Sato that she needed a pee but why did he not mention it? Sato sensed the moment and as Yoki opened her mouth to finally ask where she might tend to her most urgent need, his lips swallowed hers in a kiss. Yoki gasped, a hand instinctively falling between her legs and pressing up hard against her tiny pee hole, her bladder bursting as he leaned over her. Her only thought was to ask him where she might pee first and as their lips parted for a second and his hands began to part her robe she managed to confess her urgent desire for a pee. Normally she would have made up some excuse of needing to freshen up but her need was now too great for such niceties. “Later.” Sato murmured, his hands now inside her robe and reaching for her breasts, his eyes falling instantly to the sight of her bursting bladder. Yoki was frantic, but he had her almost pinned on the sofa. She knew there was no escape. She withdrew her hand from between her own legs and hurriedly struggled with the belt of his own robe, revealing a bronzed chest, almost hairless, and an extremely muscular physique. Yoki was desperate to finish what had now been started, just so she could pee. She almost tore his robe away, revealing his erect manhood before her. Her expert fingers caressed under his scrotum and then traced along his full length. Her own body was more then ready and willing, yet still he concentrated only on her breasts. Her robe lay like wings beside her, her thighs still partially wrapped, now hiding the torturous swelling of her bladder. Sato’s head finally bent down and forward to her breasts. Yoki’s head went back, her hands racing up and down Sato’s body as his tongue streaked hotly across her erect nipples. How she was able to keep her bladder closed she was not sure. The pain and the flick of Sato’s expert tongue across her nipples was incredible. Sato’s open mouth licked and sucked at her flesh with such intensity, so much so that Yoki couldn’t help but let out a soft cry. The panting of her breath, combined with the extreme effort it was taking to keep her pee hole shut was taking her rapidly towards orgasm. She was shaking uncontrollably. She could see Sato’s erection, large and red, and she was begging him to bury it within her. Sato was in no hurry however. She felt his hands back to her breasts and his tongue ever so slowly working downwards, kissing her stomach and then finally touching the inside of her heated thighs. Her robe parted fully, exposing the firm rigidity of her overfull bladder. His tongue brushed against the lips of her moist, expectant vagina. She stifled a scream as a pulse of electricity passed through her very being. Again she clenched her sphincter muscles closed with all her might, to pee into his face would be the ultimate disgrace, but oh how badly she needed to let go! His tongue lapped at the soft tissues of her womanhood, driving her crazy with lust and desire, yet all she really wanted to do was pee. His tongue continued to flicker maddeningly across her damp lips, his hands behind her knees for an instant, lifting her legs as his tongue probed her deeper. Sato finally moved his mouth upwards, over the curling dark hair covering Yoki’s high mound. Akiko watched as Yoki’s hips started to tremble with excitement at the building of her orgasm. Sato’s hands felt across the stretched contours of her bladder, barely making any indentation as his firm fingers gauged her fullness. His head again burrowed down into the heat and wet between her thighs and Yoki threw her head back in maddening lust and an agonizing need to pee. Her thighs trembled uncontrollably as his tongue opened her lips like petals in gentle circular motions. She wanted him inside her so badly, yet she knew how unbearable it would feel with her bladder so incredibly full. Sato’s head finally came up. His chest heaving like a bull’s, his manhood arching over Yoki’s supple female form. Yoki drew him towards her and now even he was powerless to resist any longer. Yoki arched her body and he lay poised over her. Her breath whooshed out of her with an audible gasp as he finally entered her, her breasts quivered with the strength of the sensations rippling through her. Sato thrust deeper, agonizingly slowly, and Yoki met him with her own frantic thrusts. Warm salty sweat dripped from Sato’s bulging muscles. Yoki cried out, her arms enfolding him, drawing him in still further despite the intense agony this was causing her. Their rhythmic grunting grew in tempo as the motion of their hips became ragged and indistinct. Yoki was sighing out her passion in great gasps, her face taut, her innermost muscles clenching for all they were worth, while at the same time fighting for any last lingering foot hold on her emotions. Her voice had the edge of hysteria, her muscles knotted and the pain from her ragingly full bladder causing unbearable waves of urgency that she knew not how to calm any longer. She bit her lower lip in an effort not to cry out too loudly, her heart hammering, threatening to burst from its cage and explode, “Please,” she begged, “please, please…!” She didn’t know what she was asking for any longer. She wanted the sensations she was feeling to go on forever yet she knew they could not. Yoki felt sensations like she had never known before, but she needed it to end. Her bladder could not hold on any longer and the wild passion of her most intense orgasm was just moments away. She heard Sato’s animal grunt as he shot his load like fireworks into her spasming depths. It was too much for her. Her body flew into a final torturous burst of passion before relaxing as the wash of orgasm flowed over her. She felt her bladder let go, a small jet of wee, no more, forcing its way to unexpected freedom, held in suspense by Sato’s bludgeoning manhood. Lying there in the afterglow of their passion Yoki needed more than ever to let some more go, but grimly held on until Sato finally pulled himself clear. The ache within her felt strangely calm, but with her muscles now so weak she could barley hold back the flow any longer. Her initial burst of pee mixing silently with the juices of their lovemaking. Sato took her hands and gently lifted her to her feet. He then led her to a curtained off corner of the room where to Yoki’s delight a tiled bath and the lavatory she so desperately needed lay before her. Yoki cried with joy, the utter torment of holding so much pee almost at an end. She sank to her knees and literally crawled the rest of the way towards the loo, an unstoppable burst of pee building and building as she neared her salvation. She shock of Sato’s hand on her shoulder was almost too much to bear and she whimpered in terror as he twisted her round. She couldn’t be denied any longer, she couldn’t be; already the surge of pee was dribbling past her exhausted sphincters and passing into her urethra. Within moments it would be spouting through her lips and onto the white tiled floor. Sato grinned as he placed a glass bowl before her and instinctively Yoki parted her legs just as the damn finally broke. Sato expertly placed the bowl beneath her as the gush of release flowed through her, her body rippling with another orgasm as she finally relaxed and peed, great sobs of emotion sweeping through her. Never before had Sato seen such a girl able to hold herself as well as Yoki had done. His admiration was compounded by her eventual release of just over 2–litres of pee, gushing forcefully for over a minute and a half before continuing onwards for five minutes after that. Akiko had indeed done him proud, as he knew she would herself come to their wedding.